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Ella and I Ch. 01

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My younger sister, Ella, was a nuisance to me through high school. She craved my attention and followed me for no apparent reason. She bothered me with questions about school stuff, sports, politics, and even trivial things like laundry and why I chose to wear those specific sneakers. I wouldn't say I hated her, but I was much happier when she was elsewhere.

I recall the time she barged into my room when I was starting to watch porn on my computer. Luckily, I was still fully dressed. My initial reaction was to switch the site to a sports event. The next thing was to yell at her, "Ella, what is wrong with you? You are already 17. Haven't you learned how to knock by now?"

"Sorry, Jesse. I was asked to write a short essay about my family. I need to mention your height and weight."

"It's 6'2" and 190 pounds. Now leave my room and NEVER enter without permission again. Clear?"

"Why are you so upset? Your computer is protected with 5 passwords, and I doubt whether god can see what you are hiding there. My life is easier - I use birthdays to protect mine, so I'll never forget the passwords." Next, she was gone.


A year and a half has passed. I attended UWM and still lived at home in Madison with my family. Ella was a senior in high school, and with her good grades, she planned to go to UWM later, too.

She still needed me frequently, but I couldn't help but notice she turned into an attractive young woman. Her face was always cute, yet in the past I ignored it. Her hips widened somewhat, and her chest grew significantly. It was at least D cup or even bigger, which was clearly visible on her 5'5" and 130 pounds with a narrow waist.

I tried to distract my mind from the obvious changes in her body but it wasn't easy. With her looking for me often, frequently dressed at home in skimpy clothes, she began appearing in some of my wet dreams...

One day, I was all alone in the house and was in the middle of preparing for an important exam. All of a sudden my computer started acting up. It was working for several minutes and then crushing abruptly. It happened 3 times in a row. I got frustrated and decided to do it on Ella's computer, hoping to be finished before she returned home.

I didn't know her password but remembered she was using family member's birthday numbers. I tried hers. Nope. Mom's and Dad's - Failure. Desperately I used mine - Success at last! Before trying to do my stuff, I looked at her files. Everything was boring, from Urban Outfitters clothes, to her correspondence with her bestie, Gayle.

The last folder was marked XYZ. I became curious - My sister was now almost 19, and I hadn't seen her with a guy yet. Did she have a crush on a guy at school?

I opened the file and read the last few sentences, '... he still ignores me but I think he softens up. God, why did I have to fall in love with this jerk? Sometimes I hate him but most of the time I'd give anything to be his.'

I felt the urge to know more but my time was limited. I copied the file onto a flash drive, and finished my school assignment 10 minutes later. I shut off her computer and returned to my room. The same evening, I went to Best Buy and The Geek Team fixed the trouble.

The following evening, I downloaded Ella's file onto my computer and hid it under a double password. In order to be sure I wouldn't be interrupted, I began reading the file when Ella was away at one of her girlfriends.

She started writing when she was around 17, so it was active for almost 2 years now. Her first sentence started, 'Jesse, why do you treat me like that? I love you! Can't you see that?...'

To say I was stunned was underestimation of the year. All that time, I was consumed by MY thoughts and feelings. Who knew she was obsessed with me? Was this the reason she didn't have a boyfriend despite being very attractive? During the hours that followed I was torn between feeling guilty and thinking about ways of improving our relationship.

Eventually, I came up with an idea - Ella's 19th birthday was coming soon. On the same day she'd probably have a B'day party with her friends, but I'd offer to take her to a restaurant and a movie of her choice the weekend after.


The following day Ella knocked on my door. I recognized her steps, and said, "Ella, you can enter."

"Jesse, a shelf in my room fell. Can you help me fix it?"

At the time, I was watching funny videos on my computer. I put my laptop down and followed her. Neither one of us said anything. She was probably amazed I not only agreed to help but did it immediately. I didn't speak because I still wasn't sure how to handle the new revelation.

I saw what happened in her pinkish-colored room. She placed a heavy vase full of water with many long-stem flowers on it, and the screws that held it got loose and crushed. The vase broke, the rug was wet with a million pieces of glass on it, and the flowers spread around.

On prior occasions, when Ella screwed up like that, I'd yell at her or at least mock her. This time I smiled, "That's OK. It happens."

