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Emily Saves Her Marriage

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Overworked husband and wife redefine their marriage.
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I'm Emily Wilson, age 41, 5'8" and 140 pounds, 36C with chestnut brown shoulder length hair. Men consider me attractive, and I think I am aging well. My husband and I lead a comfortable but boring middle class life in the Keystone state. We work hard at blue collar jobs and pinch pennies, but like so many households these days; we are like hamsters on a wheel. Our great hope is to see our 19 year old daughter graduate from college and have an easier and more prosperous life. She is a sophomore at Dickinson with a dual major in international business and accounting. She's a bright girl and we're very proud of her.

The stress of working multiple jobs to pay for college, however, has taken a toll on my marriage and my sex life. I work 7 days a week in retail customer service, and it's a mental struggle dealing with the public all day and a physical struggle because I'm on my feet most of the time. I'm like a zombie around the house when I get home from work. More than ever I need my partner to empathize with me and energize me.

I love my husband, and we've had a good relationship over the years. He is a great father and the undisputed boss of our household. He's a good hearted alpha male kind of guy (that's alpha with a lower case "a") and I could always tolerate that, especially in the bedroom. While I enjoy passionate lovemaking as much as any woman, I also enjoy a good hard fucking, and my husband is skilled in both. Recently, however, he just hasn't seemed interested in sex with me anymore. After 20 years of marriage, the sex, when he has the energy, is always robotic and predictable. The emotion seems to be gone and there are more positions than just missionary.

Laboring 60 hours per week for him is hard. I know he's always tired from working so much overtime, but his bitching and complaining about every little thing is starting to piss me off. He constantly has a sour look on his face and his domineering ways in the household are getting old, especially since he hasn't been taking care of business in the bedroom. I like sex, Ok, and I haven't been getting enough.

Most troubling to me, he has also started gaining a lot of weight, which I really hate. He used to be a really handsome guy, but now he's just fat. His gut hangs over his 44 inch waist and he has a triple chin. At his most recent yearly physical he topped the scales at 260 pounds on his 6' 3" frame, and his doctor put him on blood pressure medicine.

When he comes home in the evening he plops down in front of the TV to watch sports. I have tried coaxing him to bed early with lingerie and sexual promises, but on most nights, I go to bed alone as he invariably falls asleep on the sofa. I have been getting very frustrated at his lack of attention, and have thought to myself that I would do anything to better this situation. Something has to change and soon, or our marriage could be in trouble.

As if God was looking down upon me and answering my prayers, a crazy, weird opportunity suddenly happened. I took advantage of this unique situation and I am very, very happy that I did, because my husband now gives me all the attention that I ever wanted. It's a crazy but true story that all started innocently enough one morning...

I had recently been shopping at local department store during a clearance sale, and had bought myself four new bras and four new pairs of silky nylon panties. My old ones had been worn and stretched, and quite frankly, looked really bad. One by one, as I tried on my new purchases at home, I threw the old ones in the trash can. I was pleased with the new bras, to get more support for my breasts, and the new panties, as they covered up the baby fat on my tummy. They were so soft and smooth.

Unfortunately, I made a bad decision when I just threw the old clothes in the trash can, instead of wrapping them up in the plastic department store bag and pushing them to the bottom. Sitting there in the open, my thrifty, grouchy husband saw the old bras and panties as he walked by the trash can that morning on his way to the shower, and immediately started complaining about me wasting money.

"Look, I know you work hard, two jobs and all, we both do..." he started, "But we've got to save more money. College keeps getting more expensive, next year it's going up 5% again. It's going to be over $54,000 plus books for the year. We're already maxed out on our mortgage and home equity, and those PLUS loans will simply kill us. Please, Em, you can't be shopping all the time. Everything's going up except our paychecks. Don't you have enough bras and panties?"

"Honey, they're old, they're worn out, and damn it, if YOU want to wear them, please be my guest! As fat as you're getting, you're going to need a bra soon anyway!" I shot back at him, my frustration building.

To my shock and surprise, my husband picked a pink bra and pink panty out of the trash can, and started putting them on!

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"How do you put this damn thing on?" he asked, holding up the old pink satin bra as he took off his bath robe.

