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Encounter with the Goddess

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An adventurer runs afoul of a lustful Goddess of Corruption.
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Dark Lands -- Encounter with the Goddess

Eret was lost and upset with himself. The second mostly a result of the first. The young sandy-haired adventurer thought he could take a gamble and strike fortune in the form of riches said to be buried within a nameless forest near the edge of the Creeplands, an old forgotten fort from the second Crusade. Or was it the third? Eret didn't remember, just that he saw many visions in his bright turquoise eyes, visions of splendour and no small amount of prestige.

Most called him a young fool. One called him a handsome fool, but a fool nonetheless.

Maybe they were right, because now Eret had no idea where he was. The forest was nameless because in all the years, no one had ever bothered to name it or really make a map of it, and if they had, it'd been lost to time.

He consulted his own map again, and sighed in frustration; it was useless as a reference and he couldn't trust his compass. Something was interfering with it, making it spin and point anywhere but north. Worse still, the sun was beginning to set, and it grew dark quickly in a forest, long beams of orange raking through the leafy canopy and between the trunks of trees as the sun dipped towards the horizon. The spectacle of amber light would have been a most pleasant thing were it not for his loss of orientation.

He started pacing, and considered he might have to set up camp for the night and try and retrace his steps before leaving in the morning. He had some skills taught to him by a survivalist, including some methods on how to get out of a forest without losing one's way, but he was not about to try it in the dead of night. Even if the moon was bright, this close to the Creeplands... Spawn may be lurking nearby. He fondled the hilt of his sword, his only real means of defence beyond a simple knife for utility work. He had a leather jerkin, but his brown and green flax clothes and leather boots were ill-suited for combat.

And Spawn were notoriously difficult to kill, though fortunately not so hard to drive off. He hoped he would go unnoticed as he found a small spot of shelter, two boulders that were pressed against each other, thus forming a small alcove just below where they butted together. There were no signs they'd moved around recently, so he felt somewhat assured they'd remain still. He slung his brown leather pack off his back and placed it in the deeper reaches of the alcove, and set about making a fire, gathering some wood and some stones. He'd need to keep warm in the night, even if it mean risking unwanted attention.

With some elation, it didn't take him long to get the fire going, and it burned nice and high, Eret finding plentiful fuel and quality at that. The rays from the setting sun were horizontal now, shining sharp through the trees and creating a surreal striping of honeyed beams and long-cast shadows. It was a little early to start the fire, but he didn't plan on staying up too long, hoping to get as much out of it as possible, and sleep a little while after it'd gone out. Hopefully nothing would have seen him in that time, so he figured. He didn't have much to eat, some hard bread and cheap brandy all washed down with a swig from his waterskin.

The fire flickered as a cool breeze swirled around the trees, but where Eret had found himself proved to be reasonably sheltered from the cold wind. He sighed and kept an eye out, fingers tentatively on the hilt of his sword, in the event something found him. In the meantime, he pondered on the circumstances that brought him here. His rumination did not bring him much comfort, mostly personal discontent. How could he have been so foolish as to believe there was buried treasure in a fortress deep within the heart of a forest, the names of either lost to time and never given, respectively.

It was all just... rumour, hearsay, legend even, and nothing particularly revealing, vagaries and suggestions often all he had to go on.

The promise of rich reward and some measure of renown as a successful treasure hunter proved to be more enticing than any amount of common sense he may have had telling him it was foolhardy. He sighed and tapped his foot quietly, until he saw a shadow move ahead of him.

His eyes widened and he jumped to his feet, hand going to his sword. He didn't call out immediately, not wishing to draw any attention to himself beyond the fire... which now he believed may have been a bad idea. He thought he could keep warm and use it to spot anyone coming his way, as they'd have to come from the front. He scanned the tree trunks and shrubs in his frontal arc, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. Nothing was moving, and all seemed completely silent.

Silent. There wasn't even a chirping cricket, the hoot of any owl or any other living creature. Nor was the rustling of leaves in the wind audible.

Now Eret started to worry. He heard frightful rumours about the Dark Lands, and from the edge of the forest, earlier in the day, he was able to spy a dead tree just visible in the distance, standing alone, but close enough to make out the oozing black Creep that choked it. And that was more than close enough for any daring Spawn to wander near, looking for prey.

