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Encounter with the Goddess


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"You're right... that may be too much for you... just yet~"

She then leaned over him, her vulva brushing against his cock, dangerously close to that hellish hole. She was an inch from his face and traced a finger up it, making him shiver.

"And I want to savour you, my dear mortal~" she sat back up with a lusty cackle, licking her lips. "I promise you... it will be a wonderful time~"

Then, she seemingly melted into a pillar of featureless goo, and shifted over him until the woman appeared once more from the mass, only now her supple rump was seated upon his chest, giving him a terrible view of both her slick vulva and a tight anus with a pinprick of blue light in the middle.

She laid atop of him, and with horror he felt those curvy breasts wrap around his cock, slick with a moisture that would prove to be ample lubrication for what she had next in her designs. He tried to squirm, but it was still hopeless, and it only made him tired. Pressure was applied to his girth, the breasts squeezed from either side by her hands, forming an enveloping tunnel of titflesh that felt entirely too good. A chuckle wafted over her body, tormenting his ears.

"Your better part is ever so cooperative~" she said. "You should follow its advice and just... give in~"

He didn't want to, but it was hard to maintain his composure in such a position, in such a situation. He felt that moisture creeping ever closer to the nearest eye socket, and it was reaching down to his chin as well. In the back of his mind, he recalled a frightful piece of information he heard long ago, about people who fell prey to the Spawn... becoming the Spawn.

He dared not think about the idea, but the way the stuff on his face was spreading...

His thoughts were cut short as a jolt ran up his spine, Eret feeling a wet tongue gently run over the tip of his cock. The jolt turned to a leafy shiver, and then finally an involuntary groan as the Spawn began to pump her chest with slow, deliberate movements, blowing cool air across his tip. Her globes felt wet to the touch, and his cock slowly began to tingle, the malleable nature of her breasts letting them conform to his shape with incredible precision, hugging and enveloping his manhood, her slick skin rolling over his throbbing veins and pressing against his contours.

He gasped, as his penis began to throb in excitement, eager to receive such treatment, betraying every sensible cry inside of his head. Eret wanted to cut it off out of spite, but it... felt too damn good. Not that he could with his arms and legs bound by coiled tentacles, which had slowly snaked further along his limbs until they had wrapped them past his knees and elbows. Another pleasured gasp was ripped from his lips when the Spawn altered her method, grinding one mound up his length and the other towards the base, the reciprocating rubbing making his cock twist from side to side, letting him better feel the nature of her breasts, so soft and plump on the outside, modestly firm and springy on the inside... but something told him she could've changed it at any time, to any feeling she wished.

The Spawn changed technique yet again, ceasing the pumping of her breasts and instead repeatedly slapping her globes to the sides of his cock with a quiet, wet clapping. He groaned and arched his back, before her body wrestled him flat again. Another giggle reached his ears, but he couldn't complain, not without a sound of pleasure escaping from him as those devilish breasts took a hold of his helpless prick. She stopped her clapping, and instead started to move her torso, letting go of her breasts so they would freely glide along his rod with soft, sensuous touches.

As she did this, so too did she start to grind her hips into his chest, rubbing a trail of moisture from her vulva against the top of his sternum. It was a terribly debauched sight, and he had a hard time looking away... a tiny, foolish and disloyal part of him wanted to reach out with his tongue and start licking, but he knew better than to give in... she, however, was not making it easy. He twitched and squirmed, trying to look away from her, but with his head against the ground, he couldn't look very far... that enticing rear was always in view, always at least inching out of the peripheries of his vision. He whimpered in frustration, before a moan followed when he felt that tongue trail across his glans.

The Spawn chuckled, and she licked his tip again. Slower this time, so she could enjoy the taste of the first bead of precum she wrung from him, curling the tip of her flexible tongue deliberately against the opening, such that she could draw up the entire bead and bring it to her mouth. It made Eret shiver, a sensation he was hardly used to; his experiences with women in an intimate setting were few, and now he was being subject to the delights of this Spawn's impossibly soft chest, once more pumping her breasts up and down his helpless length. It throbbed gleefully, whilst he moaned in unwitting pleasure.

