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Family Estranged Ch. 01

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Intruders have a surprise in store for mother and daughter.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 01/01/2024
Created 12/01/2023
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The two men appeared like ghosts, their black ski masks as menacing as the handguns they now pointed.

"Make a sound and you die. Got it?"

Skylar and her mom squealed in fright anyway, the Christmas film they'd been watching now forgotten.

"I said shut up!" the man on the left growled. He rushed the sofa and pulled Charlotte to her feet by her hair. The woman yelped.

"Please, take whatever you want!" she gasped, assuming that the two home invaders were burglars. "Just please don't hurt us."

The first man put Charlotte in a head lock and pressed the barrel of his gun to the side of her head. Looking at Skylar, he hissed at her.

"Strip. Clothes off. Now. Or I've got a bullet for Mama here."

Skylar gaped at the intruder, first one and then the other. Both men looked identical. Both looked equally vicious and cruel. Both looked like they meant business.

"OK, OK, please don't shoot!" Skylar whimpered. The young woman couldn't believe this was happening. A mother-daughter bonding experience had just turned into the ultimate nightmare.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Short Time Earlier...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Skylar Bloomington and her mother were not on speaking terms. Or at least, they hadn't been until quite recently.

Now, as the 25-year-old sat on the sofa beside her mother, cozy and curled up beneath a blanket with a Christmas movie's opening credits rolling, she had to marvel at how far they'd come.

'I can't believe I don't hate her anymore,' Skylar thought with a surge of disbelief.

"Honey, this was a great idea," Charlotte said, her arm wrapped around her daughter's shoulders as they lay back together, their feet propped up on the coffee table with a big bowl of popcorn between them.

"Thanks," Skylar replied. "I'm... I'm actually really glad we're doing this," she agreed, albeit with a note of hesitation. The unspoken thought went far deeper, though, and ran along the lines of, 'I'm glad we're doing this because I want to get to know my mom again.'

Five years had passed.

It had been five years since Skylar's father had died in a horrific car accident. Five years since her mother, the famous author Charlotte Bloomington, had abandoned her children (adult children, but still children nonetheless) to their grief and fled away in denial of her own pain to focus on her writing career.

For five years, Skylar's resentment of how her mother had handled her father's death had festered. And then, three months ago, Charlotte had returned to Scheffington, New York, out of nowhere on the thin excuse of a hometown book tour for her latest release. But Skylar and her older brother Zane soon discovered the REAL reason for their mother's return.

A health scare had done what reason or empathy could not - jolted Charlotte into a sense of what truly mattered in life. Realizing that being estranged from her children, especially a daughter who had grown to despise her, was no way to live, Charlotte had finally done the hard work of starting to reckon with her long-dormant grief and the reasons she'd cut her children out of her life.

So now Skylar and her mom's relationship was by no means anything less than rocky and treacherous, but at least they were both trying. Much as Skylar had wanted to hold onto her anger, she finally realized how pointless it was. She finally realized how much she missed her mother. Skylar finally realized how the crushing loss of her father had victimized and traumatized her mother every bit as much as it had herself and her brother.

So it came to be that they'd decided, while her brother Zane and his girlfriend Mia went on a date night together, that she and her mom would enjoy a girl's night in and watch Christmas movies. You know, the cheesy-beyond-belief kind with titles like 'A Bride for Christmas' or 'A Groom for the Holiday.'

Until the nightmare had begun. Until two men had invaded their home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back in the Present...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"OK, OK, please don't shoot!" Skylar shrugged out of her penguin pajama top and then, with trembling fingers, slid her pajama bottoms down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She was naked now. She couldn't believe that her bare pussy and breasts were now on full display. The girl found herself both terrified and ashamed. Both men took in the sight of Skylar's slender, athletic young figure. A lush cascade of wavy, golden-blonde hair hung down almost to the small of her back. Skylar's breasts, though by no means large, were still round and firm and sizable, with areolae of lightest pink. Her sex was recently shaved, without even a hint of golden down where her pubic hair should have been.

"Not bad. Not bad at all," Bad Guy #1 said, the masked assailant holding a gun to her mother's head. For now Skylar decided to number them in her head. After all, there was nothing else to distinguish the two men, both dressed in black with boots and those identical ski masks.

"Your turn, Mama. Get naked. Let' see some tits." Bad Guy #1 took a step back but kept the gun leveled at Charlotte.

Charlotte felt rising panic and the urge to protect her daughter. Maternal instinct rose fiercely in her.

