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Click hereI rubbed her ass with my hand while I stimulated her groin lightly with my thigh. "You've got a great body. You're damn sexy."
"Is this how you seduce a woman?" she asked innocently.
"It is. I respond naturally to you," I whispered. "You make me feel young again."
"You're very good at it," she encouraged me. "I know you won't hurt me."
I looked into her eyes to reassure her and then I kissed her forcefully. She accepted my tongue in her mouth and we traded darts back and forth. Moving my hand between our bodies, I found her panties and used my thigh to push my fingers firmly against her vulva. She let her legs fall open and I felt her whole body twitch as I stroked over her clitoris through the cloth.
After a minute of stimulating her indirectly, I drew my hand up and pushed my fingers inside her panties. I slipped my middle finger down between the lips of her pussy. She was moist and I twirled my finger around to increase her wetness. Poking into her hole, I enjoyed the tight grip at the entrance and how she loosened up to accept me. I knew I would enjoy pushing my penis through her resistance and making her want me.
"Uh, you're right," she breathed. "It's fun to pretend you're a high school student, learning about your body for the first time on the playground at night."
She must have been cute and innocent, to let a boy touch her for the first time in high school. Was it possible she was still a virgin? I kept pushing my finger farther inside and let the palm of my hand bump against her clit. Her breathing was heavy and she freely expressed enjoyment. I kissed around to her ear and poked my tongue in to play. She let me molest her tender spots.
Searching with my hand under her back for the zipper of her dress, I figured out the clasp at top and fished the tiny zipper out of the fold to undo her dress. I sat up but continued to finger her. She opened her eyes to see what I was doing. I stroked down the side of her face and pulled the dress free off her left shoulder, then down in front to reveal her bra and tits. I continued to pull her dress down off her arms until it was bunched above her waist.
She lay with her hands at her sides and did not try to cover herself. "I didn't realize how nice it is to be taken. My whole body is tingling."
I saw more lines around her eyes as she smiled. The diffused sunlight hit her face from one angle and highlighted the wrinkles, not unattractively, giving her face a gentle sweetness.
From my squatting position, I used two hands between her legs. I poked my middle finger deeper now and twisted inside, and with my other hand I covered over the top of her clitoris and rubbed the lips to give her general excitement without making it too sharp. I liked to watch the expressions on her face as I changed the patterns and rhythm. Now and then she would shudder and other times she would let go.
I used my support hand to reach for her bra. I fumbled trying to undo it. She quickly assisted by undoing the clasp and pulling her bra open, then laying her hands back at her sides and letting me feel her breasts. Her tits were small but firm and her nipples erect as little nubs. I tweaked each in turn in my fingers. She bit her lip as I touched each the first time.
After I tweaked them I lowered my mouth to kiss and then teethe on her nipples. She moaned as I sucked her nipples and she grabbed the back of my head to coax me for more. I enjoyed bouncing from nipple to nipple as I fingered her hole and bumped her down there with my thumb. I started to drift my lips between her breasts down to her tummy, pausing to poke my tongue into her belly button. As I kept going and almost to her panties, she pushed my head away and closed her legs.
"Don't do that," she said sharply. It was disappointing and I thought even if she took my penis in her mouth, which wasn't likely, she probably wasn't very good at it.
I told her, "It would be fun to have more foreplay and I know you'd enjoy it."
"No, I'm ready," she matter-of-factly. "I want you inside me. Take me now while I'm ready."
I stood up by the bed and dropped my pants and underwear. She stared at my dick standing up hard and set to go. I tried once more on the oral sex by saying, "It would be good to get each other wet before we start. You've got such a beautiful little body, I'm afraid you're fit and too tight and I don't want to hurt you."
"Here, I've got lube in my drawer." She reached over to open the drawer of her night table and I saw a shaky toy when she handed me a tube of K-Y jelly.
"Do you have a condom?" I asked her.
"You don't need a condom," she said. "I'm way past that time, and I'm clean. You're clean, right? But thanks for asking."
