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Doom and Domination

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A kinky BDSM story - in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Chapter 1: Population Explosion. The New Authority vowed that Earth 2.0 would not repeat the same mistakes made by planet earth. The comparatively small human population that survived the nuclear apocalypse would be more cautious, more conservative, and more traditional.

It is now the year 2095. The population of the new earth is approaching 18 million people. A far cry from the 72 billion that it reached at its peak, just before the apocalypse. More than 99.9% of the population perished during that horrible period.

The government is now referred to as the New Authority, and as part of its public education mandate, it outlines for all citizens how and why over-population occurred. This intelligence is intended to help society understand why decisions are made the way they are. Government officials provided the following chronological summary of milestones that led up to the apocalypse.

In the year 2035, all sexually transmitted diseases were eradicated. It was heralded as wonderful news at the time, and it was. Historical diseases like AIDS, herpes, chlamydia were completely gone. Sexual freedom blossomed in the wake of this.

By the year 2040, people were finally rid of sexual and racial prejudices. Whether you were gay, straight, or bisexual, it didn't matter. Fetishes were no longer frowned upon. Declaring that you were dominant, submissive, or any fetish was as harmless as declaring an interest in golf, art or music. The first openly transgender American President easily won two terms.

One by one, the cancers were all cured. Breast, colon, pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancers were cured much earlier - while brain and skin cancers took a little longer, before they too were done away with, once and for all. Other common diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Diabetes, and kidney disease were also cured, along with major advances in heart disease. This changed the average life expectancy, which rose to over 100 years old.

With this new health, women remained fertile longer. Menopause routinely started between ages 55 and 70. It was no surprise then that the population of the earth soared. Ten billion was reached before 2025, fifty billion by 2070.

The New Authority also outlined a parallel phenomenon that contributed to the earth's near demise. It was the proliferation of advanced automation and robotics. Initially, automation revolutionized the automobile industry, and other manufacturing. By the year 2030, society was intimately familiar with big factories where robotics handled almost everything, completely replacing human workers. By 2050, these machines began to be used on the farms. Robotic arms were stored under the soil until the oranges, or grapes or any fruit or vegetable were ready to harvest. With visual sensors, these robotic arms plucked the ripe fruit flawlessly, placing it gently on conveyor belts. Farm workers became a thing of the past. As did taxi and truck drivers, which were replaced by sophisticated self-driving vehicles. The food service industry also experienced complete upheaval. Big Macs and Whoppers were made by delicate robotic machines, and payment handled by face recognition software, eliminating the need for cashiers. Earth celebrated this new efficiency. Over a fifty year period, the work week went from forty hours per week to twenty-five, then down to fifteen, and finally down to four.

These changes combined, resulted in a completely new world. Ten times the population, with no sexual diseases, and in fact, total sexual freedom. Moreover, with a four hour work week, people had all the idle time they wanted. Every night was Friday night. Planet earth turned into a massive fuck fest. Then the population really exploded.

Chapter 2: The Apocalypse. The New Authority often references the tipping point as the point where everything reversed and came crashing down. It is believed to have started in China where a major shortage of clean water occurred, followed by a severe food shortage. As the wealthiest country on the planet, China had no choice but to invade Australia. The United States and Great Britain came to Australia's defense, which triggered conflict. Russia, then facing its own food and water shortage, invaded all of the previous Soviet Union countries. A global war ensued.

The first nuclear weapon was discharged in early 2090. Then it was a domino effect. Great fires swept the earth, triggering further nuclear explosions. It is estimated that on some days 100 million people were dying every minute. By the end of the devastation, a mere 18 million people remained.

The only areas of Earth 2.0 that are inhabitable now are along the west coast of what were formerly Canada and the United States. The New Authority decided to keep the historical city names of what are now the five largest and most populous cities: Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Not a soul lives more than 50 miles from the Pacific Ocean.

