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Dressed To Kill Ch. 06

Story Info
Noella christens her new car and the maid cleans up!
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Part 6 of the 17 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/31/2012
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Damien was towing the line after their terse words, He was now home at night and nutritious meals seemed to be happening. The week dawdled along with work and a couple sessions with her personal trainer, with whom she had a love/hate relationship. Noella often found his approach and the work he set pretty tough, but she felt great and looked fantastic and so she accepted that the effort and discomfort was worth it.

Friday brought lunch with Jodie and Suzie. They tried a new place in Malvern the "Fork and Spoon" which was a hit, with its delicious fresh and healthy food. Noella was excited to tell them about her new car, but she said not a word about Mark, as she wasn't sure how they would take her screwing the salesman. Maybe she would tell them another day.

The weekend brought Emily for the weekend and Stephanie stayed overnight Saturday, which resulted in a girls shopping day at the mall on Sunday. New skirts, shirts and jeans for the girls and what would a shopping day be without a new pair of shoes for everyone. Noella enjoyed buying the girls lunch at one of the cafes, over which they had a great chat. This allowed her to instil on them that she was still their Mum, even though she didn't live with them, she would always be there for them. She was also interested to hear them complain about their fathers new girlfriend who was barley older than they were. After the shopping was done, she dropped the girls at Damien's and went home, pretty comfortable where things were in her life, but she was a little concerned about Damien's increasing desire for ever younger women.

Monday brought school duties with Emily again, but no phone call from Mark, but she resisted the temptation to shoot off a text, not wanting to appear over keen, but she didn't think she'd be so controlled on Tuesday if there was no word from Mark.

She needn't have worried as at exactly 9-30am on Tuesday, just after she had dropped Emily to school, Mark rang. It was "salesman" Mark, not "the hot stud" that rang advising Noella that her car had arrived.

"Hi Noella."

"Hi Mark." she replied, barely able to disguise her desire.

"Good news." he announced. " Your E500 Convertible Mercedes Benz has arrived and is being given its final check and will be ready for pick up at 12-30." he advised, with not a hint of the attraction they shared a few days ago.

"That is wonderful news! Will you be their to show me how to drive it?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything." Mark's all business persona finally broke and a cheeky smile entered his voice.

"Maybe we could do lunch?" Noella proposed hopefully.

"Maybe we could DO more than lunch?" he quipped

"Now your just being cheeky!" she scolded.

"I'll see you at 12-30!"

"See you then!"

Ooh I'm so hot for him!

She went up stairs to pick an outfit that would fitting for picking up her new car from dreamy Mark, on what was predicted to be a warm sunny day.

A half an hour later she had laid out a red figure hugging dress with tapered shoulder straps. She added skin tone hold up stockings, a glitzy sparkly belt that matched a pair of outrageous shoes from her "new Noella" shopping spree, that sparkled allover and possessed the biggest heels she had ever bought. A large red leather hold all bag was added to carry a more practical pair of flats for driving, which were also sparkly all over.

Nothing like colour co-ordinating with your car!

She went then went down and took all her personal nick knacks from her little BMW, which she was trading in on the new car. It was a little sad, as it had been a trusty little car, but it was time to move on up in the world.

Midday soon came around and she finished getting dressed. She cut a sharp figure, the slim line dress highlighted her sleek gym toned figure, her firm breasts emphasised by a revealing neckline, that showed a hint of her red bra, making the whole effect very alluring.

Standing in front of the mirror checking her make-up, she was very satisfied with outcome.

Hot but not slutty! Perfect!

She bounced down stairs to the garage, excited by the prospect of driving her new steed and her imminent re-connection with Mark.

Twelve thirty on the dot she pulled up in front of the Mercedes dealership. Mark was out the front waiting, which made her heart skip with excitement. He opened the car door for her as she quickly changed shoes before standing and giving him a neat peck on the cheek.

"Hi Noella! You're looking awesome.....as usual!"

"Why thank you." she replied with a flutter. "It's lovely to see you again."

"Come inside and we'll get you to sign some papers and then we can take your new machine for a drive."

