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Dream Girl Pt. 01

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Get the girl... or become a girl for BBC.
17.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/02/2021
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Hi all, this ones a slightly different one to my usual fare, a forced feminization story involving a young man who's hoping to woo his childhood sweetheart, and big black cocks that enter the picture. All characters are over the age of 18.


"So what would your perfect girlfriend be like?"

'You,' thought Steph, gazing into hazel eyes with flecks of gold glimmering inside.

It took him a few seconds to realise he had to respond with his mouth.

"Oh, uhh..... someone caring I guess? I'm not sure..... What would your perfect boyfriend be like?"

The way Grace brushed her hair behind her ears was something Steph always adored as she hummed quietly, turning to stare at the bedroom ceiling. Chestnut locks reached down to her slim waist, almost as long as they had been when they first met, her face still pale although the freckles had long since disappeared, replaced by a vibrant glow and subtle sharpening of the cheeks that brought out her natural beauty. Just looking at her felt like someone was grabbing his heart and toying with it like a dog savaging a rag doll. It had always been this way, even after years spent together.... Well, not together in the way that Steph wanted, anyway.

"Urmm.... Someone sweet... and.. and strong!"

"You mean like... inside?"

She giggled.

"Well sure... I guess he doesn't HAVE to be strong on the outside..."

Steph subconsciously checked his bicep and flexed the weedy sinews. Even now at the age of nineteen, he had not developed any muscle mass of note, and dainty ankles and a plum ass were his not-so-treasured inheritance from his parents.

"And of course they'd have to treat me right."

Steph smiled, shining his baby blue eyes at her, blinking away a tuft of blond that had fallen into them.

"Well who knows, maybe we'll discover someone like that on holiday."

She nodded thoughtfully.

"Maybe... but what about you! I mean.. I've never seen you with a girl... You're like, the best guy ever!"

He fidgeted.

"I don't know... maybe I'm just waiting for the right girl to see me."

A pregnant silence filled the room, and for one heart-stopping second Steph watched realisation dawn on Grace's face.

"Or..... maybe you're waiting for the right GUY!"


She looked ecstatic at having worked it out.

"Of COURSE! You're like perfect, so of course you'd be gay, all the perfect ones are..."

This deduction hit home harder than Steph would like to admit, as people often made fun of him due to his soft complexion, large lips, and other less-than-manly features.

"What?! No, no I'm not gay...."

"Yeah, and maybe you'll meet your perfect boyfriend too... We could do it together!!"

His stomach turned.

"N-No, there is no perfect boyfriend for me, I'm not into guys!"

"Hmmmmm..... I don't know Steph... wait, how long have we been...."

She glanced at the bedside clock and her brow shot up to the ceiling.


She fell off the bed and began chucking clothes and accessories in a flurry into a large pink suitcase. Steph squeaked and leapt to the door in a haphazard fashion, grabbing his own luggage on the way.

"I knew you should have set an alarm!" he yelled as he flung the case downstairs, nearly bowling over Grace's mother near the bottom.


Her eyes glinted with menace.

"Sorry," Steph squeaked, sliding past her.

Mrs Smith sighed and the dragon's fire inside her cooled.

"Just... just be careful darling," she said affectionately. "And do look after Grace will you? I have no idea who these people are that she's meeting..."

This holiday would be the first that Steph and Grace had ever been on together. Their families weren't blessed with money, and when two 'friends' had offered to pay for Grace and a companion to visit their home on the distant island of Galagos, she had entirely ignored the blatant scepticism of her Mother, over the moon at finally being able to experience something outside the dreary suburbs of mid-west America.

"I do worry about her," she said, before leaning in. "You know I always say.. you two would make a lovely couple."

Steph gave Jill a sheepish expression, before jogging out to the Smith's old family car whilst trying not to let a huge grin take over his face.

Everyone knew Steph yearned for Grace, though there had never been any reciprocation..... until last week when she had invited Steph on the 'couple's holiday'. She had barely gotten the words out of her mouth before he had accepted, and they had become even closer since then if that were possible.

Steph was sure this holiday would finally be the moment he professed his desires to her... Which of course depended on them reaching the airport in time. Steph began to gnash his teeth as it was taking Grace so long to finish packing that they were in serious danger of missing their flight, and eventually he had to drag her suitcase away before she could quadruple check whether they'd brought enough suntan lotion.

