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Doctor's Orders, Mom Helps

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Medical dilemma requires mom to examine son.
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Laura was in a state of panic. Absolute horror. To make matters worse, this had all been her fault. She was the one who had rented a tiny two-bedroom vacation home in a small European town, during her son's winter break from college, knowing that the weather would be icy.

She had good reason though. This had been her ancestor's homeland for many generations. She had heard about this place from her grandparents and seen pictures of it in family photo albums. Who could blame her for wanting to explore her distant roots?

Unfortunately, her son Ben had fallen through a sheet of ice, plunging his body into freezing water. He was shivering and shaking when he made it out, showing all sorts of critical signs, but later insisted that he'd be okay.

Now, as Ben rested comfortably in his room, Laura spoke with a local doctor, a short elderly woman, who was nice enough to make the trip to their place. The conversation was rushed, however, since the doctor was in a hurry to leave because of an incoming snow storm.

"He is very, very lucky," the doctor said with a heavy accent. "It was good he made it out of the water immediately and no serious harm was done."

The doctor had an ultra friendly demeanor and seemed jovial about things. Even in her old age, her passion for helping people in times of distress had not faded.

"Thank you so much," Laura exhaled. "I was afraid we couldn't get a doctor here with the weather outside. You're an angel."

Once again, the doctor beamed, which highlighted every wrinkle on her face as her eyes lit up.

"It is my job."

Laura reached for her purse and dug through it. "Thanks again. You deserve an extra tip, on top of whatever I already owe you."

"No, no," the doctor said, shaking her head, waving away the money. "Not yet. Not yet."


"I don't take money until patient is fully healed. I am honorable doctor."

Laura was slightly confused by this. "Are you saying that Ben is not fully recovered yet?"

"We still need more check-up," the doctor explained with a heavy accent. "People suffering from hypothermia often do not realize it, so he needs to be monitored for next few days. We need to make sure his sensitive organs have no damage."

Laura nodded. "Okay, that makes perfect sense. You can stop by anytime."

"I am quite busy - personal reasons."

Laura resisted the urge to panic and tried to be calm about this. "What should I do then? Take him to the nearest hospital when the snow storm ends?"

"No, no. Not necessary. It is simple process and you can handle yourself. Okay?"

The doctor went over to her supply bag and put a notepad on the table. For the next few moments, she quickly jotted down some notes and instructions, then handed the paper to Laura, who quickly read it.

"Do you understand?" the doctor asked while Laura scanned the note.

Laura's eyes were glued to the paper. "Is all of this really necessary?"

"Lasting effects of hypothermia may not be fully known. It is important to keep monitoring him."

The doctor flashed another big smile and then gathered her things. She seemed hurried to leave, completely oblivious that the American values which Laura held were far more modest than those in this insular town.

Laura tried holding up the paper, pointing to specific instructions. "How about this part? Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes. Very sure."

There was no sense of shame whatsoever on the doctor's part. She clearly didn't understand why this would be a problem for a woman like Laura. Once the doctor had gathered all of her things, she made her way to the door and left, giving a final bright smile and wishing Ben a speedy recovery.

"I will be back in two days to check," the doctor said happily. "Please follow instructions. They are easy. When you do first exam today, call me and let me know! I'm eager to hear how Ben is doing. I suspect he will be fine, but we mustn't take any chances."

When the doctor left, Laura closed the door and sighed. This was going to be a long day.


A few moments later she entered Ben's bedroom. He was resting comfortably, dressed in fresh clothes, tucked under the blanket with a remote control in hand to switch channels on the old television set he was watching. It was like nothing had happened.

"Feeling better?" she asked.

Ben nodded, taking his eyes away from the television. "I'm fine. A little cold still, but I'm okay."

She pulled up a chair and sat next to his bed. Her motherly instincts kicked in and she fussed over her son - touching his forehead and checking up on his general condition to the best of her ability.

So far, Ben looked good overall, but looking in his eyes, Laura could tell that he was still slightly disoriented, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. It seemed like nothing to worry about, since he was recovering, but Laura was a worrier.

Laura examined him even closer. "You look a lot better than before, but I'm still concerned."

"Don't be," he reassured. "I'm fine, seriously."