His hair felt like it was sticking to his scalp, but Eret wasn't sure if it was from sweat or it just felt like he was, his nerves beginning to get to him.
Another shadow moved, and he draw his sword a little bit from its sheath, the scraping of metal against scabbard echoing briefly through the forest.

"Who's there?" he challenged, eyes darting back and forth between his flanks, making sure nothing was sneaking up behind him.

But nothing did sneak up behind him... only a shadow moved in front of him, and soon, two glowing blue eyes opened in the gloom, and regarded him coolly, the barest glimpse of a smile visible.

Eret drew his sword fully then, assuming a defensive stance and pointing his blade towards the creature in the dark, gritting his teeth.

"Back! Unless you dare force my hand!" he exclaimed as forcefully as he could, gripping the hilt of his simple sword as tightly as possible. He could feel and hear the roar of blood in his ears as his heartbeat raced. His chest felt tight as it heaved. His nerves were like lightning and his skin prickled as a chill took hold. "Back!"

His response was a cool laugh. Feminine, sultry, rich. The being did not regard him as any threat at all as it neared, more of it coming into the light, Eret picking up an alluring sway to its hips as a womanly figure took shape.

Whatever it -- she -- was, she possessed voluptuous curves, a blend of slim and curvaceous, with supple thighs and a bountiful rump and chest. She was naked, and clean shaven around her crotch... and everywhere else for that matter on her tall body, save for the head of hair that hung to her waist.

But the lack of any other hair made sense, for her body had an inky appearance, black or a deep purple depending on how the light struck her body.

That wasn't the only inhuman thing about her, the hair that she did have made of thick strands like silky smooth dreadlocks. The glowing eyes of course were decidedly unnatural, and they regarded him with a deep scrutiny that seemed to strip away his clothes and his flesh and appraise his very spirit. And worming lazily in the air behind her were several oily tentacles that sprouted from her back. There was a smell about her, sweet and a little hard to ignore. Where she stepped, inky ooze crept out across the grass, strangling and coating each blade with the dark substance.

He took a step back, and she took two more towards him. Eret gripped his sword tighter, his knuckles whitening from the tension. His jaw began to hurt from how hard he was clenching it, fear starting to build in him. He couldn't keep stepping backwards, or he'd be without an escape route. And something about her troubled him, as though his threats were little more than an amusement to her, because he was of little threat to her. Whatever she was, whatever ungodly creation of the Spawn she had to be, she did not seem like the normal treachery.

"Not one step more!" he warned.

"Oh, how frightening," she answered with a low, sensuous tenor. Her voice was both commanding and seductive, deeply feminine and yet full of might just waiting to be unleashed when needed. She did not fear him. "I suppose you'll try and gut me with that blade of yours?"

He grimaced, but he had to maintain his composure. Spawn were known for their trickery, he couldn't lose his cool.

"If I must, I will, demon!"

This prompted her to roll her head back and laugh to the heavens, a haughty sound dripping with mirth.

She looked at him, and he felt his muscles shiver with fear. Those eyes... they felt immensely powerful, in ways he couldn't quite comprehend.

"You do not have a hope of defeating me like that~" she told him.

Fear and anger seethed within him, and with a shout he charged at the woman, raising his sword and bringing it down in a diagonal arc, hoping to slash her from shoulder to waist, from one side to the other.

But she simply melted into a puddle of black ooze that dropped to the ground, leaving his blade to slash empty air, a fading laugh following like an echo.

The ooze raced between his legs, next to his fire, and rose to form the woman again.

"Really, you Untainted always provide the most delicious spectacles~" she mocked. But now she was by his fire, and not in front of him. He had an opening, perhaps he could outrun this Spawn woman instead of trying to engage her in a fight he did not appear capable of winning. He glanced left, then right, and decided he would make a break for it. To hell with his pack. First, he feinted to the right, before ducking back towards the left and then turning around fully, ready to break into a sprint.

It was a mistake, for the moment he turned his back on the woman, something lashed around his sword arm. It was a slimy tentacle, coiled from his elbow all the way up to his wrist. It was squishy and whilst it squeezed hard it did not crush his limb. Nonetheless its grip was unyielding, and his feet almost slipped out from underneath him. He struggled against the tentacle, and went for his knife with his other hand, hoping to cut the tentacle off him. Before he could, another tendril lashed around his wrist, both hands now immobilised.