"Look, I'll-I'll do whatever you want! Please, just let my daughter go. Please!" Charlotte begged.

Bad Guy #2 now jumped into the fray. He grabbed Skylar and forced her head onto the coffee table. Pressing the gun to the back of Skylar's skull, he glared at the woman.

"Bitch, you want to see me splatter your daughter's brains all over this coffee table or are you going to cooperate?"

"OK!" Charlotte shrieked. "I'll cooperate! Please don't hurt Skylar!" The mother frantically shrugged out of her nightshirt and underwear. Soon she was as naked as her daughter. Charlotte was a true 'MILF' by any standard. She kept in shape, her breasts full and magnificent, and her legs were toned and muscular despite middle-age. Unlike Skylar, Charlotte's golden locks were much shorter, not even reaching to her shoulders, and she was not as slender, noticeably more voluptuous than her daughter, with a curvy, hour-glass figure. Unlike her daughter, she was not completely shaven, with a finely trimmed expanse of pubic hair visible above the slit of her cunt. Her big breasts were surprisingly perky, with darker, almost purple areolae.

"Damn. That's what I call a pair of TITS," Bad Guy #1 said approvingly. "All right, let's get you two pussies upstairs."

Charlotte and her daughter exchanged a look. They didn't like where this was headed, but they were too terrified to make a run for it. Too terrified to even make another sound as the two black-garbed men hustled them upstairs. While Skylar was panicking, her heart pounding, the older woman was trying to keep her wits about her. Charlotte knew she would have to stay focused and keep a level head if she had any hope of getting them out of this alive.

"Be brave, Sky. It's going to be okay, sweetie," she whispered to her daughter as the two naked females were dragged upstairs to the master bedroom.

Charlotte and even Skylar took note that the two assailants seemed to know their way around. They had previous knowledge of the layout of the entire house, but from where? That thought drifted to the back of each captive's mind as Bad Guy #1 and Bad Guy #2 introduced themselves.

"You'll refer to each of us as 'Master' from here on out. Understood?"

Both women nodded, cringing.

Bad Guy #2 had a black duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and now he heaved it onto the carpet with a thump.

"All right, now the fun begins," Bad Guy #1 said. His face lit up with a grin like sun-glinted ice.

Bad Guy #1 began to strip while Bad Guy #2 stood back and took hold of the other handgun.

"Listen up. This is how this is going to work."

"Wait! Please, I have money. I'm a very famous and successful author. My name is Charlotte Bloomington. I can pay you! If you just let us go, I promise I can--"

SMACK! The slap echoed like the blast of a cannon through the bedroom. Bad Guy #1 - now naked except for his mask - had slapped Skylar's mother across the face, and she went sprawling onto the bed, now clutching her stinging and reddened cheek.

"Are you hard of hearing, bitch? I said you call me and my friend here 'Master.' Now shut up and listen. We're going to have a very fun night together and if you cooperate you just might live to breathe another day. If you don't, well..." Bad Guy #1 let the threat hang ominous and unspoken as he bunched Skylar's hair in his fist at the nape of her neck, yanked her arms behind her back, and forced her to her knees.

"OW!" Skylar yelped.

"Hand me the cuffs!" Bad Guy #1 barked. By now Bad Guy #2 had put down one of the guns and unzipped the duffel from which he now drew a pair of shiny silver handcuffs. He threw them to Bad Guy #1, and the sharp sound of them snapping into place soon followed. Skylar groaned as Bad Guy #1 yanked the blonde girl back to her feet.

"Now tell me something, girl. Do you love your mother? Hmm?"

As he said this, Bad Guy #1 reached his hands around, gently cupping Skylar's supple cones from behind, kneading the soft flesh as she squirmed and her groans deepened.

"Y-yes," Skylar blurted, confused as to what her cruel captor was doing.

"Look at this, Mama, you made one fine pussy with that body of yours," Bad Guy #1 continued, his sadism apparently knowing no bounds. "Are you proud of yourself, bitch? Proud that your body produced such a hot piece of ass?"

When Charlotte just gaped at him, Bad Guy #2 chimed in.

"Answer the man, bitch."

"Y-yes. Yes Master," she corrected herself, "I... I'm proud to call Skylar my daughter. Now please, Masters, please I'll do whatever you want. I'll... I'll suck your cocks. I'll make you happy. Just please why don't you tie her up and let her be? She doesn't need to be part of this or see anything, Masters." Charlotte's attempt to be amenable with their captors fell flat though.

