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Family First Ch. 04

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Bridges are crossed, Nathan takes a leap.
4.2k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 07/06/2023
Created 05/31/2020
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Nathan woke up late Sunday morning, not having much planned for the day. Maybe just jerk off and play video games, that wouldn't be so bad. Though his tentative plans fell apart immediately as a rapid knocking sounded through the door to the poolhouse.

"Heyyyy, Nathan? You up?" Audrey asked nervously through the wall. Nathan threw on a pair of shorts and answered the door. "Hey- oh," Audrey's eyes had to snap up from Nathan's chest, forgetting how much taller he was than her. "Uh..."

"...Uh?" Nathan teased before stepping to the side to let her in. "What's up?"

Audrey tepidly entered the poolhouse. "So um, remember like, when I told my friend Erin I had a cute boyfriend and you uh, let me send her that picture of you shirtless as, like, proof?"

"That I was your fake boyfriend?" Nathan recalled.

"YEEeaahh, um" Audrey's eyes bounced across the room, she clutched her phone to her band t-shirt. "So I may have agreed to a double date. With her aaannnd her boyfriend." Audrey slowly turned to face Nathan, "and uhhh... my boyfriend? Eheheheh..." her laughter quite forced.

"So what exactly were we going to do?" Nathan asked.

"OH, well, um, if it's okay with you, we were like, gonna go to the arcade and maybe like, come back here and hop in the pool. Or something..."

"Do you need me to call you 'pookie bear' and hold your hand?" Nathan smirked, poking at his nervous wreck of a cousin.

"Shut UP! You big dork, I mean. I'm so sorry. Please, you just need to like, come along and we can hang out for a few hours. I'll buy you lunch! Please! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" Audrey rapidly descended into begging.

"It's no problem, it sounds fun," Nathan smiled. "When was this happening?"

"Ehehehe...hehe... he. Ummm.



Nathan held his cousin's hand as they walked into the mall, the rush of air conditioned breeze blasting their faces as they passed through the automatic doors. "So," Nathan started, "who are we looking for?" As the pair scanned the large food court.

"Ethan's like a, I mean, y'know, like a dude," Audrey so accurately detailed.

"Fascinating, that will aid us in our quest," Nathan commented. "How about Erin?"

"Short." Audrey replied.

"Again, just a wizard of description, you are," Nathan retorted.

"Ugh, she's Chinese, probably wearing some pink sunglasses. That better?"

"Yes, actually," Nathan replied. Narrowing his search across the room a bit. "Audrey, if I ever get kidnapped and you have to file the missing person's report, I'll just accept that I'm doomed."


"Erin's or yours?"

"Oh my Gooood," Audrey groaned, "when I said, 'pretend to be my boyfriend', that didn't mean I wanted you to develop the worst sense of humour, too."

Nathan burst into a little chuckle at that. As he did, he caught the reflection of a pair of sunglasses far on the other end of the food court. A guy about Nathan's height, wearing a muscle shirt stood looking down at his phone and next to him was a very petite Asian girl wearing pink sunglasses.

Nathan lifted his hand that was interlocked with Audrey's and pointed, "that them?"

"Where? Oh! Yeah! ERIN!" Audrey let go of Nathan and waved, running toward the girl.


Erin and Audrey embraced each other and kissed one another on the cheeks. Audrey proudly turned to introduce Nathan as he approached.

"... and this! Is my BOYFRIEND, Nathan," Audrey said proudly, stepping over to wrap her arms around Nathan's broad chest. Nathan brought his arm down around the other side of Audrey, squeezing her in.

"Hello,"Nathan beamed. If anything, Audrey could have at least mentioned that Erin was extremely cute.

"So I've seen!"erin remarked, examining up and down Nathan's body. Erin's cutoff top revealed a cute belly button piercing that caught Nathan's eye. "This here, is Ethan."

Everyone's attention turned to the big guy leaning against the wall. "Ethan!" Erin hissed. "Say hi!"

"Wu?" He looked up from his phone, "oh, hey," he put his phone away, reaching his hand out to shake with Nathan. Nathan responded in kind. Ethan took his hand and seemed to squeeze, but Nathan's hand had little give even under Ethan's strong grip. The other boy eyed Nathan up and down, "you play football for Alpine, dude?"

"No, he just works out a lot," Audrey gloated, placing her hand on Nathan's chest and giggling.

"I am going there in the fall, how about you?"Nathan added.

"Oh, uh," Ethan retracted a bit, "I'm uh, taking a gap year. You know how it is."

"Hey, yeah, totally," Nathan replied.

