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Fantasy Island Pt. 01

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A family goes to an island to learn to bond.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 02/21/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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Fantasy Island - Part 1

"You know this is a disaster waiting to happen," I said as my wife told me her plan.

"No... it's gonna work perfectly. They just need to see the real you," she said, kissing my shoulder. I was sitting next to her while she was on the computer looking at a vacation rental site. "It's absolutely beautiful. Look at these little villas and the beaches. Even the trails through the woods look like they came from a fairy tale."

"That's the problem. It's all just a fairy tale. And it's not going to end happily ever after."

"Oh hush. You just don't want to spend the money." She looked at me for a second and then flipped through other pictures. Even I had to admit that the location looked incredibly beautiful. It would be a relaxing vacation... for us... but not with her mother and sister along.

"They hate me," I said. "Why should I pay for them to go on a beautiful vacation with me?"

"Because, on this vacation, they're going to get to know you," she said. "And they're going to love you as much as I do."

"At $50K per person, they better love me."

"Will you stop it. You have the money. Why not put it to good use?"

"Alright, alright. We'll go," I relented. "Even if you can't convince them." I hoped she couldn't at least.

She kissed me. "Oh, I'll convince them. And you won't regret it. In fact, I think you'll thank me for it."

"Uh huh... the I-told-you-so-moment." I smiled.

I looked at her smiling face and remembered again why I fell in love with her. She was 15 years younger than me and still had a bright outlook on life. That made her so incredibly beautiful to me because, at 40, I'd lost that spark a bit. But our age difference was a stumbling block for her family. They wondered why I didn't marry someone my own age. They wondered why I got divorced from my first wife. They thought I was just some rich playboy that wanted a little eye candy.

But that couldn't be further from the truth. I loved her with all my heart. I only wished they could see that.

She smiled deviously as she stood, pushed me back a little, and slid into my lap facing me. She reached down and grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and removed it, giving me a nice view of her small, firm breasts. Her nipples were hard and pointed, begging to be sucked.

"Yeah, you'll thank me for it," she said, grabbing my wrists and putting my hands on her breast. "All those women... almost naked... walking around all the time... teasing you with their big tits and tight asses." I squeezed her breasts and gently pinched her nipples. "Mmm... yeah... give them a squeeze for me. Jiggle them a little... I love that."

I leaned forward and, lifting her breast slightly, began licking it. "Ooh, that's nice... suck on my titties." I buried my face between them and squeezed her tits against the sides of my face, smothering myself. "Come on, get your face right in there. Oh, yeah... push them right into your mouth. God! I love how you tease my nipples. It goes right to my clit. Oh fuck! Suck on them... just like that."

I loved her nipples. They were always so hard, sensitive, and ready for my tongue.

"Maybe when we get back we can look into enhancing these babies," she said softly. "I know you'd like them bigger." She put one of her hands on my head and the other on my shoulder as she ground her pussy into my erection like a professional lap-dancer.

"God you're incredible. I can't deny you anything."

"Mmmm... I know," she giggled.


It seemed my mother-in-law was as skeptical as I was. Gabby had just as much difficulty convincing her as me. But, in the end, Emmanuelle relented just as I did, through very different means, of course. Gabby also just had that kind of bubbling personality that just wore you down.

And a month later, we all flew down to Florida where we would take a 2-hour seaplane flight that would take us to the island resort. Unfortunately, though, while we were waiting at the small seaport, we found out that the seaplane could only take 3 passengers; the plane was also loaded with supplies bound for the island.

"I'll just take another plane," Gabby said. "You, mom, and Helena take this one. You'll start bonding sooner."

I took out my lucky lighter and nervously flipped the lid open and shut, open and shut. Gabby hated it when I did that, because she knew why I did it. "That's a terrible idea."

"Why did you bring that thing?" she asked.

"It brings me luck," I said. And that was partially true. I'd had it for the past 10 years. It was the last lighter I had when I stopped smoking. I pretty much took it with me everywhere I went.

"Uh huh," she said skeptically.

"You couldn't buy us a bigger plane?" Emmanuelle asked sarcastically when Gabby told her the news.

"Mother!" Gabby admonished her.