"Great!" replied Noella as they headed inside, Noella once again creating a major distraction for the salesmen in the showroom. Mark guided her into the office of Miles, the Sales Manager, where they spent about twenty minutes completing the finance and registration papers. As they were leaving Mark asked Miles if he could have some time to take Noella to lunch. Miles agreed that would be fine, but he told Mark he needed to be back by two thirty for a meeting. Noella's heart sunk as she had hoped for a little afternoon delight.

Damn! I'm going to have find a way to get my hands on him some other way.

Mark ushered her through to a garage area on the side of the showroom where Noella's beautiful new car stood. She stopped, stunned by the beauty of the gleaming red Benz that awaited her, looking elegant with the top down.

"Oh Mark! It's beautiful!"

"You're right. It is beautiful and it's yours."

"It hasn't sunk in yet."

"It is yours and I think its time for a drive." He took Noella by the hand and lead her around to the drivers side door. Opening it, he stepped aside allowing Noella to slide in behind the wheel, where she slid off her monster heels, again exchanging them for flats that she carried in her handhold all bag.

Mark helped her adjust the seat and mirrors before jumping in the passenger seat, which was the signal for Noella to fire up the engine. She pressed the ignition button causing a sweet growl to escape from the exhaust. Carefully she guided the impressive machine out onto the highway heading for Bay St. which would lead them down onto the Beach Rd. Mark told her to head for St. Kilda where he had made a restaurant reservation.

As they swept through the North Brighton shops down towards the Beach Rd., Noella marvelled at how beautiful the red Mercedes was to drive. With the top down, she enjoyed the feeling of the sun and the freedom this gave her. Mark sat in the passenger seat, dialling up music on his phone and Blue Toothing it to the car sound system. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was currently blasting the atmosphere, with Bon Jovi's "Living On a Prayer." soon to follow. He had a big smile on his face as he watched Noella fall in love with her car. Few words were spoken, but there was a certain electricity between them that made words redundant.

As they sat at the junction of Bay St and Beach Rd, Noella piped up.

"Where's the lunch booking?"


"Very nice. I'm impressed."

"So you should be." bragged Mark

She flashed him a dirty look, but secretly enjoyed this friendly banter.

They swept around the beach road, the red Mercedes effortlessly sweeping around the curved road. They turned more than a few heads, such was the majesty of the German auto. Soon they arrived at Donnelli's, a beautiful restaurant which occupies a building bathers used as changing rooms in years gone by. Now because of its ideal location right in the bay foreshore it was one of the must go to places in the city. Noella pulled her amazing new car up in the front of the restaurant, synchronistically finding a car park right outside. Mark filled the parking meter and they walked inside.


The head waiter escorted them to a table for two right on the window, giving them a panoramic view of the bay. Taking their places as the waiters pulled back their chairs, Noella thrilled at the beauty of the place, which was decked out like a beach house. The handsome company she was keeping caused her heart to flutter a little.

Mark ordered a glass of French Champagne for each of them. When it arrived he made a toast.

"For a beautiful woman, a beautiful car and a beautiful life!"

"A beautiful life!" Noella chimed in as they clinked glasses.

The dryness of the champagne was like a desert on her palate, the complex after tones dancing across her tongue.

She smiled as she enjoyed perfection of the situation. Mark smiled back also enjoying the occasion.

Soon menus arrived and they chit chatted away. Mark's trip and Noella's legendary status as the hottest showroom customer ever, being among the topics of conversation. Noella laughed at the prospect of all the car salesman tittering amongst themselves about how hot she was.

Soon their orders arrived. Hers was the lobster meat tossed in pasta with a light chilli sauce. His, the 600 gram Rib Eye with hand cut chips and salad. Mark ordered a glass of bold red to go with the steak. Noella opted for the chilled water after the celebratory champagne, knowing that she would have to pilot the Mercedes home.

They luxuriated in the fantastic lunch and surroundings, the conversation free and easy with few awkward pauses. Strong coffee with elegant petit fours concluded proceedings, Noella satisfying her chocolate addiction with two perfect chocolate delicacies.

It was soon over and Mark plonked his Amex on top of the bill, the waiter whisking it away.

"I've had a great time." he rasped, the full power of his voice seemingly escaping him.

"So have I." she agreed in a dreamy kind of voice, whilst gently grazing his foot with her giant heel, under the table. They smiled at each other, absorbing the joy of the moment.

