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Fifth Wheel


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"She did not exaggerate," Callisto exclaimed. "Tell me what to do." She begged as she plucked a clean towel from one of the clotheslines. Sun and wind dried the clothing cheaply and efficiently. "This is for my knees if you wish."

"You know what to do," I said, but that wasn't good enough. "I see. On your knees, and make love to it." Callisto placed the towel between the hot roof and her flesh. She eyed my erection before she touched it.

"So young and so hard," she said. Callisto licked her lips before taking me into her hand. She spat on either palm and began stroking it. "I can't wait to feel this inside of me."

"That makes two of us," I admitted. "Dominique gave me a photo of you, and I had fantasized about you during the flight over here."

"Mmm, can I taste you? You are dripping." Callisto whimpered. I nodded, and she stuck out her tongue and began licking.

"Damn, I thought Gene Simmons had a long ass tongue," I moaned. "This is going to be so good," I grunted as it slithered around the tip and lapped at my precum. "Oh my god." That unknown force took over, and my hand settled on the back of her head. "Yes or no?" Callisto nodded. I pulled her head forward slowly until she tapped my leg. I found her limit, and we kept it there. Callisto pushed back, and I drew her in. The rhythm was natural and had me gasping in short order. "Do you swallow?" I asked, and she glared at me. "Get ready to," I began as she took over and thrust her head a good three inches further than before. I clamped both hands over my mouth as I climaxed. Callisto swallowed every drop and opened her mouth so I could see the remnant. "Build up."

"Great start," Callisto agreed. "What do you want me to do now?" I helped her to her feet, and we walked to the edge of the roof. "Any interesting places nearby?"

"There are many businesses, shops, and even a private beach just north of here," Callisto pointed out each one. I touched her shoulder from behind, and she instantly leaned forward. I unfolded the towel in her hand and draped it over the hot surface. "I," she began, her voice trembling. I moved behind her and cupped her ass cheeks. As I massaged them, she tried to speak. "I will be patient." My fingers traced the two depressions near her lower back. "Those are my dimples," she explained. My erection slid between her cheeks, and I rocked my hips. "I love being teased. Take as long as you want."

"I intend to," I said as my cock slid forward and back, caressed by her smooth skin. "Do you miss Greece?"

"Not really. The truth is that I had a falling out with my family. They did not appreciate my hedonistic lifestyle. This situation is more of an exile than a long-term vacation," Callisto explained. "I have never told anyone that before."

"I will treasure it then," I replied, and with a quick adjustment of my hips, I plunged my cock into her without warning. Callisto let out a cry of surprise, and it began. I kept my pace slow, but I fed her every inch I possessed with each thrust.

"Thank you," she said as she clung to the edge of the roof. The three-foot-tall ledge was perfect for making love. A few passerby's looked up to see where the lewd noises were coming from, but no one entered the apartment to investigate. Callisto looked over her shoulder, and her need was transparent. She watched as I cupped my hand and spanked her ass. "Yes!" She exclaimed as her body quivered. I swatted both cheeks as her pussy clenched around me. "Finally," Callisto wailed as she climaxed. A small crowd below celebrated with food, song, and drinks.

"I like this place," I grunted. "So damn close."

"Don't hold back. Give it to me," Callisto begged. "Fuck me, come on, Witch Blood, fuck me like we will perish tomorrow." That was the third time anyone called me Witch Blood. Des was the first to christen me with that title. Lady Dominique picked up the practice and called me that instead of using my name from the beginning of our relationship. Now Callisto utilized it as she climaxed. Maybe I should legally change my name for convenience's sake.

I climaxed so hard I saw spots. The heat and a bit of dehydration took me off guard. I leaned heavily against her as I waited for my vision to clear. Callisto ground back to keep me rooted deep inside of her.

"Dominique said you had a gift," Callisto mused as we caught our breath. "It isn't mind reading but close. I don't know what that means."

A Brief Moment of Contemplation:

"Why are you stopping?!" Amber asked, alarmed and curious.

"I'm not sure I want to share that part of me," I replied. "I just met you," I said as I looked Amber in the face and read the subtleties of her changing expressions.

"Do you want me to blow you?" She asked with a chuckle. "I am great at giving head."

"I don't doubt that," I said, seeing the hunger growing in her. Then I spied it. Something dark and forbidden from her past bubbled up to the top for just a second. I weighed whether or not to invoke the name. She wasn't my fiancé, fuck it. "Merlin."