"Hey, this is tight," he proclaimed, as I showed him how to attach the bra strap in the front and then spin it around his large barrel chest. I helped him slip his arms through the straps and then adjusted them for maximum length over his broad shoulders. Finally, he pulled it down over his hairy man boobs. He wiggled his shoulders, stepped back, and looked me in the eyes.

"So how do I look?" he asked, "Wait a second..."

My mouth was hanging open in total shock. I couldn't believe this was happening. My big, hairy, manly husband was wearing a pink bra!

He took off his boxers, and in seconds, had slipped on my old frayed pink nylon panties. They were a really tight fit. The pink nylon material stretched against his fat ass and flaccid cock. He stepped back, smiled and winked at me and said, "Hey, girlfriend, these feel really soft. What do you think, babe? Sexy, huh?"

"I'm too sexy for my wife...too sexy for my wife..." he started singing in deep baritone voice, channeling an old "Right Said Fred" song we both hated, all while swinging his hips toward me! Was he drunk this early in the morning? Wait, we don't drink...

"I'm a model...I do my little dance on the catwalk," he sang, looking at me, before bursting into a huge smile.

It was a completely innocent moment, but quite frankly, I didn't know what to think. My husband in my pink bra and panties dancing and modeling for me, oh my God! I felt strangely excited seeing him like this. I can't explain why, but the sight of my husband standing there was turning me on. It was completely weird, but he looked kind of ...sexy!

"Do you like woman's clothes?" I asked him, still somewhat in shock, but feeling like I was getting wet between my legs.

He laughed gently, "These feel really soft and sexy against my skin, I kind of like the feeling. You know, I always liked the feel of that long white satin nightgown you used to have ...the silky one you had when we first got married...it always felt so good when I was holding and rubbing you. God, I loved that gown. Do you remember?"

"Sure, I remember...," I replied, my mind drifting, thinking back to the nights we used to spoon for hours in bed. Sadly, they were now just memories for us. Our eyes met, as we both realized how distant we had become to each other. My chest tightened with longing for the intimacy we once shared.

A moment passed as we silently gazed at each other...and then I saw it! My husband's cock was starting to grow through the pink nylon material! He was getting turned on by the clothing he was wearing! My old nylon underwear was making his cock hard!

Suddenly, I got this brilliant idea, if just wearing woman's bra and panties around the house makes his cock hard, I could use this to my advantage. These days the only time he seems to get an erection is when he is watching football or sitting at the computer. So women's panties were making his cock hard...very, very interesting I thought. I decided to push the issue.

I looked him directly in the eye, "So do you like wearing my bra and panties?"

"Yeah, well...I guess... maybe...sort of... I am enjoying it..." he stammered.

"So you like wearing WOMEN'S clothing?" I asked again, rephrasing the question more forcefully this time. The pre-cum was oozing out of his dick and the pink panties now had a wet spot in the front.

"Well, I never have before ...but ...yeah...well... I guess... I do..." my very manly husband quietly said.

"Do what?" I forcefully demanded.

Taking a second before catching on, "I like wearing women's clothes," my husband said almost silently.

"Louder, sweetie, I can't hear you!" I demanded.

"I like wearing your clothes, your bra and panties...Ok?" he confessed.

"Does it turn you on to wear my panty and bra?" I demanded.

"I guess it does... look at my cock, Em. It's as hard as it's been in years! Hard as a rock." my husband replied.

"Yes, I see. Does it turn you on to think about dressing up as a woman?" I bluntly asked. "High heels, night gowns, soft dresses, garter belts, panty hose, nylon stockings?"

"I'm not a woman, I'm a man...I don't want to be a woman...I'm NOT gay!" he exclaimed.

"I know you're not gay...but does it excite you to think about dressing like a woman?" I repeated.

"Well...I don't know...kind of...I guess...I mean... I never really thought about it before...it might be fun...you know...just the two of us playing games together."

He paused and his voice quivered as he stuttered, "You know I love you, Em...maybe just for fun...a little role playing...just the two of us...maybe it will spice things up for us...we need something..." he said quietly.

"Do you want me to dress you up like a woman?" I demanded. "Tell me right now. And don't lie!"

