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Dragons Breath Ch. 01

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The doodler finds his niche.
20.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/11/2017
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LEGALESE: Don't read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction.

All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin.

Many thanks go to RF-Fast for editing and polishing. Any bad grammar left is wholly on me and my artistic style... and a strong reliance on spell check.

Copyright (c) 2017 by Acup

A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you're looking for a stroker look somewhere else.

The disclaimers have been moved to the end of the story for my ADD readers.



Man oh man oh man, what a wonderful time of year. Hundreds of women running around braless letting those babies swing and sway in thin tops, nipples trying to break free to be nibbled on. Neck lines as low as they can get them with many just letting them drop off their shoulders and long skirts with slits as high as they can get and giggling at flashing you some bare leg and hip. Skirts clinging to those swinging asses, cheeks trying to devour them at the same time.

Mmmmm, and intermixed with those brazen ladies are the ones trussed up in tight dresses, bodices and even some corsets on the OUTSIDE of their dresses pushing their tits up like they were trying to make them pop out of said dresses.

Where is this rare and wonderful feast of the female form you ask? Why every fall at the renaissance festival. Two months of blessed weekends. Drawing and sketching scantily clad women amongst all the paying customers. Not a bad life for 'the doodler.'

Yup, that's me. The guy that can't get a real job. Has no initiative. Will never amount to much. And that's the nice ones that Dad said. I was called a lot worse back in school.

I can still remember the first time. Seventh grade and TOTALLY bored out of my mind in history class. Listening to Mr. Robinson drone on about old England. My mind began to wander and I began to doodle... my favorite subject. Clara, lovely freckled, petite, red head Clara.


I had drawn a few small ones of her head and neck on one page over the last few weeks, and the full blank page next to it was calling her name. I was taking my time getting every detail just right, even drawing a little further down and putting the top of an old English dress on her framing off some nice cleavage. Glancing up to look at her every so often to make sure of the details...


I looked up to see Mr. Robinson standing over me, hearing laughs and giggles from the other kids. He snatched my notebook from my desk and held it up showing it to the rest of the class. "From the looks of this you should be down in Mrs. Peterson's art class instead of my history class. Because this certainly doesn't look like history notes does it." He held them up high above his head and turned slowly to show EVERYBODY my drawings. "Does this look like history notes class?"

Luckily for me no one answered before the bell sounded. I was headed out the door, "Mr. O'Malley, detention hall after school."

I hung my head as the other kids laughed. Oh and of course history was my third class of the day, so there was finger pointing and giggles from the girls and laughing from the boys for the rest of the day.

I walked into detention, a teacher I didn't recognize sitting at the desk reading a newspaper. I found an empty desk and did what little homework I had, then began to doodle my other favorite charter, Tinker Bell. I had been doodling Tinker Bell for as long as I could remember.

I had banged out a couple of waist up drawings and was working on a full drawing...

"So you like drawing the ladies do you?"

I looked up to see Mrs. Peterson standing beside me. "Well... um..."

She grinned, "Oh it's alright. Every artist has something they are drawn to. For some it's landscapes, others it's birds or horses or such." She put my drawings from history class down in front of me. "How long were you working on these?"

"Just during history class, really."

Her eyes went wide, "You did this in one class?"

"Yes, well no... well this one," Holding up the big one. "I did the others before that."

She looked at my drawing of Clara, and then my Tinker Bell. "What period do you have study hall?"


"Good, stop by my classroom tomorrow. I'll clear it with Ms. Hall."

What could I say, "Uh, okay."

She turned and left, but at least she left me with my drawing of Clara that Mr. Robinson had taken.

I didn't doodle in history the next day, but I didn't take any notes either, just smiled at him over my bare desk when he looked my way.

I ambled down the hall dreading going to Mrs. Peterson's class, but it wasn't so bad. Different kids doing different things. Some drawing, some painting, some working with clay. She saw me and pointed to a table off to one side, and after stopping to check on a few kids she came up to the table.

"So Taylor, you like to draw the ladies, what else do you draw?"

"I... um... I don't know."

