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Emilia Clarke - Lick It First

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Emilia Clarke has an interesting encounter at a party.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

The dark chill of the winter's evening seemed to wrap around everything, the chill permeating everything it touched; Emilia Clarke wished she'd worn stockings to go with her party dress as she hurried briskly to her friends apartment for the birthday celebrations she'd put on. The biting edge of the breeze lapped at her bare legs and swirled up beneath her skirt to tease at the delicate black thong she had on; she'd gone for some sexy panties, the wide lace waistband smoothly wrapped around her hips as the sheer design showed off her neat dark landing strip of pubic hair. Well it would at least, to anyone that was lucky enough to get a glimpse up her skirt. She pulled her coat around her tightly as she clicked rapidly across the pavement on her high heels to the door of the plush apartment block her friend lived in, shivered as she got inside and made her way to the lifts. She was relieved to be away from the elements as the lift ascended the tower block to the 15th floor where her friend lived.

"Hey! Come in, come in," he friend Becky said as she held the apartment door wide and encouraged the diminutive actress into her home, closing it behind her as Emilia shrugged off the big coat and revealed herself as she hung it up. She was wearing a short black halter dress that sparkled in the light, her firm C-cups pushed up by a strapless bra underneath it, natural brunette hair tumbling down over her naked back and black silk high heels with a simple red bow on.

"Damn, nice dress," Becky commented, checking out her smooth back as she shrugged off the coat, Emilia turning around with a smile.

"You like it?" she asked.

"It's gorgeous, looks great on you. I'm sure you'll get plenty of attention tonight," she replied.

"Oh stop it," Emilia giggled, playing it down though frankly that was exactly what she wanted; she'd been single for a while and felt vastly underappreciated, her curvy body seeming to have gone far too long without the touch of someone else. She wasn't really just looking for a hook up though, she wanted to meet someone who could offer more and she just seemed struck by bad luck lately and hadn't met anyone that she clicked with properly at all. Emilia strutted into the party and surveyed the group of people already assembled, checking the gathering for anybody she knew as the music took over all around her, stereo pumping out the tunes and invigorating the guests. She had already sent her friend a bottle of champagne directly to celebrate her birthday and decided she needed something similar, helping herself to a glass of white wine and getting into the party.

Emilia wasn't ignorant of the glances her way, coming from men and women alike as she danced casually and drank her wine, the cool, refreshing beverage slipping down far too easily. The night got going and a glass became several as she danced, becoming more overt and animated, her short skirt flicking up, dangerously close to exposing her sexy lacy panties to anyone watching. Her high heels clacked on the floor as she laughed and danced with some friends, producers and writers she'd worked with as well as other actors and actresses.

"Having a good time then," Becky said, sliding in with her and almost shouting over the music.

"Yeah it's great, happy birthday!" Emilia shouted back.

"Thanks," Becky replied, slurring a little from her own adventures with champagne and more than a few shots that night. Emilia gave her a hug and they continued dancing, but out of the corner of her eye she caught a guy eyeing her up; he was being subtle about it, not staring directly at her or anything, instead stealing glances at her as he sipped his drink. When she locked eyes with him, essentially catching him in the act, he held her gaze and then let his eyes scan down to her feet and back up, taking in every curve and silky inch of bare skin before holding her gaze again for a fleeting moment then looking away. Quite clearly checking her out, Emilia was intrigued as he made no move to come over to her, sipping at the golden liquid in his glass as he turned away. He was tall, wearing a shirt and tie, looking very smart actually which only made her wonder who he really was as she rocked on her heels.

"Who's that?" Emilia said, leaning in close to her friends ear.

"Who?" Becky questioned, looking up to hazily follow Emilia's nod in the direction of the smartly dressed man.

"That guy in the suit?" she asked loudly.

"Yeah well...close enough. Who is he?" she said.

"He's...a producer or writer, something like that. I don't know him well, he's a friend of a friend you know? He was on a project I did a while ago," Becky said.

"Ok," Emilia said slowly, the mystery only deepening.

