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Do Two Wrong’s Make It Alright?


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"What? Have you got fucking rocks in your head?" I replied.

"I know you've been over multiple times on Saturday's when I'm not home, even the neighbor told me. Veronica tried to cover for you, but I got the truth out of her. She told me that you've always fancied her, that you're jealous of what we have. That it's not the first time you've tried to fuck her, but that this time you've threatened her with blackmail. That you've made up some story about her cheating on me, and that you'd tell me if she didn't fuck you. You're a real piece of work, I never thought you'd stoop so fucking low." Billy responded.

I just sat there shaking my head in disbelief. That fucking conniving bitch.

"Billy, I've never wanted to fuck her. But there was blackmail, I caught her cheating on you and threatened her with telling you if she didn't stop. I gave her a chance to save her marriage, but she threw it back in my face. I should've told you from the start, that's my mistake." I responded.

"She said you'd lie about it, blame her by saying this crap. Do you really hate me that much that you'd want to fuck my wife? Ruin my marriage? I fucking hate you so much right now." Billy replied angrily.

"Fine, if you don't believe me, get the fuck out. I'm done with the pair of you. I really don't need this shit." I responded, starting to lose my temper again.

Billy got up and left, slamming my door on his way out.

That fucking bitch has played him, no, she's played me as well. I should've seen this coming, but I never expected Veronica to be such a cold manipulative cunt. Live and learn, I guess.

Over the next few weeks, I ignored my desire to want to talk to Billy, to get him to see the truth. I resigned myself to hoping he would come around on his own. Each Wednesday as I left my job site, I would still see Veronica's car parked at Micky's place. That bitch is still cheating on my brother, even after I told him she was.

This Sunday is my mom's birthday, usually we have something organized whether that's lunch at my parent's home, or lunch out at a restaurant. But I haven't heard anything and it's Friday already. While I'm sitting at the bar after work, sipping on my beer, I decided to call mom to find out what we're doing for Sunday.

"Hi Jack. What do you want?" My mom asked flatly, not her usual tone when speaking with me.

"Well, Hi to you too. I'm just calling to find out what we're doing for your birthday on Sunday." I replied.

"We've got plans already, but it's best that you're not involved after what you've done." Mom answered.

"After what I've done? Are you talking about Billy and Veronica?" I replied, a little surprised.

"What else would I be talking about. I've defended you with your father all these years, it's hard for me to admit that he was right all along. That you're a bad apple who only cares about yourself. To do that to your own brother, I can't even begin to understand what goes through that head of yours. But this was the last straw, you've done it this time." Mom responded.

"Have I really? Veronica is cheating on Billy, and I'm the one in the shit for pointing it out?" I replied.

"Just stop it, Jack. Enough of your lies. Your father doesn't want anything more to do with you and for once I'm in agreement. You crossed the line, and none of us want anything to do with you from now on. You're on your own now and you'll have to live with that." Mom replied as she ended the call.

Okay, that was unexpected. Not from my father, but from my mom. Veronica has come up with her story to cover up her blatant cheating, and they've all swallowed it, without a thought of wanting my side. Well, maybe it's for the best. Billy's too stupid to realize that his wife is lying to him, and that my mom for believing Veronica lies over her own son.

Fuck them all, I don't need them.

On Sunday, I texted my mom 'happy fucking birthday'. She never responded, which is what I expected. Later that afternoon I got a call from my sister, Brittany.

"Hi Jack. So, what the fuck have you done this time? Everyone's real angry with you, they're saying that they're basically disowning you. What the hell is happening?" Brittany asked me.

"Hi Brit, good to hear from someone who isn't fucked in the head." I replied with a chuckle.

"Seriously Jack. What's going on? They said you tried to sleep with Veronica, that you were blackmailing her." Brittany asked further.

"Nah, that's all shit. I found out that she's cheating on Billy, but instead of telling him I made the mistake of confronting her about it. I stupidly thought that if I spoke with her, I could get her to stop and save their marriage. I just knew it'd destroy Billy if he found out." I replied.

"So, what did she say to that?" Brittany followed up.

"She denied it, of course. I later warned her that it was her last chance, to stop it or I'd tell Billy and let the chips fall where they may. She told me I'd regret it, that she wasn't going to be threatened by me." I replied.

"Well, it seems she backed that threat up. I know you and dad haven't got along in ages, but for mom to talk about you like that, that's new. And Billy, he's always looked up to you. Right now, it's better if you stay away from him." Brittany responded.

"I'm not going to wait around for them to come to their senses, if they want to burn that bridge, let it burn I say." I responded.

"You don't really mean that, do you Jack?" Brittany asked.

"Absolutely, I tried to do the right thing, and it's bitten me in the ass. They can all go get fucked now as far as I'm concerned. The funny thing is that I know Veronica is still cheating on Billy, I see her doing it every week." I replied.

"Who's she sleeping with? Do I know him?" Brittany asked.

'It's Micky Johnstone. I went to school with him, not sure you'd know him. He's a fucking car salesman of all things." I answered laughing a little at the end.

"Nah, I don't know him. Is he a dick? If he's a car salesman I'm assuming he thinks of himself as a bit of a player." Brittany asked.

"Yeah, he's a player alright. Never been married but never had any trouble getting the ladies. I used to work with him, we hung out sometimes too. I wouldn't trust that douche-bag as far as I could throw him." I responded.

"Why would Veronica want to cheat on Billy with him? That makes no sense." Brittany replied.