Their nerves didn't get any better as Grace's Mom refused to go a single mile above the speed limit, and by the time they got to the Airport they barely had time to wave goodbye as they bustled towards the check-in gates; above their heads huge screens lined the wall, listing dozens of numbers and cities. Where was their flight?!

"G... G... There!"

Galagos, the tiny equator-bound island, was written in bright white letters with the words 'DEPARTING, TWENTY MINUTES,' next to it.

Grace whinnied and shot towards the one desk doing check-ins on Galagos airlines as Steph pulled the bags as fast as he could. It took them ten minutes to check in, and ten more to get through security, and by the time they made it into the departure lounge they were frantic.

"Gate 31, Gate 31.... Oh you've got to be kidding me!" moaned Steph. It was down the other end of the terminal.

"Come on!" said Grace with a determined air, and she began to sprint, weaving past disgruntled travellers and leaving Steph with the rather large hand luggage. With a cheerleader's physique (cute breasts, a toned stomach and a shapely butt), she flew through the terminal. Luckily Steph had done ballet for a good portion of his life, and despite quitting when he was seventeen still possessed a decent amount of stamina with a lithe figure to match as he skuttled along behind the flowing mane of brown hair. What he was not so good at was lifting heavy objects (being barely above 5'6), and the bags were soon making his arms ache.

He regretted not grabbing a trolley.

Gate 25....Gate 24... Gate 24... wait, 24 again?!

Steph almost vomited after seeing Gate 24-A, B, C and D, and was gasping by the time they reached the Galagos airlines check in, where two tall, dark skinned stewards were waiting, the words 'FINAL BOARDING' flashing above their heads.

They didn't look pleased, and Steph's cheeks flushed as he waited in front of one of the well-built men, who whittled him down with an intimidating glare. He was thankful when the man finally stamped his passport after checking it over a few times, although not quite so thankful when a hand brushed his ass as he walked by. Steph turned in shock and was greeted with a wink from the steward, and for some reason he couldn't help noticing the man's tight shirt, shapely muscles, and a large swell running down the inside of the man's trousers.

Steph reckoned that they definitely should have spared five seconds to grab a trolley as blood pounded so hard through his chest that he was sure some might spurt out of his ears at any moment.


The background rumble of the engines was mirrored by their constant fidgeting as the two young explorers nattered away, Grace occasionally glancing through the window to see the oceans of white candy floss drifting away below them.



"Yeah," she giggled. "I don't want someone who is afraid to try new things."

Her slim brows were laced with mischief, and every time she stared at him it seemed like she had a secret to tell, pulling him in.

"Hmm.... I'd want someone... silly!"

"What, like this?"

Grace pushed her lips into a spout and opened her eyes wide, and Steph snorted.

"Oh absolutely not, that's way too silly."

Grace gave a short "Ha!" of derision, as a smile emerged from her mocking gaze.

"Hey Grace."


"Who paid for all this again?"

"Oh, my friends! They're a funny couple, I'm sooooo excited for you to meet them, I think you'll all get along swell!"

"Right," he said, thinking it was odd that she hadn't really said much about them at all. A vision of an elderly couple, odd but sweet came to his mind, perhaps with a penchant for young friends to liven up their retirement on the beaches of Galagos.

"H... How did you meet?" he offered.

"Party," she said simply.

He decided she wasn't interested in discussing it and dropped the subject. Soon the conversation was filled with their usual energy, nattering back and forth over minute attributes of their perfect boyfriend and girlfriend as the sun began to dip below the horizon.

She grasped his hand as they reached the ocean.

"This is going to be so much fun!"

'Her palm is so smooth.'

"Yeah, yeah I think it is."

Grace could barely sit still, head flying to the window to watch seas of cotton wool fly past the wing, illuminated by the setting sun, and after hours of chatting and giggling the fatigue began to kick in. By the time they reached the ocean Grace was snoring softly, and Steph's heart thumped in his chest as her head edged to the side, falling onto his shoulder. He put his head next to hers and smiled.

'Just like a couple.'

In all the excitement Steph found it odd that the lack of sleep hadn't affected him yet, as he let out a yawn and his eyelids crawled downwards.