His eyes pleaded with me. We both knew the answer. Looking down to his cock, the front of my old pink panties were now totally soaked by my husband's pre-cum. His cock was so swollen; I wondered to myself how the material didn't rip. I didn't have to wait for an answer from his mouth to my final question. His cock was doing all the talking for him, his cock loved to dress up!

"Can we please make love, Em?" he almost pleaded. "I am so fucking hard right now. Please?"

I stood there in silence, thinking very hard. I could make use of his hard cock more often. In fact, I was thinking I could have total control over him from now on. It was going to be very easy to make him do anything I wanted. I decided right then that I wanted to start being the boss in my marriage, at the very least, I wanted more control. My time to take charge was going to start right now!

"Please, can we? My cock is about to explode!" he begged.

I stood in silence for another minute, waiting patiently, but his cock would not go soft.

"Em...Please, I'll do anything..." he pleaded.

"Anything?" I teased.

"Anything.... Hell, I'll even spend more time listening to you complain about your jobs."

I just stared at him.

"OK.......I'll.......I'll be nicer to your mother....oh, Christ....Come on, Em."

I continued to stare at him.

"Please?" he pleaded.

I waited another minute, making him suffer. His cock refused to go soft. I knew he would do anything for some relief. Finally I spoke, "Ok, here's the deal. You will DO what I say, when I say it. Agree?"

"Yes, anything!" he blurted out.

"You will WEAR what I want, when I want you to wear it. Agree?" I asked.

"Yes, anything, anywhere, anytime, yes, now can we please make love?" he quickly replied.

"Are you willing to put this agreement on video?" I asked.

"What? Video? Are you nuts?"

I just stared at him, folding my arms.

"OK........Ok.... if I have to...yes... anything you want...now please, Em?"

"Go and get the camcorder, and get the camera, too. I want some pictures of you," I demanded. "And hurry up!"

And with that command my big, hairy, manly husband lumbered off to the bedroom and got the camcorder. Standing in my old pink bra and panties, and a raging hard-on, he sealed his fate, stating on video camera that he would indeed do, act, and dress as I choose without question or complaint, from here until his last breath. As he was talking into the camcorder, I was snapping dozens of pictures.

After I secured the flash drive and the memory card in a secret hiding place, I took his hand, and we went directly to the bedroom.

He took off the dripping pink panties in anticipation of sex. His cock sprung from its entrapment and stood straight out. His 6 inches was like a lead pipe. He dropped the pink panties on the carpet.

"Wait, one minute, Panty Boy," I growled, "I want you to gather all your boxers from your dresser and give them to me. Right now!"


"You, my dear husband, will be wearing a different type of underwear from now on...now move!"

The light bulb suddenly went off in his head, and he started to get angry, "But, you PROMISED sex."

"Yes, and you will have your relief as soon as we take care of some business, my business, now move, and don't you ever raise your voice at me again, or I will make copies of our little agreement, and send them to people who you would not approve of. Your friends and co workers would really enjoy seeing these photos, don't you think? And since you dared to question me, you shall be gathering your boxers while having your pink panties in your mouth. Pick them up and put them in your mouth."

"You're crazy...come on honey...let's fuck...I need it, now!"

I pushed the pre-cum saturated panties into the back of his mouth.

"Now close your mouth. Do you understand who's in charge now?" I demanded. He just nodded.

After he gathered all his boxers together, I took scissors to them, and put them in the trash.

Then I took the panties out of his mouth. I motioned from him to sit down, because I was going to lay out the new rules, my new rules for him. He was naked except for the pink bra. His cock was still rock hard. After a brief moment of silence, I stood over him, talking in a strong controlling voice.

"My dear husband things are going to change around here forever if you want my pussy. Do you understand?"

He nodded his head looking up at me, "Yes, but..."

"NO! For once you will listen to me and do as I say! Do you understand?"

This time he just nodded his head.

"When you go to work you will dress as you normally do. I do not want to humiliate you in your workplace because we need your paychecks, however, my dear, you will now be wearing woman's panties for the rest of your life. At your jobs, nobody but you and I will ever know that you are wearing panties under your job pants. When we go out to parties or restaurants you will be wearing panties under with your normal male clothes. As long as you obey me, I will never embarrass you socially."