For the most part, people seem happy. Whereas for decades people talked about whether there was life on other planets, they now talk about whether there is human life on other parts of Earth 2.0. The rumors never cease. The most common myth is that there are one hundred thousand people living below ground in Manhattan. The radiation levels underground are low enough for survival. Severe radiation will cause instant death, however mild radiation will simply cause cancer. With cancer now curable, mild radiation is quite tolerable. In the pre-apocalyptic world, cancer-curing booths were all over a city as densely populated as Manhattan. Those same booths would now come in handy - assuming the rumors are even true, of course.

As far as media, the New Authority decided to regulate the internet for all the right reasons. Total freedom put too much control in the hands of the people. Without strict protocol, rebellious or ambitious citizens might communicate to form protests, or potentially spread anti-Authority messages. Therefore, all social media activity is very carefully monitored.

Television is very popular in this new world, with the Authority controlling every program produced and broadcast. Luckily many of the pre-Apocalyptic movies were stored digitally in Los Angeles, and those materials were not affected by the radiation. The five cities each share the same broadcast feeds.

The most popular program is called Live-Eye, which showcases real-time broadcasts of newsworthy events, sporting competitions, or important court proceedings. On occasion, a human interest story will capture the attention of the viewing public and become a ratings blockbuster.

Robotics is frowned upon in this new world. People need to stay busy. The New Authority mandated a forty hour work week back into law. Farms are once again harvested by people, not machines. Radiation from the apocalypse is kept at acceptable levels by a complex air and soil filtration system that rotates the various farms. Whereas it would have taken more than a decade for this to happen naturally, the system continually cleanses the air, water, and topsoil.

Sexual openness is now frowned upon. While not illegal, promiscuous people are viewed with scorn. After all, excessive sexual activity was one of the factors that lead to over-population. Women especially seem to be scrutinized more closely and judged more harshly. The old double standards returned. A whore is a shameless creature indeed. Public floggings and public punishments also returned. On occasion, these were broadcast on Live-Eye for everyone to see.

Chapter 3: Life. One bright summer morning Live-Eye was doing a segment called 'A Day in the Life' where they profile typical careers. Of course, the entire series was approved by the broadcast division of the New Authority. This particular episode was showing residents of Seattle going out to some nearby farms to help plant new apple tree seedlings. The filming itself was going to take place on the train, where a reporter named Timmy-John Carson and the cameraman were setting up, and would interview random workers as they boarded the train.

The third person to board the train was an exceptionally pretty blonde, with long curly hair, a pretty smile and modest clothes. Like many of the passengers, she wore shorts and a T-shirt, but only because of the weather. It was a hot and sunny day, and planting in the fields was going to be hard work, especially on a day such as this.

"Excuse me, TJ Carson from Live Eye here, what's your name and how are you today?"

"I'm Lekia," the pretty girl responded, "and I'm fine thanks."

"Give us a sense of what a typical day is like for you, and what you might like or dislike as it relates to working in the farming fields," the reporter continued.

The girl started to answer, and it was in point of fact, a good and articulate answer. However, the slight nervousness and excitement of the moment had another effect on her. As she started to speak with the bright light of the camera illuminating her, her nipples began to harden. The thin T-shirt didn't help, and soon her nipples were practically poking through the material.

TJ kept the interview going. His instincts as a reporter were good. He knew she would create quite a stir when the segment aired. First, her answers were interesting and well considered. Secondly, she was stunningly beautiful. And third, her nipples alone were a beacon for attention. TJ's comment ended with a rather inadvertent comment:

"Thanks Lekia. You made a couple of good points there."

The segment aired live during the day, and then again as a re-run in the evenings. Soon, social media channels lit up with discussion. The segment was creating quite the stir. Lekia's nipples and TJ's quip caused a viral video sensation. By midnight a million people had seen it. By the end of the weekend, more than ten million people had viewed it - over half of the population of Earth 2.0.

The New Authority wasn't pleased. In a society that was attempting to repress sexual freedom and sexual promiscuity, this kind of grassroots civil naughtiness wasn't welcome. At the same time, the girl had done nothing to warrant arrest. She was not nude, nor had she broken any laws. If anything, she was well-spoken and very respectful with her answers. She was simply on her way to work, minding her own business. It was unfair to blame her or hold her accountable.

