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Family Business Ch. 08

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The end of a journey.
9.7k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 07/04/2023
Created 05/23/2023
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Two nights later I looked out my window as a white cargo van pulled up into our driveway. A few minutes later, two men carried a large squirming bundle out of the house and tossed it into the back and Deborah was gone. I asked Dan about what had happened and he explained it all to me with his usual clinical detachment.

A woman who looked like Deborah would board the charter flight and using Deborah's passport clear customs in Mexico, then using Deborah's credit card check into a resort, all of which had been booked on her laptop by Zack. A week later, she would use her own passport with a falsified entry stamp to board a commercial flight home and Deborah would vanish in Mexico. Deborah herself was on her way out of the country, eastern Europe, middle east, China, Dan didn't know where. It was terrifying how easy it sounded but Dan assured me that it wasn't easy at all, unless you knew what you were doing which he clearly did. Another nod to just how ignorant and naïve I had been when I arrived here, and I shuddered thinking that this could have been mom and I at any time.

The next day I walked to the pool to swim my laps while Zack was playing basketball. I saw his head turn as I sauntered by in my swimsuit and I gave him a glance before dropping my towel and diving in. I swam my usual 10 laps then climbed out and gave myself a quick towel off. He had been shooting hoops while he watched me and his eyes widened when I walked over to him.

"Zack, I'm glad you're home." I said in a shy voice as I hesitantly reached out to take his hand. I looked up at him through my lashes while my thumb slid over his as I squeezed his fingers. I gave him a small smile, then turned and headed back toward the house. I skipped ahead to avoid his groping hand but looked back with a small giggle as I jogged across the lawn. Once inside I rushed to my room, dropping my towel and stripping out of my swimsuit donning my bathrobe. I dabbed a generous amount of lube on my pussy and ass then was brushing my hair when he stepped through the door without knocking.

"Zack, what the fuck!" I exclaimed as I clutched the robe around my chest. "Get out."

"Huh?" He grunted with a surprised look on his face. "What was all that shit back there about your being happy to see me?" I looked down and saw the noticeable bulge in his light basketball shorts.

I stepped around the bed and pushed him back "I am happy to see you, but you can't just barge into my room like this."

He slapped my hand away and pushed me back hard, causing me to stumble and fall onto the bed. "The fuck I can't." he snapped as he closed and locked the door behind him. "Did you forget who I am you stupid bitch. You think you can flirt like that then push me away?"

"Zack, get out." I said sharply as I squirmed on the bed, but instead he dove forward pinning me down as he fumbled to pull my robe apart.

"Looks like someone needs another lesson about how things run here? I think what happened downstairs would have been enough but I guess you are either stubborn or stupid." He growled as he tugged my robe open and groped my tits.

"No, no, get off of me!" I squealed as I slapped at him, but he just laughed and grabbed my wrists pinning them above my head.

"Is that the best you got? I forgot that you like it like this so I guess we are back to square one here." He replied as he bound my wrists with the tie from my housecoat. His hand slid between my legs, "Look at that, wet already just like the slut you are."

"No, please, stop. Zack don't do this!" I pleaded as I squirmed under him, his powerful body pinning me to the bed while he fumbled to pull down his shorts.

He slapped me twice, once on each breast and I squealed in pain and surprise. "Yeah, I remember you like it rough you stupid cunt. Well, school is back in session now that I am home."

"No, stop, mmmppphhhh" I cried until he stuffed something in my mouth muffling my protests. I bucked and fought under him but he was as strong as I remembered and my efforts just made him angry.

"Stay still you stupid cunt." He growled as he grabbed my tit and twisted it hard. I wailed into the cloth he had stuffed in my mouth then froze, looking up at him with fear filled eyes.

"That's right, just lay there and let me give you a refresher lesson on where you fit in this house."

I shook my head desperately, mmmphing into my gag while I struggled in vain underneath him. He was still bigger, stronger and just as cruel as I remembered and I grunted as his thick cock slid into my pussy. Thank god for the lubricant or I am sure he would have torn me in half given how hard he penetrated me.

"mmmmnnnoooooo, mease, mease thop!" I sobbed as he forced himself on me. He laughed, one hand holding my bound wrists above my head while the other mauled my tits.

