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Falling for Someone

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Continuation of "Sultry Summer".
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Most painful thrust by far. Her speed has at least doubled.

"You like that" she whispers in your ear.

Your teeth are clenched to tight to answer. She begins to moan over you as she shortens her thrusts. Her lower abdomen presses onto yours. The change of angle causes it to impact some other obscure location inside. The dread of how each change of position might cause an infinite number of indistinct areas inside you to be harmed.

You are trying to shift your body, but the only way you could move your body would be to press further into her thrusts. You just surrender to her. She slows and presses her teeth onto your clavicle. Sucking, then tonguing, then sucking again, back to tonguing as her lips and teeth retreat.

All at once she stands up on her knees. Severing all contact amidst you too. You notice the sweat that coats you as it is allowed this moment to cool.

You feel a vacancy in your body from where she was probing inside you viciously. This reprieve not long enough as her right paw grabs your right knee and lifts it over and across. Rolling you onto your chest.

She spreads her right knee over your legs. Her paws grasp your hips, and raise them. You lift your shoulders to level height. Before you are stable in this position she begins her violation anew.

You are rattled and your arms slip forward. You collapse down, but your hips are held firmly. Dragging your upper body back. Her breath shortens to match her thrusting. You are entirely unsure how long this has persisted. As her moans soften, you expect the end draws near. She presses forward til she lies on top of you. Her thrusting stops in this deep stab. Her tail begins to twist and spasm. She lets out a strangely feminine purr as she seems to relax on top of you.

"Ssseemsss ssshesss worked out the effectsss of my gazsse." You hear Skuld from the direction of the door.

Hel's body traps you on the floor. Tender and filled with dull throbbing pain. Exhausted and defeated. Deflowered and Disparaged. You submit to sleep. Knowing a taste of the depravity you can expect to be subjected to.

You awaken to a haze. Warm, wet, and comforting. You feel a contrasting feeling inside. Where Hel had unwantedly explored, it felt strangely cool. Soreness seemed to come and go as you shifted. You focus less inward. You are back in the bath. Your back is resting on something soft. You feel gentle hands holding you. You jerk forward. You are caught in their arms as they cross over you.

"Calm down. Ssshe'sss not here. It'sss jussst you... and me." Skuld's voice is soft.

You remember just how pointless trying to fight your way out is. You relax back onto her. Your hands slowly drift to hold her arms onto you.

"You cssertainly ssseem to be a magnet for monssstersss. I'd never ssseen Hel even ssslightly ssshow an interessst in a member of the fairer sssex before. You mussst truly be one to behold. Perhapsss one worth me takng a peek at." Skuld ponders aloud.

At this point you've given up on getting away, but you aren't yet complicit. Silence fills the room. Her hands slide slowly back over you, until her hands rest on your shoulders. Her thumbs dig in gently. Rolling over your tense muscles. It feels calming.

A few minutes later, someone enters the room. You hear the large doors heave open, and your gaze is drawn. Eir arrives with Quarrie on her right, and Valda to her left.

"Sssyn mussst be ready for you. Bessst not to keep her waiting."

Skuld stops massaging your shoulders. Eir reaches the edge of the bath just as you finish slowly rising out. She has a silky black robe that she hands to you. You don it in quickly. The cool silk slightly sticking to your skin.

"If you'll follow me, these two will be here to catch you in case you trip." Eir says as she gently lifts your chin with her finger.

Her gorgeous eyes meet yours, and begin to glow. Your arms that are crossed over with hands on your shoulders stiffen as they petrify. You follow behind Eir as she leaves the room and heads back to the throne room. You give quick glances back at Valda and Quarrie. Both look excited, as if hoping for something. You notice looking back forward all of Eir's snakes are staring at you. The throne room is much less populated.

Yuriko is the first one you notice. She is standing beside the throne. On the other side is Sachiko!? Sitting on the top step. Eir moves to the side from in front of you. Finally you get to gaze upon Syn in all her splendor. Sitting upon her throne like the Queen she is. Eggshell skin contrasted by black form fitting clothes. Excentuating her splendid curves. Pinkish white wings sprout from behind her just above the hips. Obsidian talons tipping each. Similarly striking onyx horns sit upon her head amidst snow white hair. Her glowing red eyes the only vivid color.