"Shut up, whore. WE give the orders, not you," Bad Guy #2 growled. His gaze flicked to his partner's, and understanding seemed to pass between them. "Lay back on the bed and put your wrists against the headboard. Do it, bitch!"

With a sinking heart, the naked mother obeyed.

Taking out two more pairs of handcuffs, Bad Guy #2 snapped them around each of the busty woman's wrists and soon had Charlotte's hands cuffed to the top of bed. Bad Guy #2 nodded to Bad Guy #1, whose smile grew wider even as it grew more vicious.

"All right now, little slut. You said you love your mother? Prove it."

Skylar couldn't stop herself from trembling.

"What... what do you... how?" she whimpered.

"You used to suck on those big melons as a little baby, right? Well I think it's time you sucked on them again," Bad Guy #1 said.

Skylar's eyes widened in horror. "No! I can't... that's WRONG! That's SICK! Please don't make me do that," she said as tears filled her eyes.

But Bad Guy #1 was already hustling the slender blonde toward the bed. He forced her onto the bed straddling her mother, his hand maintaining its position at the nape of her neck. "You've got two big, luscious titties to suck, girl, so get busy."

When Skylar resisted, turning her head sideways, Bad Guy #1 rumbled, "Looks like this young cunt needs some convincing, J."

Bad Guy #2 (AKA 'J') now retrieved what looked like a wand.

"We call this a shock-wand, bitch. You're going to love it," he said to the mother. "Open your legs wide and show me that pussy." Too afraid to disobey, worried that any resistance might only encourage them to hurt her daughter, Charlotte meekly spread her thighs. Now J reached down and stabbed the shock wand at the woman's exposed sex. With a cry, Charlotte felt the jolt coursing through her pussy, her hips jerking wildly.


"You want to give your mom more pain or are you going to behave, little slut? Hmm?"

When Skylar still hesitated, J zapped her cunt again. Again Charlotte's pitiful cry rang through the bedroom.


"OK, OK! Stop it you sick freaks!" Skylar implored. Now, with revulsion contorting her features, the naked young blonde let Bad Guy #1 push her face against her mother's breasts. She took one nipple between her lips, sucking on it dutifully. Next, her tongue ran in sensual swipes up and down her mother's tits before she began to suck on the other nipple with the same energetic dedication.

"Ben, you're a genius. We should take jobs like this more often," Bad Guy #2 (AKA J) said to his partner. Now the two men, J and Ben, watched as their nubile captive continued to lick and suck on her mother's supple cones.

Charlotte closed her eyes and tried to let her mind drifted, tried just not to think about what her daughter had to be feeling right now.

'Be brave, honey. We'll get through this.' That's all Charlotte could think, the hope, like a plea, uttered over and over silently in her mind.

After a while, the men finally grew bored of watching Skylar coat her mother's breasts in her saliva and suck deeply on the now hardened purplish-pink tips.

"All right, slut, that's good. That's good enough. Now I bet you want to show your mother some real love though. Really prove to us how much you care for her." Ben yanked Skylar back to her knees and pulled her off the bed only to force her back down at the foot of the bed, holding her by the neck with her face just inches from her mother's pussy.

"This pussy gave birth to you, bitch. Now I think it's time you showed it some gratitude."

"Please Master, this is SICK!" Skylar begged. She twisted her face sideways and tried to look at him. "Please, I'll do anything. Don't make me do this."

Instead of slapping her, Ben rubbed his chin, still hidden beneath the ski mask, rather thoughtfully.

"Anything? Really?? I like the sound of that."

He took a stride to the side of her and presented his now elongated cock, the testicles hanging beneath them now churning with seed. "Would you suck my balls then, little slut? Hmm?"

Without even needing any more prodding, Skylar eagerly took one testicle between her lips and sucked lovingly on it. Then she switched to the other testicle, giving it the same tender attention.

Ben's eyes lit up. "Mmmm. Now we're getting somewhere. My little fuck-slave slut is learning her place."

"Move over," J interrupted. "While you play with the daughter, I want to taste Mama's fuck-hole."

Ben forced Skylar to the side a few feet and then presented his shaft once again. A tiny jewel of pre-cum already glistened at the tip beneath the chandelier's lighting. With her hands cuffed behind her back, all Skylar could do was swallow her dignity and revulsion and lean forward, her tongue lapping at her rapist's cock.

Meanwhile, J knelt at the foot of the bed and admired the delicate folds of Charlotte's cunt lips.