I carried the carpet outside and dumped the broken glass pieces in a garbage can. I left the carpet hanging on the railings on the balcony to dry and returned to her room. In the meantime, Ella used a broom to sweep the floor. I grabbed several larger screws, a screwdriver, and 10 minutes later her shelf was hanging in place again. I looked at her, "I recommend placing on it lighter objects."

She stared at me, puzzled, "Jesse, are you OK?"

"What do you mean?"

"I do not recall once you didn't behave like a jerk and was sarcastic as if I was the stupidest human being..."

I giggled, "You caught me when I was in a good mood."

"Can't you be like that always?"

"Ella, I have an idea. Your birthday is coming soon. I don't know whether you'll have a big party or you plan something else. However, if you are interested, on Saturday, I'll be free. We can go to a restaurant and a movie of YOUR choice."

Her eyes pierced through me, "Where is my brother and what did you do to him?"

I chuckled, "Look, if you rather not go, that's OK. I'll find something else to do..."

"Jesse, I DO want to go out! I just wonder what happened to you. Did you undergo brain surgery lately without my knowledge?"

"Ella, if I mistreat you, you hate me, and when I am trying to be nice you complain. What would you do if you were in my shoes?"

She hesitated, "I can't believe it... All of a sudden, my older brother turns human, and a nice one. I need to get used to this unless it's a one-time gesture."

"Sis, we'll see..."

I left her room with her eyes following me.


The days after fixing Ella's shelf felt weird. She smiled at me each time we met in the hall or for dinners, never barged into my room, and was much quieter than usual talking to Mom or on the phone.

She seemed to be extremely confused by the change in my behavior, afraid to find out I was nice to her only once. I, on the other hand, was determined to change my prior behavior. As a child, Ella was a pest like most other little brothers and sisters. Thinking about it in retrospect, later I continued my behavior without real reason. For quite some time I knew I was attracted to her physically, and tried to address it like a spoiled teenager - Fight it by being more jerk than I wanted to be. She didn't deserve it. Yes, I was a jerk!...

As of late, Ella turned into a beautiful lady. My raging hormones played a role, but finding her diary file was the deal-breaker. One day, when I was the only one in the house, I checked her drawers. Her floral-smelling, low-cut panties in different colors looked sexy. The bras drawer was even better - Soft bras were on the left side, with some labeled as D cup and others as DD. The right side had a variety of other types - Demibras, pushup bras, and sports bras. I smelled them and imagined sniffing Ella's breasts. The same night I had a wet dream about us. I realized my brain was on the wrong track but I could not control it.

On Friday Ella knocked softly on my door. "Come on in, Ella."

She gazed at her shoes and mumbled, "If your offer is still valid, I'd like to go to a seafood restaurant and later to a movie in the landmark theater."

I said softly, "It's your birthday. Tell me which restaurant and film you are interested in and I'll make the reservations."

"North and South Seafood & Smokehouse is a good restaurant. It has fish and shellfish for me, and steaks for you. The movie I wish to see is Lunnye Polyany, but I am not sure it speaks English..."

"Sis, I told you. It's your day. I'll accept whatever you choose."

"Jesse, call and reserve a table for 2 at the restaurant for 6:00 pm. The movie starts at 8. I'll get tickets online."

"OK, girl, but we have to leave at 5:30 sharp."

She grinned, "I promise to be ready."


On Saturday, I shaved, showered, and dressed nicely. Instead of my usual jeans pants, an old tee shirt, and sneakers, I put on a clean light-blue long sleeve shirt and a nice blue pair of pants with shiny shoes. I was ready by 5:20 pm and sat in my room waiting for Ella.

She entered my room at 5:29, and what an entrance it was! She wore a short burgundy color dress showing a stunning cleavage, that highlighted her massive rack. It was also the first time I saw her with similar color lipstick and high heel shoes.

I was mesmerized and gasped.

She giggled, "Jesse, I know these are not my usual clothes, but if they are too much for you, I'll change."

I blurted, "Don't you dare!... A couple of days ago you wondered what happened to me. Now look at you - My baby sister turned into a breathtaking femme fatale..."

She blushed, "It's still me. The only thing that's changed is my attire..."

During the drive to the restaurant, we didn't talk. Now and then each one snuck glances at the other. When we arrived I let her walk in front of me. The dress hugged her figure tightly, and her glide reminded me of models walking the catwalk. Damn! She was sexy...