Gabby's flight left an hour before our's did, with 3 other passengers on board with her. I sat nervously in the airport in chairs opposite of, and facing, Emmanuelle, her mom, and Helena, her sister. You could cut the tension with a knife. And my lighter was out again, flicking open and closed, open and closed.

Finally, our flight was ready to board and we all got in. I got in first, to sit in the back beside the stowed supplies, while Emmanuelle and Helena sat in the middle row. It was a little scary to step on the float and feel the plane move beneath you in the water. I grabbed one of the support beams to catch myself.

"Seat belts fastened?" the pilot asked once we were all seated. He held his headphones in his hands waiting for our response.

"All fastened and ready to go," Emmanuelle said.

"It's looking like a clear flight, with beautiful, blue, sunny skies, with a flight time of one hour and fifty minutes. So sit back, put on some headphones, listen to some music, and enjoy the ride.

I pulled out my phone and put in my earbuds so I could listen to music. The plane pulled out and glided across to top of the water, taking off at a steep climb. The pilot was right, too. The skies were indeed beautifully blue and sunny. The water below us looked incredible, too, as we flew overhead at 14000 feet.

About an hour and a half into our flight, though, the skies ahead looked very dark.

"Looks like we're in for some surprise choppy weather ahead," the pilot yelled back to us. "I don't know where it came from, but we don't have the fuel to go around it. I'm going to take it in unless something else looks bad. I think we can punch through ok."

I heard the pilot radio in about the storm to get more information, and then the plane started rocking and rolling a bit as we got closer. And then it grew really dark and suddenly a light flashed in front of us.

"Ok, that's the something that looks bad. I'm going to turn us around," the pilot yelled back. The plan banked to the left in a long arc to turn us around, when suddenly lightning flashed and struck the left engine. Sparks flew as the engine blew and suddenly caught on fire.

"Mayday, mayday. This is seaplane Nancy Sierra One Niner Niner with an emergency.... One engine out and we're going to have to land in the water... I repeat, this is an emergency landing."

The pilot, to his credit, took us downward at a reasonably comfortable angle, and we could see the dark waters approaching. But then another bolt of lightning struck and the plane went completely dead. Suddenly, we dropped hard.

"We're going down hard," the pilot yelled.

And then we hit the water and the plane stopped cold. The bite of the seatbelt took my breath away for a moment as I was pushed forward, but it held. When I snapped back, something happened and I blacked out for a moment.

I don't know how long I was out, but I didn't think it was that long. When I awoke, the plane was dead in the water and appeared to be slowly sinking, nose first. The pilot's seat was empty and his door open so somehow he got ejected, but Emmanuelle and Helena were still firmly strapped into their seats. I unfastend my seatbelt and fell forward into the back of Helena's seat. She was unconscious with a little bleeding from her forehead. I got in front of Emmanuelle and Helena.

"Are you ok?" I asked Emmanuelle.

She was holding her head, like she was hit by something. "Yeah," she said softly.

"We have to get out of the plane," I said. "I think it's sinking."

"Where's the pilot?" she asked a little dazed, looking up front for the first time.

"He must've been ejected," I said. I helped her unfasten her seatbelt and then helped Helena. She was limp and I held her against me, carrying her, as I opened the cabin door. The wind, rain, and waves hit me hard, almost forcing me back into the cabin. But I pressed forward. I helped Emmanuelle out as well, helping her stand on the float, and helping her hold Helena for a moment.

Knowing we were going to need more to survive than just ourselves, I went back into the plane and grabbed life jackets from the back. Then I quickly released several of the supply containers and grabbed as many as I could, too. I tossed the supply containers out the door and held the life jackets as I got back out onto the float.

"We have to get into the water and get away from the plane," I said. I helped Emmanuelle put her life jacket on and then she helped me put one on Helena. They both walked off the float and into the open sea. I followed quickly, just barely putting my life jacket on myself.

The water was warmer than the air above but was choppy. I moved around us and gathered up the supply containers that I threw out, trying to keep it all with us. Luckily it all floated, so it all helped us stay on top of the water.