"I think he likes you though," Becky said, looking over her shoulder towards him as they danced to the music, catching him again glancing their way, not noticing Becky catching his gaze as his eyes settled on Emilia...well her back as she faced away from him, the smoothness of her shoulders as her brunette locks swayed over them.

"Yeah?" she replied, a little tingle going through her even though she'd already clocked him.

"Yeah, shake your ass a bit," her friend giggled. Emilia laughed but did as she was directed, swaying her hips and pushing her butt out, slower motions at first, building up the pace and then giving a quick shake of it for him, her short black dress jiggling and jumping with her motion to show off her toned thighs. His eyes caught every move as he drank it in before he glanced away again, not intending to stare.

"Oh he's definitely into you," Becky said enthusiastically, sizing him up over Emilia's shoulder.

"I noticed him looking before," she replied.

"Go talk to him," Becky urged.

"What? No, I don't want to make the first move. What if we're reading it wrong anyway?" Emilia said, suddenly nervous at the prospect.

"Don't be silly, he's totally yours, and I don't think he's gonna come and interrupt somehow. Besides, remember who you are, you've got it," Becky said, playfully building her friend up and urging her to make the move.

"You're right, I can have him if I want," Emilia replied, cocky and confident with a smile.

"If you want," her friend affirmed. They continued to dance for the rest of the song, the actress stealing glances back over her shoulder towards the guy in question before a lull in the music tempted her move. Downing the last of her wine, the last drop anyway, she stepped away from her friend and stood the glass down, heading for the makeshift bar to fix herself a shot of something hard to steel her nerves just a little bit more. Throwing back a shot of JD, she rasped at the burn in her throat and shoved the glass back down on the worktop, shaking her head and turning to head back across the party to where he was. She was surprised to glance around and find him gone, having moved from his place eyeing her up, only for her to see him coming straight towards her around the edge of the dancing guests.

Her heart jolted a moment as she stepped towards him, keeping her intention to approach, realising he'd been watching her escape the music and neck the shot, clearly deciding it was a perfect opportunity to speak with her. They met in the middle, near a handy corner where they could step back a little from the noise of it all, out the way of anybody.

"Hey," she started, wanting to get the first move in, what was left of it at least.

"Hey, how you doing?" he said with a warm smile.

"I'm doing good, I'm Emilia," she said, holding out her hand. He reached out and took her hand for a soft shake.

"I know," he said with a wry smile, having obviously recognised her as he leaned down and lifted her hand to kiss it softly.

"Recognise me then," she replied, shivering a little in excitement. She loved having her hand kissed, it was so romantic and traditional.

"Of course, I don't live under a rock," he replied.

"I'm glad," she said with a short laugh, breaking the tension of it all, "people might talk."

"I'm sure. So what brings you here?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink in his other hand.

"I'm a friend of the host, never miss one of her birthday parties," she said, looking up into his face. She was only a diminutive 5'2 whilst he fairly towered over her at more than 6' and gazed down into her with his piercing steel blue eyes, slim but well built. She could feel him absorbing her in turn, eyes momentarily flitting from her face to glance down her dress at her impressive rack.

"That's loyalty right there. Great parties I take it?" he said.

"The best. How do you know Becky?" she enquired.

"I worked on a project with her a while ago, I came along mostly as a friend of a friend type thing," he said.

"So you came for the free drinks huh, admit it," Emilia said with a smile, winking.

"You got me," he said with a playful smile, taking another sip from his glass.

"What are you drinking there?" she asked with a pointed finger.

"Bourbon," he replied.

"May I?" she asked, holding her hand out hopefully.

"Sure," he said, handing the glass over, their fingers touching around it as they exchanged the drink. She raised it to her nose, smelling the rich flavour of it before she slowly took a sip. She could smell the alcohol as the cool liquid spread across her tongue, the hit not immediate as she tasted it and swallowed. That was when the burn hit, kicking like a mule at the back end as shuddered and coughed, caught completely off guard.

"God, what is that?" she rasped, trying to control her coughing as she recovered.

