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Drugged and Raped Ch. 01

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Husband wakes to find he can't move and his wife is planning.
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/01/2018
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This story could be in a couple of categories. I chose LW since it does revolve around a cheating wife. For the Burn The Bitch crowd, sorry, life doesn't always work that way. I have tried to come up with a real world scenario with a real world ending. There is some sex, at least in my poor way of trying to describe sex, but if you are looking for a stroke story keep on looking. As far as criticism goes, I don't care. You get what you pay for. I write what I dream up and this one took a life of its own. By the way it has eighteen chapters. I will post a couple of chapters each day.


Charles, call him Chuck, Endo was trying to figure out what was happening to him. He knew he was lying on a soft substance, like a bed, and that he was awake but he couldn't open his eyes. Also, for some reason, he didn't think he could move anything. He could feel the pressure of the mattress, at least he assumed it was a mattress, and he could feel the air move over his naked skin but he didn't have any covers on.

He could hear soft murmurings close by. Then he realized that there was a warm body next to him. He now assumed he was in bed. The warm body must be his wife, Bev Endo. He tried to smile as he thought about how nice it was to have her warm body next to him almost every night for the last almost 15 years. It was such a pleasure to go to sleep in her arms and wake the same way every morning. Theirs was a love for the ages.

They had met in college. Chuck was finishing his bachelor's in business administration and Bev Willis was a few years behind working on her education degree. After his graduation he got a job in a small manufacturing plant locally and so they continued their relationship until her graduation. They had given each other their virginities during Chuck's senior year. Neither had ever had a different sexual partner.

They learned and experimented with sex until both declared their preferences. Bev never liked anal but loved to receive oral. She would occasionally perform oral on Chuck but never to completion. She tried once to eat his cum but she said it was way too salty for her. One of Chuck's favorite positions during sex was from behind. He could then reach around and grasp Bev's breasts and squeeze hard. She always seemed to love it also. Even when she was nursing and her breasts were more sensitive she liked having him manhandle each teat until she sprayed milk all over a pad that she laid down on the bed before they made love.

Chuck had fallen in love with her short brown hair, brown eyes, killer smile, 36 C breasts, tiny waist and nicely flared waist leading to her perfectly proportioned legs and tiny feet. The years had been kind to her. Now at 37 years of age she still looked good even after giving birth twice. She walked and worked out a lot to maintain her good looks.

Chuck couldn't say the same about himself. He was always a little heavy as he had never really done well in sports. In a large school district only the very best athletes were on the teams. He was more of a singer and was in drama also. Since graduation he had gotten a little heavier. His 5 foot 10 inch frame carried the weight well but in profile anyone could see his protruding gut. He was always willing to work out but time was hard to find to do so. He worked a lot of hours at the plant, ran the kids to various events and parties, mowed the lawn, helped Bev with the household stuff and liked to watch sports when he could. He always felt he should have a man cave where he could walk or run on the treadmill while watching a game.

His brown hair was thinning and a little grey. It made him look like the poster child for the 'daddy body' that had gotten some notoriety a few years ago. His solid 6 inch cock was still up to the task of pleasing Bev though, and they made love a couple of times a week.

Bev had always told him that she had no wish to sample another man's cock. Chuck's was quite good enough for her even though they had watched a lot of porn in the early days and everyone knows that only the big cocks get on video.

Chuck's reverie was interrupted when he paid attention to the murmuring again. Bev was talking to someone. He tried to open his eyes and turn his head but was unsuccessful. What was happening to him? It didn't feel like he had something over his eyes and it certainly didn't feel like he was tied down. Even if he was he should be able to turn his head a little. He couldn't even feel to see if he was wiggling a finger or a toe.

He strained to hear what was being said. Finally he made out a couple of statements. There seemed to be another person beside him and Bev in the room. Who could it be? After all he was naked and the warm body next to him was also naked. He could feel her skin against his.

Bev was talking and reassuring the other person. "Baby, leave it to me. After I am done with you it will look like you've been manhandled at the least and raped at the worst. When I yell at Chuck and show him what he did he won't be able to defend himself." Chuck then heard some sucking noise and a low moan.

