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Click hereAN: Inspired by Scouries Two Pregnant Moms & A Sis?
Dearest Readers, while this story borrows the original story premise I have changed it to suit my narrative while keeping the characters, and some lines of dialogue. from the above-mentioned story, The character portrayals have been changed to suit my writing style and many other things were fleshed out.
I sought the author's blessing but after waiting a month with no response (he hasn't been active here since Nov of 2020) so I am going ahead with my story. I hope you enjoy my take on this tale.
~ June 23rd, 2006 ~
Per my request, Katrina called me during the middle of the week and informed me that my father would be returning home Thursday night as he had a big dinner party planned for several of his associates from the office. David had already planned to be there but reminded Kat to have two extra places set. He then called his wife and informed her that dinner was on. David then informed his mother that he and Vanessa would be gone until Sunday morning but that he and his lady love would be back to take her out for brunch. David and Vanessa arrived at his father's house on the tail end of the last guest. His father was surprised to see his son, and even more surprised that he was accompanied by his sexy date. The two slipped into the social circle like two experts despite David's young age and Vanessa being an outsider. David had long ago mastered the art of being invisible in such circles but hearing everything. He also treated the various wait staff like equals and not servants. As such they soon became his eyes and ears.
After she wowed some of the big wigs at his father's company David slipped in the fact that Vanessa was a college graduate with a degree in business. However, none of the big companies have so much as given her an interview up until now. David's father and associates quickly called the head of HR (who wasn't present) and informed him that a young woman would be meeting with him first thing Monday morning. With Vanessa now having her foot (almost) in the door David knew it would only be a matter of time before the next phase of that part of the plan was underway.
One of the things Vanessa noticed and pointed out discreetly to her husband was that none of the women were socializing with Kat. Oh sure, they were "polite" but even if Katrina was beside them when they were conversing they didn't include her or ask for her opinion on matters. It was almost like the younger woman was a pariah. It dawned on David as to why this was. Somehow, all of these women were still the first wives of these high-powered businessmen. Katrina represented something that could easily happen to anyone of them (being replaced by a younger model). David whispers this to his wife who decides to go save her mother-in-law and make her feel wanted.
Of course, this drew the attention of all the horny older men who then circled the two young voluptuous women and they quickly became the focus of the party. I watched as the older women scoffed and talked wickedly about the pair, causing me to chime in and belittle the old hens. Nothing like putting vindictive old crows in their place. While I was raised to respect my elders these women needed their egos checked, especially where my wife was concerned. I also threatened to introduce their husbands to several younger ladies that would gladly usurp them if I learned that they ever spoke badly about my Vanessa again. The ladies took one look into my eyes and seeing that I was serious they apologized and stood in relative silence for the remainder of the party.
~ Friday, June 30th, 2006 ~
After the weekend at my father's, I drove Vanessa to my dad's office to meet with the head of HR. The meeting was just a formality as she was hired instantly and she then began filling out paperwork and would have to go through the process of learning about her new job. I give her the keys to her car as traffic will be hectic so rather than her wait for me to pick her up she can drive herself and I would get a ride home. After every workday, Vanessa would drive to my mother's home after work and mom always had a home-cooked meal ready for her to feast on. Vanessa would playfully make it a point an hour after dinner to make her way to the exercise room and work off the fabulous meal she had just ingested. Mom and I would always join her.
Today though Vanessa got out of work early as the company closed just before lunch as it was the 4th of July weekend. As such Vanessa went to our room and changed into a Wine Red California Romper.
"So, what are your plans for the holiday weekend?" Mom asks us.
"Funny you should ask." I chime in after hugging and kissing my love.
"We made plans to go out of town. They are having a huge 4th of July festival in the country so David and I made reservations at a private cabin."
"Wow... that sounds like a nice time, very romantic. When do you plan to come home?"
"Uhhh mom, she said we... you're coming with us," I tell her. My mother has a look of absolute astonishment on her face at my declaration.
"What? You... you want me to go with you?" She says in shock.
