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Fifty Shades of Adultery 1


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So, at noon I was in front of Apartment #69 and the door opened again. Brian must have been watching from the security camera and knew I was there as the door opened. Again, in just his skimpy shorts, showing off his massive body, he led me into the apartment and kissed me again. All my thoughts and anger evaporated and my hormones took control of my brain once again. There was no way to resist my urges and gave myself to this sexy man.

It was a replay of the previous week. The blow job, the open window fuck, and then to his bed. But this time when he laid me down in the bed, I was blindfolded and willingly tied to his bed.

As he kissed me and fingered my pussy, he told me just to relax and let him take charge. He gently placed the blind fold over my eyes, and then tied my hand and ankles to some silk ropes already in position on the bed. I was spread eagle and blind as he started to kiss my body and tease me to a sexual level I never knew before. He teased my mouth with his big cock and made me beg for it. After several minutes of teasing me, he placed it on my lips and I then hungrily sucked and licked it like a lady in heat. He then placed his balls on my lips, and I lovingly sucked each one into my mouth, moaning and licking as much as possible.

Then, after he licked my pussy to another incredible orgasm, he put his cock at my pussy entrance and made me beg him to fuck me hard. I told him to take my pussy, fuck me, and cum inside. I remember yelling out, I need you inside me now. Fuck me please! I begged and pleaded for him to stop teasing me, and just make me his slut... and then he did. He aggressively rammed that big cock into my wet pussy, hard and fast. He was not gentle or loving, but just fucking me like a cheap whore, and I loved and craved every moment. He did things to me that sent me to new heights of ecstasy.

He was balls deep inside me and I gasped when his cock hit my cervix, but after getting used to his size, I enjoyed the ride which was heightened by the bondage and my lack of sight. Yes, I was under his control, and gave my entire being to him at that moment. He sucked on my nipples, bit them hard, and left love marks under my left breast, which I discovered later that evening. Before he untied me, he had me suck him off one more time. But this time he pulled his cock out of my mouth and shot his load all over my face and hair. That made me feel like a cheap whore as he marked me as his slut. He then pulled the blindfold off and gave me an evil smile, as his cum dripped off my face. Horrified, excited, angry, and happy all at the same time was a feeling I will never be able to describe. There was a whirlwind of feelings raging through my body as I laid there still bound and helpless.

Brian unceremoniously untied my ropes and said it was time to get showered and back to work, and then he was gone. His words were powerful and commanding, and I found myself following his orders. I showered, fixed my makeup, dressed, and went back to the office by myself again. I realized that I was delivering myself to him on demand, like an Uber Eats meal. I felt like a whore and a slut, and realized that's exactly what I had become.

This became the routine on Tuesdays. As I rode up on Tuesday, I waited for that stupid note to slip into my hands, and every Tuesday, without fail, it did.

Our meetings in his apartment continued, and I became sluttier and more promiscuous. I started to really enjoy getting fucked in front of that open window, exposed and showing the world how much of a slut I was. For some reason, being exposed like that was another new thrill.

Brian continued to excite me with things I never even contemplated. He continued to tie me up, but added things like gentle whipping to my pussy and titties. Spankings, rimming, and teasing to new heights. I would react and do exactly what he told me to without a thought and thank him for the experience. I was his submissive, and loved being used as his play-toy. He was generous with his kisses and oral skills and left me more satisfied than a girl could ask for. My self-worth and confidence soared until the evenings when I came home to my real world. I suffered dramatic mixed feelings and had the symptoms of becoming bi-polar. Happy one minute, then sad and angry the next. I hated myself, but was now addicted to this hard-sex with Brian and I didn't know how to stop.

I was in turmoil, and Jason noticed I was struggling. He asked almost every day if something was wrong, could he help me with anything, or was I feeling sick. It was obvious that my cheap affair was impacting my marriage, and I had to do something. I knew I had to stop this but didn't know how because the desire for Brian was so strong.

During my times of depression, I tried to convince myself that Brian was just a life size dildo, nothing more than that. There was no love or intimacy, just pure sex, which I knew was not an excuse, but it helped relieve some of the guilt I continued to carry.


Jason and I had a wonderful weekend. We spent the day on the beach, walking along the shore, holding hands, kissing and just loving each other like in old times. We made love that night under the stars and the crashing waves. It was one of the most romantic nights of my life. I worshiped these moments with Jason, the only man I've ever loved.

Sunday night, after another fun day, we cuddled on the couch watching a Netflix movie and I was in a state of bliss. My head was resting on his chest and enjoying this intimate time with him. It was late and we were both ready for bed as the movie credits were rolling on the screen when Jason asked a question that rocked my world.

I remember his words and how hard it hit me. As he held me close, rubbing my back, kissing my neck and nibbling on my ear he asked me, "Sweetheart, who's Brian?"

Those words shot directly into my soul. Sweetheart, who's Brian? Did he just say that? Oh my god. My body stiffened and I felt myself panic as I tried to gain control. "What's that honey? Who's what?"

