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Enslaved - Love in the Future Pt. 15

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His slave erotic needs clash with her musical talent.
2.5k words

Part 15 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/07/2022
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Passion is chemical.

Scientists of the 20th century made an interesting discovery. Everyone knew that lovers had particularly powerful erotic urges at the beginning of a love affair, but that the heat always cooled after a year or two. They might still love each other, might still enjoy making love, and might still be committed to spending the rest of their lives together, but they no longer felt such overpowering sexual attraction.

Research revealed that new lovers enjoy a special kind of brain chemistry - and this chemistry had a purpose. Strong desire made it easy for couples to overlook little flaws and habits that would be annoying otherwise. This jolt of passion gave them about a year to decide if they could tolerate each other's flaws and remain partners. If not, they enjoyed months of good sex before realizing they were fundamentally incompatible. Scientists asked the obvious question: Would it be possible to keep this brain chemistry active forever?

An insight into love came just a few years later, and from an unexpected source.

People have always asked why dogs are so loving. There were two theories. The first possibility was that dogs simply had more capacity for love. That's how dogs act, after all. But others argued that dogs were simply very good at encouraging their owners to take good care of them. A dog that seems to love its owner can expect better food, more attention, and a nicer place to live.

The first answer was the correct one. When 20th century scientists developed the technology to sequence genomes, they found that domestic dogs all had a mutation that wasn't found in their ancestors, the wolves. It turned out that some humans had that mutation, too. And these humans were extraordinarily loving. Everyone who'd met one of these extraordinary people could tell. The mutation produces the ability to feel emotions beyond what is possible for ordinary mortals. Call it an emotional superpower.

These discoveries led to insights into the way the human brain operates. This led to the work creating the bonding medication that made Nav and Meena feel the love and passion of new lovers forever.

Joy. Real joy. Brought to you by the miracle of modern chemistry.

It was time for Nav to wake up. Half asleep, he realized that something was happening to his cock. Like always, he woke up with an erection. But this time, he felt Meena sucking on his cock, going up and down, using her tongue, and doing everything she could to give him pleasure. He was edging toward a very nice orgasm by the time he was fully awake. This was the third day in a row that Meena woke him like this.

"Come up here," Nav ordered. Meena reluctantly released him from her mouth and moved up to look at him face to face. "Good morning, Master," she said, smiling warmly.

"Good morning, love," Nav said. He was making an effort to use the word "love" as much as he could. Meena was very happy that he'd started using the word. She was happy with the way her life was going. She was glad that Nav had brought Charlie Frederik into her life. They were working on what looked like a sensible plan for Meena to produce a successful jazz album. Meena had always been a happy, upbeat person - it's the way her brain operated - but she had so many new reasons to be happy that Nav saw a change in her. It was visible in everything she did. She wanted to express her feelings for him, and sex was a huge part of her love language.

That seemed to be behind Meena's recent habit of waking Nav with a blowjob. She was so happy she was constantly looking for ways to let her Master know it. But Nav wanted to leave her satisfied too, and a morning blowjob made this difficult.

Nav was still a bit sleepy. He had morning breath. But he pulled Meena on top of him and got her to straddle him. She lowered herself onto his cock and began moving up and down.

"Sit up," Nav said. He wanted to watch her. Meena never tired of putting herself on display for her Master, letting him see her nude body as his hands roamed over her skin. She knew that Nav liked seeing her have orgasms like this, so she didn't need to be told to make herself cum.

She was almost there when Nav started to cum himself. Sucking his cock left him so excited that he wasn't able to make love very long. It wasn't a problem; Meena was close too, and feeling her Master's cock throb inside her forced her to cum, too. She held herself upright so Nav got a good, long look.

Nav finally hugged her to his chest. "That's a nice way to wake up," he said.

"That's what I was going for," Meena said.

What Nav was aiming for was a strategy to get Meena's music heard. He believed in her. If others could hear her play, hear her sing, they would love it as much as he did. He didn't know how to make that happen, but maybe Charlie Frederik did.