He struggled and grunted, trying to resist the irresistible, and this seemed to fill the Spawn with mirth, a mercurial laugh flitting through the air as she watched him, tentacles from her back arched over her shoulders, the ones she had shot forth to entangle around his arms.

"Release me!" he demanded, and this only made her laugh.

"Release you? Why in my Domain would I do that~?"

He paused, and a chill near froze his blood.

"... your domain?" he ventured fearfully, regarding the woman as his campfire reflected orange light off her inky skin.

Her expression was sinister and knowing, and her blue eyes seemed to burn with a sultry fire.

"Yes... my domain~" she reiterated. "And I know what you will ask next; 'but there are no greater Spawn out here!'... that is true. So think on that, my dear mortal~"

He didn't think on it, he tried to fight her tendrils, but his arms were helplessly bound, and she was taking steps forward, that sultry sway in her gait only worsening his panic. She was utterly comfortable around him, and two more tentacles snaked forward to wrap around his legs, denying him any chance to kick at her when she was close, pressing against him with an unnatural fluidity, her bust gently squashing against his chest as she sidled up, a hand moving to cup his cheek. It felt dry at first, if incredibly smooth, but a mild moisture soon took hold.

Eret by now was too afraid to speak with her face so close to his and his arms held out to the side where they were of no use. He continued to struggle helplessly, trying to pull away, but she kept him close as her hand slid up the side of his face just that little bit more.

"Such a handsome thing~" she praised as she gently cocked her head, those blue eyes so bright they drowned out anything else around him. Her thumb rubbed against his skin in an arc and brushed against the corner of his mouth, tugging against his lips.

His breathing was hard and fast now, but still he fought against her unyielding tendrils. The wetness against the side of his head seemed to deepen, and it felt warm now. He had no idea what she was up to, but the unfortunate side effect of her devilish beauty and her sultry actions took the form of a stirring in his loins. He tried to combat the feelings, suppress and push it down... but his attempts were thwarted when her other hand flexed its fingers enticingly and moved to grope his genitals through his pants, gently squeezing the member that, until then, was only mildly aroused... and it grew harder to her touch. It brought a smile to her face.

"My my, you are a bold one~" she teased as she brought her face closer to his. He tried to turn away from her, but the hand to the side of his face gripped tighter when he tried, and only loosened when she crushed his attempts to look away... and her eyes were almost hypnotic, it was hard to look anywhere else. His mind was racing and the chill in his blood was replaced with an aroused heat. She laughed gently and brought her hand down lower, leaving a trail of moisture behind until she had a firmer grasp of his head, forcing him to look directly into her eyes with less than an inch of space between their faces. Her breath smelled sweet and heady.

"In my domain, anyone is subject to my rule~" she said with another brush of his lips as he tried to go still. "And soon... you will be a subject under my rule~"

Then, she kissed him.

Eret's eyes went wide as her lips, supple and moist meshed to his almost perfectly. It was such a shock that his jaw unclenched, letting her tongue slip into his mouth to tease his. The spawn gently worked her jaw as she deepened the kiss, the hand fondling his erecting cock slipping up his body now to gently drape across the back of his head. Muffled groans and grunts of distress left him, but he couldn't break away from this thieving kiss.

Wherever her tongue roamed, he felt that same moisture; wet, warm, but now he could taste its slimy sweetness. It seemed to tingle him, his lips buzzing with a sensation that translated to pleasure. The Spawn continued to murmur softly into the slow but invasive and domineering kiss. And her tongue... no longer was it satisfied with merely tasting his mouth and teasing where any normal person could reach... it started to go further, lengthening to unnatural degrees with a lecherous coil around his own tongue as it made for his throat.

Eret's eyes were wide open now, panic overtaking him as her tongue slithered over the bend into his gullet. He thought he would gag, but she was careful and paced, and that seemed to avoid what may have been his only recourse... he could feel it going deeper now, swirling about the walls of his throat in spiralling descent. The way it twisted didn't make sense; it was coiled around his tongue, yet it was able to taste and probe down his gullet without restriction, as though it was almost... amorphous.

