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Dr. Berlin


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Kelly could see Brad's cheeks flush. She traced his cock through his pants and could feel his erection.

"Do you hate me?"

"Of course not."

"That's why I had a hard time with you calling me a slut or a whore in the past. I've always felt I was slutty that night."

"You had sex. That's not such a big deal."

"No, it's worse. I got on my knees and blew him right after he had sex with her. Then he bent me over the sink and fucked me. Hard, like really hard"

Brad's mouth was agape and Kelly could tell it was lust rather than disgust. Dr. Berlin's plan seemed to be working.

"Do you hate me?"

"No, honey." Brad felt conflicted about how excited he had become.

"Did he hurt you?"

Kelly felt shame as she admitted, "No, I loved it. I've felt guilty about that ever since. I can't have secrets from you. I want you to know me."

Kelly started to get nervous but Brad made it easier.

"It's OK honey. I love you. No secrets."

"I... sometimes when I blow you... I... I imagine you just had sex with one of my friends. It's so fucked up but it gets me excited."

"Would you want me to fuck one of your friends?!"

"Fuck you! No! I'm being serious."

Brad smiled and winked in his charming manner. She always found it disarming.

"I'll fuck Jenny if you need me to."

"Brad!!! Stop it."

"Or Amanda."

Kelly was getting mad. Things were going off the rails.

"I bet you'd like it if I fucked one of your friends and made you go down on me! You would, wouldn't you?"

Kelly immediately regretted her tone. She wanted this to be a loving conversation.

"I'm sorry, this is hard for me. I've never talked to anyone but my therapist about this."

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to be a dick."

"It's OK. The thought of you fucking someone else makes me sick. I might fantasize about it but I'd die if it happened."

Kelly and Brad held each other and kissed. After the embrace Kelly felt like she had to cut to the chase.

"When you call me a slut and stuff... are you... were you... are you imagining that I'd fucked someone else?"


"Really? It's OK. I confided in you."

Brad looked away. He wanted to disappear. The prolonged silence was awkward and Brad finally confessed in part just to break the silence.

"Sometimes I feel broken. You're perfect but I do sometimes imagine you with someone else."

"That excites you?"

"A little maybe."

"Like to imagine it or for real."

"Just fantasy! I mean I could never... unless... I mean if you wanted to. Would you want to?"

"No, I don't think so but I want to make you happy. Maybe we could pretend?"


"When I was back home for Easter I ran into that guy again."

"The bathroom guy?"

"Yes, the man who fucked me hard in the bathroom."

Brad felt his cock spasm at Kelly's bold words.

"He wanted to fuck me bad. Nothing happened but that night I dreamed I fucked him while you watched."

"Fuck." Brad wasn't even trying to hide his excitement anymore.

"I want to make you happy. I want to make your fantasies happen but you can't hide things when we're together. Understand?"


"Will it be exciting for you if I pretend to fuck another man?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you want? Tell me."

"I don't know."

"I met Mollie's ex at a party a few weeks ago. He was totally hitting on me. He's super hot and Mollie told me she nicknamed him Harvard because of the size of his endowment."

Kelly watched Brad gulp nervously.

"He lives near here and I might go fuck him unless you tell me not to."

Brad felt a little lightheaded.

"Do you mean for real or like a role play?"

"It's up to you." Kelly lied. She knew she could never go through with it for real. At least not yet. But it fascinated and excited her to see Brad so flummoxed.

Brad decided to play it safe, "just role play?"

"Maybe. I'm heading over to Harvard now. I might get carried away. You never know."

Kelly got up and ran off without saying goodbye. She felt uneasy about where things might go but was proud of herself. She had exerted control over Brad and it felt good.


Brad was tossing and turning in bed. It was 2AM and Kelly was still out. She wasn't returning his texts and Brad was flipping out. He knew she wouldn't, she couldn't, but his rock hard cock kept reminding him that she was taking him down a path he had feared and desired for years. When she finally got home Brad's plan to play it cool immediately collapsed and he ran to meet her.

"Where have you been? What did you do?"

Kelly grabbed Brad's hand. She felt petrified. She opened her mouth to acknowledge that nothing had happened and apologize for abandoning Brad at the bar but just as her words were about to spill out Dr. Berlin's advice came to mind to not act or speak suddenly. Kelly stepped back for a moment and took several deep breaths. She studied Brad's face and could see excitement and fear. She pulled him into her and kissed him. With a surge of confidence she led Brad to the sofa and had him sit. Kelly sat on the ottoman facing him.

