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F Quirk Ch. 02

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Super Stretchy F Quirk.
2.2k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/26/2023
Created 06/14/2023
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Hanna adjusted the ring light on her workstation with practiced ease as she got ready to do another stream. Before the Futa Virus, she had been a moderately popular hot girl video streamer who made her money with low cut and tight shirts. Now her D cup breasts bounced about freely, without even so much as a sports bra.

Due to the death of most human males in the world, and the remaining female population being turned into futas with easy sex on demand, Hanna's subscriber count had plummeted. So she had started doing her streams in the nude, her D cup breasts, and brand new 5" dick, on camera for all the world to see. Fortunately for her, the moderators had stopped removing content, and instead were jacking off to it.

Finally, Hanna got the lights exactly where she wanted them. Flipping her auburn ponytail up over her shoulder, she hit the live stream button.

"Hi, Everyone! Welcome to another day with Happy Henna! Now I know you've been asking a lot what my F quirk is, and I've been silent so far. But today's the day you find out!" Henna's bright smile was almost as luminous as the ring light. But it was mostly fake, inside she was blushing fiercely at both being nude and the prospect of showing her freaky F quirk.

"So first up. Thank you all for tuning in. I know some of you are in the quarantine zones, and the rest of you are out and about now that the lockdowns are over. So don't forget to like and subscribe if you want me to make more content like what you're about to see."

The money making spiel now over, Henna turned to the boxes piled up next to her chair. "So, I've been reading your comments on what you want me to do based on what you think my F quirk is, and I was able to get a few things in preparation for today. So we'll be doing an unboxing as well as an F quirk reveal! Yay!"

Hanna put the first box on her leg, taking care not to hide her erect five inch cock that was throbbing in anticipation. "Our first unboxing of the day is the Short-n-Thick, for those who don't like it long but love it thick."

From the cardboard box Hanna took out a dildo that was roughly four inches long, but over six inches thick. She ran it lengthwise along her tongue, putting on her seductive face as she did so. Sure enough, the likes and hearts started coming in, although not as many she got pre-Futa virus.

"So where do you think I should put this first?" Hanna asked her viewers, eyeing the comments in her peripheral vision. "In my pussy? In my ass? Or maybe..." She moved the dildo until it was circling the pink nipple on her right breast. "Should I shove it in here!"

With a sudden and unhesitant movement, Hanna pushed the dildo up to the hilt into her breast. "Oh fuck that feels good!" Her dick spurted a bit of precum from the pleasure without her touching it. "What do you think, everyone? You think that this is a cool F quirk?"

She read the comments as she slowly pushed the dildo in and out of her nipple, enjoying the sensation of pleasure radiating from her breast. With a malicious grin, she thrust the entire dildo into her chest.

"Oops!" She started speaking in a ditzy voice to keep her viewers from freaking out and calling the cops and ambulance on her, again. "Oh no! I lost my new toy in my boobie. What will I ever do?"

The comments were now blowing up. Wondering what the hell was going on. A few people even donated, saying that she'll need help with her medical bills to get the dildo surgically removed.

After about fifty bucks of donations from both concerned and horny patrons. Hanna reached towards her left breast. She inserted one finger into the nipple, then another and another. Then the entire fist. Fishing around as if her breast was a half empty cookie jar. She then pulled out the dildo from the opposite breast than it had been inserted.

"Ta-da!" Hanna held up the dildo like it was a rabbit out of a hat. "This is my F Quirk! But wait, there's more. Do you guys want to see it?"

More donations started coming in, along with multiple comments containing the eggplant and fire emoji. Success!

"Now I know what you're thinking, everyone." Hanna said as she held up the dildo and played with her breasts. "Biology doesn't work that way. It shouldn't be possible. Well I'd go to the physicians to see what they have to say, but they're all busy playing doctor with each other."