Chapter 4: A Media Storm. Immediate secret meetings were held at the government offices in each of the five cities, and then conference calls among them to discuss what, if anything should be done.

Lekia Biggs was completely unprepared for the onslaught of attention. Her smart phone was flooded with calls, as was her email. She was temporarily suspended from work with a paid leave of absence, at least until the scrutiny died down. Her beauty had always garnered attention from men, but Lekia was suddenly thrust into the media spotlight, becoming an immediate sensation. No girl could have been prepared for this.

The New Authority's initial reaction was to let the story run its course, assuming it would fade away. On Earth 2.0, just as was the case with earth, the '15 minutes of fame' theory was alive and well. However, things did not exactly go according to plan. Rather than fade away, the story gained more traction as it sparked debate: was this girl a promiscuous tease with her protruding nipples that seemed to scream for attention, or was she completely innocent and being unfairly judged? The debate became polarizing, with the end of the story suddenly seeming nowhere in sight.

The New Authority, acting on advice from executives at the television network, decided to try a new tactic. They decided to put Lekia on television for a prime-time interview. Surely, everyone would see that she is normal and boring. In fact, they would ensure it. They would dress her in conservative clothing, put very little make up on her, hair in a ponytail, and a thick padded bra to ensure those hyperactive nipples stayed well in check. It was the 'dispel the myth' theory. She'd come across as a big yawn, and things would return to normal in the five cities.

Lekia was picked up by a police escort at her hotel in Seattle. She had been moved there when the media hype became too much. From there she boarded a heliplane, and with the agility of a helicopter and the speed of an airplane, the heliplane taxied her to the studio in Los Angeles in less than two hours. In the green room, the professionals took over. They needed to make her look as 'plain Jane' as possible, dressing her in an off-white blouse, with beige pants. The bra she was made to wear was thick indeed. They rehearsed her to come across as humble and respectful. They told her to answer all questions honestly, but not respond with anything too provocative. Mock interview questions were asked, to help set her at ease. It was also decided in advance that they would not ask her anything about her past relationships, or anything overtly sexual.

The interviewer was none other than TJ Simpson, one of the most senior and respected journalists on the network. On the verge of retirement, he was the perfect choice: no one had more experience.

"Welcome Lekia. As you know, you've been quite the media sensation. Why don't we start by having you tell us more about who you are? Tell us, who is the real Lekia Biggs?"

Lekia had practiced this question in the mock interview. She talked briefly about growing up just outside Seattle, attending local schools, and happy to be a law-abiding and productive member of society. It was boring as hell. Which is exactly what the New Authority hoped it would be. The first part of the interview was going according to plan. TJ however had an agenda. After years of being considered a predictable host, he decided to go out with a bang. He wanted to ask the big money question:

"So tell me Lekia, your body seemed to respond during that now infamous media clip. Why did you react in that way?"

The poor girl was appalled by the question. She blushed deeply. This question had not been asked in the mock interviews. She was very much aware that she was being viewed live on network TV when she delivered her answer:

"Oh, I don't know. It's just something that happens. I can't control it, really. It happens at times."

"At what times, Lekia?"

She paused. The bright lights of the studio cameras shone brightly onto her face. She was nervous and apprehensive, but she had to say something. In retrospect, she should have answered 'no comment,' but the poor girl did not have enough media training to know such a thing.

"I guess when I'm excited. When I feel a thrill, it happens to me. I've always been like that."

To make matters worse, regardless of the thickness of the bra that had been provided to her, there they were again. Those misbehaving nipples had stiffened to the point where they were visible. It was as if someone had placed two darts under her bra.