Then they were stepping out of the plane and drifting off into the open air, running hand in hand as Grace pulled him close and pressed their lips together.

'This is the best holiday ever', he thought to himself as she kissed him, and they laughed, removing each other's clothing which vanished in the rolling grey hills below them. Steph was aching to see her, as her shirt slipped from her shoulders to reveal the tops of perfect, tear-drop breasts....

Then suddenly two tall, strong stewards were in their way, ebony skin glinting in the moonlight. One was taking hold of Grace, pulling her away from him.

"No, no wait," he murmured.

She had let go of his hand and turned into the figure, surprised but smiling, and then they were entwined, the handsome, athletic man pressing his lips to hers.


The other man stole his attention, winking at him as he took his clothes off and revealing a strong chest; his crotch.... it was bulging, Steph was being pulled to his knees.. it was close to him, approaching his face as Grace was being mounted by the first man....

A voice called out for passengers to put on their seatbelts.

"What?!" he groaned.

"We're here!" said Grace's voice in his ear, and he opened his eyes to find he was on the plane, the bright light streaming through the window suggesting it must be close to midday.

"Already?" he said groggily, trying to cover the tiny tent in his pants.

Grace didn't answer, nose plastered to the window as she watched the plane draw down smoothly over the golden sands and onto the tarmac.

Once he'd shaken himself awake the landing was a quick affair, and soon they were inside a miniscule airport, consisting of one gate and a tiny departure lounge, waved out by dark-skinned men and women with pleasant smiles and polite mannerisms apart from one particularly stringent customs officer. Steph couldn't help grimacing every time this tall, older man smiled and brushed Grace's arm as he asked her questions, and steam issued from his ears as the man asked where she was going, whether Steph was her boyfriend ("Oh! Ha-ha no, he's my best friend..."), and recommended his brother's cocktail bar down the road.

Steph decided to intervene, only for the man to turn his attentions in a far more aggressive manner, and Steph squealed as large, invasive hands were pressed against him, with the man declaring that a strip search would be in order.

After much begging and apologising, plus a few sly touches on the man's shoulder from Grace, the man relented and with much laughter from her they had made their way out into the bright sunshine of Galagos.

"Gosh that was funny!" Grace chuckled as they walked, Steph gripping the suitcases so tight that his knuckles had gone white.

"Sure, I hope everyone else in this place isn't as friendly as that..."

"Oh Steph it wasn't that bad!"

He didn't agree, rubbing where harsh hands had pried, but eventually they managed to make their way to the meetup point overlooking the beachfront, already sweating from the midday heat.

"There they are!"

Steph put the bags down and stared in the direction she was pointing.

Two rather disinterested, cocksure guys were standing in the sun, their dark skin silhouetted against the blue backdrop.

Steph paused. This seemed.... Odd. Maybe he'd missed something, or perhaps the real couple were somewhere behind them?

He checked but there was no-one else within ten feet, and his worst fears were confirmed when Grace trotted up and beamed at the two men, who smiled back and gave long, tight hugs. One gave her a pat on the ass as she turned.

"Heyyyy," she giggled, sounding quite pleased and even turning her ass so that her right cheek was exploding through her leggings, ready for round two.

Steph groaned, taking in all the warning signals his senses were screaming at him. These guys were trouble.

He traipsed after her, feeling their gazes switch to him as Grace nattered away.

"Gosh thank you guys SO MUCH for this... oh and, of course this is my special friend...."

Steph grimaced at the use of the word 'friend', which was starting to seeming more ominous by the second.

".....Steph, this is Andres, and that's Demarcus, or Dee for short," she said gesturing to the men.

They were an intimidating sight. Andres was a giant, just the shorter of the two when stood next to Dee. He possessed a handsome face, razor edge hairstyle and a clean shave that showed the smoothness of his cheeks and chin. 'Dee' was a man mountain, with a neat beard, square jaw, and a close shaved trim. Both were extremely well-built, muscles rippling under tight trousers, shirts, and belts with expensive-looking shoes rounding out their attire. Dee's skin was a rich brown chocolate, Andres a deep black. They oozed testosterone from every pore.

"Hi," said Steph warily.

Dee turned back to Grace.

"Where's your girlfriend?"

Grace looked up at him apologetically.

