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Escape from Cimarron


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The driver struggled to catch his breath and Steve pulled himself to his feet to find wild-eyed monks rushing the stage from both sides.

Steve twisted around to find Nita. "Where do they keep coming from?" he asked, then he caught sight of the pavilion's rigging line tied off beside the stage. He untied the rope and wrapped it around his arm. He caught Nita by her waist and told her, "Hold on tight," and she locked her arms around his neck.

He took a running leap off the stage as the charging monks reached them and bellowed, "Coming through!" Nita squealed in his ear, and her novice's veil fluttered behind them as they sailed over grunting bikers and nuns with their feet in the air.

They hit the ground running for the courtyard gate, but Steve only made it a couple steps before the rigging around his arm pulled taut and snapped him back. He freed one arm while Nita tugged on the other, and her voice went up to a higher pitch. "The gate's closing!"

Nita pulled Steve free and they dove through the gate as the pavilion collapsed behind them. It doused the light and quieted the pulsing music from inside. Steve lurched to his feet, and Nita stepped from one foot to the other. "Ouch! Sharp rocks. Bare feet."

Sister Clarice called from the gatehouse window, "Catch! I packed some of Nita's stuff," and she heaved a travel bag out the window. Steve dove for it, but he couldn't catch it before it hit the ground. "Oops," Clarice said. "Nothing breakable. God bless you two!"

Zeke looked over Clarice's shoulder and lifted her tunic. "Bless me, too!" she said, and she caught her breath as he bent her over.

The gatehouse window slid shut, and Steve said, "Betsy's back by the boiler house where Clarice left her." He tucked his hand under Nita's elbow, but she pulled away.

Nita repeated, "Sharp rocks. Bare feet," and Steve rolled his eyes in the dark. He knelt in front of his sister, and she gasped when he stood again with her bent over his shoulder.

Steve held Nita's legs against his chest with one arm, picked up the bag, and turned to start the long walk around the abbey.

"What are you doing?" Nita pounded on his back. "Put me down. Here, try this!" She reached back and held something in front of Steve's face that he couldn't see. "I took it out of that big oaf's jacket while he was jerking me around. It might start Semenov's limo."

Steve had to pull his head back to focus on the lock fob in Nita's hand. "Clever girl." He spun around with Nita still draped over his shoulder and looked for the limo. He pressed the button on the fob, and the limo's lights flashed from the visitor's lot on the other side of the gate.

It was a short walk to the limo, and Steve set Nita on her feet by the door. He slid in behind the wheel and adjusted the driver's seat while Nita shoved her bag behind the seat and leaned close to Steve.

"It's suddenly cold, and you're warm," Nita said. She sniffed at him. "It smells funny in here--and it isn't all you."

"Yeah, who knows what Semenov got up to in here." Steve looked down at his sister as he started the limo, then jerked his eyes away. "You're really distracting. Is there a jacket or something in that bag?"

"Could have sworn you liked the view." Nita opened her bag and rifled through it in the dark, and Steve unwrapped the tattered gauze from his hands. She came up with the jacket from her school uniform. "I planned on never wearing this again."

Steve started the limo while Nita settled into the jacket. She threw her novice's veil over her shoulders then gestured through the windshield. "Can we get a burger? I'm starving."

"Does Cimarron even have a burger place? Maybe we can get something in the bar."

"We can find out if we ever get there. Are you just gonna wait for Semenov and that big geek to catch up with us?"

The gate opened behind them, and Steve punched the gas. He left rubber in the parking lot and left Semenov shaking his fist in the air.

They pulled up to the hotel and Steve parked the limo beside Big Baby Blue. The old Caddy gleamed in the light that spilled from the lobby, but the bar was dark and empty. He left the lock fob on the driver's seat and pitched Nita's bag into Big Baby Blue.

