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Exposing Life's Cruel Irony Ch. 07

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Vince gets all his reward and Doris finds peace.
7.1k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/13/2006
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This is the final chapter in the Cruel Irony series.


On the second Thursday evening in February Jeff answered for the phone. A familiar voice that sounded week and distressed spoke, "Is Pam there?"

After calling his wife to the phone he asked his sister, "Are you okay?"

Betty did not want to talk with him. He sat at a distance waiting for his wife to tell him what was up. It was evident from a few phrases that there was something really wrong.

When she finished, Pam did not say much other than that Betty was with her parents for the weekend and was coming over Saturday. Betty needed to talk to Pam. Early Saturday morning Jeff loaded a range of tools into car and drove to Tara's new home, four houses down the street. Tara had closed the home two weeks before and needed numerous small repairs and painting. As he started painting the master bedroom, his mind was upon what was happening with his sister.

Time crawled. A year ago he thought their lives were orderly and perfect. He and Pam loved their jobs. They were renovating and decorating together their home. Above all they were deeply in love. The tension with his mother had disappeared and other than some distance between Tara and Vince, their extended families all seemed to be well. Even the tension between his in-laws seemed to be more a result of them being married so long that they had taken each other for granted. Adjusting to the empty nest may have been a factor Jeff often thought.

Becoming parents earlier than planned was the first yet celebrated change to take place. Then the news of his mother's affair shocked them. The news of his parentage had created complications, but they handled it all.

Royce did not walk away from his marriage with Doris. Instead he had sought to love Doris and redeem their marriage. For three months his father and mother were seeing counselors as part of their healing process.

Vince, his father-in-law announced in mid January a two month work assignment in California. All, including his mother-in-law Tara knew the trust and that this was Vince's first step towards a divorce. When Vince learned earlier that his wife was expecting his surprise turned to anger. His anger overflowed in a letter that Tara received two weeks ago.

The carefully worded and cold letter charged that Tara's pregnancy was a continuation of the manipulation and control games she had been playing since they met. He did not desire to father any more than two children. Just as she used pregnancy as a way to entrap him into a marriage, she was doing it again to hinder his professional advancement. He questioned whether she really loved him.

The letter went on to say he was not going to stand for it any longer and was contemplating divorce. He asked that she agree to his claim of irreconcilable differences and her unwillingness to move to California when he was offered a permanent transfer to the new plant. Vince threatened that if Tara fought his filing he would charge her before her family for emotional and physical cruelty. He also claimed that he would bring forward evidence that she had been having an affair with two unnamed men, one for eleven years and another for four years. He implied that he would taint her reputation with her children and cause his grandmother to disavow her. Vince's true unguarded heart was evident.

Tara shed no tears. The letter only steeled her resolve. It also steeled Nancy's anger and resolve as well. She had married Robert after her first husband, Vince's natural grandfather, died. Though Robert a successful business lawyer and land speculator never had children Nancy did not want his money that she inherited to be given away thoughtlessly. She saw the letter was evidence of her grandson not being a worthy heir.

Into this tangled web the one who seemed to be the most stable, Betty, now seemed to be in crisis.

At two o'clock while waiting to apply the last coat of paint Jeff looked out the window and saw Betty depart in her green Accent.

That evening after dinner and with the baby resting Jeff learned Betty was pregnant. Jeff was stunned. After a moment of silence a myriad of questions spilled forth from his lips, "Who is the father? Now what? Is she going to get an abortion? Was she not on the pill? How is this going to affect her completing her degree and get her first position? Who else knows? Why did she not tell both of us?"

With a serious look on her face Pam told her husband to be quiet and give her a chance to explain what she learned.

Betty was on the pill. When her prescription ran out at the end of the semester she had not taken the time to get to the clinic. With the assignments due at the end of the semester and her teaching responsibilities she just kept putting it off as she was not seeing anyone. At a party the week prior Christmas she ran into an old flame. She thought she was safe as her period had ended not long before but evidently the alcohol blurred her memory. She thought she would not be ovulating until Christmas.