We weren't in the water more than 15 minutes with the waves and rain pounding us, when we all started to get tired. And getting tired was making it harder and harder to stay afloat.

"We're going to have to take off our clothes," I told Emmanuelle. "It's weighing us down." I stripped off my shoes and socks and slipped my pants down and off, letting it go completely. I was down to just my boxers.

I watched Emmanuelle carefully take off her dress. "I'm not wearing much underneath," she said.

I shook my head. "No choice. You have to do it if you're going to survive," I said.

And she let it go. She then helped me take off Helena's shirt and jeans as well. Emmanuelle and I grabbed the life vests and the supplies as best we could to hold us and Helena afloat.

About an hour after we left the plane, the storm started to subside. I couldn't see the plane any more. I had no idea how far we had drifted from where we went down. The currents could have taken us anywhere. Not too far in the distance, though, I saw a darkness coming out of the water. And then, as the light grew brighter, I could tell it was an island of some sort.

"Kick your feet, Emmanuelle. We need to make it to that island."

"Ok," she whispered and started kicking with me.

I could tell she was growing more and more tired as time wore on. And eventually, she passed out, so I held her and Helena above the water and kicked as fast as I could. We had to make land.

It seemed to take forever to get there and I was extremely tired when we got close. I used all of my remaining energy to drag us all onto the shore along with the supplies. At that point, I collapsed and blacked out.


I woke up when water hit my nose, causing me to sputter. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were on a sandy beach and the waves were slowly lapping at us as the tide came in. I could tell from the debris field on the sand that high tide was a little higher than where we lay. And when I looked out, I could see our supplies were starting to float out to sea as the tide grabbed them.

I got up and rushed into the water, gathering the supplies as best I could as I fought the waves crashing into me. When I grabbed them all, I dragged them up onto the sand and put them above the high-water mark.

Then I shook Emmanuelle to see if she was awake. I had dragged her higher on the beach than I was, so half of her body was still out of water, as was Helena's. She opened her eyes and sat up.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"No idea," I said. "But we're alive." I moved over to Helena and checked on her. The bleeding on her forehead had stopped, so I figured that she was going to be ok... just a little knock on the head.

The sun was low on the horizon and rising quickly so I assumed we'd slept for a pretty long time. And as it did, the temperature grew.

"We're going to have to get out of the sun," I said and looked around to survey the situation. The beach we were on went a ways in both directions. Only about 10 yards from the high-water mark, the woods started. Behind them, it appeared there was a pretty good sized mountain.

"I'll grab some wood and make a shelter. At least something to create some shade."

"Ok," Emmanuelle said. "Please be careful."

I nodded and then walked a little into the woods. I found as many long branches and leaf fronds as I could and carried them back to build a quick lean-to above the high water mark. It took a couple hours to get it all put together, but when I was done, it comfortably held all three of us in shade.

I helped Emmanuelle and Helena into it and let them lie down. I then opened some of the supply bags and boxes and found bottled water. I grabbed a couple and brought them to the women. Emmanuelle thanked me. None of us were hungry for food quite yet.

I got up and started gathering wood. We were going to need wood to build a cooking fire and wood for a signal fire if we were going to survive this. It took me most of the day to gather both and pile it in the sand. But I had no idea how I was going to light it.

Helena was awake and sitting up when I finally finished.

I have to admit that even though our situation was dire, likely even life and death, that seeing those two women sitting there wearing nearly nothing was kind of a turn on. Emmanuelle, though 10 years older than me or so, had a pretty large chest and a pretty nice looking body in all. Her breasts captured my attention the most, though, sitting high and firm. I knew they had to be enhanced, which surprised me.

Helena still was in bra and panties, but looked like she rivaled Emmanuelle in the chest category. My wife apparantely took more from her dad and had less of a chest.

So, wearing only boxers, I was pretty embarrassed to be sporting a little bit of an erection, one that I'm sure both women could easily see. Likely very red-faced, I walked back over to the wood piles ostensibly to figure out how to light a fire. But I was trying every trick in the book, thought every non-sexual or anti-sexual thought I could think of to get rid of my erection. It worked... but it wasn't going to last.

