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Feminized by Cum Pt. 01

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After losing a bet a young man gets hooked on cum.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/20/2023
Created 06/07/2023
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I was born with a genetic mutation, something to do with my XY chromosomes. I didn't understand the science or anything, but my body would release a lot of estrogen when exposed to certain triggers. I learned during my adolescence that soy was a trigger, and my growth was stunted because of a few mistake meals. Now at 23 I stood at 5'5" and I was skinny, not able to put on much muscle. Besides a few incidences in childhood the mutation never really impacted my life, so I didn't really think about it.

I had just graduated college and I took up a job in administration. My move out plans had solidified, and I planned to move out promptly. To escape my parents' house, I was going to move in with a friend I made in college, Damien. Damien was a big man, 6'3" and 240lbs, he was not in the best shape, but he was thick and strong. He was also a nerd like me, we met at a dungeons and dragons club in college and played a few games together. Although his characters would sometimes say inappropriate, borderline misogynistic things, he was a good player and was always there to have fun. He was a gamer, and a weeb, and was bringing his PS5 to the apartment. After college he got a well-paying job in computer coding and was willing to pay more rent for the bigger bedroom, it was perfect.

As nerds we both had minimal experience with women, I had one girlfriend in college, and I didn't even get past second base. He had never had a girlfriend before. We were two socially inept virgins, but while he was venting on 4-chan, I was determined to try to change my virgin status. I was on the dating apps but did not have any success so far.

There was this girl at work, Carly. We had started at around the same time and quickly became friends. She was gorgeous, same height as me with long dark red hair, pale freckled skin, and blue eyes. She had a small chest, a beautiful ass, but most importantly, she was kind to me. She had a boyfriend of course; they have been dating for years. I was growing to really care about her, even when I knew it was pointless to want anything more.

The first few months living with Damien were uneventful, he worked from home and would set up shop in the living room while I went to work in an office. We would get together after work and play PS5 on his big tv in the living room 3-4 days a week. During that time, we got to know each other a lot more. I learned early on he harbored a lot of resentment towards women, he had not talked with a woman outside of his family in years. I tried to change his perspective on women, since I saw them as goddesses, creatures be worshiped, even when out of reach for us. He didn't want to hear it, but it was ok, we don't have to agree on everything.

One night we were both horny after playing a provocative Japanese RPG game, and he told me that I had to see a funny porn clip. Soon he had the clip up on the big TV and I stared in awe at two girls' sumo wrestling, but every time they lost a round, they got an 8oz enema and had to hold it the rest of the match. The porn was weird, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't into it. Soon watching porn together became a few times a week thing, with both of us showing each other our favorite clips.

It was only a matter of time before we started to jack off in the living room together, we sat as far away from each other as we could on a 6ft couch. We would just do it through our fly's, and I usually used a blanket to cover myself. I was self-conscious of my 5-inch cock, which was compounded when I looked over one night and see that Damien was packing at least 8 inches. I mostly stared at the screen to avoid any awkward eye contact, but I would sometimes feel his gaze on me.

One day he put on a video of a girl swallowing 50 loads, I was enthralled. In the middle of the video, he asked "have you ever tasted your own cum?"

"No" I said. I did secretly wonder what cum tasted like but every time I came, I would always lose my horniness and never followed through with tasting it. "But I am not going to lie I am curious about what it tastes like."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt anxious, why did I say that? What if he thought I was weird? "Have you ever tried it?"

"Yea, but I don't really like the taste," he said.

A couple of days later we were getting very competitive playing FIFA on his PlayStation when Damien said, "how about we make this next game a little more interesting."

"I'm listening." I replied.

"High stakes, whoever loses this next game has to eat the winners cum when we watch porn later."

He had to be joking, but why did his face was stone cold?

"Haha, very funny" I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious, you have never tried it before, and if you're as good as you think you are in FIFA then you won't ever have to. You know I hate the taste so it would be a good punishment for me."

I thought it over, I was on a 3-game win streak, and I was feeling confident. It would be pretty great if I could hold the fact that he ate my cum over him. I am a competitive person, and I knew I could win, so I said, "Let's do it".

Damien's face shifted into a smirk, it's a smirk I would get familiar with over my time living with him. A corner of his lip raised; his eyes gleamed with triumph.

And just like that the game was on. In the first half I scored 2 goals, but in the last minute of the half he scored 1. The second half of the game started, and the trajectory of the game changed; it was like he was a different player. All the sudden I was on the back foot as he weaved through my defenses and easily tied the score up. When he started scoring, he didn't stop, all the sudden he was up by 1 and I had a minute left. I was sweating, I couldn't believe the game was unfolding the way it was. After one last attempt to score was easily stopped by him, he scored again, sealing my fate.