"Eir, if you'd be so kind." Syn says.

Instantly you feel the petrification of your arms fade.

"I'm honored to have the infamous monster hunter in my presence. Now if you'd be so kind as to approach."

You timidly take steps forward. Your reluctance seemingly left behind, shyness sneaking in its place.

"Ladies, her familiarity with you seems to be tempering her boldness, or perhaps simply your number. Clear the room, even you my pet." Syn says gesturing to Sachiko.

Seems she was adopted by Syn. A worrying development, as having met Sachiko's previous 'owner', you couldn't help but wonder if this one was similarly cruel. You reach the bottom of the steps to the throne. There are only a dozen or so, but her figure seems so imposing from this position. She leans forward in her throne. Her hand slightly forward, curls and releases gently motioning you closer. The gesture stirring something inside you.

You glance off to the side and slightly downward as you begin your final approach. The only thing you hear is your heart pounding. You cheeks flush as you are certain she can hear it as well. You reach one step down and halt. Your gaze drifts forward again, then slowly rises.

Her legs spread just a bit, and her forward hand extends. You cautiously reach out to grasp it. Your right hand in hers. Her skin is soft and warm. You realize your own is a little sweaty. Your eyes finally drift up to see hers.

"A pleasure, Autumn. I'm Syn." She smiles.

Your cheeks burn.

"Nice to meet you, too" you stumble through, before continuing "I have been saved by your group several times. Though I think I may not be so lucky this time."

"Oh, if everything I've heard is true, I'm the one in greater danger." giggles Syn.

"That said there is something I must insist on checking."

She pulls you forward carefully landing you in her lap. Your arm held close over your chest by hers. You firmly in her right arm. Her left hand grips your face. Her thumb and forefinger on either cheek. Squeezing gently they forcibly pucker your lips. Her lips lock onto yours. Your heart flutters like it is your first kiss. Your jaw relaxes as you reflexively lean in. Trying to continue the kiss, she is already withdrawing from.

"Hmmm, I see. That is quite an interesting development."

She gently shakes your head with her left hand, before sliding her thumb from your cheek to your lower lip. Instantly you draw it into your mouth. Gently sucking on it.

"It would seem the reason you are so appealing to most of us, and why you have yet to be tainted into turning, are one and the same. A swirl of several kinds of monsters touch within you seems to have increased your mana and made it so you can metabolize ours. At least that of most monsters, I'm curious to see how more powerful forces effect you. Do you think you'd like to try?" she asks.

You can hear and understand her words, but you are feeling somewhat intoxicated by her atmosphere. Her question elicits desire within you. You slide half of her thumb out of your mouth. Then lightly teeth it.

A barely audible "uh huh" is your compliance.

Her fingers curl under your chin and drag your head down. Her lips give a peck on your forehead.

"Wonderful. Let's first see how much temptation you can take."

Her right hand releases yours and slides a finger up your mid line. Drawing a small loop atop your clavicle before tracing up further. Sliding away from center to the right, on your neck. Sliding around the end of your jaw, to tap the bottom of your ear. Then it dips stroking your neck nearer the back. You reflexively dip your head slightly to the side. Her thumb still in your mouth twists and presses lightly against your right canine. Tilting your head up and away a bit.

Her tongue then graces the left side of your neck. Starting near the base it slithers up the left side. Tickling you near the back of the neck up to your other ear. Her right hand slides into your robe and gently rolls her ring finger over your nipple.

Her Tongue upon reaching the base of your ear starts to extend. You feel its warmth and wetness constantly at the base of your ear, yet the tip is snaking its way along the back of your ear and hooking over the top. The tip traces the top of your ear before sliding back the way it came.

Her hand in your mouth withdraws, as does her other from your shirt. Her left hand slides under your knees. Her right wraps around you under your bust. She gently lifts you slightly as she turns you.

You now sit in her lap facing the empty throne room. Her difference in height now more pronounced as her knees extend past yours. Her soft thighs under yours. Her bust upon your back. It presses you to lean slightly forward. Her mouth at the level of your ear, so close you feel her breath upon it.

She whispers "Does sitting on a throne excite you?"

Her right arm still under your bust shifts slightly. Her right hand cups your left breast. Her left hand grasps your left knee gently, before sliding at a glacially slow pace inward. Her right hand gently squeezes.