A dad joke, but a good one based on the comments. But before they could get bored and leave, Hanna pulled up the second box. A much bigger and longer box than the last one.

"Ooh, what do we have here? Do you want to see?" The comments were of course and enthusiastic yes. So Hanna opened the box and took out the new toy. "So what we have here is the Horse Play dildo. A bit thicker and longer than the normal toy, but well worth it if your F quirk allows it."

To demonstrate this pleasure device. Hanna started licking the tip, circling the thick rim with her tongue while making seductive moans. Then she opened her mouth wider than it should have any right to do, and slid the first few inches inside.

From the corner of her eye, Hanna watched the viewer numbers go up as people shared the link with their friends. 'Good, good! Maybe I can get my subscriber numbers up from doing this more often.'

Inch by inch, the long ten inch long knotted toy made its way down Hanna's throat. She then began deep throating the dildo, suppressing the normal gagging sounds with excessive moans of pleasure.

After about five minutes of this, when the audience was just starting to get bored and the newcomers had stopped pouring in, Hanna pushed the dildo all the way into her mouth and swallowed. Licking her finger with a flirty tongue twirl as if it were a dessert.

"Mhmm. That was a tasty morsel. If only it could shoot cum, but that model cost way more than you would think. But, how am I going to get it out?" She rubbed the outline of the large toy that was nearly visible through her skinny waist.

More comments and donations came in. Some were asking for product details on the Horse Play, others were donating for personal responses, and finally there were the horny and desperate people asking Hanna to go out with them so that she could do that trick on their cocks.

She spent a few minutes coyly answering the comments, flashing her boobs to the camera, and gently turning down the stalker types. For a minute, she almost felt like she was streaming before the Futa Virus broke out and turned the world upside down. But it couldn't last forever, the dildo in her gut was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Ok, everyone. Time for me to pull the rabbit out of the hat! Watch closely." Hanna reached down underneath her balls, putting her fist deep inside her pussy. Elbow deep actually. And with a grunt, she pulled the horse cock dildo out of her body.

"Ta-da! What do you think? I Can also send stuff the opposite way, but that's a lot grosser since it can have my breakfast come up as well."

There were a few grossed out emoji, but disturbingly there were more eggplant and fire emoji. The world these days is very weird. This was her F quirk, and sometimes even Hanna was grossed out by it.

'Whatever.' Hanna thought. 'Time for the big finish.'

She hefted the long rectangular final box onto its side so that the top was visible to the camera. "This is the final unboxing of the day. It's a bit pricey, but with the promo code Happyhenna1, you can get five percent off this toy with the purchase of any bondage equipment as well. So what is it you ask? It's the biggest dildo currently made!"

With a flourish, Hanna took the box off the dildo as if it were a cardboard condom. Revealing its three foot length and eight inch girth to the world. (Author's note. This is a real dildo! Who knew?)

The comments came pouring in, asking wtf she was planning on doing with such a monstrous toy. Of course, there were one or two who were claiming that their cocks were bigger. Hanna took mental note of their profiles in case she enjoyed this experience.

"Alright, everyone. Give me a second to get everything set up." Getting up from her gaming chair with a flounce of her tight and perky butt. Hana leaned her laptop back to point the camera upwards, and set the massive toy on top of a barstool. Then she climbed up the barstool after it. Positioning her pussy over the tip. "Ok, everyone... Here goes."

Hanna took a deep breath, and began going down. The first inch was nerve wracking. She had never even contemplated letting something so big into her body, but it was all worth it for the subscribers.

But once the first inch was inside her, and the pleasure was shooting from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, she began going down a bit faster. Inch by inch, until she was halfway down. A full foot and a half of... whatever dildos are made of, was inside her pussy and she was loving it!

However, disaster struck at that moment. Hanna had been going down the dildo like she was doing a reverse cowgirl, but her feet were precariously on the edge of the barstool that the toy was mounted on.