A glint of light shining off metal hit my eyes suddenly. When I looked to find the source, it was something in the surf, just at the water's edge. I walked towards it and of all the luck... it was my lucky lighter. My wife would have to believe me now! There was no way she could deny how lucky this was. Now I just had to hope it still worked.

"What's wrong?" Emmanuelle asked. "What is it?"

I walked back to the shelter to show them. "Of all things to run into, it's my lucky lighter," I said.

"And that's lucky why?" Helena asked sarcastically.

Instinctually, I flipped the lid and hit the roller causing it to light. "Fire!" I said, smiling broadly.

I stacked the wood for the two fires, the cooking fire closer to the shelter and the signal fire a little up the beach, and lit them. The wood seemed pretty dry and lit easily, so both fires were going well in no time. I stacked the excess wood nearby each and made sure there was plenty of very green stuff near the signal fire, too. If the time came, I wanted to make as much smoke as I could.

It was getting late in the afternoon when I finally finished everything and I was getting very hungry. I fished through the supplies again and found some easy food, sandwiches and chips, and carried them back to the girls. They took them from my hands thankful and ate them as if they were starving.

As we sat in the lean-to, I started to think about sleeping and got down on my hands and knees in the sand. I used my hands to dig a shallow pit in the sand, big enough for all of us to lay in as a little bed. I could already feel the night coolness creeping in and knew the night was going to be cool for sleeping, maybe even uncomfortable.

None of us talked as the darkness crept in and the moon rose. I had suggested that the girls sleep first and that I would keep watch, but they shot down that idea, knowing that I needed more sleep than they did.

Agreeing, I lay in the little hole to sleep and both of them joined me, Emmanuelle on one side, Helena on the other. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep.

I awoke a few hours later and felt them against me, spooning with me. Their bodies were soft and warm and I felt their nakedness, exciting me. I had put my arm around Helena, as I often did with my wife. Embarrassed, I wanted to pull it back, but she held on to it for comfort. My hand was on the cup of her bra, cupping her left tit.

I fell back asleep and dreamed dreams I shouldn't be having.


I woke first the next morning and pulled myself away from the women. My cock was raging hard already because I was between them. I walked over to the woods and gathered more wood for the fires, stoking them back to life. And all the while I used my little mental tricks to get rid of my erection. This was not the time or place.

Emmanuelle and Helena came out of the lean-to after a half-hour or so. They seemed to be talking low and giggling when they first saw me, but Emmanuelle shushed Helena about whatever it was they were talking about. They sat near the fire with me. Emmanuelle looked into the supplies again and pulled out a couple more sandwiches and chips and brought them back for us to share.

"We probably have enough ready-made food for a week, two if we really cut back. The same for the bottled water. I figure all the vegetables, fruit, and frozen items will go bad long before then. So, what are we going to do?" Emmanuelle asked.

I had to avert my eyes as much as possible. Seeing them naked again was again starting to cause a reaction. Helena giggled a little and looked away from me. "I was thinking we go find more food and fresh water sources today," I said. "And we need to figure out how big the island is and see if there are other people here. I'll take the woods and look for food and water."

"I'll go walk down the beach and see what I can find," Emmanuelle said.

"Can you man the signal fire?" I asked Helena. "We're not going to have a lot of second chances if a search plane gets close."

"Yeah, I can do that," she said. She seemed to have a hard time looking at me. Not unexpectedly, I guess. I didn't know if she still hated me or what. But I had a feeling it was something else.

With plans settled, I hiked back into the woods. It grew more and more dense the further back I went and at about 100 yards from the beach it sloped sharply up, going towards the top of the mountain. All around me there were coconut trees filled with the hard fruit as well as some bushes filled with berries. At least there was some food to be found.

After several tries, I found a way to climb the palm trees enough to knock several coconuts to the ground, then gathered them up to bring them back to camp. I didn't have enough hands to carry them, so I had to make several trips to carry them all. The next step would be to figure out how to open them.

When I reached the forest edge, I noticed Helena was walking down by the water's edge. She'd taken her bra off and was just letting the sun tan her body. I was captivated by her youthful beauty. At 22, she was 3 years younger than my wife, and had just graduated college with a degree in art history.


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