"In this house, however, it will be a much different story. You will be dressing as a woman all of the time. When you come home from work you will immediately shave and shower and then change into your woman's clothing. You will always wear a bra and panties. We will be buying dresses and nylons and teddies and garter belts and high heels for you to wear. I am going to dress you up, so that you can be happy. You will be both my husband and my girlfriend. We will be closer than ever before. We will be lovers and best girlfriends. "

My husband just sat there with his eyes wide and his mouth open, but didn't say a word.

"I'm sick of your lack of attention. I know that you sit downstairs watching sports all evening or at the computer looking at porn and reading sex stories on the internet. You are probably downstairs masturbating too, when you should be upstairs fucking ME and paying attention to ME. But that, my dear husband, is going to change. I will be placing your cock in a male chastity device with a lock, so that you cannot masturbate whenever I am not around. I will have the only key. You cannot even get hard when this chastity device is covering your cock. From now on, only I will have access to your cock and your orgasms. When you give me great orgasms with your tongue, then I will allow you to fuck me. You will be earning the right to cum and the opportunity to fuck me. Do you understand?"

With terror in his eyes, my husband finally found his voice, "You're fucking crazy if you think..."

I cut him off, "Don't worry, dear, you are going to have more sex than you can handle. It will just be with ME instead of your hand!"

His expression relaxed a little and I continued,

"You will be losing all you body hair to help you look more womanly, be it through waxing, Nair, and shaving. All women should have smooth skin and this will be part of your daily routine. It will be a lot of work for you, you big ape, however, no more body hair. Understand?"

He slowly nodded, and I continued,

"You know that since we've gotten married, you have gotten fatter and fatter. I have warned you to stay away from the buffets, wings, and ice cream and to eat healthier foods. But you have refused to listen to me. So I will take special interest in this aspect of our new relationship."

"You will be losing weight because I love you and don't want to lose you. Honestly, between the stress of your jobs and your weight and your poor eating habits, I fear for your health. You're a heart attack waiting to happen. This is very important to me because I want to grow old with you. I want us to grow old together. Understand?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, Em. I really have let myself go. I'm sorry. No excuses. I'm so damn fat..."

"Agreed. I hate looking at fat people in general, and I especially hate having a fat husband, and I would hate having a fat girlfriend. Besides, honey, clothes fit better on skinnier women. To lose weight, I will control your diet. You will become a total vegetarian like me, and you will also be eating lots of pussy, every morning and every night. You will be on what we will call the 'Vegetarian/Pussy Diet.'"

I smiled at this last statement, amusing myself. Maybe I could get on the Dr. Oz show...

"You will be giving me so many orgasms, girlfriend, that I will no longer need my vibrator! Well, almost..." I proudly proclaimed.

"When you have lost a lot of weight and look skinny again, like when we got married, perhaps we will look into getting wigs and make up for you to wear, but for now, that would be like putting lipstick on a pig."

He just sat there, frozen. Still no reaction...this is going better than I thought! I was on a roll...

"I promise to help you enjoy your new womanly experience. In the end, when you totally and completely obey me, you will be thinner, healthier, and attractive."

"My goal, honey, is to make you into a better person, a person who is both my skinnier husband and my beautiful girlfriend. I want you to be a husband so handsome that every woman will be jealous of me and I want you to be a woman so beautiful that every man would desire you. It will take a lot of work for both of us, but I really believe it will help our marriage. I'll bet this is what you truly want, too."

His mouth opened as if to speak, but he seemed to be having a problem formulating words.

I paused for a minute to see if his cock would deflate from my last pronouncement. You could have hung clothes on it...

I decided to really push the envelope, "I am also going to teach you all the sexual skills necessary to be a great lover as a woman. Besides dressing as a woman, you will know ALL the sexual pleasures of being a woman, too!"

Panic instantly returned to his eyes. "What the FUCK are you talking about?" he practically spit. His alpha male instincts were suddenly revived.

"Calm down, honey... Don't worry!" I nervously replied.

He glared at me and I quickly started to ramble,


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