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Domineering Executive

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A hung company executive seduces wife and cuckolds husband.
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Threesomes, swinging, sharing. These sexual taboos were not usually discussed between my wife and I. We joked around about it as much as any couple, I suppose. We were comfortable enough to tease one another about an attractive celebrity, or sometimes even a passerby, but we never had a 'serious' conversation about extra marital sex. The fact that we were generally more conservative about that sort of thing made the reality of my cuckolding that much more shocking, and that much more exciting.

Sure, over the years we had watched the occasional porn movie. Porn, as everyone knows, has a way of accentuating the large. Large tits, large asses, large dicks. Looking back now, it's hard to say I didn't notice my wife's excitement during those infrequent porn viewings. She never made specific mention of it, but she seemed to especially love scenes with very hung men. This was despite, on numerous occasions, insisting that she didn't mind that I was averagely hung. She was seemingly fascinated by impressively sized cocks. If I'm being completely honest, it was hard to deny my own arousal when I noticed my wife's excitement. I had to admit that there was something compelling about watching her gush over the sight of a large cock penetrating an attractive woman. It just felt natural, on a human and sexual level.

My wife would be described as an attractive woman. Now in her early forties, Samantha is a beautiful brunette. She has large natural breasts and a plump ass. She's a thick woman, but I doubt many men would label her as 'heavy'. I find hers to be an incredible figure, especially for a woman her age, and it's complimented further but her gorgeous face. She has stunning green eyes, a cute nose, and luscious lips that I loved to see wrapped around my dick. It was admittedly a sight that had grown infrequent lately.

My name is Steve, and I'm a reasonably attractive man, I guess. I'm a hair shy of 5'-10", and I try to keep myself in shape by eating reasonably well and exercising, when time permits at least. Samantha and I have been married for over twenty years, and throughout it all I'd say we've maintained a healthy sex life. We usually make time in the bedroom at least once or twice a week, even now.

In recent years, Samantha seems to have developed a bit of a desire for me to dominate her. In day to day life Samantha is a very headstrong and assertive woman. However in the bedroom she tends to take a more submissive role. While we did have good, even great sex on occasion, I'm not really overly assertive in the bedroom. It just wasn't in my nature. It was just that I never had it in me to take charge and grab my wife by the neck, throw her around and hold her down, really give it to her. For one, it's rather ridiculous to act in such a manner when you know deep down that your endowment doesn't lend itself to such acts. I'm roughly five inches long when aroused, without much in the way of girth. Further, Samantha's plump ass made various positions difficult for us. It's hard to role play as the bad boy stud when my dick isn't really large enough to breach her doggy style.

That's not to say I didn't try, I wouldn't be doing my husbandly duties if I didn't try to satisfy my wife's wants and desires. There had been a number of occasions where I'd have a few drinks and try my hand and getting rough and tumble with my her. I could tell she appreciated my attempts, but quite often my machismo efforts would yield giggles and jokes from the both of us, turning the attempted overly masculine display into a comedy routine. Again, that was fine, we usually ended the night with a passionate kiss and a loving exchange. But it was hard to not sometimes look across the bed and want to see her properly ravaged. Those perverted thoughts seemed to make an appearance more and more frequently in recent years.

The wild evening that altered my marriage took place at a business conference. My company organized a weekend event at a five star hotel downtown. The agenda was to go over the yearly financials, educate the team on a new product line, and throw an evening party in one of the ballrooms. This was mostly to thank the employees for a great fiscal year. Everyone was booked a complimentary room for two evenings. During the day I went to various meetings while Sam enjoyed the hotel spa.

The party itself ended up being very high energy. Samantha and I were seated at a table adjacent to some of the company directors. The music was blasting and there was a crowd of people dancing nearby on the dance floor. The food was served in abundance, and the alcohol flowed plentifully. Sam and I were engaged in several conversations with the couples sitting with us, mostly casual discussions. I couldn't help but notice that one of our directors, Franklin Trent, was eyeing Samantha from the nearby table. Franklin was one of the higher ups from our Northwestern division. He was a few years older than me, tall, thick, and distinguished, with some strands of gray in his dark hair. We had met him several times at other events similar to this one, but I never had a lengthy conversation with the man. Technically speaking, he was one of our high ranking executives. As I noticed his interest in Samantha, I couldn't help but recall a couple ridiculous company rumors related to him and our district managers wife. I quickly shook those absurdities from mind, and took another sip of my cocktail, once again glancing back in his direction.

