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FG Rose House Ch. 01

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Harper Galdren's college adventures a The Rose House.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/24/2022
Created 09/25/2021
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The Family Garden's: The Rose House

Chapter 1- Little Rose Cherry pt 1

July 1, 2018

"But why do you have to go so far away?" Gabriella Galdren asked in a motherly whine as she cried and pulled me into her extremely impressive bosom.

Mom was fifty-one now, but as beautiful as ever. She was one of those that when she was thirty she looked twenty, when she was forty she looked like she was barely thirty, and now at fifty she still looked like she was in her late thirties.

Damn dad was a lucky man! But then, he was a lucky man many times over. To have acquired not only mom, but grandma Fornasia as well as most of mom's sisters, aunt Porsche, Charlene, Larissa, and Sable. And that was just on mom's side of the family.

I could go into all of it but that would take forever. Suffice it to say, I have probably got the largest immediate family in the world. Just from my own mother I have seventeen siblings. Seventeen! Counting me she had eighteen children!

How? You might ask. Well, the Korrapati women are predisposed to having both identical and fraternal multiples. So mom's first pregnancy resulted in her having three boys, Kenner, Reagan, and George. Five years later her second pregnancy gave her five more boys, Henry, Noah, Moses, Jacob, and Jonathan. Mom's last pregnancy five years after that resulted in mom having ten identical and fraternal multiples, Victoria, Hellana, Maeve, and Ivy were identical quadruplets, Amelia and Dinah are identical twins, and then there is me, Wyatt, Jackson, and Asher.

So, needless to say with such a huge and dynamic family, even if I was given to being loud and bombastic, which I'm not, I still would be overpowered by all the noise and personality within our giant household. That is why I home schooled. It is why I graduated early. And, it is why I am leaving home as quickly as possible!

My first stop. College!

"Because mom," I answered into her breasts as I hugged her back, "I need to get out of here! I need my own space! I need to find out who I am when I am not surrounded by... family!"

"Couldn't you have gone to Seattle though," She replied in a pleading tone for me to reconsider.

"No mom," I said, rejecting the idea with a firm shake of my head, "I have as much family over there as I do here, with aunt Charlene, aunts Milly, Loulee and Ethel, and then there is Heather, Kathryn, Jean, and Shannon! No mom! I want to be out on my own!"

"It's fine Gabby," Jason chuckled as he walked up and shook my hand, "He needs to spread his wings and fly." As he finished he pulled me in for a hug and a tight squeeze before he let me step back.

"Yes, but he's flying away," Gabby whimpered.

"Only for a little while," Dad reassured her, as he put his arm around her shoulder and let her turn into him and hug him as he finished, "He will fly home when he is ready."

"Thanks dad," I said with a smile as I gathered up my last couple of bags.

"Just remember what I've tried to teach you son," He said warmly.

"Yes sir," I answered with a nod.

"Then be safe my son, and be good," Dad replied with a warm smile and nod.

That was my cue. He had mom in his arms. He would console her. If I was going to make my escape, now was the time!

I couldn't help looking back at them, and my brothers and sisters one last time as I opened the door. Tears I didn't feel coming suddenly welled up and lined my lower lashes, and with a sniffle I left before I lost my nerve...


Once I reached highway ninety it took only a couple of hours to arrive at Ellensburg. I wanted to get out on my own, away from all the family, but I didn't want to be so far away that if I needed help there was nothing they could do. Pulling off the highway, I pulled into the nearest 'Tenbucks' for a coffee and biscuit and pulled out my phone.

Finding housing was a pain in the ass, and finding part-time work was even harder. I had to resort to 'Craigslist', something I tried to never ever do or incur the wrath of my mother who would then tell every horrible news-story about serial-killers stalking their victims through the site, kidnappings, and then that led into the plague of child sex-slavery. By the time mom was done she was a mess, and mama Porsche, mom's twin sister wasn't any help. She would just stand there, the both of them holding hands, and nod along like mom's word was gospel!