Nita wrapped her arms around herself to ward off the cooling night air while Steve checked on the bar. She watched bats dive and flit through the light of the only street lamp in town until Steve looked out from the bar. "We're good," he said. "Elk burgers are on special."

Nita looked around while Steve led her to a table. She craned her neck to see behind the bar and into the dark corners. "I've never been in a place like this. I expected--you know, card sharks and women of special virtue." She seemed disappointed.

"Maybe on another night." The bartender stopped by the table to take their order, and Steve asked, "Where's Josie?"

"She'll be back when the customers are back. Burgers and fries? What to drink?"

"Never finished my rye," Steve said. "Bring me another."

Nita ordered a Dr. Pepper and studied the big elk head mounted behind the bar. "He's looking at me. I'm probably going to have his second cousin twice removed for dinner. Creepy." She shifted in her seat. "It's drafty in here."

"Pull your jacket tighter." Steve shrugged and sat back while the bartender brought their drinks.

Nita waited until the bartender was gone. "That's not where the draft is." She sipped her soda and set it aside. "Brother Thomas didn't want anything in Semenov's way, so there's nothing under this sarong but me." She leaned forward and crossed her arms on the table so her jacket gaped open enough to catch Steve's attention, and she asked, "Wanna see?" Nita laughed at her brother's reaction.

"What am I going to do with you?" Steve shook his head and tossed the rye down, and a shudder shook his shoulders.

"That's kinda your problem right now, isn't it? No-one ever asks what I want to do."

They didn't work it out before the bartender came back with two red baskets heaped with fries and giant burgers dripping with melted cheese. He left the baskets, and Steve and Nita didn't have much to say until the food was gone and the bill was paid.

Steve stood when he was done and waited for Nita to meet him by the table. He wrapped a rough hand around her arm to make sure he had her attention and said, "College for you, I think. I'll take you back to Mom and let her make that happen."

Nita wrinkled her nose at her brother. "Not my choice, but what about tonight? What are we doing?"

"Getting you a room." Steve snatched Nita's bag out of Big Baby Blue, and she followed him into the hotel lobby.

The clerk-of-few-words was nowhere in sight. Steve was about to ring for attention when Nita covered the bell with her hand and said, "I heard something." She opened the gate to get behind the desk and peeked around the corner into the office, and Steve peered over her shoulder.

The clerk was there, leaning against the edge of the table with his pants around his ankles. Josie knelt between his knees. Her blond curls bobbed, and he dropped his head back. He moaned at the ceiling with his eyes clenched tight shut.

"Good for tips," Steve said.

Nita turned around close against Steve. She put a finger to her lips to shush her brother and pushed him back with her hand on his chest. She pushed him 'til he backed out from behind the desk, and she said, "Let's leave them alone. Where's your key?"

"Here," Steve said. He reached into his pocket and flashed the card. Nita snatched it from his hand and swept her bag from the floor in front of the desk, and Steve watched with his mouth open while she ran the stairway to the second floor.

He found the door open and closed it behind him. Nita had already discarded her jacket. She perched on the edge of the bed and searched for the pins that held her veil. "This is like a real bed," she said and left a handful of pins on the bedside table. She dropped her veil on the floor. "Not a dorm bed and not a cot in a cell."

Steve struggled to tear his eyes off Nita. Her nipples stood up for his attention. She loosened her hair and shook it out until her blond waves fell to her shoulders. Her sarong opened to the knot at the curve of her hip and showed the length of her long, sleek thigh.

"Enjoy it," Steve said. He picked his bag off the bed and pitched it into the bathroom. "But, you're going to sleep on the sofa. Now I'm getting in the shower."

Nita's shoulders sagged. "God, I'm tired of people telling me what I'm going to do. You'd rather share a warm bed with me, and you know it."

She was talking to a closed door.

Steve didn't hear over the shower when the door opened and closed behind Nita. He didn't hear her sarong slip to the floor. Warm water flowed over his face and his shoulders while Nita pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the shower.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked, and Nita squeaked when his big hand came down on her shoulder. He knotted his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back. Her mouth fell open, and her eyes grew wide.