"Stop? Fuck did you forget how much you like this shit? I leave for two weeks and suddenly you become a fucking prude." He grunted as he fucked me. I moaned despite myself; his cock was just as big as Dan's and I couldn't deny my arousal.

"I knew it you slut, you are loving this. Now stop fighting and let me get some leverage here." He said as he pulled my hips back toward the edge of the bed. My legs hung limply over the side as he positioned himself on his knees, hands on my thighs to hold me in place. I looked over at the mirror on my wall, my abused tits were starting to redden with dark marks where his fingers had dug in. I closed my eyes and ground my teeth around the material in my mouth, submitting to this animal who had returned to claim his territory.

He pounded me hard, shoving his thick cock in and out of me while he groped my aching tits. The sound of his heavy breathing and occasional grunts of effort drowned out any moans or groans that I might have made.

It didn't take him long to cum and I felt the hot jizz fill me as he blew his load. I whimpered as I watched myself in the mirror. The humiliation and pain I was feeling was compounded by the sound of his cruel laughter as he pulled out of me and slapped his slimy cock on my thigh. "Just like I remembered it, clean and tight. Well, not anymore at least." He said as he grabbed his shorts off of the floor.

I rolled over, curling into a ball as I pulled my bound arms down and my knees up to my chest. Zack didn't notice, he was already out of the room leaving the door open behind him. I lay there for a few moments, shaking and sobbing quietly before I pulled the cloth out of my mouth and used my teeth to untie the belt from around my wrists. Slowly I stood up and staggered to the bathroom. As I walked past my desk I looked down at my phone, the screen showing the feed from the webcam I had placed on the mirror. There was a clear image of my bed and the icon showed that it was still recording. I stopped it, saved it, then e-mailed it to myself at another account I had set up.

"Got you, you son of a bitch."

The next day was Saturday, and after breakfast I went to Dan's study where he was hunched over his laptop. I tossed my phone down on the desk, the video of Zack raping me playing on the display. "Checkmate, asshole." I said with satisfaction as I stood back and crossed my arms.

Dan looked up at me, then down at the phone. As he picked it up I told him "Don't think that you can destroy it by breaking the phone. I e-mailed it to two different accounts and I have it set to auto forward to the cops with a full description of what has been going on here in a week unless you agree to do what I say.

Dan put the phone down and turned his chair to look up at me, a small smile tugging at his normally grim mouth. "And just what would that be?"

"You two leave, I don't care what you tell my mom but you are out of this house and out of our lives for good." I said with a bit more gloating than I intended. I had him, I finally had him and I couldn't wait to see him squirm.

"And if I say 'no'." He replied, his cold calculating eyes sending a shiver up my spine. "You saw what happened to Deborah, do you want that to happen to Barbara?"

"Fuck you and your threats. You can ship both of us off to your slaver friends, then this time next week the cops will show up and you and Zack will be finished."

He looked back down at the phone, the recording had run its course and I was curled up on the bed sobbing pitifully after Zack had abused me. "Quite a performance." He said. "And a pretty good plan, you certainly considered many of the outcomes and made the necessary arrangements. Then you goaded Zack into doing exactly what you knew he would do, but at a time and place of your choosing. I must say, I'm impressed."

"I don't care about your opinion, I want you out of this house and out of our lives." I snarled back, god it was satisfying to finally put him in his place.

He set the phone down on the desk and leaned back in his chair. How could he remain so calm when his world was falling apart? "Unfortunately, I think you mean Check instead of Checkmate. You see, checkmate means that you opponent has no moves left to them, and you have overlooked one very important move."

I felt that ball of ice forming in my stomach, what had I missed? Zack was there on video raping me, the video was safe out of his reach, I was safe from reprisal, what could he do? "Don't try to intimidate me, you and Zack are fucked so just accept it and get out."

He chuckled, "No, no, you see that is your mistake. Zack is 'fucked', not me. Do it."

I stood there for a few seconds, my mouth agape. Do what?

He gave a deep sigh, not the usual sigh of frustration or disappointment that I had heard so many times before. This was more a sigh of resignation, acceptance. I had heard those also, but from me not him. "Send that video to the police. If you don't, I will."