For decades, Charlie had hoped that some charismatic young performer would emerge and re-introduce music lovers to jazz. It had happened before with other genres of music. As he worked with Meena, he was increasingly convinced that this beautiful young genius had the potential to resurrect the music he loved.

His plan was easy to understand.

The first step was to record a terrific album full of greatest hits from the history of jazz. There was a reason those songs were popular when they were released. They resonated with people, and Charlie believed they still would. But one song needed to be one of Meena's original compositions so the listeners would know she was capable of doing more than covers.

The second step was to convince popular stars from other music formats to perform on Meena's album. Charlie knew plenty of famous musicians who played jazz as a hobby. These people had fans who'd listen to Meena's album if their music idols played.

Ordinarily, big stars don't play on albums by unknowns. But Nav authorized Charlie to offer big payments for these people. The offer of a big payday - and the fact that Charlie Frederik was involved - persuaded a lot of them to listen to some of Meena's demo tapes, and that persuaded them to take her seriously as an artist.

Finally, Charlie insisted that all the songs feature vocals by Meena. He didn't believe the public would accept an album of jazz instrumentals, even if it was produced by an instrumentalist as gifted as Meena. It would take time to cultivate that kind of acceptance.

For months, Charlie and Meena spent long days in a recording studio Nav leased for the project. They hired engineers, equipment managers, arrangers, videographers, administrative assistants, and even caterers. The escalating cost bothered Charlie, but Nav just laughed and reassured him. "This is not going to have a significant effect on my cash flow," Nav said. "Find something else to worry about, Charlie."

As hoped, the offer of big paydays attracted many musical stars to participate. None of them came to the studio in person; they worked in recording spaces of their own, collaborating through online connections. They could see and hear Meena just fine, and most of them were taken aback by the music gifts she exhibited. And it was impossible not to love her. These big stars had a lot of fun working with Meena, and they began telling others in the music business that they'd collaborated with a very special girl who was recording an album that promised to be amazing.

There was just one problem. It was exhausting.

Charlie started showing the stress first. This was the hardest he'd ever worked, and he'd never felt so much pressure to make something perfect. The longer he worked with Meena, the more devoted he became to her personally and professionally. It drove him to constantly push to work one more hour, record one more take, hire one more musician, and look for one more way to move the project forward.

Charlie's wife started showing up at the studio, looking concerned.

With Meena it was different. She had superhuman energy. Meena never got too tired, bored, or irritable. Her enthusiasm inspired everyone in the studio and made the project less of an ordeal. But her problem was just as serious.

She missed her Master. There was nothing Nav could do in the studio except listen to the work as it proceeded. He was just in the way. What Meena needed was her daily requirement of orders that fulfilled her need to be of service. Nav saw this problem growing, and it wasn't easy finding solutions.

The big breakthrough came when two large travel trailers arrived at the studio. One was for Meena, the other for Charlie. Having access to a real bed in a quiet space made it easier to relax. Having a real kitchen helped, too. Charlie and his wife spent some nights camped out in their trailer, and Nav spent most of his days in Meena's, working online as he waited for periodic visits when the team took a break.

When Meena entered the trailer, Nav snapped into Master mode.

"Tell me what you are working on today," Nav would "ask." He repeated his order to "do her best" on whatever tasks were most pressing. Then he'd tell her to have the caterer make sandwiches for their lunch. Inevitably, Meena asked the question she always asked:

"Would you like a blowjob, Master?"

Meena is relentless in the blowjob department. Just relentless, Nav thought. As much as he enjoyed blowjobs, this was not what was needed. Nav had limited time to satisfy Meena sexually.

"I want something a little different," he usually said. "Take off your clothes and get on that bed."

Nav removed his own clothes, then laid on his back. "Suck me until I'm hard," he ordered. Meena did as she was told. "Climb on top," Nav said.

