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Eucalyptus Club The Ladyboy Party


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Again as he put on his robe I admired his toned and olive skin as it reflects in the sunlight, this time he held open for me a silk matching robe to wear and join him. I went into the kitchen following the smell of Italian coffee and warm rolls in the bread oven. Giuseppe was standing there in his short wrap checking the rolls. I stood at the door with only the almost see through wrap on and the sun on my back, Giuseppe turned and looked at me and smiled. He came over, slid it off my shoulders, dropped his own wrap, we both stood their naked together aroused.

We went again to the Italian farm style radiator, as I sat on its warm padded top and my feet on its raised warm steps. He leaned over me I could feel him start as we enjoyed the Italian way. The engagement was again erotically overwhelming I just sat there enjoying every moment of it, before long I could feel myself start to climax before he did.

We then went over to his American booth table and we both sat there together naked drinking coffee and enjoying warm rolls, his hands were wandering freely. Then he remembered he had a golf game today with Haru and Jiro, he sounded disappointed when he said I will have to get ready. Plan was he would drop me off at Steve's place and we would meet at Ken's later for a few drinks and barbecue as Alan and Steve.

When we arrived at Steve's he was walking toward us from Ken's. Although we were still both dressed as ladyboys were not worried about being outed, from the distance we would look like Shelia and Anjou returning home as they often did at this time. Steve opened the door Shelia and Anjou jumped out at us and said where have you two been to all this time and started to laugh.

Anjou and Shelia were wearing only their sheer nightdresses, in the sunlight were almost translucent. I could see Sheila's red rock hard nipples protrude and shine through, Anjou's were in a similar state but darker and harder. They both were tantalisingly alluring as they stood there scolding us. Sheila looked at me like she never had looked at me before, went behind me and unzipped my dress and then slid it off my shoulders, I was no longer Alana but Alan to her.

She took my hand and led me into her bedroom closing the door behind us, Anjou went into Steve's bedroom who was no longer Steff. As I stood beside her bed I lifted her nightdress off over her head, she stood there completely naked, to me she looked lost and innocent. I was very nervous as I had never been with a girl before, she leaned over and kissed me, our tongue's touched and played intimately with each other. I was getting aroused but my paper pants were holding me back from openly sharing my affections with her. I felt her pull the cord ring on them, they split and fell to the floor as I popped out, we came together and touched intimately.

We stood there frozen in time gently exploring and engaging with each other until we were ready to lay together. She lay there with her long blond hair spread across the pillows, as I kissed her we engaged together and started to gently undulate, our tongue's dancing together. I could see in her eyes that we were always meant for each other, together we slowly copulated not in any hurry this was to be our first intimate time together which we wanted to last for ever.

Our inner desires building together we held back for as long as we could, this being our first time, the inevitable happened and we unloaded in unison. Like two intertwined statues we froze this time of ecstasy as we slowly descended from the clouds on a parachute of haze. We parted and lay alongside each other staring intimately into each other's eyes, we did not need to share any words for what we already knew. Shelia then wrapped her hand over me, pulling us together pressing her warm breasts and rock hard nipples against me. We relaxed, slowly as her eyes closed dreaming of what had just been shared. I enjoyed lying there watching her dream with a contented smile.

I don't know how long we lay there before she stirred, I felt as though I was the guardian of her dreams and desires. Her eyes opened as she smiled, reaching over to me smiled and kissed me gently and caringly on my lips, we lay there silently only to be awakened from our solitude by the noise of Anjou expressing her sexual satisfaction with Steve. We both smiled and gently and quietly laughed in unison.

Shelia said after what Steve went through in his life I think he deserved that moment of adulation. I said this was my first time with a girl, she said I know I could feel it in your tenderness. I asked was this your first time too, she tensed as she said no, I was sexually assaulted by my cousin, I must have looked as though I wanted to comfort and protect her from her past.

Without prompting said remember what Steve said about being exploited by his cousin. One day he came round asking to see Steve again I could smell the drink on his breath. Steve was away with you up north for two weeks camping and everyone was out bar me. Between that and my parents who were swingers photographing him and Steve.

I hated him for it and I lashed out at him physically and verbally. He didn't want deprived of his pleasure, ripped off my top, shorts and underwear and assaulted me, I fought back the way we were shown at college. He became even more enraged because of the pain I inflicted on him and started to punch me and left me lying there bleeding, internally too before he left.

My parents came home and found me, sent for an Ambulance, the hospital sent for the police. I was five days in hospital the most painful part was when the Doctors said I couldn't have children because of the internal injuries he inflicted on me, I had some facial and body scars too. I stuttered as I asked what happened to him.