"Then let's find out." She pointed to several pictures hung on the wall across from the table. "Draw each one of those if you can. You probably will only be able to draw one or two, but let's see where your talent lies."

I looked at the pictures. One of a cone and cube, a horse, a mountain, a bridge, and a full length picture of a lady in a revealing dress. I knew which one I WANTED to draw.

She must have been reading my mind, "Start with the one on the left and work your way across."

The cone and cube were easy, the horse not so much so. The head wasn't too bad, but the body was WAY off. The mountain didn't look right but the bridge and stream came out pretty good. I loved the one I drew of the woman in the dress, I got her smile JUST RIGHT glancing down at her own cleavage.

I didn't hear Mrs. Peterson come up behind me, "Interesting. Come back tomorrow."

The next day it was some different pictures. Some rectangles that looked like they were layers of picture frames, a close up picture of a horse, and nice picture of a wolf, a different bridge, and a picture of an older man.

Again the rectangles came out okay, the horse picture came out better, but the wolf not so much. I think I did better on this bridge, and the man came out looking more like a cartoon.

She chuckled at my drawing of the man, a caricature she called it.

"You've got some talent here Taylor. But you need to work on it a bit. It's too late to sign up for one of my classes this semester, but work on it by yourself. Take a pencil and paper and walk about and draw things. Buildings, plants, animals, and even a few pretty girls." She chuckled at my blushing about the pretty girls.


And that was the start of my whirl wind career as an artist.

I would walk and draw something that caught my eye. Go down to a festival here and there and sit back and draw things and people. But I was always drawn, pun intended, to the pretty ladies. I would hang out where ever I could, and always kept a pad of some sort with me, even if it was a small one in my back pocket.

I was doodling more and more, but never enrolled in Mrs. Peterson's class. I was just having fun drawing. I did a few of some class mates, and a few caricatures of some teachers that the kids thought was funny, the faculty not so much. I had even had a few girls ask to be drawn in some low cut tops, but they wanted them to give to someone else. I was just the geeky artist.

That changed after my junior year. There was a big arts and crafts festival downtown and I went down Friday to see what I could draw. Now by this time I had also discovered my Dad's stash of magazines and had done my best to acquaint myself with the finer parts of a woman's anatomy, and had also begun incorporating some of that in my drawings. A little extra cleavage here, a lump of nipple there, just minor... enhancements... since my experience so far was just lots of kissing and groping. I grinned at drawing a lovely young girl in shorts, they clung sooo nicely to her pussy in my drawing.

I was sitting on a bench where the line of tents made the corner, a nice view of the front of several booths on both sides that the ladies were making stops at. I would start to draw one, sometimes finishing, sometimes not depending on how long she stood there shopping and how memorable her face and figure was.

I had several complete and partials and was drawing a very buxom red head, still my favorite, the red head that is. I had her face and hair completed and was drawing her top and CLEAVAGE when there was a voice from behind me.

"Why are you drawing my girlfriend?"

"I'm not."

"Bull shit, that's my girl friend, why are you drawing her?" he almost yelled.

"I... um... that is... I'm just drawing for practice." I flipped open my pad to some of my other drawings. "See, just for practice."

We had attracted the attention of a few people, and his girlfriend was coming over. "What's the problem Fred?"

"It's Frederic, and this geek is drawing you..."

"I'm just practicing Ma'am."

She turned my pad enough to look at it, "Oh wow, that's not bad."

Fred was fuming, "FINE! How much?"

"For what?"

"The drawing," he spat out. "How much for the drawing? Twenty bucks?"

"For work like that?" The lady at the t-shirt booth next door said. "Hell I was going to pay him fifty for mine."

"FINE!" Fred peeled off a fifty from his clip and practically threw it at me.

I was taking the drawing loose from my pad and was going to just roll it up.

"Don't forget to sign it, we wouldn't want Freddy here to forget where he got it."

Fred cringed and glared at her calling him Freddy, she winkled at me when he turned back my direction. I signed and dated it and rolled it back up. He drug his girlfriend off with a look on her face that said he wasn't going to be in that relationship very long.