He did not actually know how it is. Ethan looked like he was in his late 20s, probably couldn't pick up girls his own age. Definitely not worth the time of Audrey's cute friend.

"C'mon," Audrey and Erin tugged at the boys, "let's go to the new arcade."


A whirlwind of fun passed through the afternoon quickly. Nathan and Audrey swept the floor with a competitive Erin and her lame boyfriend. He had started the walk to the arcade talking up his gaming skills, bragging about some rank in whatever shooter. His bragging died down rather fast after he started racking up the losses. At first it was a buggy light gun, then it was a broken joystick. One thing after another. Nathan made sure to keep it all in good fun, trying not to let Audrey get too hyped with herself. Nathan was about ready to ditch Ethan when the girls suggested heading back to the house.

Arriving back at the poolhouse, everyone changed into their swimsuits. Ethan made some comment about Nathan's weights, saying he had a bigger rack back home. This was followed quickly by an, 'ugh, quit lying' from Erin before he took over the bathroom.

Nathan offered the girls his bedroom and sat down on the couch and waited his turn.

Hearing his bedroom door open, Nathan turned to see Audrey step out, her tan skin contrasted against the pastel purple of her bikini. Though it seemed to not fit her well. Her breasts bulged out of the small cups, not that Nathan was complaining. Next Erin stepped out, showing off her pretty, though less endowed, figure in a black and white striped one piece.

"Looking lovely, ladies," Nathan commented as he brushed past them into the bedroom. Reaching for his suitcase, Nathan realized Audrey wasn't gonna be the only one bulging out of their outfit. He hadn't really considered how much leg muscle he had put on since arriving here. Not to mention the significant increase in space that his groin now occupied. It did seem to fit once he had stuffed himself into it, but he was definitely gonna need to go shopping for some new clothes soon. The white trunks with the array of tropical flowers actually didn't bulge out too much, Nathan was a bit surprised at his disappointment with that fact.

"Oh, it's better in person," Erin attempted to say seductively as Nathan stepped out of the bedroom, shirtless. Nathan laughed, causing the girls to giggle as well, but Nathan still spied the glimmer of triumph on Audrey's face. "Where's Ethan?" Nathan observed.

As if on cue, Ethan emerged from the bathroom in his swimsuit on and a joint hanging from his mouth. The smell of weed billowed out from behind him, causing Nathan to cough. "Sup?" he said, looking at the waiting trio.

Once in the pool, the fun picked up again, Nathan tossing Audrey and Erin into the pool, the girls competing over who could do a handstand for longer. Erin won, though Nathan suspected Audrey's new 'flotation devices' might have contributed to her loss. After a while of Ethan treading water by the edge, continuing on his joint and every once in a while joining in the conversation, Erin and Ethan exchanged a few glances before an annoyed Erin stepped out of the pool and into the poolhouse, returning after a moment with another joint to pass around between her, Audrey and Nathan.

Nathan wasn't really a smoker, but he didn't mind it. And these west coast types seemed to have better stuff than he had been offered back home. The foursome eventually moved out from the pool and into the poolhouse where Nathan put on some scary movies.

Each pair cuddled up on one end of the couch, Audrey sandwiched herself in between the arm of the couch and Nathan's ribs, enjoying the warmth after getting out of the cold pool. The first movie involved a lot of giggles and commentary from the group, poking fun at the dumb teens in the slasher flick. Audrey enjoyed the feeling of Nathan's body as it rumbled against her when he laughed.

The joking continued through the start of the 2nd movie but died down after a few minutes. Audrey looked over, her eyes adjusting for a moment in the darkness. But in the blue glow from the tv screen, she could see that the silence had been caused by Erin moving on top of her boyfriend and making out with him. Audrey;'s heart sank a little bit. Even if Ethan was a bit of dummy, at least Erin had somebody. Audrey's fun Sunday started to crash down as she thought about the future. She couldn't just keep pretending Nathan was her boyfriend forever. That wasn't fair to him.

Audrey's sulking was cut short as she felt an arm move down her back and squeeze her ass.She turned to look up just as Nathan lifted her body on top of him and his other hand moved up her back, brushing past the tie in her bikini and combing through her damp hair. "What are you doing?" she hissed in a quiet whisper.

"We're on a date, aren't we?" Nathan replied, pushing his hand on the back of her neck to bring their mouths together. Audrey told herself it was the weed and just let herself enjoy the kiss. Nathan's lips played against hers as the pair exchanged tongues. After a few minutes of bliss, Audrey felt Nathan's bulge growing beneath her crotch. Oh, how much it was swelling. Her mind flashed with memories from the week before when she had seen the beastly dick her cousin was hiding. She looked over at Erin and Ethan from the corner of her eye and saw Erin grinding hard against her boyfriend while she reached behind herself, untying her bikini top.

