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Dream Hopper Pt. 03

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The aftermath of Dennis's escapades and Michelle's intro.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/29/2023
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Dream Hopper Pt. 03

Hello and welcome to Part 3. I have no idea how much longer this will go but we shall see where the story takes us. We comeback in where we left off, Sarah and Dennis had just came together and noticed they were in their own bodies.

"Dennis???? What is going on?" Sarah exclaimed in a panic.

"I'm not sure, I just woke up." Dennis said only half lying.

Just then, the sound of the doorbell came from downstairs.

"Shit, what time is it?" Sarah looked around for a clock to find Dennis's alarm clock read 10:15. "That's probably Michelle." she said.

It was around this time that Dennis noticed that he was still inside his sister. Her moving on top of him felt good and given another minute he could probably go again.

Sarah got up carefully letting him slide out as she tried to move her right leg off the bed. Her leg failed to move all the way off and she fell off the bed unharmed, but with a bruised ego. Dennis didn't know what to do and stared at his naked sister struggle to stand up after a good fuck.

Finally getting up she turned and said in a hushed tone "We'll talk about this later."

Stunned, Dennis listened to her throw on some cloths and go downstairs. He looked out his window to see Sarah greet a petite redhead. A quick hug and they were off in Sarah's car.

A few hours later Dennis had showered, made breakfast, and sat down on the couch to watch some TV. With nothing good on, he reached for his phone to flip through some apps. Then he received a call from his mom.

Dennis answered "Hello?"

Mom "Hello! We just landed at the airport! We'll be back at the house in an hour or so, I expect everything will be in order by then?"

Dennis "Yep! Of Corse!"

Mom "Ok well I called your sister first but she didn't answer. Is everything alright?"

Dennis pondered his and Sarah's relationship at this point remembering the morning, he wasn't sure if that'd bring them closer together or farther apart. In any case that's not what she was talking about. "Yea she's just at a friend's house, Michelle."

Mom "Oh fun! She sounds French!"

Dennis "Maybe? I haven't met her yet."

Mom "Well we'll see you soon."

Dennis said his goodbyes looking around the main area at the mess he and Sarah had made while his parents were away. "I know they're not clean freaks but this seems a little out of hand." he thinks while getting up. Dennis quickly finishes his breakfast and starts to clean the house. Throwing out the trash, dishes in the dishwasher, and giving everything a wipe down made him feel better. It wasn't long after he finished, they walked through the door.

First Dennis's Dad came through, Thomas a fairly typical middle aged man who had managed to keep himself from gaining weight and losing his hair, even if the odd grey showed up. Second was his mom Elizabeth that everyone called Liz. A bit curvier than Tom, but that only helped to accentuate her features. Her large breasts barely restrained by the sun dress she was wearing Dennis caught himself staring.

Liz "Well don't just stand there, grab the extra suitcases from the cab."

Dennis hopped to it. Despite his recent efforts and success with Sarah, he had always been into his mom too.

Liz "Thanks Dennis." She paused to look around the room for a second. Then started heading towards the fridge. "Well I must say things here look great but... I see we're almost out of food! Just give me 10 minutes to rest and we'll get some groceries." Dennis couldn't help but notice that his mother's nipples were poking through her dress after looking through the freezer.

10 minutes later Dennis's parents left for grocery shopping and he was left home alone again. After seeing all the sun they had managed to get, Dennis decided to get some himself and went for a swim. 20 minutes later his parents came out to lounge on their chairs.

Liz "Ah well, with that out of the way finally time to relax. Tom can you rub me down?"

Dennis "Did you even wear any sunscreen on vacation?"

Tom replies, "Oh yes! But it rubs off easily doesn't it?" Tom looked at his wife as she gave him a playful smack. No matter how much he lusted after her, Dennis knew she only had eyes for him. It didn't take long for him to remember the dream catcher and all the possibilities that were now available. "Maybe I could enter her dreams and convince her to have sex with me. Or maybe I could enter my Dad's dreams and become him for a bit." Dennis's imagination ran wild as he watched his Dad spread sunscreen over his Mom's chest. Despite the cold water he was getting hard.

Liz "Oh by the way, Sarah called and said she's staying at Michelle's house tonight."

Dennis suddenly reeling from fantasy land "What?"

Liz continued "Yes but I made her promise that she brings her by tomorrow for dinner."

Dennis now trapped at the side of the pool with his erection notices his mother seems to be getting turned on. His dad had taken off the shoulder straps of the dress and was rubbing more sensually. First the peck muscles at the top of her breast, then her shoulders. "Was he giving her a massage, or was he trying to turn her on?" He wondered. She seemed to let out a "Humm.." at some point, regardless she enjoying it.

Tom stops, claps his hands and says "Welp, I'm going for a swim."