I staggered back stunned.

He sighed again, then leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees his head hung down in what looked like exhaustion. "Zack is an animal, we have both seen it, and animals either need to be caged or put down. I had hoped that getting him away from his mother might help, but he is too far gone. In a couple of months, he will be away at college, surrounded by temptation, vice and almost no supervision. If this is how he acts now imagine what he will be like there."

He leaned back, rubbing his hand through his hair. "I have been protecting him for years now. Paying off victims, arranging for him to have 'company' that are aware of his preferences and well paid to put up with them. I won't be able to do it anymore and he will end up in jail anyway but after hurting many more people."

He handed the phone back to me. "Send it, I will even help. Some of the women who have been Zack's paid accompaniment will corroborate your story. It should be a pretty quick trial."

I took the phone from him, still too stunned to do anything. It had been perfect, he was threatening my mom so I would threaten his son. I never though that he would sacrifice him, or that he would do it so willingly. Shit, I was doing him a favor here. Tears started welling in my eyes, I was so close, so certain and it had all fallen apart.

Dan stood and I flinched back. He reached out and I closed my eyes, cowering as I anticipating the blow. Instead I felt his hands on my shoulders, then he pulled me in to a gentle but firm embrace. I stood there, uncertain what to do, then I started crying. I sobbed, great racking sobs, and I wasn't even sure what I was crying about. Disappointment, fear, frustration, pain, they all flowed out of me as I pressed my face into his chest and dampened his shirt with my tears.

He stroked my hair as he held me close. It was so alien, affection from this monster but I couldn't stop myself. I don't know how long I cried but when I finally stopped I held myself there for a few moments. The smell of him was manly, warm, and comforting and his embrace made me feel safe and protected. Finally I pushed myself back and looked up at him. His eyes were actually soft, his smile was approving and I felt a tingle of pride at somehow earning that from him.

He stepped back and I dashed the tears from my eyes. "That was a good plan, and it almost succeeded. You just didn't understand your enemy well enough to know that what you valued is not what they valued, that is why it failed."

"What, what should I do with this?" I murmured, gesturing to the phone in my hand.

He reached into his desk and handed me a business card. "Send it to this detective, I have worked with her before. She will contact me and I will make all of the arrangements. Don't tell her I had anything to do with it, I need her to believe this is exactly what we want it to be. Zack has assaulted you several times but this time you had left your web camera on after recording a tic toc video. Anything else could be entrapment and he could get off, understood?"

I nodded and turned to leave. "Ashley." He called and I turned back. "Once this is over, you and I need to talk. You tried to threaten me, and you will be punished for it. Understood?"

I nodded. Yes, I would be punished for what I did, but why the fuck was I looking forward to it. As I closed the door, I heard him starting to cough, the cough I had felt him suppressing while we embraced. It was getting worse.

The next day the police showed up and took Zack into custody. He screamed and fought, getting a face full of pepper spray for his troubles. Dan and Mom stood there looking disappointed and the detective took my statement. Yes, it had happened before, no, I wasn't afraid to stay there, no I didn't want to talk to anyone but I took the card anyway.

Later, there was a knock on my door then Dan stepped into my room. He had actually knocked, wtf? I looked up from where I sat on my bed, my fingers playing with the card the detective had left me. "Dungeon, 30 minutes." He said and turned to leave.

"What should I wear?" I asked hesitantly.

He turned back and looked me over with that familiar cold calculating stare, then a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "I am angry with you. You can decide how to make me happy."

Just under half an hour later I stepped up to the familiar soundproof door and took a deep breath. I turned the knob and walked in, my heels clicking on the hard concrete floor. I closed the door behind me and moved to the middle of the room, turning to face Dan who sat in his lounger. I clasped my hands in front of me, my legs together and my head looking down at the floor. "I am here."

The room was quiet and I fought the urge to glance up but I could feel Dan's eyes sliding over me as he sat in his chair, a cigar smoldering in one hand and a whisky glass in the other.