Shaking my head, I sipped my coffee, and reread the post that had finally drawn my attention:

Seeking Maintenance Manager-

Male college student preferred. The job will entail light home and grounds maintenance. Job pays minimum wage for work time only plus room and board. Submit your application or resume to:

The post appeared about halfway through June, and I responded a couple days later with my resume. I still remember it being the quickest response ever to an email I've ever gotten. Within minutes I received the reply:

"How soon can you move and start work? Is July too soon? I have work and preparations that need to be done before the fall semester begins..."

It took me all of a second to respond:

"I can start immediately!"

The next response was an address and added: "Excellent! Show up as soon as you can, July first by the latest!"

"P.S.- The manager's name is Rosalina Alcaraz. She will get you situated as soon as you arrive."

Swiping my phone over to 'Google Maps' I entered the address for the Rose House and confirmed that I wanted directions. As it turns out it wasn't far away!

As I turned from the window bar I bumped into a small Latina girl. At first I thought she was a minor, or at least a middle school girl. She was so short! There was no way she was any taller than four and a half feet!

"Oh! Excuse me!" I gasped in apology.

"I wonder when he is going to show up? Oh god I hope he does. God I have so much work to do...," She mumbled before looking from her phone and giving me a withering glare, "Fuck off dude, and watch where you are going why don't you!"

I blinked in surprise. I was stunned. The girl was obviously not a minor at second glance, and she was stunningly beautiful! With her long dark chocolate hair pulled back in a high ponytail, small elfin features. A sharp square jaw, elegantly arched and natural eyebrows, long dark eyelashes that weren't painted on, big brown eyes, and a ridiculously plump mouth!

It was just a pity that so much vinegar and venom was coming out of it...

"I'm sorry miss," I apologized again and then tried to deflect, "May I please hold the door for you?"

That caused her to blink and stare at me for a moment. She had after all been headed out as well. Her eyes softened, and then her beautiful mouth slowly curled up into a smirk as she nodded, "Sure, I would appreciate that."

She had her hands full, so after I followed her out of 'Tenbucks' I asked, "May I open your door for you?"

Her eyes opened wide for a brief second in surprise and then she smiled, it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw, and she purred, "Sure, that would be great!"

She led me over to an old '52 Dodge pickup that's paint may have been brown at one time many many years ago but was now so worn there was no distinguishing where the paint ended and the rust began. She stepped back so that I could grab the door handle, and it was locked!

"Ah shit!" She cursed as she tried to shift her purse, phone, and tray of coffees to one hand.

I started to offer to take something, but instead she turned a broad hip and a very copiously rounded ass cheek, though still petite because of her size, to me and announced, "I'm not going to give you my stuff. Instead I am going to need you to reach into my pocket and get my car keys."

'Are you fucking kidding me,' I thought in stunned wonder!

This chick was afraid I would steal her shit, but she didn't care if I groped her ass?!

"Sure," I managed to mumble as I reached for her back pocket and slid my fingers into her jeans.

Her ass was every bit the soft yet firm heaven I thought it would be. I reached the bottom of her pocket and I still hadn't run into her keys. Moving my fingers, I now started probing for a key along the edges. I tried to make my search as clinical as possible, and to seem like I wasn't absolutely enjoying having my hand in this girl's britches. Especially since her deep pools of brown were glued to my hazel green eyes, as she smirked at me. Finally, I had to withdraw and admit, "I'm sorry there was no key in that pocket."

"Oh!" She chirped as she furrowed her brow and twisted and said, "Then try the front pocket, I know I put my key in one of them!"

Swallowing hard, I looked down at the soft curves of her hip, at her flat belly, at how her jeans sculpted to her hip flare, and then I saw the small pocket. It felt like slow motion as I slowly reached down and slipped my hand into her britches again!

I knew something was wrong as soon as my fingers passed through her blue denim pants. Her eyes opened wide and her plump mouth fell open when instead of my fingers slipping into a cotton pocket there was only soft, smooth skin. As if my hand had a mind of its own it pushed deeper and deeper as my fingers followed the curves of her lower belly where it met her thigh. My thumb slipped in as she gasped, and my fingertips combed through a very small patch of long pubes

"Oh my god," She gasped as she twisted away from me, "I forgot I cut that pocket out!"

My hand was fully in her pants, so when she twisted away she pulled me with her, "Oh fuck! Come on, pull your hand out," She panicked as she realized I was attached and turned and stepped back into me...

