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Dream Weaver Ch. 07

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Golden Bliss.
6.7k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/17/2012
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Chal shifted, rolling Bliss to her back. She tensed up for an instant and then relaxed against him. Chal wouldn't hurt her. Ever. He'd shone her that remarkable and almost unbelievable trait already.

"Those other men were fools and idiots, Bliss. Forget about them. Stay with me and I promise to show you pleasure you've never dreamed of. I want you to look at me and see a whole new life, one with me at your feet. I would be your pet, love. You could collar and leash me. You could do whatever you wished with me."

He stared down at her earnestly. "I-I want to see the world through your beautiful blue eyes and give you the kind of life you deserve and should have had all along. I'll put the world at your feet. I'll protect you. I swear that you will not know an instant of pain or embarrassment or...or humiliation. Stay. Be my lady. Own my heart."

Bliss closed her eyes, unable to meet Chal's gaze. She thought of the men that had been her 'Master', of the pain and humiliation and embarrassment they had inflicted upon her. Though the marks on her body were faded, the blows that had made those marks had been ingrained into her very soul. The miracle was she knew he wouldn't hurt her. He didn't see those marks. He saw her, the inside and the outside.

She had climbed into his dreams, something she should never have done, but looking at him, she knew she would do it again. She had seen his nightmares and the terrible hurt that he had felt for Selena and how she had died, the love he had lost and the loneliness in his soul. But was it enough? Was she enough?

He sat up, staring at her from over his shoulder. His back was bowed as if he waited for the killing blow. "If that is not your wish, if I am not what you want, I will give you enough money to settle wherever you want. I don't want you to feel as if staying with me is your only choice, Bliss. I would never force you to do anything you don't want to, ever. I promise you that."

The words had been torn from him as he'd watched her face. He saw the emotions flash across her extraordinary features. He read everything she thought. The doubt, the fear, and yes, even the hope and gratitude. He sighed, he didn't want her staying with him because she was grateful. Gratitude was the last emotion he wanted from her.

Chal waited another minute, his body frozen, waiting for her answer, barely able to be still. He couldn't take his eyes off of her face and the emotions that flashed across it. When her eyes opened, her answer was there for him to see. Her smile was wide and guileless. "Are you sure?" he asked breathlessly.

She grinned at the incredible fact that this man, this wonderful, amazing and gentle man was unsure because he wanted her. It was one of the biggest, most wonderful boost to her shattered belief in her self-confidence. And he had given it to her. Her incredible, sweet, gorgeous man, the man that made her body sing, that had never once hurt her, that protected her against all others. He wanted her. Maybe he would be the one, her one true mate. She could do nothing but hope fervently that the sisters of fate would shine their faces over her.

"Yes?" he asked, reaching for her with hands that were not only gentle but actually shaking as he reached out to pull her back in his arms. His grin widened when she nodded.

"Yes, Chal. I want you. I would belong to you, wear your collar and your leash if that is the way you want me. I know, in here," she said, pressing her hand against her breast, "you would never, ever, hurt me. I think you'd rather cut off your own hands to prove it to me."

He chuckled. "And I thank you so much that you don't need that proof. I'd hate to have to ask you to unzip and zip up my pants every day for the rest of our lives. And never feeling these," he reached up and gently cupped her breasts, "now that would be a crime." He drew her closer. "I would give my life to you."

She narrowed her gaze at him. What was he saying? "You aren't planning on running out to play in traffic or something?"

Chal chuckled, staring down at her. "No, baby. I guess I should have explained what mating with an incubus was like." He ran gentle fingers down the sweet curve of her face. "You are so beautiful." A moan escaped his lips when she lifted her hands, gently placing them against his chest. "By the gods, Bliss, your hands, I've never felt anything like this." He shivered as she trailed them down and over the hard planes of his chest. "Nobody has ever made me feel this way."

He groaned and his hands rose, unwilling that the pleasure she was showering over his body should be completely one sided. His head fell back and he opened himself, all of himself, to her. "Fuck," he growled. He grabbed her hands, holding them captive in his big hands. "We need to finish this, baby. You need to know all of it."