"Look at you, bitch. You're beautiful. That big, beautiful pussy is just begging for some love, isn't it? And I have just the thing," he said seductively. Leaning forward, J slid the bottom of his mask above his chin and began to nibble teasingly on her outer labia. Then he moved closer in, flicking his tongue against Charlotte's clit. Charlotte closed her eyes and felt her stomach muscles clench up as a rush of sensations sizzled inside her, unwanted arousal coiling through her as the rapist's feathery caresses bombarded her cunt. His arms gripped her hips, holding them firmly in place as he feasted on her sex. His feathery licks soon alternated with deep sucking, capturing that engorged nub between his teeth as he put gentle but maddening pressure on her sensitive nerve bundle.

Charlotte could close her eyes but she couldn't hide the gasps escaping from her lips or the rising tempo of her breathing. She tried not to think about her daughter witnessing this. She tried not to think about what the other beast was doing to poor Sky.

Meanwhile, Ben was enjoying the sight of Skylar's pretty face bobbing up and down his shaft. With his hand bunched in her hair, he watched her slide her mouth up and down his vein-engorged cock.

"GLG-GLG-GLG!!!" Skylar made loud slurping and sucking noises as the shaft rammed farther and farther toward the back of her throat. He let out the occasional appreciative groan and urged her on.

"Yes, you little slut, use that mouth as it was meant to be used. Worship my cock, you hot little bitch. Ahhhh!" Ben now gathered up the girl's golden tresses more roughly and forced her mouth all the way down his slobber-sheened dick. He heard her nearly retch, her body trembling as she fought not to gag, as she desperately took him all in at last, her nose scrunched against his pelvis.

He held her there for a solid eight seconds, listening to her strangled cries and muffled pleas, before finally letting her come up off his cock for air. Skylar sputtered and coughed. Long streams of pre-cum drifted from her lips, some even oozing down to her chest.


He grabbed her face and twisted it so she could see the bed.

"Look at her, bitch. Look at your sweet whore of a mother getting her pussy eaten and loving it. Isn't that sexy? Doesn't that turn you ON?" Ben jeered.

He watched Skylar's eyes, haunted and defeated, now stare listlessly at the scene on the bed.

J was feasting madly now, the loud slurping sounds of over-eager clit-sucking echoing through the bedroom. Charlotte's eyes were clenched shut, but her body betrayed her. Her juices flowed gladly to bathe J's palate, her tangy fluids offering a flavor to remember.

"She's close, Brother. Mama's almost ready to CUM," J growled between bouts of feasting, his mouth now diving between her legs again, tongue exploring even as he inserted two fingers into the woman's snatch and made a deep come-hither motion to excite the nerve endings along her cunt to maximum effect.

"Here, bitch. Watch your mother come," Ben growled. Yanking the girl to her feet again, he manhandled her to the bed and forced her to kneel with her face pinned sideways beneath her mother's belly-button, inches from the sight of J licking and feasting and finger-fucking that now sopping-wet pussy.

"Look at it, bitch. Look at what a WHORE your mother is. Can you smell her cunt juice? Can you??"

Skylar whimpered as she felt Ben finger her pussy with his other hand, stoking an unwanted jolt of desire in her. The smell of sex was now tangible, fragrant in the air. Charlotte felt a deep, burning shame join the riot of sensations and the traitorous pleasure that now swam through her helpless body. The ache within her loins had intensified into a raging inferno, flames of impending bliss licking at her heels, no, licking everywhere, scattering like a wildfire blown in every direction.

"It's OK, Mama. Show your bitch daughter how to CUM like a proper whore. Show her," Ben growled. When Skylar tried to squeeze her eyes shut, he slapped her. "Keep 'em open, bitch. You watch every second of this. Don't miss a single moment."

Skylar watched miserably as her mother's pleasure ramped upward, as she felt her mother's stomach quaking beneath her face. Then she felt the full, wild bucking and thrashing of her mother's naked figure beneath her, sensing that her mother had reached orgasm, her cunt convulsing with a rapist's fingers inside her and with teeth nibbling on her clit.


Charlotte felt her mind obliterated, destroyed and replaced with sheer pleasure, a supernova of bliss shattering all sense of self for a few blessed moments. For a moment, Charlotte forgot that she and her daughter were captives in their own home getting raped by two brutal strangers. For a moment, she forgot they were in hell.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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I hope you liked Part 1. Part 2 is almost done and will be posted soon.


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