"Mother fucker, where did you hear that name?!" Amber cursed, and her demeanor shifted. She skootched away in shock. "How?" She asked on the verge of tears and panic. Now that her thoughts focused on it, the more I learned. I moved closer, and Amber's body quivered. I grabbed her wrists in my hands and slowly drew them above her head. Amber lowered her head and moaned. I shifted my grip and clasped both her wrists in one hand and pinched a nipple with the other. Thumb and forefinger mashed it, and then a savage twist later, she climaxed.

"My little masochist," I laughed as I let her go. Amber covered her breasts with her arms and whimpered. "That was intense."

"No shit genius," Amber gasped. "How? How the fuck did you find out?"

"If I tell you, it will cost you," I bargained with her.

"What do you want?" She whispered.

"Your true face. I want you to show me the side you are hiding from Gerald."

"I need to think it over," Amber said, her voice cracking.

She shuffled to the far side of the pool, sending wakes as she traveled. Amber Syn stood five feet six inches tall, with long dark wavy hair, honey-colored eyes, and freckles dusting her nose, cheeks, tits, and a few other places. She was curvy the way Latin ladies tend to be. I liked the racing stripe decorating her groin reminded me of a petite speed demon that screams 'faster' when you take her from behind. You pull her hair, and she orgasms like crazy. If you pinch her nipples, she falls in lust with you. Slap her ass, and she'd follow you anywhere. The sadist in me would honor her sacrifice if she chose to make it. God, I wanted to break her more than any woman I had met in a long time. There is always your first masochist. The woman showed you just how deep and dark you could go. My erection was like a bar of chromium steel, and Amber licked her lips when she saw it. Even if the others walked out right now and saw us, I would be unabashedly unashamed.

"I can't," she said, crying. "If I do, I will be throwing away a good man."

"I respect that," I told her. "It isn't easy denying your true self." The words hit with an almost physical force. The color ran from Amber's cheeks, and she looked ill. "I need to finish a little quest. Why don't you snuggle with Gerald and think of this as a bad dream."

I left the hot tub and picked up my clothes. I began walking away when Amber started bawling. She croaked out the words 'don't go.' The rest tumbled out between gasps of breath and uncontrolled sobs. "I can't live like this anymore," Amber wailed softly. Her voice cracked as the truth burst out of her like damn water and washed away the pain deep within. "I have been living a lie for so long since Merlin died." I returned, washed the mud from my feet before stepping back into the tub. I held her as she explained. Merlin was her neighbor, and his real name was John. He hated it and told everyone he met to call him Merlin instead. He was a dark and troubled teen. One night, while they sat talking, they revealed their shared secrets. He got off hurting people. It did not matter if it was verbally or physically. Though he didn't want to, there was a joy he got when someone stormed off mad from an unkind word, or a girl climaxed when he applied clothespins to her nipples. He seemed to sense a person's limit and rarely pushed too far.

"So, how did he die?" I asked, and Amber hesitated before answering.

"The official police report called it suicide," she whispered. "I know better. Someone killed Merlin."

"So, you bottled up all that repressed need and tried to live a mundane existence," I offered, and Amber nodded. "It is okay. I understand." We sat silently while Amber rested her head on my shoulder. There was no reason to rush the moment, and I sensed Amber had achieved a level of calm.

"I need to test the waters," Amber broke the silence eventually. "Gerald might be hiding a darker side."

"You know he isn't," I replied honestly. "This isn't about what I want, okay, but deep down, you know he is a nice guy. There is nothing wrong with wanting to marry him."

"Oh god, this is going to kill him," Amber gasped. "I... who am I kidding. The truth is out, and I can't go back to being a plain old Jane. The regrets would build, and in the end, I would hate him. I love Gerald. It would be better to break things off than to end up like that. He is a genuinely decent guy. He makes a lot of fucking money, but," she sighed. "He is so antiseptic. Does that make any sense?"

"I have one sister, adopted, and she used to be like that," I shared. "So, yeah, I get it."

"Did you defile her?" Amber giggled. "Oh my god, you desecrated her."

"No regrets," I said, smiling. "Sunny had the tightest little ass you ever did see."

"Will you finish your story now?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, I'll finish it, and you may be the worse for it," I warned her. Amber clung to my arm, and I continued.