I couldn't really blame him for staring, and he wasn't the only guy in the room giving my wife a look. Samantha was dressed in a gorgeous black dress, her large natural tits nearly popping out with her cleavage on full display. Her brown hair flowed beautifully down to her shoulders, and your eyes couldn't help but follow her curves down to her ass, which was hugged snugly by the black fabric. I thought nothing of his glances, at least at first.

Some time had passed and Samantha and I had become one of the last couples still sitting down at the tables. She was leaning into me, sipping on another martini, as we watched others dance.

"Do you think you're up for dancing?" she asked sweetly, knowing I was mildly injured. I had recently, and stupidly, dropped a bowling ball right on the crown of my foot, nearly fracturing it. I had a hard time walking normally at the moment, let alone dancing.

To be honest I hated dancing even when healthy, and I was in no mood to suffer through an awkward session of injured dancing. "I don't know babe, i'm feeling pretty stiff right now."

She smiled knowingly, "It's okay. I know."

We sat for a moment, sipping on our drinks, when a deep voice announced his presence from behind us.

"Excuse me, it's Steve, right?"

We turned in our seats to see none other than Franklin, standing tall behind us.

"Yes sir, that's correct. How are you?" I reached out and shook his hand. His hand was large and his grip was overly firm.

"I'm great Steve. Forgive me, I forget the name of your beautiful wife." he extended his hand to her, gently.

"Samantha." my wife smiled as she offered her delicate hand to him.

"Might I ask why a gorgeous couple like yourselves are not out on the dance floor?" Franklin asked with confidence, smile flashing across his face. He had piercing dark eyes and an aura of charisma about him.

I flinched "Well. Unfortunately I injured my foot, bowling."

Samantha smiled sadly, nodding in acknowledgement.

Franklin stood up straight, and spoke. "Bowling huh?" He chuckled, continuing, "That's too bad." he looked down at Samantha, almost feasting on her with his eyes. "I don't suppose I could offer your lovely wife a dance in your stead? She looks like she needs to get out there a move a little!"

A brief flush of jealously coursed through me at that moment, but I told myself it would be harmless. There were seemingly hundreds of people out there, and I didn't want to prevent her from having fun. I glanced at Samantha as if it ask "Do you want to dance with him?" I could immediately see excitement in her eyes.

I replied to Franklin, "Sure. Of course." Looking now at Samantha. "Honey?"

"I'd loved to." she beamed, and stood.

I shifted out of the way to allow my wife to stand, her ass jiggling tightly as her dress popped into place.

Franklin smiled and grabbed Samantha by her hand, leading her to the dance floor. I couldn't help but feel a pang of both excitement and embarrassment as I watched this large man walk my wife away from me.

At first they stayed separated, dancing in rhythm to a fast paced Latin number. I immediately noticed how good of a dancer Franklin was, keeping up with Samantha, who never failed to impress on a dance floor. It was odd, actually, I couldn't recall seeing a man of his age that was so proficient at dancing. I was drinking heavily as I watched them move, not knowing what else to do to distract myself. At first they were seemingly regarding each others pace and technique, keeping distance. However their bodies did eventually come together, Franklin wrapping his arm around her back, and then waist. They began laughing and talking as they moved, I was too far away to hear what about. At one point Samantha spun around. I looked on in mild surprise as Franklin reached around and grasped at her tummy. He pulled her into him, almost bringing her ass back into his crotch. He held her tightly and they swayed their hips in unison. Samantha glanced over at me, face flushed, and looked away smiling when she saw me staring. It was a teasing look, one I was not used to seeing from her. It was surprisingly arousing. They continued on like that for a few numbers. I soon noticed his hands brushing up and grazing her breasts as they moved, getting dangerously intimate but still staying barely within the line of appropriate.

I breathed a sign of relief when that song ended, turning my head back to my table and my phone once I noticed them returning. It was an attempt to look at ease.