"Oh FUCK!" Hanna screamed out as both her feet slipped off at the same time and the remaining foot and a half of the adult toy was jammed up inside her with the rapidity of a teenager closing their laptop at the unexpected entrance of a parent.

Her scream was both of pain, and unexpectedly, pleasure. Her five inch cock jetted out rope after rope of white cum. Missing the money making camera by a hair's breadth.

Several minutes of panting later, Hanna finally recovered enough from the mind blowing orgasm to interact with her viewers. "Phew... That was awesome... But let's see if this thing can keep going."

She managed to find a foothold on the foot rail of the barstool and began riding the dildo as much as she could. However, her five foot frame didn't give her the longest legs, so she could only go up and down a couple inches. But it was enough to make her cum several more times. Staining the wooden floor in front of her chair.

Finally, after a half hour of endless bliss as her organs shifted around the gargantuan rod. Henna's dick finally went limp and her exhausted body slumped forward. She panted for breath as the pleasure chemicals roared through her brain and blood for what seemed like an eternity.

She was brought back to reality by the incessant dinging of donations and messages from the stream. 'Woah,' Hanna thought. 'This might just be my most popular live stream yet!'

"Well, that's all for today, everyone. If you liked what you saw then be sure to like and subscribe!" The work day now over, Hanna tried to reach forward to turn off the camera. But it was just out of reach. She had forgotten that she was still impaled on the dildo.

"Hup... Hup.. Ummm." Hanna attempted to raise herself off the toy, but the foot rest wasn't high enough, and her legs weren't long enough. So the only thing that happened is some precum started dripping from her cock. "Ok... I didn't think this could happen..."

The comments were still relatively filled with eggplant and fire emoji, but now there were tons of laughing emoji at her plight. Not the best end to a profitable and fun streaming session.

Hana's contemplation of how to get out of the situation was cut short by a knocking at the door. "Sweetie? Honey? Are you done with your movie thing?" It was her mom! Hana turned to the camera with a grin.

"Looks like it's your lucky day, everyone. Now you get to see me get double teamed by this dildo and my mom!" She turned toward the door and called out.

"Come in, Mom!"

An older woman in her forties walked in the room wearing a bathrobe that did little to hide her jaw dropping bust, curvaceous hips, and fully erect ten inch cock. "Nice try, honey. I'm not doing that on camera." The lid of the camera was closed, but the stream continued. "But off camera, get ready for round two sweetheart!"

Despite there being only audio, and no video, the donations, subscribers, and comments kept rolling in. And they kept rolling in until Hana's mom finally helped her off the dildo... A full hour later.


Thanks for reading another short story, and thanks to the anonymous commenter for the idea. Sorry this took so long to write, but I tried to combine all the suggestions into one story, and that turned into a bigger mess than my dating life. I have a list of ideas from my last story, but if anyone else has ideas, please let me know!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

so she swallowed it and pulled it out her pussy?

GreatwanniGreatwanniabout 1 year ago

You included nipple insertion in this part, but would you possibly consider that plus cum breast inflation and pregnancy? So, like, a woman, after contracting the virus, has her boobs and nipples grow massive, gets extremely horny for multiple giant cocks to be inserted into her nipples, all of them cumming inside her boobs causing them to inflate with cum, and after a particularly wild futa gangbang (with, like, no less than a dozen futa cocks cumming gallons in her boobs), her boobs become pregnant with a hyper amount of babies.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How about a story about a futa with multiple breasts and dick nipples that have to be milked constantly. Her friends and family would help her out naturally ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A story idea could be the rise of a new lifestyle/health fad growing into a full blown worldwide cult like organisation: The Daughters of Lilith. Headed up by a woman who's F-quirk gave her the anatomic changes and body of a succubus - horns, tail, etc. Now she's advocating for the succubus diet of eating only futa cum as a health and lifestyle choice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Maybe a story about a church or something?

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F Quirk Previous Part
F Quirk Series Info

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