Callisto Crestfallen: Costa Del Sol 198X

Callisto asked me about my gift, and I told her. "Let me preface this with I know this is going to sound crazy. That said, and to keep things short and straightforward, I received a talent for reading people's expressions. It isn't just subtle changes but more than that. I can interpret what people are feeling. It was a parting gift, though I didn't know it at the time."

"I don't understand," Callisto stated.

"A friend of mine and I got tipsy one night," I began. "We were lying naked on a blanket on the shore of a lake. We talked about powers and abilities that sound great on paper but are, in fact, a bad idea. I brought up telekinesis, the ability to move things with your mind. Des, my friend, told me that one had a few bad side effects. She talked about telepathy and how it usually drove the user insane."

"I understand," Callisto replied. "All those voices in your head would be annoying at the least."

"Good, now that we got that under our belt, my talent is more subtle than that and takes time and effort to determine their thoughts. It can be quite draining, to be honest."

"You mean like mind-reading?" Callisto asked.

"No, how to explain it properly," I thought out loud. "Have you ever heard the phrase 'it was written all over her face?'"

"Sure," Callisto said. "Everyone has."

"Well, when I look at someone and concentrate while there is a strong emotion they are experiencing. I see words describing it on their features. Doubt. Fear. Sorrow. With practice, I know the right questions to find out things. Hidden desires I can exploit."

"Whoa," Callisto exclaimed. "Earlier, when you were looking at me."

"I was reading pain, ecstasy, hurt, and other things," I admitted. "Sometimes, with people I form a solid attachment to, I can receive more precise words. They might be places, names, or actions."

Callisto walked away, surprised at my admission. When she looked back, I saw it, the devil's work, evil with a lower case e, and the overwhelming hunger to taste more of what I had to offer. Callisto closed her eyes, and the words faded as she cleared her mind.

"Honesty," she whispered as the desire that had gotten her banished broke free in a volcanic thirty-five hours of eating, fucking, and sleeping. No one had conceded so wholly to me since I met Lady Dominique. As I lay on my back resting, I thought of Des. I never saw Des after we graduated from high school. It was as if she had dropped off the face of the planet. "I am selfish," Callisto muttered. I glanced at the open window, which was late in the evening. The blistering heat of the day sent many people to sleep through it and come out late at night to play. A musician strummed his guitar while a woman sang, and I snuggled behind Callisto regarding her lightly bruised flesh. "Dominique made me promise to show you around the city, not hoard you to myself. Let me take you out and meet my neighbors and the people of the night."

"Let me wash up," I said. "I am still a bit funky after our last romp." I filled the sink and began washing when I glanced up at one of the many photographs hanging on the walls. There were dozens of them on this floor alone. "Holy shit, is that Hemingway?"

"Oh yes, the owner of the apartment house and him were quite close," Callisto laughed. "She speaks quite fondly of him."

"She is still alive?" I asked as I took the frame off the wall and tilted it so that the pale lamplight illuminated it better. "No, it can't be," I gasped in shock. "She looks just like Des."

"The owner's name is not Des," Carlotta said. "Her last name is Pontifax. That photo is decades old. I'm am quite sure it cannot be your friend." Callisto sniffed the air and continued. "I am hungry, and someone is cooking Paella Valenciana. Hurry," Callisto urged. Laughing, we walked hand in hand down the steps and out into the night. The vendor had a wagon with a stove in the back. He served food from it, and we waited in line. "See how the moonlight kisses the sea. I feel like that when I feel your lips upon my skin."

"Ah, to be young again," an older Spanish woman declared. She was in line just ahead of us. "In my youth, the men fought for the opportunity to walk with me to church. Had the priest known what we did after mass, he would have condemned us to the fiery pit." I laughed and saw the sparkle in the woman's eye. Without warning, the woman grabbed my hand and held it aloft. "Oh, you are one of Dominique's favorites. Carlotta, here, over here, he belongs to Dominique!" Carlotta was the young woman singing with the guitarist. She sashayed over in her crimson dress that set off her dusky skin, long dark tresses, and an almost feline flash of green in her eyes.

"Dominique wrote me that she was sending someone special," Carlotta declared in her native Spanish. "I see the lady did not exaggerate. You are worth my attention."

"Please forgive Carlotta," Callisto intoned. "I have been greedy with his affections."

"Of course you have," Carlotta replied. "Lift your skirt." Callisto never hesitated and revealed the marks left behind by belt, hand, and teeth. "Yes, I approve. Dine with me."