I looked at the fifty in my hand. I had gotten a few dollars for a hot and sweaty afternoon of mowing lawns before, but fifty dollars for just one of my drawings! DAMN!!

She was looking at my drawings as I was coming back down to earth. "Oh you are good..." she stopped and turned them to me. "Me?" showing a page with a few drawings of her working her booth. I just smiled and shrugged.

I reached for the pad knowing what was on the next page but she flipped to it before I could. Her eyes went wide and I KNOW I turned fifty shades of red. It was a face and chest drawing of her. Cutting off the top of her hairdo, and stopping just above what I would think would be her nipples but still showing a nice swell of tit. Leaving off the edges of her peasant dress giving the impression she was naked. "Sorry..." was all I could think of to say.

She didn't say anything so I looked up. She was biting her lower lip. "How come you didn't finish it?" running her finger along the bottom of the drawing about where her nipples should be.

"I uh... that is..."

"Oh," she grinned, "Wanted to be sure you were accurate. Well I guess." She handed me back my pad, looked around a little, then reached up and pulled her peasant top and bra down letting her lovely soft delicious tits out for me to enjoy.

All I could do was stare. My first real live bare tits in broad daylight just a few feet away. A moment that seemed to go on forever.

She let her top and bra come back up settling her tits back in her bra just right. "Think you can finish it now?" she giggled turning back to her t-shirt booth as a customer was walking into it.

I sat there stunned, those few moments playing over and over in my mind. Her reaching up and catching her top and my not realizing she was going to pull her bra down as well. Those two lovely dark brown nipples standing up like they were begging for attention better than anything I had seen in Dad's magazines.

And the right one, she had it pierced! A nice sized gold ring through the base of her nipple... WOW!

I tried to draw a few of the people across the way a few times, but couldn't get the picture of her bare chest out of my mind. Finally I had to do it. I flipped up the bottom edge of the drawings that were on top of hers and quickly sketched the lower curve of her tit, the crinkled brown nipple, THE NIPPLE RING.

I would look over at her and catch her grinning at me.

I did a few 'refinements' of her curves. A little more cleavage, a bit more nipple. some nice texture to her crinkled up areola my mind said it saw.

At the end of the day I rolled it and the one of a few smaller ones with her customers up and handed them to her on my way out.

As soon as I got home I went up to my room and drew another one for myself, with a SLIGHT emphasis on those lovely tits and nipples. That was the beginning of my red sketch book. Regular drawings were in what ever I had, but the red book was my 'special' drawings. As soon as the coast was clear I took another good look at that drawing then ran across the hall, closed AND LOCKED the door and jacked off to the memory of those bare tits in front of me.


I was walking on air Saturday. Another good look at my drawing that morning and losing another load to the memory of those tits with that nipple ring and I was feeling no pain. I took my position on the bench, enjoying a few more braless ladies on a warm Saturday when the t-shirt lady came over.

"Here, I thought you might be able to use this," handing me a t-shirt still warm and fresh from the press.

I looked at both sides and laughed.






"It's that obvious is it?"

She grinned, "Everyone has to start somewhere. My husband loved your drawing." She looked around to make sure no one was near, "Do you do full body?"

"I... um... never had anyone willing."

She giggled, "I'd like to have one for our anniversary... if you could... well."

"I could give it a try if you want?" HELL YESSSS, A NAKED WOMAN WANTING ME TO DRAW HER!!

"Okay, I mean I can't afford full price, but would a hundred be okay since it's your first?"

"I think I could live with that."

She grinned, "Stop over around lunch when my relief gets here."

I couldn't concentrate on ANYTHING for the next few hours.

I saw her booth partner go in, a slightly older woman with a few extra pounds on her but nice enough looking.

We ducked into the back and she turned to me, "So how do we do this?"

"Well I guess that depends on what you want."

"I just want something nice we can hang on the wall across from the bed."

"Okay. Standing, sitting, or laying?"

She grinned, "Laying, definitely laying."

"Okay..." looking down her body and trying not to concentrate too much on one spot.

