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...Down Came the Rain

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A little rain turns a good time into a great time!
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Ever since I saw my first porno of a black guy fucking a white woman (one of those early 80s flicks, Ron Jeremy played a "Private Dick"), I've had a thing for black guys. There definitely seems to be a difference in the way the skin colors fuck. One isn't better than another, though. For me, the best thing about getting topped by a dark-skinned man is the contrast in skin color. I love to watch him (them, once or twice) as he breaches me and how his dark brown dong looks as if it's being devoured by my much lighter skinned hole. Size means a lot, don't get me wrong. But sometimes, a black guy comes along that doesn't actually have the size. He compensates for that with stamina and daring. This retells an experience I had, once again, at a park and ride with a man with that dark, DARK, German chocolate skin, a decently-sized cock, but also, the fortitude of a fucking racehorse and nerves of steel!

*Funny note: I named this story "......And the Rain Came Down" on another writing platform, but realized, retroactively, that this is also the name of a quite popular and very well written children's picture book. So I decided to go with this new title which, I'm sure some may have already deduced, is a line in the popular children's sing-along "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". You know the part where you use your fingers to pantomime rain falling from the sky right before it "washed the spider out....." So before I chose another title, I thought I'd quit and just stick with the children's sing-along line.

I returned to my happy place, the Park & Ride from a previous story, at 11pm one night to find the lot rather empty but for a few parked cars and a few other cars driving slowly around the aisles, lurking in wait for a partner, if only for an hour or, sadly, less. It isn't easy to find a guy in any situation, be that in a club, bar, theater, etc., who can go for more than a few pumps before he begins to make that face. You know what face I mean, too. The lips go soft, and the eyes shut slowly at first, then they tighten, and you feel that all too familiar throbbing of his cock as his load bloops out in several pathetic shots. And he's done. Pants are up, zipper is zipped, and he's suddenly got to get going.

I wasn't the type to pull up to a vehicle. It was so easy to just park and let them all come to me. On this night, I parked and was almost immediately approached by a black man, soft spoken, and polite. We spoke with windows rolled down for a few before he and I realized we were compatible, me a bottom and he a top. I remember him having great skin. Real nice, like he bathes in lotion made from some revolutionary concoction said to contain lion jizz or something.

Anyway, I suggested the woods connected to the lot, but he trumped my suggestion by recommending the huge supermarket parking lot across the way. This made me nervous. I had been there before to fool around, so I was aware of the camera situation. There were a lot of them. Practically one on every light pole, not to mention how well lit the entire lot was. But I didn't show signs of meekness. I wasn't going to let this sweet piece of ass think I was some kind of pussy, even though, technically, I kinda was.

So I agreed, and he got in my small, teeny weeny, car. The lot was right across a highway from the Park & Ride and took about 5-7 minutes to get to. Once we arrived, we found the least lit part of the lot, furthest away from any light poles that might have cameras that could catch the action. I got undressed and as soon as my clothes were off, and I was wearing nothing but my sneakers, he told me to bend over. He proceeded to bury his face deep between my ass cheeks. Then his tongue came to life as he used his hands to pull me into his face while he stuck his tongue way in my ass. It could have done this for days, but I wanted to see his cock. He was a black man, after all, and you know what they say about black guys. I looked down and began unzipping his jeans, then unbuttoning, finally pulling down to reveal his crotch rocket.

I wasn't too impressed, but in the past, I'd been with guys sporting a baseball bat cock that couldn't work it, and I had been with guys with extremely average cocks that rocked my whole world. So I knew it would come down to the first five minutes of fucking. If he can last beyond that, then that's the litmus test for longevity. I began, in a very uncomfortable position, sucking his cock, which sprung from his jeans like a jack-in-the-box, hard as could be expected. The position couldn't be helped, but I was in a half-standing, half-squatting pose bent in half at the waist to reach his cock with my mouth. But if I got out of that position, then I would have inadvertently stopped this guy's tongue from working its black magic.