My hair was loose, curled lightly and pulled over my right shoulder so it fell to just above my breasts. I had it pinned on the left side with sliver, glittery combs that twinkled in the harsh fluorescent light. I was wearing a white boned corset that cinched tight around my waist and pushed my tits up into an impressive display of cleavage. Silver earrings glittered in my ears and a sliver and chrome studded choker wrapped snugly around my neck. My pussy was shaved bare and seemed to shine in the light above the lace tops of the white thigh high stockings I had on. My feet were uncomfortable in the gleaming white platform heels I was wearing, but I was certain that this was only the beginning of my discomfort so I ignored them and focused on my breathing. I was trying to remain calm as the silence thundered in my ears, did he like it?

I heard the chair squeak as he rose but kept my eyes downcast, the sound of his footsteps telling me he was moving around me, appraising me from all angles. I clenched my butt and stiffened my shoulders, making my let and back muscles stand out as he moved behind me. I flinched when his hands touched my bare shoulders and felt goosebumps appear on my arms where his fingers gently slid down them. He took my wrists and slowly pulled them behind me, I resisted slightly and gasped as his hands tightened their grip in response.

I felt something being wrapped around my wrists. It wasn't the familiar cool leather of the cuffs, instead if felt almost rubbery. I could twist them, but they snapped back as soon as I released the pressure. Soon my wrists were bound together with my palms facing each other. I grunted as my shoulders were pulled back, then moaned quietly when more of the strange material was wrapped around my upper arms. My elbows weren't touching, but they were pulled together closer than I could have ever gotten them on my own. Somehow, the feeling of helplessness was even more pronounced and I felt my pussy start to get wet as he gave one final tug on the strap.

I felt his hands slide up my ass and over the leather of the corset. His warm breath tickled my ear as he leaned down over my right shoulder. "White, is it? Clean, innocent, virtuous, pure." He murmured. "Just asking to be, defiled."

Oh God, my knees got weak. How could he do that, how could he make me so aroused with just a word. Then I thought back, it wasn't just a word but I had been thinking about this moment since I left his den yesterday afternoon. I had trouble sleeping last night as my mind flashed through all of the various ways he could punish me like he promised. After he gave me my summons, I put more effort in those 30 minutes than I did for my fourth-year exams. He had been preparing me for this moment ever since I arrived back home so long ago.

'Defiled'. The word echoed in my head while his hands slid up my body. One hand traced a line of fire up my spine, under my hair to latch on to the back of my neck in a grip that just screamed control. The other slid down my stomach to gently caress the juncture between my crotch and thigh. I moaned again, twisting my hips in a vain attempt to put his fingers in my crotch. The hand on my neck tightened and I whimpered in frustration but remained still.

"I am satisfied with your appearance, but that does not excuse what you did." He growled into my ear. "You challenged me, you threatened me, and you will pay for that. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes sir." I whispered, my hands clenching, massaging his cock through his pants as they did. I leaned back, trying to rub my ass against his crotch but he pushed me forward.

"No, you have not yet completed your punishment in order to earn your pleasure." He snapped, and pulled me around. I stumbled on my heels as he bent me over the padded bench, securing me in place with the wide strap attached to it. He slowly walked over to the wall where the punishment equipment hung, then looked back at me. My hair hung down as I twisted to watch him and my breasts were pressed against the black leather of the bench. I shuffled my legs to get my feet together in order to lift my ass higher, and in interlaced my fingers in the small of my back.

"I have decided that you will choose your punishment, however if I think it is not sufficient I will double it, understood?" I nodded my head, biting my lip nervously. "Good, now what should I use on you? Strap, crop, paddle, you may choose."

Fuck I was turned on, how had it come to this. I hated this man, I hated what he had done to us and just the other day was demanding he get out of my life. Now my pussy was wet as I watched him casually running his hands over a wall full of punishment tools. What had he done to me, what hold did he have that I hadn't realized? Is this what mom saw in him? Someone so confident, so in control of everything you couldn't help but surrender to his will?

"What will it be?" he snapped and I jerked back to reality. I looked at him as he tapped his fingers against his thigh then a flash of inspiration hit me.

"I want you to use your hand." I said in a firm voice with a confidence that I didn't feel. "That way, every time you hit me you will feel it too."

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