They were laughing as they approached. Franklin spoke, "Steve, this woman is a handful. Keep her on ice for me please. I gotta take a quick call with Mr. Jones." He paused, now looking at my wife, continuing, "But I'll be back for round two!"

Samantha smiled as she sat down, face red, hair somewhat a mess, breathing heavily.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that! He can certainly dance." was all she offered. I noticed that her dress was somewhat disheveled, her cleavage even more on display than earlier in the evening. She was glowing.

I took another sip, beginning to feel somewhat tipsy. "It sure looked like you were having fun out there." I offered, calmly.

She blushed in response "It's been awhile since I danced like that." She was clearly tipsy as well. I honestly wasn't mad, if anything it was interesting to see her dance so freely with another man. My mind raced with strange thoughts.

I swallowed my pride, and more of my drink. "I'm glad you're having a good time. I actually enjoyed watching you."

She smiled at me, leaning in to give me a kiss - which I happily reciprocated. She spoke openly. "Franklin seemed to enjoy himself. He was showering me with compliments." Her tone was exaggerated and playful.

That definitely piqued my interest, "Oh? What was he saying?"

"He said I was very attractive, and that he remembered me from the Dallas conference last year." she blushed, pausing for a moment.

I nearly choked. I was stunned by how forward he was with her. "Really?"

She nodded her head, still blushing. I could tell the excitement from the dance was compounded from the alcohol she had been consuming, her next words were a shock to me. "He was even pointing out some of the other women out there, saying they would kill to have my curves." When she said it I noticed a glimmer of excitement in her eyes, a look that I hadn't seen in many years. She composed herself after the comment, suddenly realizing Franklin's words may have upset me, noticing the color on my face, "Are you mad?"

I swallowed, clearing my throat, feeling a nervous energy. "I'm more shocked, than mad."

"Is it so hard to believe another man might find me attractive?" She was suddenly upset, almost as if his words had reminded her that I hadn't been very complimentary as of late. She was right, and I felt like an asshole.

"Of course not babe! You are the most beautiful woman in here. I'm just surprised he would be so forward as to say that. He's a director for the company for God's sake." I realized the alcohol may be partially to blame, continuing, "Maybe he's had a few too many."

She blushed again, perhaps realizing she was guilty of that as well. "I think everyone has. I'll tell him I'm tired if he asks to dance again."

For some reason that comment caused a strange feeling of disappointment, and I heard myself say. "You don't have to do that Sam. I can't dance tonight, and I want you to enjoy yourself."

She gave me a quizzical look, but took a sip of her drink and raised her eyebrows to speak, "Are you sure?" She smiled sweetly at me. "It's not very often you allow me to dance with other men." She giggled.

Before I could reply to her teasing comment Franklin had returned. He stood behind me clasping his hands once again around my shoulders, speaking to Samantha. "Ready for round two?"

My wife, still panting from their first bout, looked at me, and then at Franklin - responding with a smile. "My goodness. I guess I'm going to get a workout tonight."

Franklin chuckled, "We are just getting started Samantha." He moved from behind me and lifted her out of her seat, his large hands steadying her at the waist as he did.

"Be right back." Sam said to me, with a parting smile. I watched on in equal parts excitement and regret as they walked back to the dance floor. Franklin was somehow so naturally assertive with my wife.

Their next bout on the dance floor proved to be more flirtatious, but the alcoholic haze permeating the room somehow tempered that reality. I couldn't help but notice a bizarre chemistry between the two of them. They now moved like they had known each other for years, my wife seemed so comfortable in his arms. The thought of that bothered me more than I anticipated, but I inexplicably sat in a strange state of arousal, watching my wife dance with another man.

I looked on as they began pressing their bodies into one another, this time they were less concerned with decorum and more concerned with having fun. I watched in horror as Franklin suddenly grabbed my wife's ass during a faster section. I couldn't believe it! His large hands were now resting comfortably on her plump behind. Absurdly, I felt my dick begin to strain in my pants. What the hell was going on out there? They continued on like that for some time, exploring one another's bodies. My wife had her hands on his shoulders, on his back, pressed against his chest. Their faces were close, whispering comments to one another. I would have killed somebody to know what they were saying.