The Police found his van in a ditch not far from here, they think he lost control on a bend due to the drink. His van had left the road and rolled over, bags of flour in the back burst open, a spark ignited it. The older Police officer who had the build of a bear and looked job weary said to me unofficially, my cousin got his just rewards he was trapped in the seat belt and couldn't get out then the fire reached him. It wasn't instantaneous as you see on the films.

We didn't tell Steve by time you both came back from your camping trip, I was out of hospital with any visible signs gone or makeup disguising them. The young police woman and her college the bear were gay too. They organised a councillor for me, which turned out to be Anjou's mother.

During our sessions she told me that she was to have an arranged marriage to Anjou's father, they respected their family and were ok about the arrangement. But it was cancelled because she had been sexually assaulted by her cousin, their religion prohibited such marriages because they were tarnished.

They eloped to Gretna and got married without their parents blessing then moved to where they live now. An uncle helped finance the start of his business as he had some empathy with their predicament even although he was old school. As it turned out his son Richard and his now wife weren't, they were both gay. He didn't think it was right to lose out on family or future grandchildren.

I met Anjou and then Si they had a lot of shame issues like me. At college we met other students with family rejection issues because they were gay or whatever, we all became friends and each other's confidant. Also Si his treatment was to photograph us until we were confident about how normal we looked, it didn't really work for me. After a bit of persuasion I let him photograph me, eventually naked, you couldn't see my scars because of the makeup. That's how I got in with Tim and Si and the Club and why I was able to introduce you and Steve to them.

Later at a girls all night party we all stripped off for a dare, it was then as we all sat their naked with Anjou sitting next to me watching some of the others affectionately kiss and fondle with each other. That Anjou kissed me for the first time, I liked it and responded and then we started to fondle each other, one thing led to another. We have been intimate friends ever since.

Shelia said she needed my help, Anjou has traced all her four grandparents who live down south who she had never met. She wants the four us to go and meet them with her. Her parents are ok about it, that's also why they don't have any problems with Anjou's lifestyle preferences. I said yes no problem, when?

Sheila then said I have something else to ask you, you know my friend Carole who I visit overnight from time to time asked me, did I have a boyfriend. I said yes, you, only he doesn't know about it yet, that's why I came on to you. Carole said she would like to meet you and could we stay overnight with her at my next overnight visit in two days' time. I didn't know what this would entail but had a good idea. I said yes, not to impress but because I wanted too. Sheila then said another thing Si phoned me he wants both of us for a film shoot next week, again I said yes ok.

By now we were both starting to get aroused with each other, as we were about to get intimate again, our bedroom door was knocked, Steve stuck his head in and said we have to meet Ken and Giuseppe soon. I looked at Shelia and said I have work to go to, she said so did she with Anjou they were having a Bukkake birthday themed party tonight at the Club and Anjou is the chosen offering and I am the Matron. Bukkake's had become very popular since Carole's famous one and Anjou and I are often the preferred birthday person offering's.

We walked round, took about half an hour, Ken and Giuseppe were waiting for us they looked extremely pleased with themselves. Apparently Haru and Jiro had agreed a favourable deal with them for which I got credit for by my sharing of my first time with Haru, had impressed him and that I liked Giuseppe. Ken said you will both get a special extra bonus for that and handed us a beer each.

We drank a lot of beer that night and became their friends not just lust toys to them. But that didn't stop them wanting to share intimate fun. Giuseppe asked me had I ever tried a water bet, I said no because I can't swim. He said follow me. We climbed up to the second floor of the house and went into a bedroom with a very large water bed.

It was impressive it was sort of oval shaped with a platform type step all round it, he said go on try it out. I climbed up and sat on the bed and fell back into it as it adjusted for my weight. I floundered about trying to sit upright but managed it he said what do think of its wave feature as he switched it on, it was so relaxing.

Then he changed the settings I tried to sit up but couldn't ended up rolling over onto my face then my back as I tried, at this point underneath lighting with flashing lights came on and music that came through the water, you could feel it reverberating off your back. Then all the features started to work in harmony it gave you an erotic and sensual feeling. I rolled over and lay face down it was making me get aroused as it's wave motion rubbed me up and down.

After I climbed out I pulled off my tee shirt with some logo on it and removed my shorts and let them drop on the floor. Giuseppe pulled off his shirt and shorts, we both stood there naked facing each other, without any further pre nuptials I unceremoniously flopped back onto the bed. He flopped in as a lifeguard would, as the bed adjusted for both of us. We rolled together and away, eventually we came together, and I rolled over face up as he positioned himself straddling over me.