Her pace quickened, and her tongue danced slowly around his glans, teasing around his corona and up his frenulum whenever his tip peeked out from the top of her cleavage, or she would inflict a moment of constant stimulation against his prick whilst rubbing her breasts around the bottom half of his cock. He felt a pressure in his loins, and with dismay he realised she was going to bring him to orgasm in very short order. He'd never be able to resist if she did. Her breasts were incredible, and with the lubrication she could secrete from her at will -- and what precum she didn't lap up being smeared across his girth from tip to root by her breasts -- it was a perfect balance of slickness and friction.

His toes curled and his hands balled into fists as he tried to hold out. But the constant licking to his tip, the most sensitive part, left him feeling constant pangs of stimulation, and it made it impossible to focus. His moans were growing more heated, more erotic as the pleasure wormed its way into his mind like a creeping poison, sapping his fortitude, and causing his defiance to crumble.

Then he felt her lips around his tip, suckling voraciously, tongue swirling in a circle around his glans relentlessly, whilst her breasts wetly pumped his cock, enough that soft, moist smacks as their bottoms collided with his crotch sounded out into the night, over the crackling of the fire and the defeated moans of a hapless human. It was too much for Eret, and with a low, almost strained moan, his body shuddered and his hips bucked harshly, his cock pulsing as he released a surprisingly potent barrage of spurts of his cum into her mouth.

She drank it all down, not even showing a hint of surprise at his orgasm. Her tongue helped guide his ropes of semen into her mouth, and the harsh suction she applied to his tip, along with the change in pumping to her breasts -- now slow yet firm -- helped wring him out for every drop, like she was milking him. It was an intense experience, one he was unused to, and would never get used to. After a good ten seconds, he was spent, the Spawn releasing his member with a resounding and wet pop, tongue deliberately flicking off the face of his glans as a final parting 'sting' of pleasure.

He whimpered as the respite set in, panting whilst he calmed down, and the pressure of her breasts around his cock eased. Eret felt defeated and ashamed, but to his horror, he was not getting soft. His cock rested for a moment, and then it was bobbing again, feeling like it was coated in the same moisture that was spreading ever so slowly across his face, that black stuff creeping over his dick as well. He wanted to escape, but the tentacles around his limps were unyielding, and always shifting slightly like they were feeling him up.

"Please... let me go," he begged with a weary voice, but his only answer was a haughty, husky chuckle oozing with debauchery.

"Oh, I'm afraid it is too late for that... besides, I am hardly satisfied~ It will take more than that to please me... so much more~"

Eret was horrified; how could he endure more of this Spawn if using her breasts and only her lips and tongue felt that good.
He'd never last, especially with how his body was starting to feel. It wasn't normal, the heat and tingling delight that arced across his skin wherever that stuff spread. Yet it felt cool on the surface, the warmth he felt more intrinsic.

Then she shifted, sliding backwards until her curvy rump came to rest on his face. Eret only had a chance to yelp before he was silenced by those supple cheeks; they were firmer than her breasts, the layer of softer flesh beneath the inky skin much thinner, less cushion between his face and the much more pliant core within, but it too had just enough softness so as to avoid being unpleasant -- and felt worryingly good -- which only made the experience worse for Eret; nothing about her felt bad. It was all too tantalising, it made him wish circumstances were different, that he could make love to her without regard. She was perfect.

But he had no such choice; he was prey, she predator, and she was 'devouring' him slowly, savouring him to the last. She took hold of his cock with a hand, fingers delicately wrapping around the once-exercised member, thumb gently rubbing across his glans. Whilst her glutes pressed to his face... and her wet mound grazed across his mouth, her 'lips' meeting his lips. He groaned, trying to turn away, but the cheeks of her ass gave him no measure of defiance, his face buried between them and forced to feel the gentle grinding of her gash to his mouth.

Her other hand then went to his balls, fondling his jewels with slow, sensual motions; a circular rub with her palms here, a gentle tugging stroke with thumb and index finger held together there, or a full-hand massage that left his testicles feeling wet like his cock and his face.

Much to Eret's dismay, it was invigorating, his cock bobbing to attention with as much rigidity as it possess before. She crooned as if pleased by this, gently running a palm up his mast and sliding it to the tip, where she gently rubbed in a circular fashion.