"Of course we do... mom," Vanessa says honestly. In the month since I introduced them Vanessa has been doing her best to win over my mother. Little things from helping her around the house, and spending time talking either during a meal, in the living room, or out by the pool. My mother's apprehension about Vanessa's age and vocation has become a thing of the past. "You're an important part of our lives and we wouldn't dream of leaving you alone over the holiday weekend."
"But... I... I don't have anything to wear."
This was a true statement. We have all been exercising so religiously that we are all fit and in my mom's case, leaner than she once was. Mom has always had a nice figure but she never quite lost that last bit of baby weight from me. It wasn't detrimental to her figure but after the divorce, she got a bit frumpy in both weight and wardrobe. Now that she was so active, not only had she lost that divorce weight but she had lost all her baby weight as well. She was now almost as slim as she had been before giving birth to Krysta but with her enhanced bust and hips.
"Well, I was planning to go shopping for some new clothes so why don't we all go shopping and get you some new clothes as well." Vanessa insists. My mom starts to sputter, not really sure she wants to intrude on our alone time but we collect her by her arms and practically drag her from the house with us.
To say that my mother didn't know what hit her would be an understatement. Before they went clothes shopping my two ladies made a side trip to the salon. The ladies got a trim, a coloring to liven my mother's hair color, and finished off getting their makeup done. When they left the salon a short time later their looks alone caused most heads to turn (that and Van's figure in her romper). Sofia (we didn't want her to feel old by calling her mom in public) was quite surprised that she was seemingly drawing as much attention as her son's girlfriend. Despite our best efforts to the contrary to convince her that she was still a real beauty Sofia just wasn't feeling it. That all changed after the first store. The first thing Vanessa picked out for her mother-in-law was very sexy and racy lingerie.
"Vanessa... this isn't me." Sofia states looking at the various pairs of bra and panties the younger woman has selected for her. While the material in question isn't an issue, it is the provocative nature of the undergarments that Sofia has an issue with.
Vanessa had poked around in moms dresser and gotten her sizes. She also noticed that while she had a few pieces of what could be considered sexy lingerie they weren't "show stoppers" by any means. "Sofia, you are still a young, beautiful woman. Your problem is that your confidence was shattered when Kenneth left you." Vanessa declares. My mother sighs in acceptance of this fact. "You can't let him have that power over your life anymore."
"What do you suggest I do then."
"Show the world how sexy you really are. For example, when I am up on stage, I start out in something like this," Vanessa says holding up the black bra and panty set. "When all eyes are on me I don't feel exposed, I feel empowered. I have their attention and am the focus of their world. I know that they will be remembering me and fantasizing about me for the rest of their days."
"I... I never thought about what it must feel like to be in that situation." Sofia states.
"That's because you never got the chance to be wild. You got pregnant early on and spent the last 20-plus years of your life raising your children and serving your husband. You never had the chance to do anything for yourself. You need to focus on your wants now... your desires. You are a sexual being, it's time you realized this and showed off!"
An hour later my mother exited the first store looking very different. While she was still made up from her trip to the salon she seeming had an epiphany thanks to Vanessa. My lady love helped her pick out all new lingerie and even wore a pair of lacey white panties out of the store. They had informed the salesgirl about this, given her the that they removed, and had them rung up with all of the other lingerie they had chosen.
Van had me watch as my mother dropped a small plastic bag into the garbage. "Out with the old, in with the new."
Next Sofia had Vanessa take her to the store where she bought the romper that she was currently wearing. My ladies had me wait outside as they wanted my honest impression at first glance. I was utterly shocked at how sexy my mother looked when she exited the store. Vanessa informed me this was why she didn't put on the bra she bought that went with the panties. The top of the romper was straining to contain my mother's massive and very sexy titty flesh. If she wasn't turning heads before now she surely was now and she took notice of the attention she was garnering.