"Would you want to be my queen? Have your desires serviced amidst such lavish surroundings? Cushioned and..." Her tongue slithers forth to trace the outer part of your ear, before she continues. "... catered to, by those of my domain."

Her left hand circles back to your knee and starts its crawl again. Her right arm and hand pull you closer to her with a slightly firmer grip.

"It comes at a price, as for you to be my partner, you'd need to resolve the disputes between yourself and my subordinates. Otherwise my court would be in shambles."

There is a moment of silence.

Her left hand stops and starts sliding back out to your knee. Her right hand releases your bust and glides to your right knee. Both hands' fingers dip under your knees on the inside and lift your knees over so they are splayed outwards. Your legs drag over hers to rest on the outside. Her chest presses you forward even more. Her bust now resting midway down your back. Her breath now tickles your nape.

"Perhaps you'd be more enticed by an idea with less involvement of the others. You could be mine. Kept warm and well fed. Sequestered from others, in world of comfort. Lingering in my bed, desperately awaiting my return from any business I must attend."

Her hands slide inward under your legs. When their thumbs reach the joint of your trunk, her fingers curl gently clawing up your legs.

"I see swirling inside you, but we've not quite reached the estrus I'm aiming for. I can give you a third option."

Her mouth envelopes your shoulder near the nape, giving a quick kiss. Her hands depart from your legs. She stands. Quickly catching you. She then spins you around and you land on her solid stone throne. It is hard, and you feel a little shaken. Where she sat is still slightly warm but anywhere else is cold.

You notice that whilst tossing you onto the throne she has peeled away the robe. You quickly sit up and are pressed back in the seat. As her hands grip your thighs, she moves you in until your back is against the stone slab. Your legs held open. Her face above yours. Menacing smile shining a cold light upon your soul. Goosebumps prickle your skin.

"It would seem we have our winner. Final option, I treat you as hostile, needing to be made to submit. It seems you like it a bit rough. Perhaps that is why Yuri was so coldly rejected, she isn't the type to push. You like a bit of force though.".

Her tongue slithers forward and for the first time you see it. Black like her horns. It must be at least a foot. Every couple of inches a small spine like protrusion. She drags the tip of it from your chin up your cheek. Her fingers dig in ever so slightly at the end. The air around her is stifiling.

You struggle to say "Option 4... you let me go, so I cause you no more problems?"

Her hands spread your thighs, as her tongue slips from your face and swipes at each of your nipples a couple of times. Her head sinking lower and lower. Her horns pointed at your chest now. Your proposed option being ignored, you quickly try to weigh the better option.

"I'll take option 2, if you'd have me, my queen" you do your best to embellish your answer with niceties.

"Ooh? let's see if you can handle my attention, as undivided as you would have it." she responds without raising her head.

Her tongue slithers inside you. Protrusions tickling your clit as they slide over it. Until the third one stops while still pressing it. Her tongue inside you curls and twists. The section with a protrusion on your clit wiggles side to side rubbing you. Your hands latch onto her horns.

Immediately as you try to push her head away, she moves it lower. Her mouth enveloping you down there. Her tongue pushes even more into you as her upper lip and tongue gently squeeze your clit. Her hands slide back over the tops of your legs to your knees, before they slip over and down to your shins. They then slide under and raise your legs. Tugging you slightly forward. Pushing her mouth even more into you.

Her tongue coiling and rolling over itself inside you. Protrusions on it stroking your insides. You reach orgasm faster than you ever have before. Her tongue slithers out, and her head raises up in front of yours. Your hands still hanging off her horns. Her wings take place of her hands holding up your legs. Her right hand slides over your pussy. She slides her middle and ring fingers in, and presses the thumb of her palm against your clit. Her left hand grips your neck gently. Her lips come right in front of yours. Lingering there for a brief moment.

You lean forward yourself. The kiss starts timidly. Your tongue probing quickly in to just tap hers before withdrawing to your mouth. Her tongue darts after it, wrapping around it and undulating.

Her fingers start alternating their strokes inside you. Every few strokes her palm makes a small circle before pressing slightly more into you then shifting back to barely touching.

Her tongue squeezes your tongue and pulls it back into her mouth. Then releasing yours, her lips close over your tongue and slide off as she pulls her head back slightly.