My momentum was going down and towards her...

Hers was coming back and turning into me...

Both of our eyes met. Mine were apologetic. Hers were shocked. Our mouths fell open as her stepping into me spread her thighs apart allowing my hand to slip between her thighs!

The small patch of pubes gave way to soft smooth pussy-lips, pleasantly moist at their slit as my index finger parted her labia and pushed over her clitoris. My momentum pushed my wayward finger down her smooth lubricant slick vulva until I hit her perineum and was guided up inside her. She gasped and stared at me in profound shock as I finally came to a stop with my middle finger three knuckles deep in her hot, wet, cunt and the rest my fingers gripping her ass cheeks while my palm cupped her pussy!

"I...," I gasped and shook my head as I slowly withdrew my hand and finger, first from her vagina and then from her pants, "I am so sorry!"

"If I thought you meant to give me a vaginal exam, I would kick your ass from here to next Tuesday," She retorted with an embarrassed blush while shaking her head.

"Here," She offered her drink carrier to me with a sudden grin, "On second thought maybe you should hold my drinks..."

I took it, and watched as she quickly searched her other pockets for her key. She didn't find it in either of them, and then she giggled as she shook her head as she lifted it out of her purse.

"Well," She chuckled," You definitely found something, but you were never going to find my key! Oh well I guess... At least this will be a hell of a story for you to share with your friends!"

"I...," I stumbled in my reply. Should I tell her I didn't have friends here? That I was moving here to go to college?

No... Best not embarrass her any more than I already had, and so I gave her a sheepish grin and chuckled, "Yeah..."

She smiled up at me as she took her coffee tray back and set them inside on the bench seat before stepping in and closing the door. She rolled down the window and looked me up and down one last time, "Thank you," She said earnestly, "For what you tried to do. There are far too few gentlemen left out there in the world, so thank you for that..."

"It was my pleasure," I replied and then immediately wished I could take it back.

She laughed, thankfully, and purred, "I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was. Well, at least, after something like that, we probably won't ever see each other again!"

"Right," I answered though part of me really hoped I would, but after having my hand all up in her... I figured this was her trying to minimize what happened in order to cope, and so I agreed.

"Whelp, safe travels," She said and then pulled out of her parking space and drove away.

I sighed as she disappeared and then realized my hand was still slimy from her lubrication. Out of idle curiosity only, I lifted my hand up and inhaled her scent. She smelled like tulips. Licking my finger, she tasted... salty...

Wiping my hand off on my pants, I walked to my car and got in and sat there for the next ten minutes and tried to collect myself as I remembered the feeling of her soft skin sliding beneath mine. Of how her small patch of long pubes caressed my fingertips, the feeling of her wet pussy, and how hot, cool, and soft her insides felt all at the same time.

Taking a deep swig of my coffee, I started the car and left to go find my new home four the next four years...


When I pulled into the front driveway I saw my first sight of 'The Rose House'. It was a large, two-story, country home built like an enormous box with gables on its two long ends. There were large windows downstairs showing the living room on one side of the main entrance and the dining room on the other side. On the second level there were six narrow windows. Stopping at the pathway leading to the front door, I got out, walked up, and knocked.

There was no answer at first, so I rang the doorbell.

"Just a second!" I heard shouted from somewhere in the back of the house. There was the sound of running footsteps, then some clashing and a thud, and then a, "Fuck!"

More clanging and clambering and then a, "Fucking shit!"

I started to worry when it finally became silent. I waited for at least a minute and was about to knock again when the door suddenly open to a, "Welcome to the Rose House Harper Galdren, I am Rosalina Alcaraz!"

I think I looked as shocked as I felt. Rosalina definitely appeared as shocked as me. Me eyes strafed down to gaze at her crotch, as her cheeks blushed to a color that matched her name!

"You!" We gasped simultaneously.

She closed her mouth with a click of her teeth as I looked up. Our eyes met and she laughed, "Well I guess we can skip the introductions then!"

"Sure," I said with more relief in my voice than I had intended.

She smirked at me for a few more seconds and then beckoned me inside as she turned and led the way. With a slow thankful exhale I shook my head as I followed her inside.