A heavy sigh racked her small body. "All of it? That sounds like a very long conversation. Can't we...?" she tipped her head toward the stairs. "...first?"

Chal couldn't help but chuckle. "It's not as long as you think, baby." He still held her hands against his chest. "I had wanted once to complete this ceremony with..." he trailed off, unsure how she would feel about what he would've said.

"With Selena," she finished, pulling one hand out of his gentle grip. "Never feel like you can't talk about her or your lives together. She helped shape you into the man you are now. How could I resent someone who had helped make you the man you are?"

"God," he groaned. "How could one man be so incredibly lucky twice in his life? I think I will be so incredibly grateful to the fates for you being here at one of Celesta's awful parties."

The emotion she could hear in his voice as well as being lumped together with Selena, the woman he'd been willing to die for, sent another shaft of lust, mixed generously with her love, shot through her and almost weakened her knees.

Before he could stop her, she rose on her tiptoes and found his lips. They were so hot, so sweet, so incredibly addictive. And she couldn't stop.

Her heart pounded in her chest, thrumming so hard against her breast that she was amazed he couldn't feel it. His fingers thrust into his hair, moving over him and holding him where she wanted him.

No, that wasn't quite right. Where she wanted him right now was above her head, in his ohh, so comfortable bed. She grinned against his lips.

"What's so funny?" He moved barely far enough back but she could still feel the brush of his lips as he spoke. "I assure you, laughter is the furthest thing from the minds of any of my...meals."

"I don't doubt that," she said, tracing the fine lines of his face and brow. "I was just wondering if it was possible for me to pick you up and take you upstairs to ravish your incredibly sexy body?"

"God, you're going to kill me." He grabbed her hands again and pressed them down to her side. "Please, for all that is holy, keep them there. We have to do this. If we don't, my body might think that because you are here, you'll agree to what I want."

She nodded, and then did him one better, walking over to curl up on one end of the couch. She was still pressing against his control. He wanted to curl up behind her and stroke her until she was purring just like the sweet kitten she reminded him of.

He took a deep breath and almost smacked himself in the head. Was there anything about her body, her scent, her sweetness that didn't draw him to her? He forced himself to walk over and take the chair that was right next to her end of the couch.

Reaching down, he took her hand. Then he stared into the flames of the fire in the hearth. He sighed a couple of times and then looked up at her. "God, I never thought this would be so hard."

He could have cursed himself when he saw the hurt and pain in her eyes. "No, baby. You're taking what I said wrong. I breathe and all I can smell is the wondrous scent of your heat. I look at you and my heart hurts, it's so full. My hands are shaking for want of the feel of your body under them. I can hear the quickening beat of your heart and I long to taste the sweet secretions from your pussy. You fill every part of me and all I want to do is celebrate you. But I can't, not yet."

"Then hurry up and say what you think is so necessary for me to know. Because this is the hardest thing I've ever done. And you're not making this any easier."

He chuckled again. "Yes, ma'am. What I need to tell you..." he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to her hand and blew out a long, slow breath. "—I want to tie my life to yours."

"Is this...Is this a marriage proposal?" Her heart kicked up it's beating and she knew that he could hear it.

"No, baby. It's something much stronger, more durable than that. I tie my life to yours. When you die, I will die too."

He sat back, feeling his stomach roil in his gut. He couldn't watch her face. If he saw what he thought he would, it would almost literally kill him. He couldn't do it again. He couldn't stand to watch her die or know that she'd died and left him alone for the long, long millennia of his life. He would never disrespect her and ignore her wishes. But if she said no, he would still take his life. He couldn't feel this way for someone and live on without her. It would be agony everyday.

She tugged on his hand and he looked up, his shoulders were tight and his face was hard. He was ready for her to laugh at him. She seemed to search his face. "You want that with me...but why not Selena?"

He chuckled once and then stared down at where his hand held hers. Her fingers were long and gentle, tender and so incredibly fragile. "Selena and I...well we had that 'nothing will ever part us, we'll live forever' mentality. We never even thought about doing the ceremony. It was something to worry about in the future. But the future..."