Soon they were back in the German red motor, cruising down the Nepean Highway. The clock on the dashboard indicating the witching hour of two thirty would be soon upon them. The dealership soon loomed on the horizon and Noella came to grips with the fact that she would soon have to let Mark go back to work instead of spending the afternoon together. They pulled up in front of the glass fronted building, which had a row of gleaming cars strung along it's front perimeter.

"Thank you." she sighed. "It's been a lovely lunch and she leaned across and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I can't believe this beauty is mine."

"It's been a pleasure and I know the car will bring great pleasure. We'll talk soon?"

"I hope to more than talk!" she jibed back.

Mark laughed at Noella's directness.

"Ok. We'll do more than just talk. I've gotta go now but I WILL see you soon."

With a peck to her cheek he disappeared inside.

Noella sat in the car for a moment, before picking up her phone and ringing Suzie.

"Hi Suze. Are you home?"

She was.

"Great! I've got something to show you. I'll be there in five." She hung up abruptly before ringing Jodie and a similar conversation followed.

"I'll be there in ten."

Within in five minutes she at Suzie's house who cooed at the sleek Mercedes.

"Wanna drive." offered Noella .

"You bet!"

With in a minute Suzie had rushed inside for some driving flats and was soon behind the wheel, heading for Jodie's.

"Wow! This is amazing to drive. So smooth." exclaimed Suzie.

"It is great." agreed Noella.

Soon they pulled up in front of house Jodie's house, and Suzie honked the horn, which brought Jodie running from the house. She also gushed over Noella's new car. When she saw Suzie behind the wheel, she too rushed back inside for some driving shoes before jumping in the back seat, making it known that she too wanted a turn driving the convertible.

The friends then cruised the bayside suburbs, pumping the music, laughing and giggling as they enjoyed the fun of top down motoring, before stopping for a coffee in one of the trendy Elwood cafes.

"I'm so jealous." admitted Suzie as she sipped her latte, as they soaked up the vibe sitting amongst the funky people who inhabited this somewhat bohemian suburb.

"Me too!" agreed Jodie. "I wonder if Paul will let me have one?" referring to her CEO husband.

"I know what Michael would say. No in twenty five different languages!"

They all laughed. The coffee soon disappeared from the cups and Jodie geared up for her turn to her turn to pilot the superb German machine.

Once they were were all belted up she indicated right before easing out from the kerb and gliding the car back along the Beach Rd., as it offered the greatest driving pleasure, Jodie wearing a grin from ear to ear. After half an hour of driving around the leafy streets of Brighton she finally relented to drive home and give up the pleasure of the Mercedes and so around four o'clock that pulled up outside her house. She asked Noella to take a photo of her behind the wheel with her phone camera to show Paul. Then they exchanged kisses on the cheek and she disappeared inside the house.

Suzie begged for one last drive and so Noella obliged. Five minutes later they pulled up the front of Suzie's where her husband Michael was getting out of his car after arriving home from work.

Seeing Suzie drive up in the red convertible, he came down to have a look.

"Hi Noella, what have we here?" he asked as Noella took a photo for Suzie, looking very comfortable behind the wheel.

"It's my new car." Suzie countered, causing him to cough and splutter.

"I don't thinks so Honey."

"You're such a spoilt sport." pouted Suzie.

"It's actually my new car." announced Noella.

"Very impressive."

"Thank you. I picked it up today, but I'm already in love."

"I can understand why."

"You know Michael, I could really see myself in one of these."

"You do look beautiful in it Honey, but the bank manager might have something to say if we spent this much money on a car!"

" I guess you're right." she said reluctantly agreed as she alighted and gave Noella a peck on the check. "I'm so jealous."

"When ever you want a drive, just let me know." offered Noella.

"That would be great!" and she took Michael's hand and walked inside.

Noella jumped behind the wheel and fired up the beast to head home. She again revelled in the joy of driving HER NEW CAR and cruised home with little hurry. As she turned the corner into her street her heart jumped wildly.

OMG! Mark!!

There, parked in front of the group of townhouses was a gleaming silver Mercedes saloon, a tall handsome figure standing on the kerb next it, busily barking into his mobile phone. When he recognised that Noella was coming up the street, he quickly ended his call, before waving and smiling at her. She waved and smiled back, pulling her car in behind Mark's.

"Hi Noella! You look amazing in that car!"