The dance number changed once again, and Franklin once again spun my wife around. In a cloudy moment I thought I saw a large bulge in his slacks, but the moment was gone as he pulled my wife's bottom back into him. She planted her ass back into his groin, her eyes a glaze, her hair a mess. Franklin looked over in my direction, noticing me. I froze, unable to peel my eyes away from the erotic and taboo scene playing out in front of me. I couldn't believe my wife was rubbing her gorgeous ass on to another mans crotch. It had all happened so fast, and I truly didn't know how to react to it.

Suddenly, Franklin smiled in my direction. He gave me a thumbs up. I instinctively nodded in response. The entire exchange was surreal, and I quickly looked around to make sure no one else was noticing what was going on. If anyone did, they were giving me no signs. Franklin was now whispering into my wife's ear, and her eyes were closed - listening.

Just when I thought the taboo nature of the moment had maxed out, I looked on in amazement as Franklin began to cup and grope Samantha's breasts. It wasn't in an overt way, but it was clear that he was copping a feel every few seconds. Her eyes remained closed as he explored her curves. His hands roamed down her tits towards her tummy, and back up to once again to squeeze them. Suddenly, the song ended, and so did their embrace. Samantha was blushing a deep shade of red as she made her way back to the table. Franklin reached for his phone to take a call, stepping away into the crowd.

My wife sat back down, breathing heavily, face flush and clearly embarrassed. At first neither of us said anything, but after a few moments, my wife found her voice.

"I think I've had too much to drink." She looked at me, scared, apologetic.

It was strange. I wanted to be furious. I wanted to stand up and cause a scene. I didn't, however. I was confused, embarrassed, but mostly - excited. Somehow, against all odds, against every jealous memory - I had enjoyed watching this man touch my wife.

The realization made me smile, absurdly, and I rode that wave of newfound knowledge into a confident reply.

"Did you have fun?" I somehow managed, smugly. "From the looks of it I'd say you two have known each other for years."

Samantha looked stunned and entirely embarrassed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I bet you're mad."

"If you had fun. I'm not mad." I smiled again. "Did you have fun?"

Her blush deepened. "I... Y-Yeah. The dancing was fun." My wife fumbled for words.

"I noticed you two talking a lot out there. What were you discussing?" I inquired, cheekily.

Samantha's embarrassment turned to mortification. She covered her face with her hands. "I don't know!" She replied, clearly frazzled.

"Sure you don't! Come on Sam. Tell me. I'm really not mad." I paused, trying to encourage her. "I enjoyed watching you out there."

She looked up at me, alcohol, arousal, and shame all present in her eyes.

"He, umm. H-He... asked me - If I liked how it felt."

"How what felt? The dancing?" I replied, naively.

"No." She blushed again, this time averting her eyes from mine.

"Then what babe?" I was legitimately confused.

Her frustration came through in that moment, my wife blurting. "His dick, Steve!"

My world stopped spinning. Her comment was too lewd, too taboo. It caused a short circuiting to my normal thought process.

"Wait. What?" Was all I could offer. I shook my head, not believing what I had heard.

"I don't know! I was just enjoying the moment and dancing, and I felt him. It felt really big! It confused me!" My wife replied, breathlessly.

"So you kept rubbing your butt on it?" I truly couldn't believe my ears. I was incredulous.

Samantha nodded, meekly. She spoke, her voice so quiet I could barely hear her over the music. "I don't know what happened baby. I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize Sam. I'm just processing it." I couldn't believe where my head was at. I was so aroused by her actions, by the sight of her. I didn't have any idea where these feelings were coming from, but I much preferred them to a jealous rage.

"How are you not mad? Jesus, I think we've both had one too many margaritas." She replied, nerves frazzled. Though I could hear the relief in her voice as well.

"I don't know babe. I really don't. But to be honest, I find you incredibly sexy right now."

Her eyes perked up, and she smiled at my comment. I could see an arousal there, a deep one. She spoke, and I could sense that my approval had given her some confidence, "Are you telling me that you enjoyed watching me be naughty?"

Before I could reply the familiar sensation of Franklin's large hands clamping down on my shoulders had returned.

"Ready for round three?" He boomed, seemingly unconcerned with how I felt about him groping my wife a few minutes earlier. Maybe he really was drunk.

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