"Obviously not your thing," he replied with a smile, raising the glass and casually taking another sip.

"Obviously not," she said, looking back at him with a smile of her own. She knew she'd been caught out, her attempt to appear cool and sophisticated as she broke him down falling apart.

"So what do you like to drink, Miss Clarke?" he said, addressing her properly, cutely.

"White wine mostly, I'll be honest," she said.

"Champagne?" he offered.

"Yeah I can definitely enjoy that too," she giggled.

"Then let's get you one, I think you need a drink," he said and with that confidently took her hand to lead her round the outskirts of the party and back to the bar. Becky glanced over and watched Emilia with him, smiling at her friend seeming to get somewhere as even she could tell she needed a good, hard fuck if nothing else. He led her to the bar and immediately sought out a nice bottle of champagne, already open and ready to pour, quickly fixing her a glass and filling it smoothly with the delicious bubbly.

"Hey, I never got your name," she said, as much a realisation to herself as pointing it out.

"No you didn't. I'm David," he replied, finishing her drink and pushing the glass towards her. She took it and enjoyed a deep sip, murmuring her pleasure at the taste of it.

"Thanks...David," she said deliberately, giving a smile as she played on it.

"Want to dance?" he offered, draining the last of his bourbon and standing the glass down.

"I'd love to," she replied, taking his hand and leading him into the crowd, balancing her glass in the other as they found a spot and got to it. They didn't talk for the next however long, neither one of them kept track as they got into a rhythm with each other, their dancing starting out reasonably conservative but then devolving into much more. They became uninhibited, faster paced and passionate, Emilia losing her empty glass somewhere along the way as they got closer, hands sliding over one another, hers around his neck as she craned up for him, his on her waist or at her hips as they danced, never inappropriate but always temptingly close, teasing her skirt up a little or squeezing enough to feel her underwear through the fabric. Pulling closer together, her hands slid around his neck again; she really needed a good hard fucking tonight if nothing else, that was for sure. She wanted more but at the very least she needed carnal pleasure, and he was certainly interested and very up for it. At points when she'd ground against him she'd been able to feel him through his trousers, ready and waiting for her and she was sure he'd have no qualms about going home and sliding it inside her. It made her wet just thinking about it.

"Would you like to come back to my place?" she whispered, pushing up onto her toes to get close to his ear. He looked down at her with a smile as she pulled back.

"I'd love to," he replied, heart pumping much faster than his outward appearance would suggest.

"Let me get my coat then," she replied, giving a wink and pulling away from him, sliding away into the group of people. She sought out Becky to give her a goodbye, it was her birthday after all, then headed for the exit to find her coat. She met David in the hallway, standing waiting for her courteously, already in his jacket and ready to go. She was tempted to make a joke about him moving quickly, or hoping he wouldn't be so fast when she got him home, but decided against it and simply found her long, thick coat.

"Let's go," she said simply, wrapping it around herself and heading out the door which he held for her. They rode down in the lift and then exited the building, Emilia feeling the same bite of the wind around her bare legs though it was subdued by the alcohol she'd imbibed. They managed to hail a cab easily enough and she was thankful to slide in away from the cold wind, pushing her skirt down even as she caught him glancing at her smooth pins as he got in. She gave the driver her address and he set off; it was only a short drive, a few minutes really to get to her place and the roads were quiet now in the small hours of the morning. His hand entwined with hers on the back seat, a restrained touch until they got back to her place, which thankfully happened quickly and before they knew it the cab was pulling up by her apartments. He took care of the trip, pushing a couple of bills through to the driver and telling him to keep the change before she could even think about paying, instead opening her door to the cold night once more.

He joined her and she took his arm, escorting him into her building and riding the lift up to her floor, knowing that he wanted to put his hands on her and leading him quickly to her place. They got inside and locked the door, Emilia hanging her coat up as he threw his jacket aside, the warmth of the place a momentary relief. That was all forgotten however as he pounced on her and immediately took the lead, spinning her into his arms and kissing her passionately, his tongue delving deeply into her mouth which she eagerly responded to, battling with his as he pulled her close to him, hands giving her ass a hard squeeze that made her mumble. It had been too long since she'd been handled like this and a rush of exhilaration raced through her, tingling her body as they made out in her hallway. With seemingly effortless strength he picked her up, hand sliding under her ass and partly onto her soft skin as she obediently squeezed her thighs around his hips.