"What do you think I've been up to?"

"I don't know. Jesus! Did you really do it? Did you?"

"Isn't that what you want?"

"Jesus, no!!... I don't know. You said it wouldn't be for real!"

The bulge in Brad's shorts was obvious. Kelly leaned forward and quieted Brad by tracing its outline.

Kelly moved next to Brad on the sofa. He was shirtless. Kelly stroked his muscular chest and whispered in his ear, "Take off your shorts." He hadn't been wearing underwear. Brad felt exposed -- naked with his erection jutting obscenely skyward with Kelly still in her short dress.

Kelly moved her hand and began lightly stroking Brad's cock. He closed his eyes and groaned.

"Keep your eyes closed... Do you want to know what I did tonight?"

Brad nodded as an involuntary moan came out.

"I texted Harvard after I left you and he invited me over. When I got there I told him we had fought. That you had dumped me and I wanted to get back at you. He was sweet and we talked for a while. Eventually he started rubbing my thighs and shoulders and we started kissing."

Brad bit his lip and kept his eyes closed. His cheeks reddened. Kelly sat up and straddled Brad's legs facing him. She kept stroking his cock ever so gently.

"He's a great kisser but I felt so guilty. I haven't kissed anyone but you in forever. I sat on his lap just like I am now and told him my visit was a mistake and I had to go but I was so excited. I couldn't leave. I kept kissing him. He was getting me so hot. My panties were soaked. He started pinching my nipples through my dress... hard. Like really hard. It hurt but I liked it. Pinch my nipples baby."

Brad reached up with both hands.

"Yeah, like that but harder. Oh fuck... that's it."

Brad couldn't believe Kelly was doing this -- talking and acting this way. It felt surreal.

Kelly continued, "He told me to take his cock out. I said 'no' but I had to. I was desperate to see and feel his cock. I stroked it just like this."

Kelly started stroking Brad with more pressure.

"Was... was he big?"

"Yes, I mean I think so. I mean at least bigger than you."

Brad groaned and his cock spasmed in Kelly's hand. She felt he was close and loosened her grip.

"He said he was going to fuck me but I told him 'no'. He put his hand in my panties though. I wanted to stop him but I was so horny. He put three fingers in me and told me my cunt was soaking wet. He moved his fingers in and out. I told him I felt like such a slut. He kept getting me on the brink of cumming but then he'd stop. He did it over and over until I was almost crying. I begged him to finish me. When he finally did, I came so hard on his hand. I wanted him to fuck me so badly but I told him I just couldn't. I felt so bad though. I had teased him and he was so hard. I didn't want to cheat on you baby but I needed him. I got on my knees and sucked him. I felt so slutty. He was rough with me. He fucked my mouth really hard. It was so hot, especially when he came in my mouth."

Brad opened his eyes and kissed her deeply. Tongues danced as Brad struggled with whether the story was fiction or real and which he would truly prefer. He tossed Kelly onto the ottoman and ripped off her panties. Brad entered her roughly and fucked her hard as Kelly egged him on.

"Fuck my pussy. Oh fuck Brad!"

Brad pinched her nipples vigorously and rammed into as hard and fast as he could. It was too much and Brad came quickly. Much sooner than he had planned too and he felt ashamed afterwards knowing that Kelly hadn't cum. That rarely happened but when it did Brad always felt inadequate. He also regretted acknowledging and acting on his perversions. He worried that Kelly would lose interest in him or judge him.

Kelly knew Brad might go into a weird headspace and reassured him.

"Are you ok?"

Brad didn't answer.

"That was fun Brad. It was all fake. I made it up. I want you to live your fantasies with me."

They went to bed together and Brad gradually relaxed.

"You didn't cum, did you? With me I mean."

"No baby but it still felt really good."

"I could... I want you to cum. I can go down on you."

Kelly remembered that night at the wedding but didn't say anything.

Brad started kissing Kelly and began to lightly stroke her clit. Kelly responded. Soon she was moaning.

"Put your fingers in me. Curl them towards you. Yes, yes, like that."

Kelly didn't usually give directions in bed. Brad found it exciting and felt his cock reviving. Kelly sprayed her legs widely and started stroking her clit.

"Put another finger inside of me. Oh God! Yes. In and out but curl them. Yes, like that. Oh God."

Kelly could feel Brad's erection on her hip.

"Oh God Brad. My dirty pussy is making you hard, isn't it?"