"Why, thank you. I thinks it suits me."

"It certainly does! I was just about to text you. I forgot to give you this bag of goodies I got you to go with the car." he said as he lifted a black hold all bag with a Mercedes three pointed star embossed on the side.

"Oh love goodies!" she exclaimed. " Jump in and I'll park this beauty in the garage and you can show me your goodies!"

Mark dutifully got into the passenger seat and she drove the gleaming car down the driveway to the underground car park, the automatic garage door slowly rising to allow their entrance.

Once inside she eased the car down the steep driveway before taking the centre spot of her three available parks, stopping the car up just in front of the wall. She made the car safe and then leaned over to Mark.

"Are going to give me a kiss"

" Of course!."

He leaned over and met Noella's lips with his, creating a gentle seal. Noella enjoyed the sensuality and texture of Mark's lips. Joyfully and playfully they locked and relocked mouths before Noella gently slid her tongue into his mouth, sensually wrapping her tongue around his. They sat there for a couple minutes exploring each others mouths before passion began to overtake Mark, pulling Noella towards him, his hands searching for her globular breasts through her dress.

Mmm. His touch is magic.

She released her mouth from his and leaned back to find his ear. She gently traced its ridges before encasing the whole ear in her mouth, sucking gently which induced a deep groan from Mark as he teased her nipples through her dress and bra to which they immediately responded by going rigid under his touch.

Releasing the ear Noella whispered.

"I want to christen the car."

"What?" answered Mark some what confused.

"I want to christen the car." Noella repeated.

"Christen?" he questioned again.

"I want you to fuck me in the car." she clarified, stripping away any ambiguity by running her hand over his body before grasping firmly on the growing bulge in his trousers.

"You are wicked Noella."

"I know." she answered as she undid his fly and then his trouser buttons allowing, her free access to hard cock before kneeling up on the drivers seat.

"Can you put the seat back please?" she asked.

Obeying, Mark pressed the switch on the side of the seat. There was a faint whirring as the electric motor dropped the seat backwards, allowing Noella to lean over and take Mark's engorged penis in hand before she slid her tongue over its tip, giving it gentle flickers.

"Holy cow Noella."

"You like?"

"I like! Please stop talking."

"Yes boss."

She slid her mouth over the big rod taking it almost to the hilt. Slowly drew her head up to again titillate its tip.


Noella was getting serious with a piston like motion causing the dick to grow and visibly harden.

"Noella you give awesome head."

Noella withdrew her mouth from her diligent work.

"Is that a compliment.?"

"Of course!. I can't touch your body like this. Can you let me up."


Mark sat up from his inclined position and opening the car door, he stood and walked around the back of the car, as Noella watched him bemused, as he struggled around with his pants half way down. Reaching the door he opened it.

"Come over here." he commanded.

Noella crawled back across to the drivers side. Mark placed his hands under her arms, lifting her so that she now stood in the car doorway. He moved his hands to her buttocks, squeezing her shapely body against him before forcibly locking his mouth onto hers, aggressively engaging her tongue.

They stood for a moment in this firm embrace, Noella's arms wrapped around Mark's neck. Mark released his right hand from her buttock, he then traced up the zipper up the back of Noella's dress to find the zip, which he then smoothly pulled all the way down. He shifted the dress from her shoulders before pulling it downwards. With a bit of help from Noella it dropped to the floor revealing her stockings and red bra and panty set, her gigantic heals nearly bringing Noella to Mark's height.

"I think you need to take off your trousers and shoes Babe." she suggested.

Mark dutifully began struggling to remove his shoes and pants as quickly as possible. Eventually he was free of their encumbrance.

"Let me help you with the shirt."

She stepped up to unbutton his shirt, Mark hands once again helping themselves to a squeeze of her tight butt. Once all the buttons were free she lid it off his shoulders before kissing his nipples and tracing the gym sculptured muscles of Mark's chest with her left hand whilst she took hold of his rod with her right.

"I want to suck you tits." he said firmly.

Dutifully Noella reached behind and released her bra strap and slid her red brea over her arms. She leaned back against the car, allowing Mark to stroke and squeeze her breasts before he attached his mouth her right nipple, tweaking the other nipple with left hand. Noella swooned at the intimate attention she was receiving, her skin tingling from his touch.

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