It took a bit effort to get our balance sort off correct we did fall over a couple of times. He pressed the controller wave button and it started a gently wave undulation slowly building to a gentle rolling wave, soft music also resonated through the water and the disco lights started to shine through the bed.

As we came together the beds undulation did most but not all of the work, we added our own preferences as we rode the waves together, it was slow and unhurried. Each wave as it rolled under us and us over it was an unbelievable experience, we both together started to climax slowly in harmony as it was extended and continued to build. Then I felt it leave us, almost but not quite together.

As we tried to part the wave machine continued making us try to build on an empty tank Giuseppe grabbed the controller after it tried to evade him and hit the kill switch it gently slowed and stopped. By now we were both exhausted and flipped over as a bubble jet started to massage our backs. We thought about trying it again but we were so exhausted, compromise was a together shower.

We headed downstairs still exhausted both unsteady on our feet due to exhaustion, all we had on were out towels as we flopped down on the loungers. Steve came over with restorative beers. Then Giuseppe produced one of his famous restorative pasta bakes and rope coffee combos.

It was late before we finished, as we were leaving Ken said we have had invites to other business ladyboy nights the next is in Rome. Do both of you want to attend with us, one thing, under their terms you will have to remain in character all the time. Including on the flight out and train back, the second is in Paris the third in Copenhagen. We looked at each other, in our best Alana and Steff character and voice turned to them and said yes.

We headed back to Steve's just a taxi was dropping Shelia and Anjou off after their shift at the Club. We all went upstairs paired off and went to bed to start where we had left off the previous day. In the morning Shelia and I had an early start with Tim and Si.

When we arrived at the studio we were directed to one of the big studios, inside was set up as a bedroom. After getting all our makeup applied by the dressers, I now had a fake tattoo on my butt, we appeared on set to be briefed on what to do. I remember thinking interesting.

The regular actors had done their bit, we were their film stand-ins. It was to be a bedroom wet waterbed scene and the director was not happy with realism of the intercourse scenes. What he wanted was simple he wanted us to have athletic sex together, as realistic as possible. He asked us do we need to do a rehearsal, after last night and this morning, we said no.

Getting into the bed and positioned which was fun like last night. The cameras then ringed us with their lenses, this is when you get the floppies when everyone is watching waiting to give you marks out of ten. But we had been deprived of our fun this morning due to an early start. We had time to make up. When the Director said action, we were so intense with erotic anticipation that we engaged without hesitation. Then we started to build each other's desires with playing and faking as a way of foreplay.

The Director was shouting encouragement to us to continue this way. We didn't need encouragement we were doing it for us and only us. The intensity inside us was starting to build for real our affections for each other were controlling events not the film Director. But he seemed to be enjoying watching it as we were living it. Nature took it course and we climaxed with a joint outrush that the camera captured. We played out the part with our separation and parting.

The director was so vocally and animated pleased with the take he said I think we will go with this one take. We could see the three cameramen and one camera women were sexually aroused watching us. We went with the Director into the screening room with only our clingy wraps on and they were clingy. We watched all four camera takes even we were impressed and started to twitch a little as we watched.

We did five more undressed scenes and takes before we were finished but that was the only real sex scene. It was a tiring day. We headed home together as Steve and Anjou were leaving for a private party shift and the Club but wouldn't tell us what theme they were doing. It was the first time that we were home alone together. I think it was then that we knew what we wanted from each other.

Two nights later we went to Carole's, still unsure what was expected of us. When we arrived her dining table was set out for us, we were to have a meal with her, she wanted to thank Shelia for her friendship without any expectations of her that night. I think she also wanted to see me, to see if I was suitable for her Shelia. As we left said I would like to have the both of you back for a threesome one night. We both liked her and said yes we would like that.

We all started University the following week but kept working for the Club, Tim and Si. After a few months we also rented a house between us, it had three bedrooms one of which was our study room. After we all got our degrees which Anjou's grandparents and parents attended. We all kept working for the Club after University then started to follow our lives paths. Ingrid managed to get Anjou into erotic films they now both live together in Copenhagen. Steve met someone and lives with them in Paris.

Shelia and I kept working for the Club until we reached our best by, desirable date. We had made enough money to retire on but decided to buy a rundown farm in the southwest and converted it into a sanctuary for the very wealthy. Were we offer using sex based counselling, interactive techniques to aid their recovery, Tim and in particular Si assists us from time to time with the more challenging cases. Over the three years we have had the practice we have had a number of clients refer us to their friends and return to us when they felt the need.

We also worked for the Club as staff tutors, mentors and confidants in their times of insecurity or loss of confidence, the lifestyle is not for everyone. Also we appeared in five films as stand-ins and one animated film. Don't ask.


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