Audrey was about to do the same when she felt Nathan's hands reach back there and untie the knot. Audrey gave Nathan a worried expression, all the while never letting her lips leave his. Once her top was off, Nathan slid one of his hands back down to her butt, groping and squeezing at her, leaving his other hand in place to push her tiny chest against his. Audrey's nipples felt like they were on fire as they ground against his pecs.

Nathan pulled away from their kiss, Audrey panted harshly. "You okay?" Nathan whispered.

Audrey leaned in and quietly whimpered into Nathan's ear, "p-pleassseee." She felt like she was going to lose her mind, she had no control over herself. Her brain was too slow to react as she felt Nathan lift her up by her ass, all she could do was limply wrap her arms around his neck as he carried her like she was nothing into the bedroom.

There, he placed her gently on the bed, lying above her, continuing their kisses. His body pressed against her, causing every nerve ending in her body to flood her with a "!!" though he seemed to keep some of his weight on the floor to not outright crush her.

Audrey could feel Nathan reaching down to rub at her hips, one of his hands moving to place his thumb over her clit. He paused their kiss and locked eyes with her, his eyes burning a hole in hers as he spoke, "do you want more?" he asked gently.

"Yesss, fucking God, yes," Audrey whimpered, tears beginning to stream down her face. No guy had ever made her feel like this before. It felt like the pleasure was going to kill her.

Nathan waited a moment after Audrey gave him her consent before he began to untie her bikini bottom. Audrey looked down her chest as she watched her cousin discard the flimsy purple material. His imposing body lifted away from hers as Nathan went to kneel on the floor, his hands slid across her thighs until they reached beneath her knees, lifting them into the air.

What happened next would cause Audrey to produce the loudest noise she had made in her life up until that point, and would likely be the loudest noise she would ever make.

Nathan pushed his face in between Audrey's legs, she felt the faint scratch of his stubble on her pubis as his tongue entered her pussy, releasing from her a squeal she did not know she could make. Her hips bucked against Nathan's face, pressing into him, trying to force his mouth in deeper. He moved his hands down from her knees, letting them fall slack as he moved each hand to grasp an asscheek. His grip was tight and only caused Audrey to squirm even more in wracking pleasure.

His tongue dove in and out, he kissed her labia and sucked on her clit, causing Audrey to grab at the bed sheet beneath her as another orgasm ripped through her. She banged her head back against the bed , her body unsure of how to properly process the feelings that overwhelmed her. His assault lasted for 10 minutes before Audrey reached her hands down, running them through Nathan's short hair as her hoarse voice begged him.

"Pl-please. Nathan, s-stop. It's too, t-too much, Please."

Nathan stopped his ministrations, pulling away from her groin. Audrey looked into his eyes, she felt lost in his eyes and his gentle face that glistened with her pussy juice in the faint, warm glow of the lava lamp on his nightstand. Nathan stood up, scooping up Audrey and placing her on top of him as he lay down on the bed.

The pair sat there for several minutes as Audrey hyperventilated, recovering from the onslaught, occasionally the pair would share a gentle kiss. As she felt more and more control return to her body, Audrey began to lift herself up and snaked a shaky arm down between them, fumbling around at Nathan's trunks reaching for his cock. Eventually, her orgasm-drunk motor skills managed to grab hold of his cock and squeeze, though she had little force left in her body to muster into it.

"L-let me," Audrey started, exasperated, "let me make y-you feel good, too."

Nathan lifted Audrey up, holding her by the ass like when he had carried her in here and kissed her on the lips, shushing her.

"Don't worry," he whispered, "this is just me trying to be a good boyfriend." And he placed her back down on the bed, where Audrey's spent muscles couldn't lift herself up to prove him wrong. She could do nothing as she watched Nathan drop his trunks to the floor, allowing his enormous cock free. She watched in awe as the massive dick was still growing hard, still stretching longer and straightening out toward her. His hand came down to grab his dick, gently pumping it as it got even harder and he stepped forward, using his hand to aim that weapon at her throbbing, reddened pussy.

'If this tool of mass destruction is as good as his tongue was,' Audrey thought, 'then he's gonna kill me with this thing.'