"There's still a small risk of some lingering effects of hypothermia, or worse, some of your vulnerable organs could be damaged."

His eyebrow rose. "It's that serious? All I did was fall into ice water."

"Yes, but you were in there for too long and it took you a while to get out. Plus, we're in a remote area and getting medical help during the snow storm is a big problem. This is my fault."

There was genuine remorse in Laura's voice, a slight trembling. She had always been overprotective of her son, who was the center of her universe.

He reached out and held her hand. "Don't blame yourself, Mom. I was the one goofing around on the ice."

"But I was the one who wanted to come to such an isolated area, in a country we've never been to. I should have planned this better."

"It's not a big deal. Like I said, I feel fine. Plus we've had plenty of cool experiences here, right?

Ben always knew how to cheer her up, and Laura felt better. He was right, too; the trip wasn't all bad. At least they got to bond, have a nice vacation, and visit places new to them but familiar to their ancestors.

"You'll understand my protectiveness when you become a parent someday," she managed to smile. "Until then, I'll start preparing lunch, hot soup, of course. Then later, we'll begin the checkups."

"Really? Come on. If there's anything wrong with me, I'll let you know."

"I can't take your word for it. According to the doctor, people who suffer from hypothermia don't even realize it. So, since the doctor won't be available, I'll have to act in her place for the next few days."

Ben gave a playfully frustrated look. "Fine, I guess so. Just make it quick."

"Why? Afraid of your mother touching your body?"

His eyes slightly widened. "You'll be touching my body?"

"I forgot to mention that part," she smiled uncomfortably. "Yes, I'll be touching you. Big deal, you came from my body, remember?"

"The next couple of days are going to be weird."

Laura stood. "You have no idea."

After making sure he was resting comfortably, she went to prepare lunch.


As an office manager, Laura was proficient in following specific directions. Her career success was based on the fact that she always followed instructions, was smart about her approach, and was persistent in getting tasks done.

Now, as she read the doctor's note again, she may have finally met her match. She read the note countless times during the afternoon, wondering if she could actually do some of this stuff. But this was her son, and she was the only person who could do this at the moment. Ben's well-being was of the utmost importance. Especially since she still felt guilty for even bringing him to the remote location.

A few hours after lunch, she told him to lay on his bed. He was dressed casually in loose fitting clothes. The room was warm from the heat of the fireplace in the living room.

She looked at him, knowing that this would be awkward. But she sucked it up, and, taking a deep breath, she sat on the bed next to where her son was laying.

"Okay, dude," she said jokingly to lighten the mood. "Are you ready to be examined?"

"Yes, mom," he joked back.

She wagged her finger. "That's Dr. Mom to you."

"Okay Doc, what's on the schedule today?"

"Your health. First, I'll need to check your pulse. Relax. Don't move. And don't say anything."

Laura made first contact by reaching over to touch his throat. Checking his pulse was easy; this was something she'd learned in her youth. She was raised near a lake and all of her family and friends were trained in CPR and basic emergency procedures, just in case.

So far, things looked good. His skin was warm and his pulse was beating normally - much healthier than after the incident.

"Did I pass?" he joked when his mother moved her hand away.

"Easiest test of your life, right?"

He nodded, "Right."

"Now onto the weirder parts. I'll need to check your stomach."

"I'm full from lunch. Thanks for asking."

She flashed a playfully stern look. "Don't be a smart ass, or else I'll be forced to probe your bottom."

"It was only a joke."

Ben pulled his sweater up to reveal his bare stomach and Laura pressed her palm flat onto the bare skin, exactly as the doctor had instructed. As she had explained to Ben, this was to make sure that his body temperature was equally warm - that it wasn't dropping in the areas that were most affected during the accident.

It was also to ensure that his skin wasn't sensitive and his muscles weren't aching. She rubbed and pressed her palm on different places of his stomach, then held it, to make sure she gave a thorough examination.

What a strange feeling for Laura to touch him like this. Ben didn't seem to mind though. They both remained professional about it. Ben kept his eyes up at the ceiling, trying to keep his mind off of the awkwardness, and Laura was focused on her job as being Dr. Mom.

"Nice and warm," she said, pleased. "Next I'll have to check your legs and feet. Just lay still. I'll do all the work."