The other person spoke in a whisper. "What if he wakes up too soon? What will we do then? He isn't tied down at all."

Her whisper was so low that Chuck couldn't make out who it was. Why was she concerned that he might wake up too soon?

The sucking noise stopped. There seemed to be a kiss exchanged. "It's okay. The guy I got the stuff from said that Chuck wouldn't be able to move a muscle. If he starts to twitch I can give him a drop more of the stuff and keep him immobile a while longer while we get all set up. I actually am having fun giving you hickeys while he is lying next to you."

The body lying next to him must not be Bev as she shook a little while giggling.

She whispered again. "I know. I am enjoying the view of his cock. I have never gotten to see one so close before. When you seduced me I was still innocent. Now I am a lesbian and loving it."

She paused before going on. "I am curious, though, to touch his cock and maybe even suck it a little. You took my virginity with your vibrator. Would his cock feel different?"

Bev then quickly answered. "Yes it would but if you want me to ever kiss your mouth or lick your pussy again you cannot ever have a cock or sperm anywhere near your mouth or pussy. I won't touch where a cock has been with my tongue. Not here, not ever."

The other female reassured his wife. "I know, Dear. I was just teasing a little. I might want to play with it when we get ready for the, what do you call it, the money shot?"

"You can do that. We need his sperm on your leg or belly to make him believe he had sex with you. We also need some bite marks on your body. Chuck likes to mark his territory."

The voice was a little stronger. "Will it hurt very much? I don't want to have to explain a lot of bruises to my parents. I still live at home you know."

"Oh, Baby, I will make sure they are hidden in regular clothes. They should fade in a couple of days and that's all we need them for. He will be begging for forgiveness and I will be able to dictate terms to keep him out of trouble."

The other female voice was very familiar to Chuck. Where had he heard her before? Why was Bev doing this to him? They had a solid relationship, or so he thought.

"Okay, Darcy, spread your legs apart and I will stroke your kitty while I give you a bite to remember."

Chuck heard the name. The only Darcy that he knew was their eighteen year old babysitter, Darcy McNeal, who lived down the street. She was a senior in high school and always seemed such a nice innocent girl.

Bev must had started to finger the cute blonde's pussy as Darcy put her leg over Chuck's leg and then made a satisfied sound before it turned into a short scream.

Darcy jerked away from Chuck. "Oh, God, that hurts. Do you have to do bite so hard?"

"We have to have a good mark for Chuck to see, don't we? Besides it should heal nicely just like the hickeys on your neck and tits. Here, look for yourself. Isn't that a perfect set of teeth marks? When my kids were babies and just starting to teeth they did the same to my breasts but only had one or two teeth at that time."

Suddenly the bed moved a little. "Let me get my phone and take a few pictures. Someday we might look at these and laugh about how we got everything from Chuck."

Darcy responded. "I don't like what we are doing to him. He has always been nice to me and treated me right. He doesn't even make suggestive comments like so many other guys and he has never tried anything with me. Are you sure we have to do this?"

"I am sure, Baby. He is too straight laced to allow me a lover of any kind, even a woman. Also, if he did agree to let me have you on the side he would want to fuck you and I won't share you with any man. No, we have to get as much from him as we can so we can be together forever."

She stopped for a moment. "I do love him and he gave me two wonderful kids but I love you more. I can't risk losing you or the kids so he has to understand that I will destroy him if necessary. He is just a pawn in this game, a rich one, but still just a pawn."

Bev must have returned to the bed. "I set up the phone to video us for a bit. Let me mark you some more."

Darcy must have agreed as soon she was yelping again in pain. Chuck still couldn't open his eyes or do anything to stop this whole activity. He had to just lay there and absorb what Bev had talked about.

He now knew that sometime in the recent past Bev had seduced the babysitter and had fallen in love with her. She felt that he would not allow this kind of relationship so she needed to make sure he couldn't fight her. This setup was designed to make sure he didn't fight. She must have been planning this for a while.