"Take me to the bedroom," she murmured in between their hungry kisses. He did exactly as she requested and carried the diminutive actress to her room, managing to work out where it was. She slid from his arms at the foot of the bed, lowering her slender figure onto the floor before him as they continued to kiss, tongues battling as his hands roamed all over her squeezing her ass, taking in her figure and fondling her firm breasts through the dress. He noticed some bondage restraints she had on the bed, cuffs on straps attached to the headboard suggesting she was into something naughty though whether she wore the cuffs or not he could only guess. He was excited she left them out so boldly, even as she winced at not having put them away prior to this. He was absolutely ready to take her, of that she had no doubt as she felt his erection pressed to her through his trousers as they embraced, but she wanted to slow things down now and make it how she wanted it.

"Kneel down," she said, a command, her tone firmer and more dominant.

"What?" he questioned, unsure he'd quite heard her through their kisses, his lips at her pale neck.

"Kneel before me," she said, looking him seriously in the eye. He wanted her and without further question, much to her delight, he slid down onto his kneels before her at the foot of the bed.

"If you wanna fuck me, you have to lick it first," Emilia said sweetly, letting her fingers playfully flick up her short skirt, giving a glimpse of her panties and smooth thighs as it danced in the air. She absolutely loved having her pussy eaten and was thrilled as he wasted no time in lunging forward towards her, grabbing her hips and pushing her back against the bottom of her bed. She gasped as the cold metal frame made contact with her legs, jumping as he slid his hands onto her bare legs at her knees, just slowly pushing them up underneath her skirt to let his fingertips play over the sexy black lace of her panties, able to feel the contrast between the embroidered detail and the sheer, thin panels, a token covering to her most intimate area. He toyed with her a moment, absorbing it all before he pushed his hands upwards and lifted her skirt to reveal her in the soft light of the bedroom. Emilia held her breath a moment as he revealed her, gazing on her in just the sexy lingerie.

"Gorgeous," he murmured as he took in her neatly shaved landing strip through the sheer underwear, the dark hair almost an arrow to where he was going to apply his tongue to her. He let his hands slip back, thumbs hooking into the elastic at her hips to draw the wide lacy waistband of the panties down with them. Her skirt descended and so did her underwear, sliding easily over her smooth, pale skin as he slipped them effortlessly down her thighs, the front clinging to her waiting vulva and peeling sensually away from her lips as he undressed her. He let go of the lacy garment at her knees and pushed her skirt back up, leaning straight in and planting a kiss directly on her landing strip to make her shiver, murmuring as he got started. He gave a few soft kisses over her neatly shaven pubic hair and then dipped down to give a long lick all the way up, tongue gliding between her lips easily and over her stiff clit to make her gasp loudly.

His hands gripped her pelvis more intently, holding her in place to attack as his lips sealed themselves to her and he sucked firmly at her button, making her lean over him as her muscles tensed and a strained groan escaped her lips, her hands grabbing hold of the bottom of the bed to steady herself while her legs quivered. She needed this far more than she realised and she shoved her legs wider, heels digging into the carpet as she stretched the panties at her knees that only allowed her legs so wide. She let herself sink into him as his tongue started to firmly circle and attack her clit, spinning on her one way then suddenly switching to another, throwing in sudden movements to swipe across her sensitive nub and shake her with new sensations. The actress groaned deeply with pleasure, rocking her hips against his face as he knelt down for her and licked her pussy, raking his tongue from bottom to top to split her puffy lips open and delve his tongue in between, working the tip of it on and around her clit beneath the delicate hood that shielded it, fairly dancing across her nerve-laden centre to make the brunette shudder and shake in front of him.

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