Betty's anguish deepened when Ron, the old flame, called Betty a slut for trying to blame him. He said he could not be the father as he had a vasectomy two years ago. Betty suspected that was a lie but she was not going to push it. From his reaction it was just as well that Ron should not be in the baby's life. She was at point in her studies where being pregnant and having a baby would not unduly impact her studies.

Looking at her husband Pam said, "Betty's biggest issue is with the financial implications."

Pam paused before telling her husband that she offered Betty their help. Before she could say anything Jeff uttered, "We can help her. I am confident dad and mom will help too."

Pam hugged her husband, "I told her much the same."

"Why did she tell you first?" Jeff asked.

"It is a little complicated," Pam replied quietly to her husband. "I was the preliminary test ahead of telling Mom and Dad. And there is something else at play here that you need to know."

Jeff became speechless as he learned that his sister was bi-sexual and had feelings for his wife. He became numb when his wife told him what happened Christmas Eve, her reaction and what led up to what almost happened New Years Eve. His heart became more settled when he heard her assurances of her faithfulness.

The quiet uncomplicated life of the prior year was long past.


Two weeks later Royce and Jeff were watching the baby. Pam and Doris were out helping Tara and Betty purchase maternity clothing.

Just as they finished watching a hockey game end the phone rang. Royce returned to sit quietly in his chair. Noticing moisture in the corner of his father's eye Jeff asked, "Are you okay?"

His father answered, "That was Nancy. She just finished with Vince." Royce felt saddened that the day had come.

Looking at his father, Jeff asked what he was feeling.

"This is not a moment for joy. I cannot celebrate. The downfall of someone we have known all these years is not a happy moment. It was necessary but I still weep this day came. I am grieved that we had to be exposed to their evil." Royce replied quietly.

"Have we done the right in all this?" Jeff quietly asked.

After a minute of silence Royce deliberately and slowly replied, "If you mean by doing the right, did we do the right by telling Carl, most definitely yes. He definitely needed to know that his wife was setting him up for divorce and blame him. We could not sit quietly on the sidelines without warning him that a viper was about to sting. You were right to visit him before his conference."

Taking a sip of water Royce paused and looked thoughtful. "If you mean if it was right to allow your mother to redeem herself, yes it was. Some men and women would toss their spouse out without a second thought. I will not judge them since there are situations where such action is clearly warranted. My ego was bruised. I felt betrayed. I detest what happened but I love her. I have invested too many years into loving her to give up on her or our marriage without a good effort."

"In days following her confession I found her in the kitchen or den crying five different times. Her guilt overwhelmed her. Counseling is helping us to rebuild trust. I now see how the pain she kept suppressed suddenly overwhelmed her once she confessed. I have repeatedly told her I forgive her, yet she still feels the need to punish herself. The counselor says my wife is seeking to do some type of penitence that could help free her of her feelings of guilt. The counselor has also helped me to understand her subservient needs and that I need to be more assertive with her sometimes."

Royce looked his son squarely in the eyes as he continued, "Marriage takes work, hard work. Sometimes your mother and I have forgotten that. There are ups and downs in every marriage. In those tough moments where it can be broken, if there is enough goodness for it to be salvaged, goodwill and love, salvage it. I am doing that."

"Your mother is a good woman. Never forget that she was preparing to tell me everything. Her fears and his games of manipulation held her for years. He not only played upon her fear of loneliness and shame, he deepened those feelings. When he pushed too far last summer and you to expecting caused her to finally gather enough courage to confess. I know in my heart she loves me."

Interjecting himself into the monologue Jeff offered, "I know she does dad. I see more now than ever how my understanding of love was shaped by what I learned and saw from you and mom." He paused and then said, "I cannot fathom how my life would be without Pam."

Royce could only smile. He wanted to tell his son that in ten years he will look back and see how much more his love for his wife has grown. He held off saying it because his son would not fully appreciate its significance until a few more years had passed.