He wished he could slap himself on his head. Of course, the invention. He had just finished negotiations with one of the Big 3 automakers for a little device he had patented. It would render defrosters almost obsolete. This little device prevented any ice buildup and fog from clouding the windows of a car and worked almost instantaneously. He remembered calling Bev after the contract signing and telling her to get ready for a great celebration at a swanky restaurant that they had never considered going to on his salary. He had negotiated for a couple of million up front and then so much a car. His lawyer was in negotiations with the other manufacturers, including the Japanese, and soon there would be millions more coming in.

Bev must be planning on getting the lion's share, if not all of the money, and leaving him out in the cold. How could she say she loved him and also plan something so despicable?

If, and when, he would be able to move again he would have to make sure that his lawyer didn't sign anymore contracts until his relationship with Bev was settled. She wasn't going to win. He would have to plan some kind of retaliation.

Meanwhile Darcy's yelps and cries had deteriorated into quiet sobbing. How many times had Bev bitten her? What else had she done to disfigure her lover?

Bev was now soothing her new lover. She was making quiet comments about how she hated to do that but it was necessary. She then must have settled between Darcy's nicely tanned and toned legs as the sound of licking and slurping started up and Darcy was starting to make other kinds of noises and they weren't from pain.

Soon Darcy was humping her pelvis into her lover's face and straining to come. Her cries were getting louder. Chuck was trying to figure out why the boys weren't waking. It seemed every time that he got a good verbal response from Bev when they made love the boys woke and wanted to know what was going on. Did she give them something too? Chuck wanted to clench his fists and yell so badly but he still couldn't move a muscle or even make a sound.

Darcy suddenly struck Chuck's chest with a clenched fist as she let out a strangled cry as she came hard against her lover's tongue and lips. Chuck couldn't tell if Bev was also fingering Darcy's tight little pussy, at least he assumed it was a tight pussy as Bev had told Darcy that she could never have a real cock in it.

Darcy finally begged Bev to stop as she was too sensitive to continue having her pussy licked. Bev apparently was reluctant to stop her oral ministrations. Chuck assumed that Darcy had a very tasty pussy.

As the two rested for a moment Chuck noticed that he was able to move a finger. It wasn't much but he was slowly flexing a finger. Maybe the stuff was wearing off, whatever it was. His feeling of accomplishment was short lived as that finger was against Darcy's hip and she felt the movement.

"Bev, he moved. I just felt it. He must be coming out of it. Oh, God, now what? Do we need to restrain him?"

Bev stopped her with a kiss. "Don't worry. The directions the guy gave me allows for one extra dose. Any more than that and Chuck might stop breathing. I don't want to hurt him, just control him."

There was some movement and a couple of sounds that Chuck had no idea what caused them. He then felt a small object against his lips. Maybe an eyedropper? He didn't know for sure except that a single drop of fluid was placed in his mouth. He couldn't swallow but it must have absorbed through the membranes in his mouth as he became flaccid again in a few minutes. He raged against his inability to move or make any kind of defense against his erstwhile wife.

Assured that she had made him immobile again and that he was still breathing normally Bev then told Darcy to get ready as they had planned.

Chuck was trying to figure out what could she possibly do now to humiliate him or use to control his actions later.

He had his answer in few moments. Bev explained to Darcy what she was doing.

She grasped his cock and started to fondle him. Since the penis is not a muscle it responded quickly. "Look, Darcy, his cock is getting hard. I refused to have sex with him this week so his load should be spectacular. Watch as I get him super hard."

She continued to slowly stroke his cock. It was betraying him as it got very hard and almost painful. Darcy must have been entranced by the sight of an erection as he could feel her hot breath on the glans as Bev continued to stroke the shaft.

She didn't take it into her mouth though. Chuck wanted to shove his cock into her virgin mouth since he was a man and his cock always tried to seek a warm wet place to hide but he couldn't move. Bev slowly stroked his erection. She was playing with him and keeping him from coming for a bit. She wasn't in any hurry, it seemed.

Then Bev stopped. "Wait a minute. There is something else that I have been wanting to try with Chuck but I know he would never allow it. He is way too straight."