I stood there with the K-Y and I thought, "She doesn't know enough to lather my penis with the K-Y and she'd rather watch me do it myself." I got to it. I believe she did like watching me as she removed her clothes and propped back on her elbows with legs spread open to invite me.
I climbed up over her without touching our bodies yet and I kissed her. Our kiss progressed to a deep tongue action and I let my penis lay over her mound and then slide down to poke at her pussy lips. I was teasing her to get her blood up. Without laying any weight on her, I let the head of my cock poke in and out at the entrance of her cunt. I enjoyed the rigid tension of her pussy, like she was anxious and virginal though all her motions provoked me to fuck her.
I had enough lube that repeated pokes loosened her up and I got in halfway. I lowered my chest and pinned her to the mattress to let my dick begin stroking more fully. She spanned her hands across my back and pulled my weight on top. As I got deeper, I gave her more weight.
She looked happy. I loved the feel of her body and the whole experience of her home. I dreamt of marrying this woman and enjoying an upper class lifestyle.
Anna let her head fall back, her eyes closed and mouth agape without tension. I could tell she enjoyed the simple sensation of my dick sliding in and out with long, rapid strokes. She was no virgin.
I tried to sit up and turn her sideways, to change position for variety and entertainment. She clutched my back harder to her frame. "No, don't stop," she pleaded. She grunted.
I kept the piston action going but I knew it would not be as fulfilling for me, and probably not for her, if we stuck to one movement. Maybe she wanted it fast. Sometimes women want you to come as fast as you can.
I tried to reach down between us to play with her tit but it was awkward. I settled to nuzzle my nose into her neck and ear and pull on her ear lobe with my teeth. She continued to lay her head back, eyes closed, panting. I believe she emptied her mind to concentrate on the sensation of being fucked senseless.
When I felt myself building toward an orgasm, I whispered in her ear, "You're going to make me come. I can't stop myself."
"Yes, do it," she grunted. "Shoot your spunk inside of me."
As I came, I thrust deeply and held my rigid penis deep in her pussy.
"Don't stop," she whined.
Although I preferred to hold tight, I moved my hips and maintained the grind on her clitoris. She shuddered and shoved her hips against me in pulses. She groaned again. I think she had an orgasm but she did not clench her vaginal muscles as some women do.
We held together in a slow rub for a few minutes until we relaxed in a silent embrace. She patted me on the back and said, "I'll go wash up and then you can use the bathroom."
Before I would let Anna go, I whispered in her ear, "You're a beautiful woman, inside and out. I love your body. Did you have an orgasm?"
"I enjoyed that," she smiled. "You're such a man. I really liked how hard you are and you had control."
The silver cross hung off the side of her neck. I asked her, "Will Jesus forgive you?"
"Jesus loves me and he does not castigate me as a sinner for being a woman. In the spirit of Christmas, he would smile that we shared this gift."
"Amen," I assured her. I let her up and watched her run to the bathroom. She had a smaller ass than I expected, and it was a bit square at the bottom, but firm and attractive. I liked how she danced on her toes as she ran.
Where we had laid, a wet spot stained the white bed spread. I supposed she felt the fluid gushing and tried to pre-empt the drip. Sitting up, I pulled my legs together so my wet dick would lie on my legs instead of on the bed. The top drawer of her night table was ajar. My curiosity ratcheted up and I felt compelled to open the drawer further. I saw her shaky toy, a soft dildo with nubs all over it. There were video cases picturing a woman with two men. One showed double penetration. I pushed it aside and saw condoms in the bottom of the drawer. Did she want me to come inside her, or why did she hide the condoms from me? I restored the position of these things and pushed the drawer back to its mostly closed alignment.
The bottom drawer required more effort to open. On top were several framed photographs. The first was a photo of Anna together with a man, slightly balding, and they stood together on a balcony at a beach resort. I had not seen any wedding ring or indication that she was attached, such as men's clothes or items in the house. The second picture was Anna with another man, maybe a few years younger than Anna but still older than me. He was a heavier man and laughed in the photo as if he were drunk. They were dressed for a dinner ball and I think the shot must have been staged against a backdrop where all the couples attending could receive a memento. Underneath the photos I saw small notebooks, which may have been diaries. I heard the water in the bathroom stop and I had snooped enough. I shut the drawer and laid back on the bed as if I had been recuperating while she was gone. I didn't want Anna to see my snooping. I remembered the time I caught a little brunette fox trying to look at my cell phone. I should never have let that fox go but she creeped me out trying to spy on me.