"My my, monster tamer. Taking my lips all on your own. Should I worry what you'll do next?" she giggles.

Her grip on your neck tightens ever so slightly.

Then her mouth moves to where her lips brush against your ear as she says "I might want to see what else you can do with that tongue".

She punctuates this with a nip on your ear lobe. Your insides tighten. In response she presses both her fingers in deeper together, then starts rapidly sliding them in and out.

You try to press back, the solid stone rejecting you. Your bust being arched up. She takes as invitation. Her tongue dances on your nipples. You try to shift again to avoid this. Both of her hands move to your back below the shoulder blades to keep you in place.

Her tail makes its debut, replacing the fingers that had been inside you. The heart shaped tip squeezing inside. You can't fight your next orgasm any longer. Your insides contract, seemingly growing the tip of her tail inside you.

Your hands trying in vain to pry her head away from your tits. Her lips enclose on a nipple. Then with no warning her tail thrusts deeper in. Filling you. Her hands start to lift and she stands. Holding you aloft as her tail begins to ravage you. Her mouth releases and her tongue begins to lash your other nipple.

She takes you very quickly through another orgasm in this manner. Then she mercifully stops lashing your nipples with her tongue. Long enough to taunt you at least.

"Shall I recall my retainers now, and we can show them who tamed who? Perhaps I might let some of them have a go at you before I have you cleaned off again? Ooh, did you just tighten at the thought of one of them joining? Which one were you hoping for I wonder?"

She drops her wings out from beneath your feet landing you on wobbly legs. Then effortlessly spins you around. She presses your back forward with one hand as the other holds your hips to her. Bending you over her throne. One of your hands lands on the seat as the other braces against the back. She leans over you her bust resting on you. Her tongue slithers around your ear again.

"Perhaps you want my pet. Want the kitty to take you in doggy?" she teases as her tail slides back inside you.

Thrusting deep and slow. In and out. She nips the nape of your neck.

"Perhaps you want the other cat to savage you again?"

Her tail starts thrusting faster, and faster. Her tongue slithers down and slightly into your ear this time.

"Were you maybe hoping to give our lovely Yuriko another tail? Or perhaps show our new girl Alice a thing or two?"

Her tail starts taking shallower thrusts, and twirling as it retracts.

"Maybe with your masochistic nature you wanted someone more cold-blooded" she chuckles.

Your replies stifled as you try to hold back your moans.

"Did Eir soften your heart as she hardened your body? Were you curious to feel Skuld's gaze after seeing its effect on others?"

Her tail curls as it thrusts in now, then twirls as it pulls out. Over and over.

"Maybe you were a little saddened that Meredith didn't take you when you leapt into her bedroom. Quite a bold effort, to go unrewarded."

She nips your shoulder. Her thrusts begin to probe deep again. You shift your hand from the seat to be near the other on the back of the throne.

"Ah, I must be wounding the monster tamer's pride. Clearly you can handle more then one of us monsters at a time."

Her hands reach beneath you and begin to knead and squeeze your breast. You had been close for a bit and this additional stimulation pushes you over the edge.

"I'll take that orgasm as agreement." she giggles. "I think it might only be fair to let those prior victims of yours we've collected get a chance at redemption, don't you?"

Her tongue wraps around your neck squeezing gently. She raises you back to standing via your neck. The tip of her wings slide under your elbows, as her tail finally withdraws entirely from inside you. It then gathers your ankles and lifts them back out from under you. She gently lowers you to your knees in front of her throne. Then moves to her rightful, regal position. Perched on the throne. This time her legs spread.

"Be a good girl and help me get my juices flowing as I think"

She presses your face into her pussy with a single hand. Her tail rests its tip against your lower lips and 'demonstrates' her desire. You do your best to match with your tongue. Her lower lips, taste just as delicious as the others. Your heads begins to rock as you get more and more into licking.

"Mmm, yes just like that. Good girl, here is your reward" she say, before her tail slides back inside you.

Your moan muffled with her muff in your mouth. You struggle to keep going as you were. Her tail is thrusting in bursts, a few quick shallow thrusts before a deep and forceful one. Feeling emboldened by being rewarded you slide a finger in, your chin resting on your palm. Your finger slides in easily as it is so slippery. Finding the only spot it gets any friction, a small rough spot on the inside. You know this to be the place to focus your attention.


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