Chapter 5. Caught on Film. Any hope that the media frenzy would end anytime soon was gone. The social media channels exploded again, with this new revelation causing an even bigger stir. The executive council at the New Authority was livid. Their ploy had backfired. They immediately gave instructions to the police to arrest both TJ and Lekia for civil disobedience. The pair was taken into custody. For now, each of them were taken to separate locations. Lekia was taken to a special holding unit, not at the official area jail, but instead at the police station itself. They asked her a few questions in an attempt to uncover whether the interview was sabotaged intentionally, or a genuine mistake. She swore none of it was premeditated. Nevertheless, she was remanded in custody until an appropriate interrogation could take place with officials of the New Authority.

That night, well after midnight, a worried and anxious Lekia tried to fall asleep in the strange room. The windows were secured shut. It was hot and humid. The pillow was stiff and smelled musty. Do they change the sheets each night? She longed for her bed. How could this be happening? Had Earth 2.0 gone insane? How did she go from the comfort of her home near Seattle to this? Less than a week ago, none of this nightmare had even started. She wished she could turn back the clock, but it was too late for that. In the morning, she would explain to the New Authority that her answers were simply naïve stupidity, and with a profound apology, they'd surely forgive her. Then, eventually the media attention would die down, and things could return to normal.

She tossed and turned on the hard mattress. They had given her access to her suitcase only to retrieve a nightie and supplied her with a knee-length cotton robe. To her chagrin, the only sleepwear she packed was a sexy baby doll number, hot pink and low cut. Once she had changed into it, they took away the remainder of her clothing and all of her personal belongings. The only blanket they had provided was thick itchy wool, and it was much too hot for that. She curled it up instead and hugged it, trying in vain to fall asleep. It was pitch black in the room. Scary black. She turned the small lamp on. It felt weird to sleep in a lit room, but at least it wasn't as creepy.

More than an hour later, sleep still eluded the poor girl. She tossed and turned. Unbeknown to innocent Lekia, she was being watched via security cameras by two on-guard duty officers. They were in another room, doing what they did any time a pretty female prisoner was in there: making an illegal digital recording of it. More than one security camera was installed for optimum viewing. Lekia was completely inexperienced with jails or police stations and assumed she had complete privacy.

What could Lekia do, but what she did on other sleepless nights? Her hands started to wander. She needed what she used to jokingly refer to as a 'sleeping pill.' There were countless nights when Lekia had given herself a quick little orgasm in the privacy of her own bed. The aftermath would relax her. 'No one is watching me' she thought. She untied the bow on the front of her baby doll nightie, and her breasts were now fully exposed. Her left hand began to pull and tug on her nipples, as her right hand travelled down her torso until she found the soft folds of her pussy. She ran her fingertip along the slit. There was a tiny bit of moisture there, as always. She dipped her middle finger inside, gathered some of the wetness and then brought her finger up to the nub, drawing small circles all around it. Her mind wandered as it always did when her fingers were busy. Soon with one hand she was pulling and twisting her own nipples, only stopping to squeeze her own breasts. It was as if she was punishing them for being such troublemakers.

With her other hand, her practiced fingers were now rubbing an increasingly wet cunt. She lifted her knees, spreading her legs, and giving the hidden ceiling camera an unobstructed view of her honey pot. Two fingers were now rubbing directly on the clit, and soon, she was trembling and shaking as an orgasm rocked through her body. She caught her breath momentarily, smelling and then licking her fingers clean. Lekia was no stranger to the sweet scent and taste of herself after such a moment.

One orgasm wasn't enough for her, so she wondered if another might do the trick. Turning over onto her front, she pulled her knees up under herself, and spread her legs. Lifting her tits up off of the scratchy blanket, she swayed them back and forth. Her nipples were teased over and over again by the rough, prickly wool. She maneuvered her ass up into the air as her fingers travelled down to penetrate her needy pussy a second time; all the while stimulating her nipples with the blanket. Inserting two fingers into her hole, she circled her vagina while the palm of her hand pressed on her clit. She squeezed her whole cunt and moved her fingers to circle her clit, around and around. Faster and faster. It was dripping pussy juice as she brought herself off a second time. Familiar thoughts running through her mind: Mmmm, yes...feels so good, yes!

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