It was fun watching Whirlwind Vanessa run about each store finding the best and sexiest clothes she could for the two of them. My mother was only occasionally reluctant to try on some of the items in question but she always did. Unless Van didn't like the way the outfit looked on mom they bought the items in question. While not throwing her clothes away (she was going to donate them) this time, my mother felt very sexy, almost liberated. Once we stowed her clothes in the back of the SUV that we had recently rented for the trip, Van and I escorted my mother out to lunch.
~ Saturday, July 1st, 2006 ~
The following morning the three of us got up and in a rented Lincoln Navigator, we drove several hours to a nice countryside local. The area resided on a lake and was a popular tourist attraction for this time of the year thanks to the massive fireworks festival and fair that the area put on to celebrate independence day. I had rented us a nice cabin that had four bedrooms (even though we were only using two) a full kitchen and a living room. We were just off the lake and only twenty minutes away from the festival. Mom took up residence in the back room on the left side of the house while Van and I took up residence in the back room on the right side. Mom didn't say anything when Vanessa followed me into my room as she obviously knew by now that we were intimate.
As it was just after noon and we had brunch on the way up we all changed into swimwear so that we could all go down to the lake. Vanessa had chosen a white string bikini top and matching side tie bottoms to wear today while mom came out wearing a Black and Yellow paint splatter Graffiti style bikini. We took our beach blankets and umbrellas and made our way to the lake. We were not the first to get this idea but it wasn't as crowded as it could have been. My ladies drew the attention of quite a few men but as they weren't sure what the dynamic between us was they didn't approach. To further throw onlookers off I referred to both of my gals by their first names as I put suntan lotion on my hands, warmed it up, and untying their ties began lovingly applying said lotion to their bodies.
My mother gasp slightly when I did this to her but she manages to stifle it with her arm and Vanessa distracts her by making small talk. Still, several men try and catch a glimpse of the side of mom and Van's tits while the bikinis are untied. That is until the women they are with catch on and smack the living heck out of them. The inadequate ones cast evil glares in our direction but I just stare them down in return. We have enough privacy at our cabin that the girls can do a little nude sunbathing (supervised) later to give them that perfect no-tan-lined suntan. For now, they will have to remain covered on their fronts. An hour later Van is ready to get in the water. I offer to go with her but she insists that I stay with Sofia and keep her company.
"Do you ever plan to start dating again mom?" I ask her catching her off guard.
"I don't know David. After your father... I... I just don't know."
"You need to get out there again mom. You're too beautiful to be holed up alone in the house. You need to get out, have some fun and find that special someone."
"The problem is most men my age are already attached. The older men like your father are looking for women Vanessa's age or younger." She states.
"Well... then why not find yourself a younger man."
"Be serious David," Mom says looking me in the eye. "What young man would want a woman like me?" She asks sincerely.
"Some of my buddies, Charlie, Darryl, Kenny... to name a few. Seriously mom... every straight guy on this lake has looked you over at least once." I tell her. "They want you... bad!"
My mom ties her suit up, sits up, and puts on her sunglasses. She appears to be looking at the lake toward Vanessa but is really looking at her surroundings. Just as I stated, many of the guys are looking squarely at her. Several groups of young men, while not being overly loud, are clearly excited by what they see as they have hard-ons.
"I'm going to go join Vanessa. Why don't you put on some more lotion in as sexy a way as you can and see how many guys you attract in my absence?"
Mom takes the lotion and I do just as I say. I dive into the water and head toward Vanessa. As we begin having our aquatic playtime we are watching as in the short time I am gone, several young men make their way over and make various overtures toward her. It is only when some can't seem to take the hint that Vanessa and I return to her side. The guys scramble when they see my hulking six-foot frame heading toward the sexy woman. Once I dry off I plop down behind my mom and take her in my arms. I kiss her should her pepper butterfly-like kisses up her cheek. Mom shivers as my skin is cold in contrast to her warm womanly body.
Whispering in her ear I say, "Told yah so."
"I... I forgot how... aggressive young men can really be." Mom replies.
"Yeah... some really have a hard time understanding what No means."