Darcy took over lightly stroking Chuck's hard cock. This was the first time anyone other than himself or Bev had ever touched his cock in a sexual way. He wished he could at least open his eyes and watch the pretty eighteen year old high school student explore her first cock. But he still could not move. He could only feel and listen for clues as to what his wife was up to now.

Darcy must have been watching Bev. "Why are you putting on your strap-on cock? You use it on me on a regular basis. That's nothing new. I mean, I want you to fuck me, but you said you want to try something on Chuck."

Bev let her innocent girlfriend in on her intentions. "Chuck would never let me touch his tight little anus or even think about sucking a cock. I even tried to tongue him once a month or so ago after we ate each other thoroughly but he said no rather emphatically. This is my chance, maybe my only chance, to use his virgin holes."

Darcy tried to intervene for the mute and drugged Chuck. "Isn't that wrong to do that? I wouldn't want you to do that to me without my consent and I am sure you wouldn't want someone to do that to you while you couldn't stop it. That isn't showing much love to Chuck, is it?"

Bev must have shrugged her shoulders as Chuck felt a hard heavy object tap against his leg. "I love him but he is such a stick in the mud. We watch porn but he doesn't want to experiment any longer. It's like he is stuck in high school and I am now a grad student in sex. There is so much more that I want to do and experience. I want you and I still want him but I need to shake him up. Maybe with all of this evidence he will let us expand his horizons."

Chuck felt his legs being moved apart. Bev told Darcy to continue to stroke Chuck's cock as she lubed his ass. He felt a cold wet finger at his anal opening. He wanted to scream so badly to get her to stop. He wasn't gay or even remotely bisexual. He almost couldn't let his doctor do a prostate exam when necessary during a physical.

He couldn't stop her though. Her finger slowly wormed its way into his most private spot. Darcy was grasping his cock a little harder now as he had lost some of his tumescence with the penetration. Soon his cock was back to its previous hardness while Bev made ready to insert a second finger.

Bev spoke again to Darcy. "I think that when I get ready to put in the dildo that we need to move him onto his side a little. I think we can put his leg up over my shoulder so I can get deep penetration. Then we will milk his prostate with the dildo and his cock at the same time. If we get him turned on enough he will shoot over your leg and belly and we will be about finished then except for the fireworks."

Darcy expressed her doubts about moving Chuck's heavy body.

Bev now had three fingers slowly working in and out of Chuck's ass. She used plenty of lube to reduce his pain and it was working. At first it had been painful, like taking a huge dry shit but he could hear the lube making wet noises as she worked his prostate with her fingertips. He was not having much trouble keeping his erection now.

She paused for a few moments and then came up alongside his body and turned his head. She forced his mouth open and then he tasted the strange taste of latex as she pushed the fake cock into his mouth. It was wide and stretched his lips and made his jaw ache immediately. She slowly moved it in and out ever deeper until it hit the back of his throat. He couldn't stop her and he also couldn't gag. She moved his head a little and then the fake cock made its way into his throat and the fake balls were banging against his face as she moved it in and out getting as much saliva as she good get onto the waterproof latex. He hated the smell and taste of the latex. He hated what she was doing to him. Darcy even commented that his cock was now flaccid even though she was still playing with it.

Bev grinned at her lover. "Look at how well he sucks cock. It is buried in his throat and he doesn't gag at all. I hope the camera is getting this all. I will masturbate over and over while watching this."

She finally let his mouth have a rest and pulled the cock out of his mouth. There was apparently a little saliva on it as he felt a drop on his cheek as she repositioned herself.

Then came the trial of moving his body to the side. Both women had to strain to move his 200+ pounds enough so that his leg would drape over Bev's shoulder and his cock was then pointed at Darcy's exposed abdomen. With a couple of swear words, some grunting noises, and tugging he must have finally been in a good enough position.

During the move his cock had become limp again. Darcy started to manipulate it again, now with more confidence until he started to harden. Bev was relubing his ass at the same time. She went through the whole process of using one, then two and then three fingers again before bringing the large dildo into position. Of course Chuck couldn't see how big it was. It might have been only six or seven inches long but it felt like a full foot of thick fake cock was being slowly rammed into his ass.


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