Ella selected the Salmon with avocado and orange salsa with a small salad. I ordered the Kansas City ribs with a simple soup. "Ella, now that you are no longer a minor, would you like wine?"

"If they have Sauvignon Blanc, it will be perfect, otherwise Pinot Noir."

I laughed, "The lady became a wine connoisseur..."

"Not really. I tried a few wines before, and I like these 2 more than others."

The meal was delicious. By the time we were done, the wine bottle was empty as well.

For dessert, Ella took the key lime pie. I skipped dessert and drank black coffee.

Half an hour before the movie started, we left the restaurant.

I struggled to find a parking space near the Cinematheque but eventually found one. As we started walking, I noticed Ella's walk was somewhat unsteady. I guess 2 large glasses of alcohol could do it. I gave her my hand and we entered. The theater was almost empty. We sat toward the back to avoid potential noise and smoke.

The lights dimmed as we sat down. The commercials and movie previews took 15 minutes, and then the movie started. By the title, we thought it would be French-speaking but it spoke English.

Ten minutes into the movie, I realized the subject was a forbidden love and incest between a young guy and his sister. I gazed at Ella, "Did you know what the movie was about when you chose it?" She ignored me and continued staring at the screen.

At one point, as her eyes were focused on the movie, her upper body moved forward. The upper part of her cleavage separated from her chest and her soft bra with the exposed upper part of her round globes was clearly visible.

The movie plot was interesting. However, my sister's tits were even more... I bent slightly and ogled the creamy breasts, feeling my prick begin engorging. Unexpectedly, Ella turned to me, likely wanting to ask something, and noticed my eyes pointing to her tits.

She giggled, "Jesse, you behave as if you've never seen boobs in your life."

I protested, "You bring me to a film that shows intimate relations between brother and sister, and your tits are almost in the open. What did you think would happen?"

She whispered, "Jesse, calm down. I was just kidding. You can stare as much as you want. Here, I'll make it easier for you."

Next, she tried to lift the separation but was unsuccessful so she sat on my lap and gazed at me, "If you think I am too heavy for you, I'll move back to my seat."

"Ella, you are not heavy but your shenanigans are dangerous..."

"I don't think so. Nobody looks at us, so where will the danger come from?"

"Ella, stop pretending. You are dressed very sexy and brought us to a suggestive movie. I am only human..."

Her mischievous giggle was followed by a whisper, "Prove it!"

WTF! My cock continued its ascent and seconds later, was rock hard. There was no way she couldn't feel it.

Ella's eyes turned again to the screen, but her thighs spread slightly and her ass began grinding slowly against my erection.

I whispered, "Ella, what the fuck are you doing?"

She muttered, "I am trying to watch the movie and at the same time, check what you have there."

"You are crazy!"

"Brother, you may be right but I think your organ loves it."

"I didn't say I suffer, but making me horny may lead to risky consequences."

"I don't care. It feels good on your lap."

I pleaded, "You drank too much wine and do things you'll regret tomorrow. Get off my lap and we'll forget everything that happened tonight."

"Jesse, it's my birthday. Why do you want to be a party pooper? We both want the same thing, but you are too scared or stubborn to admit it. Forget your inhibitions and do whatever you really want to do."

"Ella, it's your final warning!"

"You are all talk."

Subsequently, my hands caressed her shoulders and slowly moved to her arms. She leaned back on my chest and my hand slid forward, touching her covered breasts.

She whispered, "At last! Are you interested in my girls?"

My hands massaged her large mammaries over her dress and I felt the nipples begin protruding, "Yes..."

She faced me, and I could feel her sweet warm breath, "You can touch if you want."

I unzipped the back of her dress and the front part slipped down. Her D cup bra could barely contain her jugs. I unclasped the bra and her tits moved forward and up. They were a couple of massive beauties.

"Ella, you have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. And they feel terrific!"

"I believe you. However, it becomes uncomfortable sitting on your extremely stiff member. Don't you think it will feel better if you free him?"

"...are you sure it's you and not the alcohol talking?..."

She moved off my lap, knelt before me, and her fingers started fumbling with my zipper.

"Ella, you continue crossing the line. I may not be able to hold back!"

"Can't you get it? I do NOT want you to hold back. I wish you'd do what you REALLY want..."

"...have you done it before?..."