"Oh... yeah." She reached down, and grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it over her head leaving her in just her little panties. No bra today! I thought I was in heaven, but when she grabbed those panties, dropped them and hopped up on the table it was all I could do not to cum in my pants.

"Nice..." was all I could say looking at her laying on her side, knee kicked up only her closely trimmed bush keeping me from seeing every bit of skin she had.

I grabbed my sketch pad and began making rough outlines, flipping the page up to make a detailed drawing of her crotch for me, and another of her ankles just in case she looked. I had just flipped back to the first sheet, when the older lady came in.

"Oh, Stew is going to love that. But you know your father is going to want one of me now, too."

"Not my problem Mom."

My head turned, MOM!

"Well at least you could have shaved."

"Na, Stew likes to go hunting for his dessert a little. You should have seen his face when I shaved for our wedding night."

Mom raised her hand, "MEN!" and went back through the curtain to attend to a customer.

She grinned, running her finger down through her hair and dipping a finger between her lips. "How about you Taylor, you like your pussy, shaved, trimmed, or natural?"

I flipped to a blank page and made a quick sketch of her with her finger in her pussy. "The jury is still out on that." THIS IS THE CLOSEST I'VE GOTTEN TO A BARE PUSSY IN MY LIFE!

She brought her wet fingertip to her mouth and licked her juices from it, "Not me, give me a shaved or close trimmed pussy every time. Can't stand hair in my teeth."

OH FUCK! I closed my eyes picturing one of Dad's magazines with a girl with her tongue in another girls pussy..."I need a break for a bit. I'll fill things in a little and take another look later."

"Okay." She hopped up off the table and stood right in front of me as she lifted her dress over her head, those firm nipples now INCHES from my face. She turned and headed out the curtain, her panties sitting on the edge of the table. I shouldn't, but I did. I reached out and snagged her panties and put them in my pocket.

As soon as I got away from the t-shirt booth, I high tailed it around the corner to the shops, and found a bathroom. Flipping open my sketch book to my quick drawing of her finger in her pussy and smelling her juices on her panties and I was shooting and groaning, cumming like I never had before.

I went back to my bench and drew a few more of the lovely ladies walking by. Two of them even sitting for a quick drawing, and not batting an eyelash at my asking for a donation. One dropped forty in my pencil case, the other sixty. ALL RIGHT!

I went back to my t-shirt lady drawing a few times, filling in her chest and taking a little off her waist and thighs. I left her face a little empty, something to be filled in on my second 'viewing.' I stepped back to her booth waiting for her to be finished with a customer.

She glanced up, "How's it going?"

"Close, need to take a look at you again to fill it in and make sure I have the details right."

She got a twinkle in her eye, "The details huh?"

I just shrugged again.


She ducked back through the curtains, and was naked as I was coming through. "Up on the table again?"


She hopped up with a nice swing and jiggle of her tits, and even a bit of her cheeks as she turned to lay down. I flipped to my full drawing of her and looked at it a bit before looking at her. I stepped closer and put a hand under her knee, "Up a little more please."

She drew her knee up a little more and I looked between it and my drawing taking a lingering pause as I went past her trimmed pussy just below me. Her slit now nicely visible from this angle.

"Much better." I sat back and sketched a bit more, filling in my close up sketch of her pussy with finger from before, with the added knowledge of my recent close up view. Then back to the main page, drawing her face in to get it finished.

"All done," I announced pulling that sheet from my pad and signing and dating it.

She hopped up and bent over to grab her purse, giving me a wonderful profile of her hanging tit. Then turned, with her back to me and put it on the table she was just laying on and bent over to rummage through it. She may have only trimmed her bush but her lips were SHAVED!

Luckily she stood before she turned around, so I was able to look away from her damp pussy before she turned to face me with cash in hand. "I know I only have a hundred, but I could give you a nice tip if you want?"

I shrugged acceptance and she grinned tucking the hundred in my pants pocket. Then she sunk down bringing that hand and her other to my snap, opening it and dropping my zipper and slacks before I knew it.

"Mmmmm, I knew you'd be a boxer man." she fished my hard cock out my fly and engulfed me before I realized what she was going to do.

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