"What I want to do." Nita twisted in her brother's grip until he let her go. "I've seen the look on your face. You want me like I want you. If you don't admit it, then you're only lying to yourself. I know what I know."

Nita was right. Steve's muscles tightened, and he pulled his sister close. His nostrils flared as he inhaled her animal scent. He pushed her back into the corner of the shower. His hands traveled from her breasts and over the curve of her hips, and his big cock hardened. He touched the soft mound between her legs then bent to shove his hands between her thighs, and he lifted her in his arms.

Nita reached down to wrap both hands around Steve's straining shaft and caught her breath. "Oh my God Steve!"

"It's too late to go back now," Steve said, and he forced the sensitive head of his cock up between his sister's spread thighs. Her pussy stretched tight around his shaft, and she banged her head into the corner as he filled her.

Steve stopped with his forehead against the wall over Nita's shoulder and said, "I can't believe I'm doing this." Her arms wrapped his shoulders. Her legs wrapped his hips, and her breath warmed his neck. He was in her, and she engulfed him.

Nita turned her head and her lips brushed the skin below Steve's ear. Her voice was quiet and hoarse. "Shut up, Stevie, and do it."

Steve let Nita make the noise. Her voice was garbled, and her hips thumped against the wall. The sensations from his sister's body flooded his mind. His arms and his thighs strained from the effort. His cock burned deep inside her, and he pounded into her until he couldn't stand it any more.

Nita sank her teeth into Steve's shoulder, and he groaned at the pain. Spasms shook his body and he grunted as his hot cum pulsed through his shaft. Every fiber in his body focused on filling his sister--on joining them together forever.

Steve stopped when he was empty and struggled out of his euphoric fog. He lifted Nita to let his softening cock slip out of her and asked, "Is that what you wanted?"

Nita was dazed, and she took a moment. "It was--it went fast. Let me down?" Steve stepped back from the wall to give her room, and her knees wobbled a little when he let her go. He watched the water streaming over her shoulder and off her breasts until she pushed him back. "Go. Give me a sec to get over that." She pulled the shower curtain closed behind him.

Steve dried off and tossed the wet towel in the corner. He bounced on the bed and laid back with his hands behind his head, and he listened to big bikes rumbling to a stop in front of the hotel. Josie was going to have work to do, and he had issues with his sister.

The bathroom door opened, and Steve lifted his head out of his hands to watch. Nita tossed her towel in the corner and stopped with one knee on the bed and one foot still on the floor. She cocked her head to listen to the bikes outside and asked, "Going down to play with your friends?"

"We need to talk," Steve said. He touched Nita's shoulder and his hand slipped down her naked body as she climbed over him. Her smooth skin slid over his, and she sent thrills through his body. She was warm, but she was tense.

"Is that what you usually do?" Nita laid her head on Steve's shoulder and her knee across his hips, and she stroked his chest. "Sex and then talk?"

"I usually leave." Steve brushed a lock of hair off Nita's face. "Not usually much for talk, but I need to find out what else you want."

Nita slipped her fingertips down Steve's hard belly and along his cock. "I want you to use me like your very own sex doll. You earned that, right?" She lifted her head to watch Steve. "There's something else... I won't go back to Mom and that stinking husband of hers. I want to go where you go."

Steve dropped his head back and groaned at the ceiling. "I'm going to Columbia. There's an emerald mine." His cock was hardening under Nita's touch. He moved as if he might stop her, but then he didn't.

"I'll go with you," Nita said. "I'll have your back. I'll keep you out of trouble."

Steve laughed at his sister. "The way you look? And that mouth? You are trouble."

"We're meant to be." Nita squeezed Steve's big cock. "We fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Didn't you notice? Or were you too busy cumming? We're made for each other. It'll always be that way, no matter what we do."