I sat back stunned, I can't believe I lost, and what I agreed to do. I got up and walked to my room, and as I left, he called after me "I will see you at 10, I pick the video." I went back to my room and laid down, dreading the clocks never ending clicks.

10pm arrived and I slowly shuffled out to meet my fate. Damien greeted me with a smile and we both sat down on opposite sides of the couch. He grabbed the remote and started up another cum eating video, this time the video showed a woman drinking full cups of cum. I watched the screen, but out the corner of my eye I saw him as he placed a shot glass on the table, and I knew the implication.

I then watched in shock as he took off his pants and underwear, sat back, and started playing with himself. He showed no subtlety that I had gotten used to, he was just pumping away showing his full cock in all its glory. I was staring, I know he noticed, but he kept his eyes forward on the screen focused on building his orgasm. I decided to try my best not to look over as I rubbed myself through my pants.

After around 5 minutes he grunted and said "I'm cumming." I couldn't help but look over as he pumped string after string of cum into the shot glass. He filled It to the brim. Right after he finished, my stomach growled.

Damien slid the shot glass across the couch table until it was right in front of me and turned with a smirk, "You ready?"

"Shut up." I replied as I gingerly reached out and got a hold of the glass. "Are you really going to make me do this?"

"Yes I am." Damien said. We made eye contact, and I could feel his gaze bearing down into my soul.

I raised the glass to my nose and took a whiff, it smelt strong, but it didn't smell bad. I took one last look at Damien, then looked away as I tilted the glass towards my mouth and took about a quarter of it onto my tongue. To my surprise my tastebuds exploded, tingling traveled from my tongue down through my body. It was delicious. I opened my eyes in wonder and stared at the glass, I quickly dumped the rest of the shot into my mouth and couldn't help but let out a moan. I was tingling all over, it felt amazing.

I didn't even realize I was licking the inside the glass for the last bits of cum when I heard Damien cough. I jumped back to reality and my face turned 50 shades of red, I turned to see my roommate staring at me with a quizzical look. I placed the glass on the table and got up without looking at him. I couldn't meet his eyes, I just went back to my room and laid in bed as the tingles continued for a few more minutes.

I woke up the next morning wondering if I was gay, I mean I really liked the taste of Damien's cum, but I have always been attracted to women. What wasn't helping was every time I thought about Damien's cock cumming I would feel a twinge in my own cock. I distracted myself at work by talking with Carly and focusing on my admin work. Eventually I had to go home. I couldn't imagine facing Damien, but it had to happen sooner or later.

I got back and settled in when I ran into Damien in the kitchen. He turned to me as I froze "Hey, listen I don't judge you by what happened yesterday, I don't really care. If you liked to so much feel free to eat my cum whenever, I would save money on tissues." He said as he laughed.

"Thanks for not judging me, but that was a one-time thing." I replied, hoping to sound convincing although I was not convinced myself.

"Whatever." He replied and walked out of the kitchen. I did not join him that night, I couldn't do it. The next morning, I got some eggs from the fridge to make my breakfast, and I couldn't help but notice a coffee mug. I took it off the shelf and looked inside and I saw it was filled just over half an inch with my room mates cum. The smell hit me, and my mouth instantly salivated. It took more self-control that I would like to admit placing it back in the fridge.

Over the next week things were uneventful. I still hadn't joined Damien for porn, and he hadn't pressured me, but every day more cum was added to the mug in the fridge. I know he was trying to tempt me. I would check it every day, and each time I felt my resolve faltering. I really wanted to eat that cum.

At the end of the week, I couldn't help myself, I started taking small sips. Just one small sip a day, so he wouldn't notice any of it was disappearing, it was so tasty, and I felt the chills travel down my body each time. I never confronted him about the mug although I think he knew that I knew it was there.

After about two weeks the mug suddenly disappeared. Could he have noticed I was taking some? Did I go overboard and take too much? All I knew for sure is that I was deprived of my daily fix, and I was not happy. I wasn't going to bring it up with him, I couldn't let him know what I was doing, so I tried to just continue living my life.

On my third day of sobriety, I couldn't take it anymore, that is when I realized I haven't jacked off in just about 3 weeks. I was horny a lot, but never got around to jerking off, which was weird for me. I also noticed in the last few weeks my skin was a little smoother, and my chest a little sore, but I didn't think anything of it. Eventually I decided it was time to join Damien again. I needed to see what he was doing with his cum.