'What a way to go,' she thought. Her last thought of the night, as it would turn out, as Nathan pushed the head of his dick into her pussy lips and her screams began anew, shaking the walls of the poolhouse, and like a mighty, orgasmic incantation, the sound seemed to urge Nathan's balls to swell further, churning with the load of cum Nathan's dick would not let him deposit anywhere other than Audrey's pussy.


Things had started getting heavy for Erin, Ethan was kind of an idiot but the dick was just too good give up. She paid no attention to Audrey's jacked boyfriend as he carried her away to the bedroom. But right as Erin began to pull down Ethan's swimsuit and start teasing his dick, they heard the moan.

Now, Erin had heard Audrey around some of her exes, and she had NOT made that sound before. Erin idly jerked Ethan's hefty 8 inch shaft but she was focused on the sounds emanating from the bedroom. The initial moan was soon followed by squeals and cries.

"Damn, she's really layin' it on thick for this dude, huh, babe?" Ethan remarked.

"Yeah, haha, guess so," Erin replied. She continued to listen in, though. Audrey sounded like she was possessed in there. Her hand slowed down as she tried to keep focus and she soon found Ethan's hand behind her head as he pushed his dick into her mouth. 'Ugh' she thought, 'chlorine dick, gross.'

Erin gagged off of Ethan's dick after a few minutes, it seemed like he was intentionally trying to gag her that time. She pulled her bikini bottom off and climbed on top of Ethan. "Alright, Ethan, go slow, I'm really not that wet y-AH! Ow ow ow!"

He ignored her cautioning, grabbing hold of her tiny hips and pushing her down onto his dick. She seethed for a moment, but she was starting to loosen up a bit, and getting, well, at least a little wet. She bounced and moaned on Ethan's shaft for a few minutes, starting to enjoy herself when they noticed the noises had stopped from the bedroom.

Erin slowed down to listen in.

"Are they done already? Damn, he doesn't last long," Ethan laughed, "hey where ya goin?" He hissed as Erin pulled off of him.

"Shhh, I wanna see," Erin shushed him as she snuck toward the bedroom door. It wasn't shut all the way, so she was just barely able to silently edge the door far enough from the frame to peek inside.

Ethan got up behind her and put his face up to the door to take his own look, ready to laugh about how such a big dude would still have a smaller dick than him, an experience he had smugly enjoyed in most locker rooms he had been in.

The couple managed to get a gap wide enough that they both could get a decent view inside. And when Erin saw Audrey's boyfriend walk around the bed, it gave her a full frontal view of his dick. It didn't seem real. It looked longer than Ethan's and he didn't even look fully hard! Not to mention how much thicker it was. She watched in horrified curiosity as this guy put his behemoth cock inside her friend who barely looked conscious on the bed, sprawled out like a dead body.

She couldn't look away as that dick entered Audrey, the guttural moan the first sign that she was still alert. She reached between her legs, perking her butt up, hoping Ethan would fuck her, this was so hot to watch. But unbeknownst to the enraptured Erin, Ethan had stepped away, putting his trunks back on, erection totally wilted when he saw that asshole with his tree trunk cock.

Erin continued her observation, his strokes were so gentle, but the wild ecstasy Audrey was bellowing from her lungs suggested that every touch was incredible. Erin began to rub at her clit, imagining what it must be like to have that thing inside her. She had only ever seen novelty dildos that could compete with this thing sawing in and out of her best friend. Erin noticed him picking up the pace, turning her eyes up to his boyish face to watch him squint and grimace as he came, 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing as he did.

Erin's eye turned back to their joining, watching that baseball-sized ballsack jump and bounce as he pumped inside of Audrey. It seemed to last an eternity, but then after a brief pause, he seemed to start his pace up again, even with his fresh cum leaking out of Audrey's pussy. 'Was he still hard? What the fuck? Where does he get the blood flow for this thing?' Erin couldn't hold onto a thought long enough to try answering it.

She turned her eyes again to see if she could see his face and, to her horror, she could. He was staring directly at her, still pounding away into Audrey as she squealed in a sing-song trance. Erin's hand buried into her pussy, swiping away at her g spot, thumb furiously rubbing her clit.

His eyes burned into her, "Cum." His voiced bounced around inside Erin's skull. It didn't matter if he had said that to either girl, both came in an instant after he uttered his command, Erin fell to the floor, hand jammed inside of her as she twitched and squirted against the wall. What had he just done to her? She had just cum harder than ever before and he all did was tell her to from across the room. Erin's body went into a panic, having no idea how to interpret the pleasure signals flooding her every sense. She grabbed her bag of clothes and ran for the door, heading straight for her car, not even stopping for a moment to notice that her boyfriend had already left.


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