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DVD Rental Guy Takes My Wife


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As Cheryl led Ian to the door to let him out, she called back to her husband "Rest while you can - we're going to watch TV for the next two or three hours and I'm going to fuck you senseless, young man!" She winked to Ian and blew him a kiss as she closed the door behind him. "Till next time."

The DVD rental guy drove off with a satisfied smile, guessing that the next call would be soon, two weeks max, and he'd move to the next stage with them.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story was confusing. You didn't even figure out who she was married to. Were they at home? If so, is Ian a door to door adult DVD rental rep? Just a random guy they brought home from an adult rental store? In either case who does that? Why not continue the story?

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Cuckie's by a Redbox. How lame can you be?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I love the story my wife and I do what adult movies and I would really love to have the same thing happen with us I would enjoy watching her being taken by another man and I would enjoy the sloppy seconds that it would bring

StoneyLodgeStoneyLodgeover 4 years ago

Really enjoyed this very hot, erotic story. "First-Timers" are my favs and this did not disappoint. 5 Stars! And now on to the sequel.

CroonyCroonyabout 5 years ago
Very good.

I enjoyed it immensely.

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