"So delightful~" she praised in her teasing tenor.

His hips rose in a slow buck, even this gentle pleasure taking a firm grip of his nerves, but she pushed him down with her hand sliding down his cock, before rising once more to gently rub his prick's tip with her palm.

"Eager too... you've more energy than you expected... but I don't mind a little vigour~"

She giggled softly, deviously, and curled her fingers inwards to gently stroke their tips up and down a few inches along the top half his length. He gasped involuntarily, and thus, straight into her pussy, an error that he could not take back as sweet-tasting juices trickled into his mouth. It made his tongue tingle, and the urge to start licking twinged in his mind. But he dared not... not when he knew what was inside her.

Between both of the Spawn's hands, he was once more terribly swollen, his dick eager for another round, regardless of how much energy it drained from its own body. And with this, she cooed appreciatively, giving his glans a loving kiss that made it twitch happily.

"It's time I had a proper taste~" she stated with as much lust as conceivable, and soon after, he felt the oral petals of her mouth splay over his tip, gently squeezing as they formed a soft seal around his width. Her tongue was there, slowly curling and rolling against his glans, which was still terribly sensitive from the last orgasm, in no small part thanks to her expert massaging.

His balls throbbed in her other hand, and she groped them with a gentle pressure, rolling them about in their sack between her fingers and her cupped palm, whilst the hand to his dick gently pumped his cock, sometimes whole-handed, sometimes with only a few fingers, and often with just her thumb and index finger forming a nice tight ring around his dick. Her lips slid up and down over his tip, from corona to the opening, which her tongue seemed eagerly fixated on. Eret couldn't help panting, which only made him ingest more of her aroused juices.

It was almost intoxicating, the sweet aroma that her nethers gave off and the pleasant flavour of her pussy, all readily adapted to make anybody lose their nerve, and crush their will with an enticing offer. It didn't help that she still rolled her hips slowly and carefully against his mouth, tugging and pushing against his lips.
The temptation was too much, and with a defeated whimper, he unfurled his tongue and started licking, tracing the flesh between her inner labia whilst her outer labia rubbed and splayed across his face, a roll of her hips forward allowing his tongue to prod at her clitoris, firm and erect against his tongue and sometimes his lower lip whenever she pushed particularly firmly against him.

She seemed to moan in delight, vibrations thrumming against his glans, her tongue's slow, fluid motions adopting a sharper, more focused wriggling to different spots as a result. It made Eret buck a second time, but she didn't let him push further into her mouth. That was her decision. And unfortunately for him, she decided it was time to take in more of his girth, lips sliding down his coated, throbbing flesh, enveloping him within the soaked warmth of her mouth. Then, she started to retreat, but only back to his corona, her lips, now more tightly sealed, tugging against the underside of his cockhead's ridge.

She repeated this, but added a twist -- literally -- by gently reciprocating her head from side to side, making it feel like a zig-zagging spiral against his cock. And little by little, she took more of him inside of her impossibly wet mouth. Her tongue attacked every inch that it could find, licking either broadly across his skin, or more focused, tracing the contours of his veins or the underside of his corona. All the while her hand would pump what length was left to her, until it had to slide away with fingers trailing against his skin to allow her lips to press to his crotch, like a kiss.

She stayed there for a moment, whilst Eret lapped languidly at her pussy, seeing no other course and lost to the temptation, perhaps thinking it was some petty revenge. But the focus for him was on the pleasure around his cock, which only intensified when she restarted her fellatio in full, sliding her lips from his root back to the corona, and down again, going straight or adding a twist with her head. Sometimes she tilted his cock and slid down it at an angle. Other times, she turned her head so his glans would go into her cheek, rubbing against the soft flesh within and bulging out one side of her mouth.

But she mostly maintained a straight approach, or added a spiralling motion to her lips, nevertheless leaving him to arrive at the same destination; inside of her tight throat, the walls of her gullet hugging his rod and rippling unnaturally, adding yet another layer of stimulation that marked this experience as wholly inhuman. Eret groaned, and he gasped whenever she moaned, for it made her entire mouth buzz with vibration against his penis, particularly when his tip was deep within her throat, subject to the endless thrumming of her walls.