"Yes I think I need to cool off too. Dennis are you going to be in the pool when we get back from changing?" Liz asks.

Dennis says "Humm." Thinking there is no way he can get out right now. "I think I'll stay for a bit."

Dennis's parents got up and went back into the house. Dennis sat there and tried to think of anything else that could relieve his problem but found himself coming up sort. With the towel close by he got out anyways and hunched over letting the towel conceal his problem. Dennis tiptoed upstairs trying to not get wet footprints all over the house.

At the top of the stairs he could hear his mom in their room. "Oh yea, just like that Tom." Dennis though "Oh shit! They having sex! I knew she was getting turned on!" He quickly and as quietly as possible took off his swim suit and tossed it in the bathroom to dry and turned on the shower. As he made his way back to listen Dennis thanked the gods for their quiet carpet hallways.

He could hear their panting, the slight bed squeaks, the slapping of his dad's balls against her butt. Still hard he stroked himself to their sounds. Liz says in a hushed voice "Oh my god, yes, I love you so much." Tom replies "I love you too." This turned her up a notch making louder noises. Dennis looked under the door to see if he could see anything and notices near one side of the floor their shadows. "Oh fuck." He though seeing the visual. Elizabeth's feet in the air and Tom's pounding her almost missionary.

Liz "Oh! Don't stop!"

Tom grunting seemed to be as close as she was.

Going up in pitch followed Liz "Oh, Oh, ahh, ohhhhh yes!" and lower in pitch "Aww."

Not long after that the squeaks stopped so he knew it was time to get out of there. Dennis hopped up and ran into the shower.

After the shower Dennis got on with the rest of the day helping his parents. It wasn't long before bed time and Dennis had a decision to make. Enter Sarah's dreams and talk to her a bit about what happened and get her honest opinion, or enter one of his parents dreams and have a bit of fun. As much as he would have liked to have fun Dennis thought the more responsible thing to do was talk with Sarah. Dennis went to sleep remembering his orgasm in her pussy, her sexy ass, and those beautiful tits.

Dennis woke up in his bed. At first he was unsure if he had just slept through the night but it was obvious he was in a dream when he listened for noise. No A/C, no fridge, no traffic noise but there was a muffled sound coming from Sarah's room next door. Dennis got up and made his way over there trying to be quiet and not disturb the conversation. As he opened the door to his sister's room he was greeted with the sly smiles of two young ladies, Sarah and Michelle.

"Hello?" Dennis said slowly.

"Hello." Sarah said.

Dennis stood there for a second, he couldn't tell what was going on and why Michelle was there.

Michelle replied to Dennis's look "I have the same dream catcher as you, we're all lucid dreaming."

Sarah cleared her throat "Yes we have some things to talk about." Dennis gulped and Michelle continued "Yes well Sarah and I talked about what happened and I have revealed to her what I've been doing."

Sarah "Michelle purchased the same kind of dream catcher as you and was entering my dreams while we were away at university. It was my steamy dreams with her that caused me to start hooking up with her while awake."

Michelle "Yes and I certainly did not mind that..." Sarah and Michelle shared a knowing look while Sarah blushed.

Sarah "So maybe it was not the best idea to recommend you to the shop but... I guess we wouldn't have had this happen."

Michelle squirmed on the bed replying "Well yea, I mean, it's pretty hot. I can't blame you for liking it either, if he was my brother I'd fuck him too."

Sarah went bright red. "I can't say that I didn't like it however, I do wonder how I came to wake up having sex with you."

Dennis reeling from the shock that not only was his sister into him but Michelle too replied. "Well you know how to can change things in a dream?"

Michelle "Yes Jessica told me about that, how to stay in a dream, and a few other things..."

Dennis "Yes well I had figured out how to stay in a dream and change things too but I wanted to experience things from the other perspective so in the dream I became Sarah."

Sarah and Michelle both razed their eye brows.

Dennis continued "Once I came as Sarah I let myself wake up, but I woke up as you." Dennis looked at Sarah. "Naturally I tried some things out but woke up the same way you wake from a dream..."

Michelle finished "from an orgasm?" Dennis "Yes."

Michelle "That's fucking hot."

Michelle was trying to keep herself still at this point. Being incredibly turned on she turned to Sarah and said "So, should we still do it?"

Sarah replied without a moments hesitation "Yes."

Sarah continued "Michelle and I are more what you'd call friends with benefits, would you like to join in the benefits?"

Dennis with a pretty noticeably erection at this point replies "Yes, what would you like me to do?"

Sarah "Just lie down on the bed."