"Can I have a massage too?"

Laura playfully slapped his bare stomach, causing a loud smacking sound to echo around the room. Ben yelped from the sharp feeling.

"There's your massage," she smiled. "Enjoy it?"

He tried to relish the feeling. "I'll take what I can get."

At least the mood was light, Laura thought. She went to work on Ben's lower extremities, pressing her hands on his feet and calves. Everything appeared to be okay, but, in her opinion, his feet were a little cold. She couldn't be entirely sure because she had no formal medical training and she had certainly never done this before. Plus, it was hard to get an accurate measure since she had made the fireplace hotter to heat the place.

She didn't want to take any chances though, not with her son. She had to do the thing she dreaded, she realized. There was little choice but to carry out the doctor's orders for this part.

"I'm still concerned," she said, moving her hands away. "Your lower body feels slightly cold."

"Really? It feels okay to me."

"Well, you have suffered trauma. Your senses may be dulled, apparently. So your opinion wouldn't exactly be accurate."

Ben paid closer attention, taking this more seriously. "Okay, what next? I can just get underneath the blanket and that should solve it."

"You'll definitely need the blanket and more warm layers. But the doctor gave specific orders for this situation."


Laura gulped. "I'll have to check your thighs. Is that okay?"

"You're just going to press my skin again, right?"

"Correct. I'll feel your skin to check the temperature, along with any sensitivity in the area."

Now it was Ben's turn to gulp loudly. "Okay. Sure."

"Lay back. Look at the ceiling again. It'll be over before you know it."

As Ben fixed his eyes on the ceiling again, trying to distract himself from the awkwardness, Laura used both hands to pull down the elastic band of his sweatpants. His underwear was partially exposed. Thank goodness his penis was soft, she thought, as if the situation could get any more uncomfortable.

She bent over and put both hands underneath his sweats. She couldn't bring herself to look as she slid her hands inside his pants to feel his legs. She was acutely aware of the fact that her face was only inches away from his penis. She tried doing this as quickly as possible - pressing her hands tightly against his thighs, rubbing and feeling every inch.

"Does any of this hurt at all?" she asked, holding her hands still. "Feel anything numb? Pain? Sensitivity? Anything that I should know about?"

"Trust me, mom, you don't want to know what I'm feeling."

Laura turned her head and looked Ben in the face. He was still looking away, and she wondered if he meant it as a sexual innuendo. With any other man, she could be sure it was a sexual reference, but her own son making such a comment? It couldn't be, surely?

"I'm serious," she said, focusing on his skin again. "Anything at all? You should tell me, no matter how minor it is."

"Mom, I'm 100% sure that I feel okay."

There was pure certainty in his voice, but there was still a lingering feeling that more needed to be done. Laura thought of the conversation with the doctor, along with the doctor's very explicit note. Although the chance that Ben was still suffering from a very mild case of hypothermia was slight, Laura wasn't willing to take that chance, no matter how small.

She pulled her hands out of his pants and sat upright on the bed. She looked at him, and he looked back at his mother. There was a serious expression on her face.

"Now here's where things get interesting," she said as calmly as possible.

"Things weren't interesting a moment ago?"

Laura cleared her throat. "I'll have to check your penis."

"What?" Ben noticeably tensed up.

"You took a nasty spill. It was really scary for me to watch. We both know how bad it was and how difficult it was getting you out of that icy lake."

"But my privates?" he questioned. "You're actually going to do that?"

"According to the doctor, your vulnerable areas are most at risk. That includes your fingers, toes, limbs, and you know where..."


She raised her eyebrow after getting his attention. "And you certainly don't want to lose the function in your penis, do you?"

"No, no," he quickly replied, shaking his head fast.

"Look, I'm only doing this because I love you. I want to make sure that you remain a healthy young man."

From that moment, there was a sense of understanding between them. Sure, it would be extremely awkward and pretty humiliating, but there was a good purpose behind it. Ben certainly didn't want to put his cock in any danger.

"Let's be quick about this," he answered. "It's not like I have anything to hide, anyway."

"Yes, we wouldn't want anything to happen to that magnificent cock of yours," Laura said with a wink, which only caused Ben to tense up further.