Too much talk. Steve pushed Nita's hand away and started up, but she pulled him down and climbed over him to straddle his waist. "What are you doing?' Steve asked.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Nita reached between her legs to find his cock. "If you don't want to use me, then I'll use you. Trust me. You'll like it." She caught her breath when she settled down on the head of his cock.

The sensations Nita sent through Steve's body made him writhe on the mattress. His shaft disappeared into her, and it glistened with her nectar when she rose again. She squeezed her clit between her fingers. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, and she took him inside again.

Steve arched his back and growled through his teeth. That was all he could take. His little sister might get what she wanted, but she was going to get it his way. He climbed to his knees with his hand under Nita's butt, laid her down, and slammed his cock deep into the warmth between her thighs. He cradled her head in his hand and felt her breath, hot and ragged against his shoulder, and he thrust into her again.

Nita was his. Steve owned the taste of her slick skin and the scent of her hair. Her flesh, her bones, her spirit--they were all his, and they were all exciting. Everything about sex with Nita was exciting.

Steve's thick shaft throbbed inside his little sister. Her body tightened in his arms, and her fingers dug into his sides. Her mouth was open without making a sound. Her eyes were open without seeing.

Steve bellowed into the mattress as his hot cream erupted. He slammed deep into her and stopped, and then again, and then he rolled away from between his sisters legs and spread his arms on the mattress while he caught his breath.

Nita followed. She was soft and warm against Steve's side until she lifted her head off his shoulder. "Was I right? We're perfect, aren't we?"

Steve stroked his fingers through Nita's wet hair and pulled her closer. "You're right," he said. "You're my perfect girl."

"Then let's celebrate," Nita said, and Steve laughed at the ceiling.

It was a long night, and bright light seeped around the curtains when Steve pried his eyes open. He lifted his head to look over Nita at the clock by the bed and bolted up. "Places to go, and checkout's at one," Steve said, and Nita grunted at him when he slapped her bare ass.

He waited for Nita by the hotel desk. Her blond ponytail swung across the shoulders of her school jacket and her plaid skirt bounced around her knees as she ran down the stairs. She dropped her bag at Steve's feet and said, "Clarice has a sense of humor. This is the only outfit she packed."

Steve threw their bags into the trunk and slammed it shut. Nita stood where Semenov's limousine had been and watched family cars stop at the corner and turn up the road to the abbey.

"I almost want to see how they put things back together," she said then shuddered. "No I don't."

Steve vaulted into the driver's seat and leaned across the car to open Nita's door. She closed it behind her, slid across the seat and settled beside her brother. "Where are we going now?" she asked.

"To get you some decent jungle gear," Steve said and threw the big car into drive.

Big Baby Blue was a car built for the long road. Steve sat back with one hand on her wheel. He stretched his arm across the back of the seat and Nita leaned against his side. They had places to go--him and Nita and that big, old car--and the world spread out in front of them.

My thanks to Alinax and thegoofyproofyreader for their help.

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OldFloridaGuyOldFloridaGuy8 months ago

Definitely a fun read!

Now I'm off to explore a few more of your stories.

Thank you.

ToughSailorToughSailor9 months ago

Absolutely, hysterically, outrageous. Couldn't have produced a better read. You definitely owe your muse a shot of rye or two. Bravo Zulu . . . .

juanviejojuanviejoover 1 year ago


dmallorddmallordover 1 year ago

Zany from beginning to end. It sounded like an Indiana Jones movie script - it just needed a bullwhip or two. I thought about the sign for a moment - missing C tilted L that just left '..ass of 2023' hanging on that banner. Nice touch if that was intended to be the impression left in the readers' minds. 5* adventure.

IJS0904IJS0904over 1 year ago

What a fun story! Over the top adventure, amazing characters, and heros worth rooting for. The sex was integrated perfectly and enhanced the story. This was a ton of fun and very hot. Thanks for sharing.

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