Meena lowered herself on Nav's cock and began moving up and down. "Make yourself cum," Nav said. He felt her breasts, her waist, her face, and her hips. She ground her clit into him, growing more excited by the moment. It wasn't long before she came.

"You look so beautiful when you do that," Nav said. "Now, make me cum."

Meena resumed her work. She moved back and forth, up and down, right and left. Nav didn't allow himself to cum right away. He wanted Meena to build up a little orgasmic energy before he let go. After a few minutes Nav sensed that Meena was becoming excited again, so he stopped holding back. Soon, Meena felt him throbbing inside her. As always, this released a second orgasm for Meena, who'd grown to love the feeling of cumming along with Nav.

She fell forward, lying next to Nav.

"I love you, Meena," he said.

"I love you too, Master," she replied.

"You need to get back in the studio. They must be wondering what you're doing out here."

"I think most of them know," she said.

Meena left the trailer 17 minutes after entering it. In that time Nav issued a handful of orders and attended to her physical needs. It would get her through until lunch, when Nav would be prepared with another round of orders and a fresh boner.

A person who wasn't familiar with enslavement might think this kind of routine would provide Nav and Meena with enough satisfaction to take care of her needs. But their normal routine involved a lot more time devoted to leisurely sex. These quickies weren't sufficient. Since Meena's schedule was going to be hectic for a long time, Nav came up with an idea that gave them the best chance to renew their romance in the most passionate way possible.

Bedtime gave them their only daily opportunity for a relaxed session of lovemaking. They did what they could to exhaust their desires completely before falling asleep in each other's arms. One night Nav prepared a surprise he believed Meena would love.

It was late when they climbed into bed, and they both knew Meena would have to get up early to go to the studio. They undressed quickly, anxious to get started on the most rewarding part of their day. Nav made the bedroom look like an open beach cabana on the island where Meena grew up. The familiar scene was pleasant and reassuring.

"Put on your hood," Nav ordered. Meena obeyed, activating the ArousAll and giving the machine access to her brainwaves. Nav wore his hood, too, ensuring that he and Meena would be in perfect sync as they made love.

They didn't devote a lot of time to cuddling or foreplay. They'd endured months that didn't allow them to devote enough time to each other. They were hungry for affection. It wasn't long before Nav was on top of Meena, moving in and out in the relaxed, steady, affectionate rhythm they liked most.

But then there was a surprise. Meena felt something probing at her bottom. Soon, something that felt just like a cock began working into her ass. It wasn't as big as Nav's cock - it was very slender in comparison - but having two cocks inside her made Meena feel very full down there.

It felt good.

"Master, you are a very bad boy," Meena said.

The ArousAll controlled the motion of that second cock. It pushed forward each time Nav pulled back. Meena's brain waves told the machine what she liked, and how much.

It was delicious. There was no pain at all. No feeling of being stretched too much. By this time Meena's body had grown accustomed to having Nav's cock in her bottom, so she had no trouble accommodating the slender little cock controlled by the ArousAll.

Then it began to buzz. There was an ultrasonic vibrator in the tip of that little cock, and it imparted a delightful throbbing to the whole area down between her legs. Meena had never heard of "double penetration" and had been shielded from sex videos that featured the practice. Her Master had chosen this night to show her.

The ArousAll, not Nav, controlled their excitement. By turning the vibrator on and off, it pushed them toward orgasm together. When they came, it was more intense and powerful than their usual sex. Nav felt it was his job to care for Meena's needs, and he thought this way of making love did the job especially well.

The little cock in her ass was throbbing and filling Meena at the same time Nav's cock was doing the same thing. As she began feeling sleepy, Meena realized that Nav had programmed the ArousAll to give her a shot of the sleeping aid it sometimes dispensed. Meena thought that was probably a good idea. Her days in the studio were so engaging and involved that she sometimes lay awake at night, unable to stop thinking about it all.

Sleep came quickly, followed by pleasant dreams about being wrapped in her Master's arms.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I’ll take one of those Arouse-alls please. Just put it on my credit card.

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