"I would be delighted," I replied, and Carlotta's eyes went wide with shock. The language I spoke was not Spanish, but Carlotta understood it well enough.

"A rare gift indeed. The music calls, so don't delay," Carlotta said and returned to the man with the guitar.

Callisto seemed as surprised by what I said. Neither of us knew the tongue I replied in, but it felt old and ethereal. We got our food and went our separate ways. Callisto mingled with friends while I approached the enigmatic Carlotta. As she sang, she gestured that I should eat while her face told me that I would require all the strength I possessed and soon. Carlotta's vocal range was astounding. I ate slowly, and she seemed to drink up the attention I gave her. When the last bite had been eaten and washed down with a glass of the local wine, Carlotta kissed the guitarist and took my arm.

"If there is anything you need while you are here," Carlotta began. "I will provide it. If you want to visit the private beach, we will go. If a woman or man catches your eye, we will share them. Dominique has sent many people to visit here, but you carry the mark heavier than any other."

"The mark?" I asked, and she laughed. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Boon, gift, pact, whatever you want to call it, yours is potent and intoxicating," Carlotta explained. When she uttered the word pact, I remembered something Des had said when we first met her.

"If you want me to run a game for you guys, we must have an understanding, a pact of sorts," Des had stated. "I entertain you, and you accept the rules of the game."

"I remember now," I told Carlotta. "Des wrapped everything in words. I feel stupid for not realizing it."

"Do you believe in dark magic little boy?" Carlotta chided me. "No one today remembers the old ways. Few have faith in it."

"I believe," I said as she took me in her arms and kissed me.

Hot Tub Confessions: 199X

"So, she fucked you senseless," Amber said as her hand went to my erection.

"That was the beginning of two months of non-stop pleasure," I admitted. "Nude beaches, puppy piles, bondage, and a deeper understanding of the lifestyle." Amber's hand moved leisurely.

"So, did you meet Hemingway's companion?" Amber asked. "The one that looked like your friend Des."

"No, she never appeared. Use your tits." Amber reacted instinctively and wrapped her breasts around my erection. Her movements were awkward at first. I corrected her gently. "That's it. European women are so exotic. You want to stand out, don't you? Of course, you do."

"Have you ever met any celebrities?" Amber asked as she thrust her torso up and down.

"I performed a magic show for Vincent Price once," I said. "It involved six cats, cue cards, and tricks." Amber's attention focused on my erection. All she could think about was it being inside of her. Deep. Hard. Penetration. Pleasure. "I would have Mr. Price pick a cue card with a trick written on it. He would hold it up, facing his guests first and then the felines. By the time he turned to the stage, the cats had performed the stunt. He loved it."

"Can I suck you off now?" Amber asked. "My stepmom taught me how."

"I hear a story coming on," I said. "Use your ass. Tease me with your cheeks while you share." Again, Amber stood, spun around, and ground against me. I held my cock to keep it on track between her cheeks. "I love it when a woman is indulgent."

"My dad remarried when I was sixteen," Amber began. "He married my mom when I turned five. My real dad died in Vietnam. Mom did her best to raise me on her own. She left when I hit puberty. My step-dad worked hard, and there was a lot of alone time. When he remarried, I did not miss the similarity between his wife and me. At a New Year's Eve party, he called us ass twins. Do you believe that?"

"Mmm, now I am curious," I moaned. Watching my erection slide between Amber's cheeks had an almost hypnotic effect. "So, stepmom taught you how to suck dick."

"Yeah, apparently, she and dad had an open marriage. So my stepmom's boyfriend shows up, and you two could be dick twins. He taught me to love long, thick cocks."

"Dick twins," I laughed. "Love it. Did he fuck you?"

"Pounded me like a nail through English oak," Amber whimpered. "He was a Hispanic and black mix. Gods, what a cock."

"How bad do you want it?" I asked, but she dutifully ignored me.

"Stepmom dressed me up like a doll. We went to her favorite boutique, hairdresser, and nail salon. I looked like barbie meets Chasey Lain. Mom insisted upon a leather collar, a leash and led me into the bedroom like an offering. Best night ever." Amber fell silent as I made a mental comparison of her and Chasey Lain. "Then I met Gerald. He called me his little angel. He was so handsome, wealthy, and treated me like hand-blown glass."


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