He began to squirm again, but his struggles were timid and without much energy. He was starting to feel drained... but not so drained that he couldn't manage a forceful buck here and there, her free hand always pushing him down whilst the other tormented his jewels with an expert touch, fingers rolling and sliding about his scrotum, gently twisting it one way and then the other with an added fondling that only seemed to invigorate his cock. He felt a pressure in his loins slowly building again, and he knew that he was going to be forced to climax inside of her mouth, which was now bobbing fast enough to produce an erotic wet noise.

Then, she stopped, giving him momentary respite... but only momentary, for he let out a shocked, terrified gasp when he felt that tongue of hers suddenly coil like a snake around his cock, from root to tip, with only small gaps in between each loop. The tip of her tongue gently rubbed to the base of his manhood, before her lips retreated... but her tongue remained, the Spawn's oral folds sliding with a gentle ripple against his exposed skin over the coils of her tongue. She let go with her lips, but this only left her tongue to take over, starting to either twist in a reciprocating manner or pump up and down.

He felt the gaps between her coils vanish whenever she tugged up towards his tip, and form once more when her tongue slipped down to his root. It was a sensation he'd never even conceived before, and it felt heavenly, yet terrifying given the circumstances. It was like neither oral or the work of a hand, parts of both but wholly unique. And the way she would sometimes throw in some different stimulation into the mix only made it more intense, sometimes wriggling the entire length of her tongue around his girth or squeezing tightly as if to keep him from climaxing too quickly.

No longer was he lapping at her pussy now, gritting his teeth or opening his mouth to release a pleasured moan that he could not hold in.

Her tongue slithered further, and made a cradle of wrapped muscle for his balls, licking and stroking them, her hand moving away for a moment to let her tongue do what it desired. The lecherous muscle squeezed and tasted his scrotum, juggled the orbs within and tugged where sack met with his cock.

The pleasure was too much, it was nothing like Eret had ever felt before. The worst part was he sensed her calculated easing of stimulation, ensuring he wasn't going to blow so soon, carefully bringing him closer to climax but leaving him on the precipice. He could not help whimpering at this, he wanted to beg for release at this point, to be allowed to climax, release his load, so that this simultaneously heavenly and hellish torment could come to an end, but this beastly woman had other designs, keeping him within an ecstatic purgatory.

Her tongue retreated back to only coil around his rod, stroking and pumping it slowly, her hand returning to cradle his slicked testicles, fondling and stroking down the hanging sack with a gentle stimulation. Then he felt her lips press to his tip, and he knew it was going to be all over soon. It didn't take her long to drop down his length, his penis enveloped in the warm embrace of her mouth whilst her tongue continued to undulate and rub about his girth. He felt the tongue bunch together towards his tip, then stretch out to his root... or sometimes the opposite, running a length of tongue straight against the underside of his member whilst most of the coils collected at his root.

Thereafter she maintained a simple ceaseless pumping of his cock, and gliding her lips over both his cock and the coils that had entrapped it. More than that, he felt her muscle wrap around his girth from root to tip so that even when his member was plunged into her throat, to be enclosed on all sides by her gullet, her tongue was still there. Or it wouldn't be, wrapping from glans to base and concentrating her tugging muscle around his root whenever his tip was buried in her rippling throat.

The pressure in his loins was building to a bursting point. He was rapidly approaching climax, there was no stopping it, not between her luscious lips as they slid up and down his cock and her inhuman tongue pumping him with lusty vigour, a fellatio like no other. He moaned into her mound, lips brushing against her clit and prompting a quick burst of pleasured vibrations through her body and mouth, and into his cock. That was the final straw, all that was needed to send him over the edge.

A loud, beleaguered moan was strung from his mouth, and his hips bucked with fading power into her mouth, rope after rope of thick semen drawn into her hungry maw. The moment he came, the Spawn plunged to his root, and began to suckle hard, tongue relentlessly pumping up and down his rod whilst the suction she applied took all of his seed. He was shuddering now, the orgasm intense and euphoric, much to his mixed delight and dismay.

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