"Yeah..." Mom pants in response. "Thank you... for coming back. Sorry to interrupt your playtime."
"It's no problem Sofia. We made our point so it was time to come out of the water and dry off." Vanessa declares as she rings out her long hair.
With the first part of our plan complete we adjourned to our cabin. I had set out the chairs in the clearing surrounded by the woods before we went to the lake so I had Vanessa and mom layout on them and continue the tanning session. In the privacy of our private cabin mom relaxed knowing that Vanessa and I were watching over her naked body so she drifted off to sleep for a bit. Having burned off a lot of energy swimming Vanessa took a nap as well while I sat out behind the pair making sure no one came around to peek at my two naked ladies.
~ Tuesday, July 4th, 2006 ~
It was our last night at the cabin and the weekend had been a dream. Vanessa was now firmly mom's second daughter the two women having bonded as closely as Krysta and mom were. Vanessa and Sofia spent many hours sunning, talking, walking, swimming, and generally being as close as any mother and daughter could be. Likewise, I was the dutiful son and (husband) lover who was by their side and invisible when I needed to be. Mom began to relax and was soon teasing young men that would try and come chat her up. She simply informed them that while their overtures were appreciated she didn't think her lover (me) would appreciate them trying to steal her away. Whenever she pointed at me I would make my way from the water and menacingly make my way back to her. Much like the first time, I would possessively wrap myself around her and we started to kiss one another on the mouth to sell the appearance of me being her younger lover.
On this day Vanessa excused herself after breakfast and ran to collect a bag from her luggage. She then darted across the cabin and closed the door to moms room. When the door opened up again out Strolled the two most beautiful women I have ever seen. My mother's insecurities about being seen wearing sexy clothing have evaporated in short order. In all honesty, I credit Van for helping bring my mother out of her overly conservative shell. I have always known that my mother was a gorgeous woman and while married to my father she might not wear the clothes she now has in her wardrobe, after dad left she gave almost all of her nicer clothes away, bought frumpy, non-flattering clothes, and locked herself away from the world.
The woman standing beside my wife is not that person. Mom is wearing a Sherrylo-style string bikini and I would soon learn that it was a thong-style bikini at that. Of course, in honor of independence day, Van bought Patriotic bikinis. The bottoms are solid blue with white stars while the bikini top on the left tit is red and white stripes and the right is the blue and white starfield. My mom's breasts are almost spilling out of the top and as she and Van do a 360 to show off their forms (which is how I learned it was a thong) I saw that her ass cheeks are on full display. Vanessa's suit is very similar to moms design wise but she tells me that hers is called a Halter Thong Bikini. In all honesty, I think Vanessa has more material on her suit than mom does.
As expected all eyes are on my mother and Vanessa. There are many beautiful women of various ages in attendance but none are as show-stopping as the woman that created me nor the exotic beauty that married me. I didn't let either of my ladies out of my sight for fear that someone might try and abscond with one of them. I'm sure many of the people around them were wondering what the nature of our relationship was and some were probably envisioning what I wanted that relationship to be.
As it was a festival there was no need for us to bring food, only money. We sampled a bit of everything that was here and it was all delicious. I know when we returned home we would be working our butts off in the exercise room for quite some time. As the sun went down and the stars filled the sky I, unfortunately, had to say good buy to my lovely lady's bikinis as they were shivering. I bought the lady's hoodies and a pair of sweat shorts that a vendor had wisely brought that commemorate the local and the year. We sat on our large blanket on the exhibition field. I had my mother on my left and Vanessa on my right. My arms were around them both as I held them close to me.
During the fireworks, with everyone distracted, Vanessa slips her hand down the front of my now dry swim trunks and begins massaging my cock. As much as I wish she would fish it out so my mom could see it there are just too many people around to do that. I do see out of the corner of my eye that mom has taken notice of what Vanessa is doing. It is exciting for my mother to know that her handsome son, whose large cock has been pressing against her quite a bit recently, is in full form and ready to go should the right woman wish to take advantage of it.