I felt his saliva trailing down the back of my balls and then his tongue traveling lower to lick up the trail and use his tongue to push his spit into my juicy sluthole. I was hot for it and wanted him to fuck me so damn bad, I began furiously trying to throat his cock, which produced an overabundance of my own slimy spit to amply coat his solid shaft for penetration. I reluctantly pulled my hole away from his generous mouth and tongue and eagerly moved my body to sit on his cock and ride him. But there was an issue with space. As mentioned earlier, we got in my car. My car was a very small car. Maybe if we removed the seats, front and back, we could work it out, but since that wasn't an option, I continued trying, in vain, to impale my rear onto his slippery member, which did actually go in easily after he worked my hole over, and I did the same to his black cock.

He, to my surprise, recommended that we get out of the car and fuck outside... in the damn parking lot of the supermarket. Again, I didn't want to be the heel of the pair, so without hesitation, I complied. We got out, both as naked as the day we were born. I got on my knees and sucked him some more. There was a light mist coming down onto us, which made things even more fun. A roll of thunder in the distance sent up some alarm as we both looked at each other, me with his cock in my mouth. But I went right back to sucking him as he moaned and talked dirty to me. He didn't berate or demean, but he gave these backhanded compliments as I blew him, "Aw yeah, you're a good little cock-sucking whore, huh?" and, "Yeah, bitch, get it nice and wet, so I can fuck you hard." And a few moments later, he did.

I'm not one for passionate kissing or cuddling or body contact or anything that could be given a passionate label. But what happened next was like something from a cover of one of those romance novels that Fabio used to model for. Yeah, that's right. A Fabio reference...

I stood up, and he moved my body into position, my hands on the hood of my car with my bare ass, now glistening from the damp air surrounding us, pointing directly at his crotch. I was eager for penetration. He made me wait a few more seconds for it, and then, the rain came. This wasn't part of the plan, but it was happening. It rained, no. It teemed for the remainder of our tryst. For the next 15-20 minutes, the rain fell, drenching our nakedness as his cock worked easily in and out of my sopping wet ass, an audibly loud slap rang out with every inward thrust when his hips met my dripping cheeks. This was good. From time to time, I'd look back to see the exhilaration on his face and I knew he was enjoying my body. I love when I'm being enjoyed. His black skin was sleek and beautiful as torrents of rain drops slammed against his shoulders and broke into a hundred little particles to fall to the ground beneath us.

He was close. I knew because he began to buckle at the knees. Rarely do I do this, but I was compelled to make this moment memorable for me. I removed the member from the grasp of my love button and turned around. I got on my knees and began furiously face fucking myself with his cock. He stared in awe. The rain, our nakedness, the supermarket parking lot. It was all too surreal to be believed as it was happening in real time. I'm sure later, he realized how real the situation was, as I did, but at that point, we were just dreaming, because this was all just too good. He looked at me and gave signs he was going to explode, so I removed his manhood from my mouth and let the cum shoot back in my mouth. Some went in and down my throat. Most fell out of my mouth and trailed down different areas on my body. After he overcame the orgasm aftershock, I stared him in the eyes, still on my knees. "Was I a good little cock-sucking whore," I asked innocently, rain drops splashing off my face.

We got dressed in the car. Our clothes were stuck to us and took a lot of effort to put on. I dropped him at his car and believe it or not, I never saw him again, though he did give me his number. We had a moment there. The best way to remember it is to never have another moment like that with him again. Either that or videotape it and sell it on eBay.

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ChannelingBillySantoroChannelingBillySantoroalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comments. Whether it’s compliment or criticism, I try to give attention to each one to be sure to try and write stories, true or imagined, that reach readers on an individual level. So thanks again.

FreakSlaveFreakSlavealmost 2 years ago

Excellent! I'm bi, and have often dreamt about being with a black man... Very hot!

ShortyMacShortyMacalmost 2 years ago

That was such a hot story. I loved how you described the look of a black cock sliding into a white ass. I too love that look. Your story was very well written and I loved at the end you said it was best to not repeat and ruin the first time, but to record it and sell copies on eBay. Your story is a 10 star masterpiece.


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