"Jeez, Mom..."

"I'm only trying to lighten the mood," she smiled. "Let's begin."

When she reached to pull his sweatpants further down, exposing his underwear completely, Ben instinctively jerked away, before ultimately relaxing.

"Sorry," he blushed. "This is pretty bizarre."

"Tell me about it. I'm the one doing all the work, while you can just close your eyes or whatever."

He took a deep breath. "Actually, do you think we can skip this part? I'm starting to, you know...down there...sorry..."

"Oh," she gasped, getting the hint. "Well, that's okay. It's not like I've never seen one of those before."

Having said that, Laura glanced down at his underwear. By the looks of things, he was halfway erect with his cock pointing to the side.

"Looks healthy so far," she quipped.

He blushed, "Jeez...."

"Sorry about the jokes. I think it helps to ease things."

"You don't have to touch it. Obviously my function works."

"Let's compromise," she offered. "I'll do the exam over your underwear. That way I'll just be touching the cotton fabric. And I won't have to see or touch your penis directly. Sound fair?'

He nodded. "I guess that's the best option so...let's get this over with."

Here goes nothing, she thought to herself. She put her hand on top of her son's erection and felt his manhood through the thin fabric. She immediately felt his cock twitch in response, which caused her to reflexively move her hand.

Next she placed two fingers further down, where Ben's scrotum was, and pressed down on it, causing her son to moan audibly. Laura wasn't surprised by this, after all, boys are boys. Men are men. Of course they'd react like this from being touched by a woman, mom or not.

All she could do was continue as his impromptu 'doctor' for the day. Her fingers rubbed his swollen balls and then moved onto his shaft, which had become fully erect and jerked under her touch.

She looked at her son, who had his eyes closed. The poor guy couldn't stand to watch his mother do this to him, but his body had a far different reaction. Laura kept her eyes on Ben's face as she stroked his shaft through the underwear. If she was honest with herself, this was totally arousing for her too. Ben wasn't the only person getting pleasure from this.

The hardest part of this was knowing when to stop. From the feel of things, Ben's cock was working fine. In fact, his cock seemed better than fine, it was throbbing. Pulsing. Laura wondered if he always got this hard, or if it was because of her? Did she have something to do with this?

No. It couldn't have been her fault, she thought. Surely?

"That's enough," she said, pulling her hand away. "I think we've established that your parts are working just fine."

Ben opened his eyes, his mouth slightly open from his labored breathing, a flustered look of sexual frustration on his face, as if he had just been cruelly teased.

"Well...ummm...thanks for that...I mean glad we're done with this."

She nodded. "We're not done quite yet. I need to call her and let her know if I need to follow up on anything. Don't move a muscle, okay?"

When he agreed, she turned on the tv for him and went to her bedroom, where she closed the door and picked up the phone.


Laura wasted no time in telling the doctor everything. She told the doctor about all of Ben's improvements, the way his limbs felt, her concerns, and even about the examination of his crotch, which she was embarrassed to admit.

"Tell me more about his lower extremities," the doctor inquired with that trademark heavy accent.

"Some parts felt a little...out-of-proportion at first. I thought some of his toes felt kind of cold, but that's normal, isn't it? I examined further, just like you instructed, and his skin wasn't sensitive in any way. I think he'll be okay, but I'll check again later to be sure."

There was a long pause on the line. "This concerns me. Uneven temperature could mean damage to nerves, which is hard to detect."

"Oh my," Laura gasped.

"How carefully did you examine skin?"

"I felt him with my bare hands."

The doctor gave another long pause. "How closely did you check penis and scrotum?"

"What about it?" Laura gulped.

"How was reaction?"

Laura cleared her throat. "Fully erect."

"Very good. Did you examine skin? Did you touch it?"

"No, but...."

"There are no buts in medical training," the doctor replied forcefully, being stern for the first time. "Real doctor would not accept these excuses. The skin around penis and scrotum are uniquely sensitive. It must be checked for signs of frostbite or redness. Immediately."

Laura wanted to reply, 'But that's my son we're talking about!' but arguing with this old doctor was pointless. The doctor was someone from a different culture and generation. This was nothing to her, and she had no idea how bizarre it would be for a city woman like Laura.


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