" You mean a hand job or a blow job?"


"Hand job I practiced with 4 guys before. I tried to use oral on a guy who was so excited, he climaxed before my mouth came in contact with him, so it doesn't count. But later I sucked 2 other guys, one of them was Larry."

"What? Couldn't you find a nicer guy?"

"I knew he was your friend. I thought he'd tell you. I wanted you to be jealous and start seeing me as a woman and not as a nuisance..."

"Did you like it?"

"Larry definitely loved it. He squirted in my mouth on 3 occasions. The first time I got scared and pulled out. The second time I was ready for him and swallowed most of his stuff. The third time I actually enjoyed it!"

As she was talking, she freed my genitals and inspected them, "Your sack is large and hairy. The shaft is veiny and feels velvety, yet the inside is very hard. The reddish head is very soft... May I kiss it?"

I almost choked, "Do it..."

Her head bent on my organ and I felt her soft lips kiss it lightly. It jolted, and a drop of precum appeared on top. She stared at it and smiled, "Your penis wishes to give me a taste of what's coming."

As she licked it, I looked around. The few people concentrated on the screen. If they only knew a real live show of brother and sister was unfolding several yards behind them...

Ella lifted her head, "It doesn't count. It was too diluted. I want the real stuff."

Without delay, her lips opened wide and enveloped a quarter of my rod. She licked the frenulum with her tongue. It felt great. She continued advancing, gradually hiding more of my penis. When 3/4 were in her mouth, she stopped due to an obstacle. Ella coughed mildly and continued moving forward. My rod was now deep in her pharynx. A moment later, her chin touched my sack.

She stared at me and, seconds later, began bobbing. I was aroused, thinking her expert mouth seemed to have done it more than 3 times she told me about... Ella's mouth milked me slowly but surely and my pending orgasm was on the way.

I warned her, "Ella dear, I am going to shoot in less than a minute. Are you still OK?"

Her head nodded up and down, and her pace increased. I erupted with a loud growl. Luckily, it happened exactly when the guy on the screen was shouting, so nobody heard me. She swallowed the initial 4 jets and kept the next ones in her mouth.

Once it started deflating, she let my dick slip and rolled the slimy gel in her mouth to savor the taste. She did it for 30 seconds before swallowing it and smiling at me, "Jesse, I don't know if it tasted good because of the food we just had or because your body generates tasty stuff, but I liked it. Still, you owe me one, especially because it's MY birthday. Let's go home, and I expect you to show me some love too..."

More than half the movie was over, and we didn't see a large part of the beginning so there was no reason to stay longer. We fixed our clothes and left the theater. We didn't talk during the drive home. Occasionally, I peeked at her and saw her watching my face lovingly. I felt lightheaded. The combination of alcohol, post-ejaculation-aura, and being overwhelmed at the speed at which my sister turned into my cocksucker - everything was too much for me. I opened my window, and the cool wind cleared my head. By the time we arrived home, I felt better.

We entered and met my parents. Mom kissed Ella, "Honey, congratulations on your birthday. This evening you disappeared too fast. I hope you and your brother didn't argue too much on your outing..."

"No, Mom. Actually, he was very sweet. And I mean, literally, very sweet!"

As Mom was grinning, happy we got along so well for a change, I knew Ella was actually referring to the residual taste in her mouth..."

Dad kissed Ella's cheek and announced, "Children, we are going to sleep. See you in the morning, but it's my free day so don't dare wake me before 9."


Ella winked at me, and each went to another bathroom. I exited 15 minutes later and slipped under my covers. A short time later, Ella opened the door, smiled at me, and closed the door behind her. She removed her nighty and stood before me naked. She was gorgeous! I ogled her assets unabashedly with one question in mind: What Jennie granted me this favor?!...

A minute later, Ella lifted the blanket and watched my nude body, "Not bad, big brother. I've seen your face countless times. Your muscular chest I could imagine through your tee shirts. But only today I became familiar with your impressive abs and nice cock."

She entered the bed and hugged me, "You have no idea how long I waited to be in your bed..."

Actually, after reading her diary, I knew... but why ruin a good thing when everything was so perfect?

I kissed her gently and felt the minty taste of her Act. I placed my hand on her glorious breast, and she moaned, "I wanted to feel your hand on my tits for a long time but only after drinking the wine I dared seducing you..."


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