She looked up, amazed to see a single tear caught in his long eyelashes. She reached out her hand and gently swiped that tear away. "So this is...what? A contingency plan?"

"No, sweetheart. I had something special with Selena, something very different from what I have now with you. It's different with each of you. I love you both. I will always love Selena, it would probably take removing my heart to get her completely out. But with you, I would literally die without you." He stared into her eyes, hoping and praying that she would get what he was saying. She had a habit of understanding him better than he understood himself.

When she dropped his hand and stood, walking away from him and around the heavy glass monstrosity of a coffee table that he'd always hated, fear encased his heart in a deep freeze. "Baby..."

She held her hand up to stop him. The slightest shake of her head was enough to make him never want to speak again if that is what she wished. He watched as she began to pace, her steps slow, her hands wringing in front of her body. She sighed and her shoulders drooped.

"I can't..."

"Then we won't." He'd spoken so quickly, he'd interrupted her. He couldn't help it. He couldn't lose her because of his insecurities.

She turned around and glared at him. "Shut it," she growled. "Let me get a full thought out."

If you added wings, a flaming sword and a halo, she'd be the most beautiful avenging angel at that moment. He held his hand out, giving her the floor.

"Before you stopped me I was going to tell you that I can't be the cause of your death. Do you think Selena really would have wanted you to have your life ended just because hers was taken from her? No, if she felt anything like how I feel, no, she would have been pissed off as hell at you for even thinking that. Our kind live long lives, Chal. We are hard to kill. Trust me, there were times that I wanted to die, that I wished I had the courage to end my misery. But I am so incredibly grateful that I hadn't. What I feel for you," she closed her eyes and looked down. "...killing myself back then, even if my life was awful, it would have been a sin."

She sighed quickly. "Not because of what humans consider a sin, but the true kind, the kind that leaves a terrible mark on your soul. You were waiting for me, even though you didn't know it. So when your life means everything that is good to me, how can I agree to allow you to discard it so easily?"

"But Bliss, my life would be over anyway. I could never survive that again, especially since you would be taken from me. There were so many nights that I thought of chaining myself outside and letting the sun finish the job. It's terrible, that pain. Why do you think I hooked up with someone like Celesta. She wanted nothing more than what my body could give her."

He stopped and stared at her when she scoffed. "That...That..." she took a deep breath. "That woman wanted your money. Why do you think she was hanging on to Donald so tightly?"

"Be that as it may," he said with a chuckle. "For me, it was simple, like stopping at a fast food restaurant. Like every woman I fed off. They meant no more to me than a bucket of chicken." He hated how he sounded, how harsh and unfeeling. He just needed her to know...needed her to feel it.

"Do you really think I could rest in peace knowing that my death caused yours? God, it's like I pointed a gun and pulled the trigger myself."

"But it's not meant like that." He walked toward her and took her in his arms, staring down into her mesmerizing eyes. "Bliss, life without a life-mate is an awful, lonely, devastating existence. It's not living, it's sitting and waiting for death to catch up to you so that you can be with that person again. Some of us, we never know what that experience is like, the connection, the absolute euphoria of being with that person. Being without them...It's not meant..."

He stopped. If he died, would he want her death, even if it meant his loneliness. He would want her to live on, find happiness, even if it meant another man. A growl ripped from his throat and he looked up, startled. Okay, so thinking about her with other men would be something he would never think of again. "I understand your point. I may not like it, and I make no promises to live on if you were taken from me. But I will respect your wishes."

"Then you'll also respect my wishes for you to continue living, find another woman and find happiness again." She moved closer to him and lifted his chin in her tiny hand.

He stared up at her. He wouldn't lie to her. He wouldn't start their lives together with a lie. "I want to tell you that I will respect that request, Bliss. I can't lie to you. If you die before me, I will be following you on that path of the next world as quickly as I can make it. You are it for me, Bliss. I thought I had nothing to hope for after Selena died," he sighed waiting for the anguish that usually accompanied any of his thoughts of his first love. With an incomprehensible amount of gratitude, he realized it was gone. "I just hope you can respect that."

"Oh, God, what is it with you stubborn men!" She sighed and turned toward him. "Just don't remind me and I will try not to smack you upside the head when you show up."