"Yeah, that's what I kept asking myself. That's why I spoke to her, thinking I could talk some sense into her. In hindsight I should've gone straight to Billy. Now he doesn't believe a word I say, so I'll let him deal with his cheating wife from now on." I responded.

"How'd you find out? You said you know that Veronica is still cheating on him? How exactly?" Brittany asked further.

"The house I'm working on is right around the corner from Micky's place. Evey Wednesday, I see Veronica drive past just after lunch, and then when I'm done, her car will still be at Micky's place after 2pm. I talked to the guys that work with Micky and they told me he takes a long lunch every Wednesday, getting back to work about 3pm. And I saw them kissing out at a club on a night Billy was out somewhere else. I watched them leave together to go back to his place. That's how I know." I replied.

"Okay. Well, you've got to do something about them. You can't just roll over and let her fuck you and Billy over like this." Brittany responded.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that. But if I do something, I'm not doing it so that mom and dad, even Billy can say sorry and forget all this. They made their choice, they want to kick me out of their lives, well fuck them. I don't want them in mine. You're my only family now." I replied.

"I'm expecting better birthday presents in future then, think of all the money you'll be saving." Brittany responded with a laugh.

"Fuck you Brit, my ass is still broke." I replied laughing too.

Brit was right, I shouldn't just roll over and let Veronica get her way. But what to do, how do I get Billy to realize he's being played?

Well, that's the part I've been thinking about.

On Monday, I wrote some notes down on a piece of paper, giving it to a workmate who agreed to do this favor for me for the price of a few beers. At 10am he called my parent's plumbing business, getting my mom on the phone.

He then requested a plumbing job, to have a bad leak fixed in the main bedroom ensuite for this Wednesday at 2pm, giving her the address for the job and the name of Micky Johnstone. Although my workmate gave his actual phone number and not Micky's.

He also asked for two specific requests, the first was that he was given the recommendation for Billy Button, asking if he specifically could do the job of which my mom told him sure.

The second was that he would leave the back door unlocked and for Billy to go around the back and come straight in to get the work done. My mom dutifully took down the job details and assured him that was no problem.

That cost me three beers after work, but whatever, I'm hoping the payoff is worth it.

On Wednesday I kept an eye out for Veronica's car to drive past at the usual time, hoping that they'd keep their usual routine. Sure enough, she drove past right on time.

I have no idea if Micky will have his back door unlocked, that's just me being hopeful. What's the worst that happens? Billy will show up and see his own car in the driveway and have to knock on the front door, wondering where Veronica is when Micky answers the door.

Best scenario is that he walks around the back of the house and straight into the bedroom while they're in the middle of fucking each other.

I can't wait to see how this plays out.

I knocked off ten minutes early today at ten to two, I'm not going to miss this for the world. I didn't want to ride around the corner and park my bike in view of Micky's house, Billy might recognize it or me. Instead, I got my workmate who made the call on Monday to drive us both around the corner and park across the road from Micky's house.

Right on cue, Billy drove up and parked on the curb in front of Micky's house. As Billy got out of his truck and grabbed his tools, he turned to see his own wife's car parked in the driveway.

He paused, rubbing his head and then checking his phone and the house number. The dumb-ass was confused as to why his wife would be at his 2pm job.

As he approached the front door, he read his phone again, no doubt reading the instructions to go around to the back door before going straight in. The dumb ass ignored the instructions and instead knocked on the front door, waiting a bit before knocking again. Billy stood there, scratching his head once more wondering what to do. He then looked back at his wife's car, looking even more confused.

When no-one answered the front door, Billy then finally made his way around to the side of the house, going to find the back door like the instructions had told him.

Micky's place is only a single level, so as Billy walked off around the side of the house, I wondered if he was going to walk past the bedroom on the way.

I got my answer, about ten seconds later I heard a window smash and Billy yelling, along with Veronica screaming. I could hear furniture being knocked over as no doubt Billy was now venting his anger out on a very naked and surprised Micky Johnstone.

I wish I could've seen that, but hearing it was almost as good.

Two minutes later the front door opened and out stormed a very angry brother of mine, having just caught his loving wife fucking some other guy, just like his brother had told him.

Before he got into his truck, I wound down the window and yelled out to him.

"Hey asshole! Maybe you should've listened to me instead of your lying cheating cunt of a wife."

I then got my workmate to drop me back at the job-site so I could get my motorcycle.

A few days later Billy tried to call me, followed up by my mom, but I didn't answer. I instead blocked both their numbers. Fuck them all.

I spoke with Brittany a few weeks later and she explained that Billy and Veronica are getting divorced, but that she has got herself a top lawyer and is demanding full custody of the kids, the house, alimony and her share of the family business.

Basically, everything I was worried about when I first found out about her and Micky.

Billy is now also up on assault charges along with break and enter by Micky as well.

Well, that's for them to worry about now, I'm not a part of their family anymore.

Veronica was wrong to cheat on Billy, I was wrong for not telling him right away.

Does that make what I did alright?

Well, it felt fucking brilliant, don't know if that makes it alright and I really don't care.

The End.

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Hiker66BikerHiker66Biker10 days ago

A different spin on the usual cheating wife tale. I liked it. 5 state, but maybe less use of the f… word would have improved the story.

willyk1212willyk12123 months ago

didnt care to much for this one buy o well

26thNC26thNC4 months ago

He tried his best. Now leave the ungrateful family behind.

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