The first thing I saw was that the lights were off. The little bit of light let in by the windows revealed that all the furniture was gathered in the center of the room with tarps and painters blankets covering it all. There were paint cans strewn about, and a ladder was knocked over.

"As you can see," Rosa explained, "We have quite a few projects to complete before school starts in September."

I looked up from her ass and nodded my head once she looked back to see if I was listening. She smiled, but I think it was because she hadn't caught me staring at her butt. Looking away and to the lights I asked, "Why are the lights off?"

"Umm," She replied with a shrug, "The house power is off at the moment. We're having some issues with outlets and the breaker box."

"I see," I mumbled as I wandered at what I had gotten myself into.

Rosa led the way from the living room to the dining room, then through the kitchen. As we came back to the main hallway, I saw that it ran from the foyer to the back and a set of oversized French backdoors. As we passed them Rosa stopped and pointed to the doors with a look of pride and purred, "I love those doors. They just make the whole backside of the house beautiful." With a smile and a nod she looked back at me as she continued, "Just wait, you'll see, after I show you to your room I will take you out and have you come in my back door..."

As soon as she said it I could see in her eyes that she realized what she said. It made me laugh all the harder!

Her cheeks blushed beet red, she closed her eyes as she grimaced, "Oh fuck me!"

I guffawed and nearly fell over laughing...

There was no recourse but for her to shake her head and hiss as she continued on as I tried to get control of myself, "Over here across from the kitchen is the utility room and laundry room. If you follow me upstairs I will show you..."

"Your back door," I sniggered and then nearly walked into her ass as she stopped dead in the middle of the stairs.

My laughter stopped, and I had the feeling that I had just gone too far. With as many sisters as I had I knew this moment all too well. One would think that with as many sisters as I had I wouldn't keep making these mistakes!

Turning quickly to face me, she was just barely taller than me while standing two steps in front of me. Her cheeks were flushed and she was not smiling anymore as she glared at me, "Will you grow up! If this is too much for you then leave, but if you are going to stay then know this; I need a man that is willing and capable of helping me manage this house. I don't need some boy getting under foot and always looking to put his hands into things he shouldn't!"

My hand going into her pants was her idea not mine!

And, my finger in her pussy and even inside her was her fault, not mine!

Though, as I looked at her blushing cheeks and the mixture of her embarrassment and anger, I really didn't think any remark about my innocence would help. So drawing on my experience with dealing with my mom, I replied, "Yes ma'am. I will do better. I promise..."

And I would!

Her brown eyes searched mine for only a breath longer, and then she nodded and turned and led the way up stairs. As she reached the top she continued her tour, "Besides what you have seen downstairs, there is also a water closet since guests shouldn't be staying over long enough to need a shower."

As I reached the landing she pointed down a long hallway that ran from one end of the house to the other, "The upstairs has ten bedrooms. Five on the front side of the house, and five on the back side, and at each end of the hallway are the communal bathrooms."

She looked at me and I nodded. She frowned at me, and then turned away and walked down the hallway. We reached the first two adjacent rooms on the back side of the house and she turned back to me and pointed at the door with a clearly stenciled one on it and declared, "This is room one. This is my room. If you need anything and I am not out and about the house then I am usually here."

Pointing to the room with a two on the door she continued, "This is your room. I put us side by side so that if I need anything I can come right over, or simply knock on the wall. By the way, if I knock on the wall I expect you to come over. No need to knock, just come in and I will give you your task."

"Yes ma'am," I answered with a nod.

"Good, now, get your car pulled around back with mine, and don't worry about unpacking for right now. When you come back, I want you to see how beautiful the back yard is, and then come in my beautiful back door," She paused to see if I was going to laugh, when I didn't she smirked and continued, "That time it was a joke. Please don't be scared of me. We have to work together. I want us to be... partners, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied with a hesitant smile.

"When you come back we have to figure out what is going on with the power," She called to my back as I turned and walked away.

Only once I was downstairs did I hazard a shake of my head. Rosalina Alcaraz was truly as quicksilver and mercurial as any woman I've ever met, or were in my life. Namely my mothers, grandmothers, and sisters! I wasn't sure if the feeling I felt was excitement or dread...


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