He chuckled. "Deal." He touched her cheek, staring down into her beautiful eyes. "So you won't leave me? Don't want to find someone else better than me? Maybe someone a little less scarred and battle hardened?"

"Pshaw, is there such a creature? I can only see you."

His grin grew wider. "Oh baby girl, you should really watch how much power you give a guy."

"But Chal," she said, sneaking in closer so that his arms wrapped tightly around her, pressing her even closer. "No other guy but you has any power over me."

His arms tightened even more. "Good answer, sweetheart." He kissed her brow and then lifted her easily, striding quickly to the stairs and then taking them two at a times.

At the bottom of the steps, four eyes followed their path. A hand flashed out and took the twenty dollars the other held out. "Told you..." was the masculine whisper.

"I am never betting against you again." Giselle whispered back.

"Wanna bet," Rodney snickered.

Giselle slapped her hand against his chest and then turned and headed back toward the kitchen. "Come on, you old fool." With a coy smile tossed his way over her shoulder she put just a bit more sway to her backside. "I have need of you."

"Oh my love, I am definitely the man for the job." He folded the twenty and slipped into the pocket in his jacket, then he bounded up behind her, his gait amazingly limber for a man who looked as he did.

A fine hiss of fog billowed up behind them, showing off their true forms, that of a man and woman no older than their twenties. As quickly as the fog billowed, it disappeared. Only Giselle's sexy giggle floated behind them as they disappeared into the bowels of the house.

* * * *

Chal was still smiling when he kissed her. His mouth barely grazed her lips, returning over and over, becoming longer and more passionate finally rubbing against hers with a sensuousness that came from the incubus side of him. She shivered at every intimate touch of his mouth and reached to twine his long locks between her fingers. "I want to say yes..." she breathed, pressing her tongue against his lips.

"Is there a but to that?" he moaned and then wanted to curse himself when she pulled back slightly and hesitated.

"But what I've been through, what I've done, the men that have paid money for me, for the use of..." She motioned down her body and he knew what she meant. "How would you feel if you met one of those men, or knew one to be your friend or maybe someone you had business dealings with? I don't think I could handle it if you turned from me when you know what...I've...been force to..." A single tear slipped from behind her lashes only to be caught by his lips delicately sipping..

He tasted that salty tear and then framed her face with his hands. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I can't tell you exactly how I would react. Duels are not done in this time period. I would hope I would be civilized enough and do the right thing but I think I'd rather drain them of their blood for causing you any hurt or embarrassment." He kissed her eyes gently and then her mouth. "I wouldn't turn from you, no matter what they forced you to do. Bliss, you've climbed into my heart and I want to cradle you there forever. I don't know if this is love or not but I want you here with me, for as long as you'll have me. They may have borrowed use of your body but I will be the only and last man from now on."

Instead of speaking around the lump that had lodged in her throat, she reached out and mimicked him, cradling his face in her small, warm hands. She brought him to her and kissed him showing more passion then the gentleness he'd shown her. He hesitated but an instant and then his arms wrapped around her with an ardent and intimate intent, holding her with sweet care. She was as intoxicating as the finest scotch and the taste of her made his head spin.

When he finally lifted his head, she was breathless, her eyes still closed. He'd held her tenderly, pulling her onto to his lap and leaned his back against the padded headboard of his bed. He felt as if he was going up in a burst of flames, but his hands were gentle against her skin. "And?" he asked, his lips nipping sweetly at her long throat.

"Yes," she breathed. "I want to be yours. If you're sure..."

His lips cut off her words and his tongue teased at the seam of her mouth. She opened her lips for him and he groaned at her dark heat. A shimmery golden bubble of pleasure burst through her and her hips moved against his body, searching for that which would lead her to the next level. She moaned as that bubble burst again, tightening her nipples and making her shiver. "Chal... What do..."

His tongue slipped over her nipple and drew the tip into his mouth, suckling gently. His hair was thick around his shoulders, sweeping over her skin. She arched against his arms and her hands grasped at his back as another bubble engulfed her. He shivered with her pleasure and his hands moved lower, his palms caressing the skin over her ribs.


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