"Sorry... which girlfriend?"

"Your friend, Stephanie."

"Uh, hi... I'm Steph."

Dee continued like he hadn't heard him.

"I don't see her here."

Grace let out a polite laugh.

"Oh haha... This is Steph!" she said, gesturing to Stephan.

"HI!" he said louder, with a wave.

The men didn't even spare him a glance.

"We don't pay for guys to come here."

Confusion slid onto Steph's face.


"Hey sorry bu-" Steph began, but Andres spoke over him.

"Whoever this dude is, he can either step on the next flight home, or be a good girl and let us take Grace and Stephanie to our holiday home."

Grace twisted her leg, and bit her lip.

"But... there's no Stephanie..."

Andres smirked, gesturing to Steph

"Sure there is."

Steph chuckled mirthlessly for a second, trying to pretend this was just an extremely un-funny joke, until his expression morphed into one of fear.

Andres was staring at him like a panther, and Steph was unsure if his eyes had flickered up and down his body in a dismissive way... or an approving one.

'What the hell....'

"As long as she's a good girl, no harm, no foul," he said, and Steph's brain screamed at him to run straight back to the plane. Looking up at the commanding figure, the sensations of the airport steward came bubbling up, and the urge to cover his crotch hit him as blood seemed to have rushed the wrong way in his body.

"Look guys... I-I'm sorry but.."

Andres cut him off again.

"Bitch better stop talking too."

Steph went red in the face.

"Agreed!" sang Grace.

His jaw clanged open, after a few stuttering breaths he finally found his voice.

"Okay, hold up... w-who exactly are you calling a bitch here!?"

The guys looked over with unimpressed expressions and Grace offered an apologetic smile, before giving a pointed look to Steph.

"Sorry guys, could you give us a moment?"

She hurried Steph a few metres away and put her hand on his shoulder.

Her breath was close... minty and warm. She whispered and he suddenly had a hard time concentrating on the words she was saying.

"Steph.... These guys have paid for everything! They're not bad, they're just a bit quirky. You'll like them once you get to know them, I swear!"

Steph peeled his eyes at her, glancing over at the lofty, intimidating men and couldn't think of a word that described them less than 'quirky'. Andres was saying something to Dee who sniggered, and Steph was sure he was gesturing towards his ass which made him wring the fabric of his T-shirt.

Their arms were really big.

Grace brought him back to her in hushed tones.

"Let's just y'know, make the most of it. We're here together, okay?"

Steph clenched his jaw.


Her hands were clasped together, and she was opening her eyes in that doughy way that he found so difficult to say no to.

'So much for paradise.'


"OOOOOHH Thank you Steph, you're amazing!" she exclaimed, pecking him on the cheek.

Wooziness spread through Steph from where her lips had brushed his skin, then his hand was in hers as she pulled him along.

"Me and Stephanie are in," she said eagerly.

Steph closed his eyes at being called Stephanie, but stayed silent.

The guys didn't move.

"Only if Stephanie kisses my ring like the bitch she is."

It took Steph a second to work out Andres was serious.

"E...Excuse me?" he uttered in disbelief.

"Steph," said Grace with as much sugar as she could muster, "just clear the air."

He stared at her until she bit her lip and welled those Doughy eyes once more.

Steph tensed his chest and stomach.


Hating every second, he walked into Andres' shadow and took the large hand, head inching down... and gave it a peck.

The two men smirked at Steph as he fell back, feeling dirty where his lips had grazed the metal.

"Good girl Stephanie, we're all gonna have a sweet time," said Andres. Steph couldn't meet his eyes, staring at the floor.

The two large men then picked up Grace's bags, and began to guide her, one either side as they went towards the waiting taxi. The two figures dwarfed the tiny figure of Grace between them, and Steph felt a hot flush as his mind fell back to internet videos with similar combinations of figures.

They never ended with anything other than the young white girl getting destroyed.

Steph scrunched his eyelids together and took a slow breath because he was already wishing he could pull Grace back and run away with her, trying not to imagine her naked body sandwiched between Dee and Andres' muscular bulks.

"This was supposed to be a couples holiday," he muttered hopelessly.

He watched Dee's hand touch her on the shoulder as they began to chat, laughing with Grace like he was suddenly the funniest, most charismatic person in the world.

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