Brad felt flummoxed again.

"My pussy is so dirty. You love it. You love my slutty pussy don't you?"

"Yes." Brad admitted.

"Fuck me Brad. Fuck my dirty slutty pussy. Show me you love it. Tell me you love it."

"I love your dirty pussy."

Brad and Kelly fucked again. It was raw and visceral. Kelly came hard on Brad's cock over and over. Kelly kept saying the dirtiest things and teased him about how horny he got thinking about her with another man. After Brad finished Kelly looked him in the eyes and reassured him, "that was so hot."

Brad caught his breath, "that was amazing!"

"You're not done, baby."

"You want more, you little slut?"

Kelly grabbed Brad's head and pushed him down between her legs. Brad didn't resist but felt uncertain as he saw his cum and her secretions flowing out of her dirty cunt. In his mind he stopped short and refused to debase himself again; in reality he couldn't help himself. Kelly savored his groans as he lapped at her pussy.


"I'm so glad it went well."

"Oh my God! Me too." Thank you so much Dr. Berlin! I was so nervous."

"I want you to stay in control."

"Me too. It's still weird for me that he wants me to be with someone else. I want him to feel like he'd die if I slept around."

"You'll have to figure that out. It can be nice. A lot of people would love to be able to have flings openly."

"But I'd never let him fuck some slut."

"Of course not."

"But is that fair? If I can but he can't."

"It's not about being fair. You're doing this for him and you need to do it on your terms without guilt."

Kelly smiled, "that's not as easy as it sounds."

"You're right but what's the alternative?"


"Do you have plans for a repeat performance?"

"I told him he needs to ask for it."

"Good, I have some additional thoughts..."


Brad and Kelly were in Paris on a short vacation and Brad wanted to try again. He'd beat off a million times to thoughts of that night. Months had passed but he'd been too embarrassed to ask again. He felt like he might explode.That night they were having a drink after dinner when Brad finally worked up the nerve.

"Can we do it again? You know... telling me you fucked someone else. Just like last time."

Kelly blushed. She couldn't believe he had waited so long.


Kelly played coy but couldn't believe how excited she was. She hadn't expected this and thus felt mildly panicked at not having a plan. She took a few deep breaths to calm down, She grabbed Brad's leg and whispered in his ear, "this time's for real."

Kelly smirked as Brad groaned.

"That's what you want, isn't it?"

"No... I don't know."

Kelly traced Brad's erection through his pants.

"It's what you want, isn't it?"

"Yes." Brad was nearly inaudible.

"You want me on my knees with another man's cock in my mouth."

Brad started to worry he might cum right there.

"You want me to get fucked by another man."

Brad groaned again.

"The bartender is cute. Get his attention."

Brad waved and the bartender came over, "another round."

Kelly corrected him, "No, just one for me. He's leaving soon."

Kelly started speaking to the bartender in French. She was nearly fluent whereas Brad couldn't understand a lick. He was pretty sure she was telling the bartender about their situation given the shock on his face.

"Pay the check baby and get out of here."

Brad felt horribly embarrassed but had never felt more excited in his life.

"Tip him more baby."

Brad had already given the bartender a huge tip by European standards but threw in another five Euro.

"Give him 100 Euro."

"Are you kidding?"

"No, it'll be like you're paying his stud fee." Kelly repeated what she had said to the bartender. Brad felt pathetic as they both laughed at his expense.

"Have a fun night baby but don't come back to the room until I tell you to."


Kelly chatted up the bartender for a while before arriving at the conclusion he was a douche. She was a little disappointed. Part of her thought she might have really tried something although she was pretty sure she would have chickened out. She was horny and felt power in the knowledge that Brad was going crazy somewhere in the City of Lights. She couldn't think of what to do when she realized she could call Dr. Berlin for advice -- after all it was earlier in NYC.


Brad was sitting at a bar working on his third Negroni when he received the text from Kelly to come back to the room. It had been about two hours and throughout that time all he could think of was Kelly with the bartender. He hated how excited those thoughts made him. As he walked back to the hotel he felt existential dread, self loathing, and unabashed lust. He began to feel lightheaded and slightly nauseous as he strode through the lobby towards the elevators. Brad texted Kelly when he was outside the door and waited for her to open the door on her instruction.

Kelly opened the door wearing a hotel robe. Her hair was wet -- she had clearly just showered.

"Come in baby."

Brad had planned to play it cool but lost his composure immediately.