Royce continued, "If you mean, did we do the right in pushing her to confess with the emails, I am not sure about that. I have asked myself if we were not playing a similar game as Vince. Son, though it worked, it could have gone so wrong. It could have destroyed her trust in me or deepened her feelings of guilt to the point of a breakdown. I forgot to factor such negatives into my thinking."

"After everyone left on Christmas I confessed what we did and sought her forgiveness. I did so again days later since your mother was too quick and too generous with her forgiveness. Your mother disagrees that what we did was wrong. She said it reinforced her resolve. Any thoughts of not confessing were killed by the email and made her realize that she could not be free without telling me all."

"One positive is that it helped us to become more open about our sexual desires and fantasies." Royce laughed.

Jeff replied, "I can understand that. Redeeming the coupons would be fun."

"That is not what I am talking about. I destroyed the coupons. They did allow us to express our desires and fantasies more openly. I will not coerce or force her in any way. The wilder things have been left to fantasy." Royce was not going to tell his son that when Doris offered just before New Years to invite Tara to his bed that he refused. There were too many unresolved issues. They needed to become whole themselves before adding other complications.

Jeff nodded his understanding as he and Pam too had talked about the coupons. He thought quietly in the silence while his father went to the kitchen. The coupons and pictures had become a vehicle to share more openly about their sexuality and their sex life. Some of their discussions had been uncomfortable. Yet at the end of the day, understanding and acceptance with a good dose of love and assurance deepened their relationship. Jeff concluded that their openness on their sexual fantasies and desires improved communication on other matters too. Their relationship was deeper and stronger than ever.

As Royce handed his son a beer he said, "If you are talking about Tara getting pregnant and all that stuff. I will be slow to judge her, Pam, you or anyone else. Tara is a lovely generous gentle woman. She does not deserve to be hurt. I hope she does not get hurt by what she has been doing."

Jeff nodded his head. "I understand. Vince was a fool. I agree it was best to leave it in Nancy's hands. Her handling it keeps it from being about revenge. What she has done has held Vince and Jill responsible for have their actions."

Royce responded, "Justice and revenge are not the same. Revenge rarely is justice. Balanced justice takes wisdom. I hope that we have found it."

A crying baby drew their attention to pressing matters.


Earlier that afternoon in California, Jill and Vince were recouping from the prior evening's activity. They had partied and swapped partners with a couple from Lake Forest who left three hours before.

Just before one o'clock there was a knock on their door. Looking through the window panel Jill was surprised to see a well dressed elderly lady with two men in suits. She did not recognize them.

When Jill opened the door the elderly lady said as she spryly entered, "You must be Jill. I'm Nancy, Vince's grandmother. I am here to give my grandson a check."

To say that Vince was surprised was an understatement. He knew a check was due but he did not expect personal delivery. At one time his grandmother learning that he was living with Jill before his divorce was filed would have troubled him but no longer.

Little did he know that his self-secure attitude was what Nancy had hoped would happen with the agreement signed in January.

Nancy quickly controlled the situation and conversation by speaking firmly as she sat down in an easy chair, "Sit down you two. I have a check for you."

The gentleman in a blue suit reached into his suitcase and handed Jeff an envelope. Nancy watched carefully their facial expressions as they saw the amount on the check for $52,499.50. As expected shock and a quizzical look came upon his face.

Nancy quietly said told it was her grandson's portion of the $647,100 being distributed. The remaining $116,550 with the accrued interest would come in quarterly payments over the next fifteen years."

"This is wrong. It should be over a quarter of a million" Vince replied with insistence waving the check.

He stood. "I have done nothing to you! I have been kind to you. You have cheated me for years and you are doing it again!!" He all but screamed. "You will hear from my lawyer. I am going to sue you and leave you penniless. You are a controlling old bitch!!!"

Nancy expected that if the reports on her grandson were correct, Vince's charm would be gone. Nancy counted on the disappointment and his sense of self security unmasking his heart. And unmasked he became.