Dennis lied down on the bed without hesitation taking off his shirt and bottoms. Sarah and Michelle also began stripping down. Michelle made sure to look at Dennis while unbuttoning her shirt. Slowly one button after the other she was teasing him knowing that he had never seen her perky breasts before. Down to the bottom of the shirt Dennis could see a braw in between the flowing fabric, Michelle looked down and realized that the braw would ruin the reveal and closed her eyes. Dennis looked back and noticed the sliver of braw showing had disappeared revealing the skin underneath.

Before the reveal Sarah hopped up on his chest stark naked already and said "That's enough of her, its my turn." Then proceeded to place herself for Dennis to eat out. Her musky sent filled his lungs and he grabbed her ass to lower her down and begin his job. Sarah let out a soft moan feeling her brother start to lap at her. Already quite wet Dennis could tell she had been waiting for this.

It wasn't too long before Dennis felt another feeling on the lower half of his body. Michelle had straddled his legs and started to lick his penis. One lick and he felt this penis jump. A second lick and another jump. She was playing with him, giving him a taste. Her hand gripped onto the shaft and she let his whole penis in her mouth. Dennis's mouth still full of Sarah's pussy let out a moan, that vibration made Sarah moan and in turn made Michelle chuckle.

Sarah "Humm, how's it going down there Michelle?"

Michelle replied "A dick this good deserves to be ridden."

It wasn't long before Sarah's hips started to buck a little bit. From what Dennis could see she was close. Feeling up her breasts and pushing her pussy into his face she was getting flustered. Dennis maintaining speed and pressure watched Sarah's head fly back in ecstasy as her orgasm rocked her body. Her juices actively dripping down his cheeks he also came in Michelle's mouth and with a single thrust up she took it all. Sarah's head now returning to look him in the eyes Dennis could see the bliss on her face. Sarah sat on his chest now barely able to control her legs. "Just give me a few minuets." she said.

While Sarah might have been finished for now Michelle was just getting started. She had milked every last drop out of him and started to get him hard again until she stopped. Dennis briefly saddened was immediately elated to feel her lowering herself into him. Michelle felt different than Sarah, not better or worse, just different. It was strange for him to be having sex with a girl he had just met, let alone one that he could not see. Dennis concentrated and gave Sarah the ability to walk after having powerful orgasms.

Sarah "Ok I think I can move now, I think I'm going to get some water for when we're done."

With that Sarah got up and left the room to get water. Dennis now could get the full view of petite Michelle riding his dick. Watching his penis move in and out of another person was a sight he could get use to. Looking up he looked at her petite breasts and also noticed Michelle's chest getting flush as she exerted herself. Michelle smiled and said "I guess Sarah forgot we're dreaming right now and can make things appear." They both shared a small chuckle and Dennis felt her laugh in his dick. Getting faster now Dennis was near the tipping point again, luckily so was Michelle. "Oh yea your dick feels so good in my little pussy!" She yelled. She fell farther down onto him now resting her hands either side of his shoulders. Dennis never to waste an opportunity grabbed her breasts and gave them a squeeze. "Oh!" Michelle said giving him a surprised look. Then a disappointed look "I didn't say stop." Michelle and Dennis are closer now than ever and Michelle's red hair is in her face. Apparently she did not care and neither did Dennis as they were both about to cum.

Dennis "Oh! I think I'm about to cum!"

Michelle "Oh yes, cum for me!"

Dennis's words sent Michelle over the edge and Dennis was well. Both cumming Dennis filled up her pussy with rope after rope as Michelle rocked her pussy back and forth slowly rubbing her clit on him.

It wasn't long before Sarah returned to the room to find her brother still inside her best friend.

Sarah "Well that looked fun."

Michelle "Oh you have no idea."

Sarah "Well I do have somewhat of an idea."

The three relaxed after their sexual adventure. Michelle asked Sarah if she wanted a turn at her brother, but Sarah had other plans.

Sarah "Well you know how Michelle is suppose to come over tomorrow for dinner?"

Dennis and Michelle "Yea."

Sarah "Well I thought it would be fun if Dennis and I switched bodies."

Dennis taken aback initially took a second and realized that it might be fun. Besides, this would for sure lead to some kind of kinky act that night.

Dennis "Sure, I'm in."

Dennis recapped how he was able to switch with Sarah's body and they both tried to take over the other at the same time. In the dream it seemed to work. Dennis looked down and noticed the two glorious breasts and instantly gave them a feel. Sarah looked down and noticed she could see the ground easier, with the exception of a particular appendage rising up.

Dennis laughed "Yea, it'll do that."

Sarah "Ok then, any advice?"

Dennis "Masturbate when you wake up and try not to think sexy thoughts?"

Sarah "Alright then." She then pulled a knife out from behind the tray of glasses she had brought up earlier. She then rose it to her/Dennis's throat, and with a wink said "See you in the next part."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice. Looking forward to the next chapter

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