It wormed deeper still, and by this point he was starting to gag and choke, but the tongue's invasive efforts were not ultimately uncomfortable, too slick and flexible to hurt, but its presence made him shudder and gag, feeling weaker by the moment. He groaned, his eyes now rolling back as the lids drooped. He could feel her saliva filling his mouth, coating everything like a film of oil, but the taste was sweet and the scent was pleasing. He felt the grip on his sword weakening, until he let go fully, the blade dropping to the ground with a thump.

The kiss endured, until she finally sought to give him mercy, pulling away and sliding her seemingly thicker tongue out past his lips completely, over half a foot of inky muscle that now recoiled back into her mouth through gently pursed lips. For a moment it disappeared, and then it slid out just a little to lick her lips from one corner of her mouth to the other, a display that was equal parts erotic and predatory. He gasped when he could, taking in air that had almost been denied to him. His panic returned again, and he looked at the Spawn with a fearful expression... and then he noticed that his lips were coated in an inky black residue.

He felt her hand leave his cheek, but the moisture didn't lessen with its departure... rather, he felt it creeping ever so slowly across his cheek, as did whatever was left on his lips, slowly coating the inside of his mouth and throat, its pace almost inscrutable, but nonetheless inexorable. He began to panic, but he was pulled to focus on her when she laughed.
"Resist all you wish... you will be mine soon, my dear~"
He wanted to shout at her, even beg her for release as the fear took hold, but he wasn't given an opportunity, for she used her tentacles to suddenly upend him, laying him down on the grass by the fire.

He struggled, tugging and fighting against her tentacles, especially when she felt a pair curl their tips around the hem of his pants and pull them down, underwear and all. His crotch was exposed, and his traitorous prick stood to attention with an eager bob, uncaring of the plight of the body it was attached to.

The Spawn gave a playful giggle as she saw this, and straddled his thighs, letting his cock bob against her stomach.

"This one is eager~" she mused with an enthusiastic dominance, pleased with her efforts. She brought a hand down and ran a finger across the opening at the tip, eliciting a twitch from his mast. He gasped and looked at her with a fearful expression.

"No, please!" he begged. "What are you doing?!"

"Hush now... all I want to hear from you are moans and gasps~" she admonished teasingly, though she gave him a devious look that said he could beg if he wanted... it would just fall on ears that heard it as a sweet music.

She started to swirl a fingertip around his corona and along the sides of his glans with a soft pressure, barely applying any real force, whilst her other hand moved to slide along his crotch and up his body, slipping it beneath his shirt.

Further along did her hand slide, trailing up and gently gliding fingers along his stomach and then his chest, feeling the contours of his musculature, mild as it was. She was tugging his leather jerkin up with her arm as her hand continued, tentacles moving to help her strip his shirt once her hand came to one of his pectorals, fingers splaying pleasantly across it. His arms were pulled up above his head, and the shirt was slid up and off. His pants and boots followed until he was without shame beneath her, helpless and vulnerable, his struggling a useless gesture.

She seemed to be appraising him now that he was nude, but there was a light in her eyes as though she were confirming what she already knew the moment she laid eyes on him.

"Such a strapping mortal laid before me... and so eager too~" she cooed, trailing a finger across his cockhead again, sending a tiny arc of pleasure up his spine.

"Please, stop!" Eret pleaded, but he wasn't entirely sure why he kept begging for mercy. She was not going to grant it, not when she had her prey so helplessly ensnared in her grasp. Still, he squirmed, hoping beyond hope that somehow he might gain the upper hand, but all it seemed to do was excite the monster further.

"I wonder if you're ready for me..." she uttered. A sadistic grin flashed across her face as she lifted her hips slightly, two tendrils reaching down from her back -- there seemed to be more now -- and planting their tips against either of her puffy labia, peeling them apart to expose her black pussy. There was a thin strip of blue glow right where the two halves of her pussy met, particularly around the entrance to her passage itself... which opened as if alive on its own merit. It stretched and expanded, and let him see within with horror, as the insides were lined with innumerable tendrils, short but lively, writhing about and waiting for any cock to be caught in the glowing blue depths. He started to struggle desperately, but the Spawn only laughed.

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