When 10 pm came I left my room and joined him on the couch, he looked me over with a knowing smirk and flipped on some blowjob porn. He quickly shed his pants and began pumping. I didn't take of my pants but slid my soft penis through my fly and started to touch myself. I tried to get into the video, but I was having trouble getting hard. It was not something that has ever happened to me, but I kept trying with my cock between my thumb and 2 fingers. I look over and see Damien and full mass, his big hand barely covering half of his cock as he pumped up and down.

"I know you have been drinking some of my cum that I left in the fridge." Damien said, breaking the silence. I froze, I didn't know what to say so I just sat there in silence. He continued. "I really don't care that you like to eat it, but if you want any more you will have to get it from the source."

My head was reeling again. I had no idea what he meant by that, but I was worried. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I am going to cum soon, and when I do I can either line my dick up with a tissue, or your mouth. But if you do decide you want this load you will need to put the head in your mouth. I don't want a mess."

"Yea, I am not going to do that." I lied, shifting in my seat.

"Ok, your loss. If you change your mind all you must do is kneel in front me." He said as he pushed the table out with his foot giving me ample space.

I contemplated how I was going to do this and not look pathetic, but nothing came to mind.

After about 5 minutes he said, "I'm close." And with that I felt myself moving, almost like my body wasn't mine. I walked over and kneeled in front of him, facing his cock.

"So, you're going to do it after all." He said smirking down at me and pumping away.

"I haven't decided yet, ok? I just want my option open." I replied like I wasn't absolutely going to do it.

"Well, I'm going to cum now." He spoke. He pumped faster and faster with one hand while the other moved to the back of my head. I was in shock, suddenly paralyzed, and my heart was running at 150bpm as I let his hand guide my mouth directly to his cock. I didn't try to stop him as his mushroom tip parted my lips and entered my mouth. I sealed the tip with some suction and looked up at him. His face showed a combination of disdain and absolute victory as he groaned, and then boom. An explosion of flavor and tingling shot into my mouth, then another, then another. He filled my mouth and I swallowed to make room for more, I was in absolute heaven.

After about 30 seconds of suckling the head of his cock, making sure I got all his cum, it was over. I sat back on my heels, and I looked at him, he looked back at me. Then he slapped me and said, "Get away from me sissy bitch." He didn't slap me hard, but my cheek stung, and I felt so humiliated. I was overcome with the endorphins and tingling from his cum but also reeling from the shame I felt.

I got up quickly and went to my room. I cried, which was crazy because I almost never cried. I let the tears run as I almost physically shook from the tingling traveling through my body. Why did he have to be so mean? Why did I do that? And why did I know I was going to do it again. What is wrong with me?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Super hot! 🥵

SissyBiJockSissyBiJock8 months ago

So hot the way he worked up to it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

‘Feminized by Cum’ makes me wonder if there really are men whose cum could trigger such an effect on me. Oh well. I guess there’s only one way to find out!

By the time I finish your entire tale however, I’m sure I will have used plenty of tissue and vaseline on my own cock boi.

jesusfreakjesusfreakabout 1 year ago

My god, I don't know how long I've been waiting for a story like this but it's AMAZING. Anything else on this site about cum causing a transformation?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Keep it going..no rush…so many possibilities as you begin your journey…maybe a rich husband someday..mmm

SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawaover 1 year ago

Nice story, 📝 great development of the plot and a shot of the personality of the main characters, Damien 👱🏻 ♂️ and his friend 🧑🏻. You showed great how they came to erotic games together and then to a bet that ends with drinking sperm 🥛 Damien by a friend. And then Damien takes advantage of his cum taste addiction and forces him to suck dick and drink cum directly from the dick. Unfortunately, the main character is humiliated and called a sissy at the end, which he perceives as contempt from Damien, and emotions make him cry 😥. I would love to be like the main character (I wish you had given him a name) and have a friend like Damien was in the beginning. Regards SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 📝❤️

Fajne opowiadanie, 📝 wspaniale rozwinięcie fabuły i ujęcie osobowości głównych bohaterów, Damiena 👱🏻‍♂️ i jego przyjaciela 🧑🏻. Super ukazałeś jak dochodzili do wspólnych zabaw erotycznych a następnie do zakładu który się kończy wypiciem spermy 🥛 Damiena przez przyjaciela. A potem Damien wykorzystuje uzależnienie od smaku spermy i zmusza go do ssania penisa i picia spermy bezpośrednio z penisa. Niestety główny bohater na koniec zostaje upokorzony i nazwany maminsynkiem, co odbiera to jako pogardę od Damiena, i emocje wyciskają mu łzy 😥. Bardzo chciałabym być jak główny bohater (szkoda że nie nadałeś mu imienia) i mieć takiego przyjaciela jakim Damien był na początku. Pozdrawiam SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 📝❤️

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