Anna was an odd puzzle. I believed she must have a complex history and an unusual outlook on life. Maybe our quickie was not the most exciting sex but it was a good interlude. Did she react the same way? With the right set-up we could be more intimate.
Anna returned with a folded towel that she laid at my feet. She leaned over and kissed me on the lips. She said, "You can use this fresh towel. Do you have time for a sandwich?"
"I'd love to spend more time with you," I admitted. "I'm not picky about my food. Anything you have would be nice." I got up to wash myself.
When I came from the bathroom, I heard Anna moving plates and such downstairs in the kitchen. I was tempted to snoop more as I put on my pants, but I restrained myself to a peek in her closet. Without searching any boxes or the drawers in the closet, I took solace that she didn't have sets of autographed sneakers stacked in the corner. I left my questions for another time and joined Anna in the kitchen.
Anna had matched two place settings side by side on the counter with stools. It was a turkey cold cut sandwich on a plate with potato chips. She had refreshed my glass of iced tea. The settings were adorned with knife and fork on holiday napkins displaying holly leaves in the corners. I sat down next to her to enjoy the lunch.
My first bite of her sandwich, complete with lettuce and tomato, gave me a burst of fancy mustard. The mustard was sharp but tasty. Well, I had told her I would accept anything. After I swallowed, I said, "You really know how to take care of a guy. Are you courting me?"
She draped her arm on my shoulder and gave me a peck on the cheek. Her dreamy eyes focused into parts of my face and her mouth twitched. She said, "I enjoyed spending a break with you. Like a present to celebrate the holidays."
I dropped my hand to her thigh for a squeeze. I whispered, "You're going to get my blood up for a second go."
She retreated by pulling her hand off my shoulder to her lap. She demurred, "I'm not a spring chicken anymore and I'm a bit worn out."
Her declaration was disconcerting to me. If she barely endured our ten minutes then she wasn't going to withstand an hour as we make love properly. Still, I tried to encourage our engagement. I offered, "Do you want to get together again, maybe a day when we have more time?"
"I'm flattered you enjoyed my gift to you. These drill bits are for you also." She slid the drill bits over to my plate, decorated now with a red bow stuck on top.
"Wow, you want me to have those?" I was touched but puzzled. It seemed like she had intended to orchestrate our meeting and bought a party favor on my suggestion.
"I'm slipping a trinket in your pocket and drill bits are perfect for you. If I had planned ahead I could have given you a more personal item."
"You're very generous," I assured her. "You don't need to buy me gifts. Your presence is gift enough. Will you meet me again?"
"I'd like to say yes," she afforded, "although I worry a big fella like you has more energy and I won't keep up with your expectations. Maybe I'll run into you at the Home Depot again."
"I'll be there on Thursday, about the same time. I have to pick out a new router."
"Let's see if I don't surprise you," she laughed. "I might buy you a new router and it will be like the twelve days of Christmas for my lord."
"You've made me impatient now, unable to wait two days. You are full of surprises and I want to unwrap the present I find in the little red dress." I stroked down the back of her festive holiday dress. Of course, she smiled.
We said our good-byes at the door. I was happy to receive this unexpected holiday surprise, and I would be doubly fortunate if she appeared at the store to repeat our fun. At the same time, I was cautious because she did not show a deeper commitment. I played a game to take my physical satisfaction, and now that I wanted more, Anna seemed satisfied to pace our relationship until we learned about each other. She taught me a new dimension of my own desire. Perhaps this was her gift to me.
Really liked this story! Hope you follow it up and answer some questions too!!!
Thanks for sharing๐ทโโ๏ธ๐ทโโ๏ธ๐ทโโ๏ธ