"What happened?"

Kelly smiled. She knew she had Brad eating out of her hand. She grabbed his hand and brought him to bed. His erection was obvious.


Kelly patted the bed and Brad sat down. Kelly put a blindfold on him and slowly undressed him. She could feel his breathing getting heavier. Occasionally she would pinch Brad's nipples or lightly touch his cock or gently slap his balls. Kelly felt herself getting wet every time Brad gasped at her touch.

"I'm so horny."

Brad gulped. He couldn't contain himself any longer, "Did you fuck him?"

"What do you think?"

"Oh fuck! You did. Fuck! I can't believe it."

"It's what you wanted, isn't it?"

"Fuck! I don't know."

Kelly grabbed his rock hard cock, "We both know it's what you want."

Brad let out a guttural moan, "Was it good? Is he... is he big?"

Kelly smirked and pushed Brad down on the bed. She straddled his chest and pinned his arms over his head with her hands.

"Maybe he's on his way back. Maybe I want you to go down on me to get me ready to fuck him again. Then I'll kick you out... or maybe I want you to watch me fuck him."


"Lick my pussy."

Brad couldn't believe what was happening. He hesitated.

"Lick my pussy but gently... I'm sore."

Kelly reached back and felt his erection. His excitement reassured her.

"That's it baby -- gentle. Kiss my clit... Oh God that feels good. Like you're making out with my clit. Oh baby, yes, yes. Softly... he fucked me so hard... you need to be gentle."

Brad let out an audible moan as his lips and tongue caressed Kelly's clit.

"You love it, don't you? Licking my pussy. I came so hard on his cock thinking about you waiting for me while a real man fucked your love. Thinking of you licking me after. I begged him to cum in me but he came all over my face and mouth. He used his cock to feed me his cum."

It was too much for Brad. He tossed Kelly off of him and entered Kelly roughly.

"Fuck me like Frenchie did. Harder... harder. Frenchie fucked me so hard. It felt so good."

Brad lifted her legs over his shoulders and started bucking into Kelly with all he had.

"Oh my God!!! That's it. Don't you dare stop! Harder,,, yes FUCKFUCKFUCK!!! Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I'm cumming!!!"

Kelly felt overwhelmed as Brad kept ramming into her with all his might. Brad's face was red and sweat was dripping off his forehead. He couldn't stop thinking of Kelly with the Frenchie.

It took Kelly several minutes for her to come down from her orgasm. Once she landed back on Earth she felt that Brad was close to finishing. She could see that his mind was spinning. Kelly wanted to get even further into his head.

"Cum on my face Brad... Just like Frenchie."

Her words sent Brad over the top. He had never cum on her face before. He quickly pulled out, climbed on top of her chest, and leaned forward with one hand on the headboard and the other stroking his cock vigorously.

"Cum on my face baby."

Brad screamed as the moment arrived. His cum landed all over Kelly's beautifully angelic face. He looked down on her and felt bewildered by feelings of shame as his orgasm receded further away. He still struggled with Kelly's ability to reach into his inner psyche. In spite of that, he couldn't help but feel powerful looking down at her with his cum all over her face.


Dr. Berlin leaned in and unfastened her top button. She couldn't help but be excited by what Kelly was telling her.

"I can't believe you! A year ago you could barely say the word sex and now you're telling me about Brad cumming all over your face. It's so amazing to see you open up like this."

Kelly blushed, "It is shocking!"

They both laughed.

"But it gets better. It was so hot when he did that. It felt so dirty. I was really happy. But when I looked up at him he had this smug look on his face and at that moment I wanted to embarrass him so I told him to lick the cum off my face."

"Oh my God!!!! Did he?"

"I didn't think he would and he said no at first. He said he couldn't do that. I knew he wanted to and the weirdest feeling rose up in me. I felt powerful. I looked him in the eye and told him he was going to lick it up. I felt his cock get hard when I told him so I knew I had him. I told him it wasn't his cum. I told him it was Frenchie's cum. I told him he had just come home to see his slutty little girlfriend with another man's cum on my face so now he's going to lick it all up. He's going to lick another man's cum off my face."

"Kelly! Oh my God. We've created a monster!"

"I know. I really want to do it for real."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to have sex with someone else and tell him about it. Maybe have him watch or I don't know... like lick me before or after?"

Kelly flushed bright red.

"This is all so crazy."

"It's amazing to see your growth!"

"Brody is coming to town. He called me and wants to grab a drink."

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