Nancy asked one of the men with her for her notes. "Thank you George. Here it is. Tara receives 14% which she got yesterday. After your children receive 11% each you receive the remainder. So what is the problem?" She smiled at him knowing he was about to rage on.

"Fifty-three percent would be over $320,000 after my soon to be ex, the two kids and the baby get theirs." He stood up again and heatedly shot back. "You are screwing me again. You are not going to get away with it!"

Raising and lowering a hand Nancy said, "Calm down. Let me review my notes." Nancy put on glasses and looked at a paper. "For your children I have here listed Cameron and Pam. Then there is Jeff." She watched his eyes widen as she mentioned Jeff. She quickly continued, "Vince, don't look so surprised. I now know a great deal about your activities."

Vince was about to protest when Nancy forcefully said, "Keep quiet until I am finished. I have seen the results of the DNA test...and so have Jeff, Pam and Tara. Here is your copy." She handed him ten sheets stapled together. Jill leaned over to look at the report.

"The first page is a summary report and the second is the results in a chart I cannot really understand. But it is there for your reading. Jill, the third to the sixth pages are reports on two your children Vince fathered. And there is the adorable Andrew who I meet in Huntington Tuesday. Lastly, there is twelve year old Sara who was pleased to learn that she had a big sister who teaches at the school she will be attending next year. Let's see that gives us seven children you have fathered for seventy-seven per cent. The remainder is 9%."

Vince's anger was swallowed up by the shook. He thought the game was won. He saw the game was lost.

Nancy turned to Jill who appeared confused. She was starting to understand why Carl was contesting the terms of the divorce. "Jill, George is a lawyer whose firm is working with your husband's lawyer." George handed her a large envelope.

George said, "The video is of your husband entering a hotel room in Detroit with Karla. A lawyer from your husband's firm was in the room to record Karla's statement. She confessed what you paid for her to do. Karla spent the night in the room watching television with your husband and his lawyer. They knew about the photographer you had arranged to photograph her going in and out of his room and of your effort to bug the room. Changing hotels ruined your plans. Frank is countersuing you and Vince." George served Vince his second set of papers.

The other man in a grey suit handed Vince an envelope as Nancy started. "Vince, Sam's firm represents Tara. You have just been served with divorce papers. Tara is being overly generous with her terms. By only loosing any claims upon the house and a quarter of your IRA you are getting off lightly. She is not willing to settle for irreconcilable differences. You will read that the DNA tests are part of the court record as evidence of your repeated marital infidelity. If you quietly accept the grounds and results, she will not haul a string of women into court to tell how you used them. Do you want information about your activities to seduce women, including five who were in high school at the time of the seduction, become part of the public record?"

Nancy was assisted to her feet.. "Vince, the documents you signed were vetted by my lawyers. They are air tight. Three last things before I leave. I believe you both have been with a woman repeatedly by the name of Ashley in the last month. My investigators tell me she has been just diagnosed with HIV."

Jill and Vince looked at each other. They both had fear in their eyes. They had not worried about protection as they thought she was safe. Seeing the troubled look upon their faces Nancy shook her head.

Nancy continued, "I am a significant shareholder in your firm. In my investigation I became aware of some fraudulent activities. Your activities were reported to the company and legal authorities."

With a serious look Nancy waved her hand when Vince looked as if he was about to speak. She shook her head, "Vince your family is ashamed to be associated with you. You are a self-centered deceitful evil man who I disavow. I encouraged you to take a different road. Instead, you used your charm to play games and keep your activities away from your family and friends. They know everything, including Heather."

"Heather is suing for child support and $100,000 cash. She and her family know how you two planned to use and abuse her, to impregnate her in order to embarrass her father. She is going to be living with me and working for me for now. When the baby is born it will have a rightful claim upon the remainder of what would be coming from my estate. Heather will drop her suit if I give her $50,000, pay her college tuition and adequate child support, and if you sign a legal document giving up all visitation rights. She will be getting the child support directly from your quarterly payments. Vince, you have literally screwed your inheritance away. Was it worth it?"

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