"I asked, who's Brian?"

"I have no idea. What are you talking about?"

"Jenn, the last two times we made love, you called out his name during your orgasms. I was just curious who you were fantasizing about," he said with a sad expression.

I felt my world collapsing as I tried to recover. I kissed him and lied to him and said, I don't know a Brian. I then hugged him and told him how much I loved him and took him up to bed. That night he wasn't in the mood for sex, which was not normal, but I wasn't going to take no for an answer as I kissed him and gave him the best blow job I could give. He thanked me and then went to sleep. He didn't hug me, kiss me, or say he loved me as we laid there and drifted off to sleep. My heart was breaking, and tears were falling from my eyes at the thought of losing his love. l needed him to know I loved him, and held him close as we fell asleep.

Unfortunately, there was little sleep for me that night as I laid next to the man I loved, knowing I had lied to him and betrayed his trust in the worst way possible. This was all on me, it was nothing he did wrong, he was the perfect husband. It was only my weakness that led me to where I am today. I needed help, and I decided to call my big sister in the morning. She was the sensible one in the family and someone I could trust. I knew she would be angry with me, but I needed her advice and help.

That Monday I went into work late to avoid seeing Brian. I was in no shape to get anything done at work and just went through the motions. All I could think about were the words Jason said last night. Who is Brian? Those words, and the fact that he might find out, has shaken me badly. I called my sister Bryn and immediately broke down when she answered. It was clear that a phone call wasn't going to help, and we discussed a visit for a few days, and I agreed.

When I got home that night, I told Jason that my sister Bryn called and asked me to visit for a few days, and that I was going to take the week off from work and go see her starting tomorrow. (Not going into work would prevent me from seeing Brian, and give me time to stop things from going any further.) Jason told me he understood and that I should go for a visit.

The next morning, I called into work and took the week off. As one of the executive managers I had some leeway for time off. I drove the four hours to my sister's home in Sarasota and when she opened the door, I gave her a hug and held her close. The hug turned into ten minutes of tears and sobbing as she just held me and led me to the living room couch. Bryn was an intelligent woman with ten years more life experience and I was praying she could help me solve my problem.

After I was all cried out, Bryn handed me a large glass of wine and sat quietly. There was no pressure for me to speak as she sat there relaxed and stoic. I felt small and weak as I looked at her and said, "I've been having an affair and cheating on Jason." I immediately broke into another fit of crying into my hands as Bryn sat quietly and let me get it out of my system. After what seemed like an hour she finally spoke.

"Does Jason know?"

"I don't think so. But he asked me who Brian was, because apparently I called out his name during two of our love making sessions."

"Wow, that's not good. You do realize that Jason is not a stupid man and if you did that, he knows something is going on. What's your plan?"

"Bryn, I don't know. I'm lost, and that's why I'm here. I need your help and wisdom. This whole thing is wrong and I'm going crazy with guilt. I love Jason so much, and I don't want to hurt him. And if he finds out it will destroy him and our marriage."

"Jennifer, you know how I feel about cheaters. You know David cheated on me and I destroyed him in the divorce over that. What you're doing to Jason is unforgivable, and I'm not happy with you at all. Jason has been a great father to your children, and everyone in the family loves him. Your cheating will hurt more than just Jason, it will impact your children, our family and your friends. What in the world were you thinking?"

"I never intended to cheat on him, I love him dearly and can't lose him. This Brian guy seduced me, and I stupidly fell for it. I'm getting older, my looks are fading, and I haven't felt desirable or sexy for a long time, but this guy just made me feel young again. I really tried to resist, but he had some type of hold over me and I made the biggest mistake of my life."

"Listen to me Jenn, I'm sure you have your excuses but to be honest, you made the choice and decision to be unfaithful, and until you understand that and take full responsibility for your actions, you will not convince anyone that you're sorry for the affair. How long has this been going on?"

"I've been with him 6 times and it needs to stop, but I know when I see him, he will take me again, I don't have any self-control when I'm around him. I can't explain it and it makes me hate myself for being so weak."

For the remainder of the evening, I told her every detail. She was shocked by the intensity of the affair and agreed with me that I was under a sexual influence that needed to be broken. We agreed that a swift break and a confession to Jason was the best strategy. It was a big risk, but an even bigger risk by not telling him. If Jason found out before I told him, he would not be able to forgive me. Bryn made me understand that he may not forgive me anyway, but confessing would at least give me a chance to save my marriage.

My sister continued to explain that any self-respecting man finding out any other way would not put up with a cheating spouse. Before I went to bed, I called Jason and told him how much I loved him, and that I would be home on Friday. I still didn't know how much he knew, so hearing him say he loved me before we hung up gave me some hope for our marriage.

Bryn was still angry with me and couldn't understand how her little sister could screw up so badly, but she was supportive and encouraged me to follow through with our plans. The plan was for me to get through the weekend by showing Jason as much love as possible without overdoing it, so as not to alert any changes. I would look for Brian on Monday and tell him it's over and make sure he knows to leave me alone. I would explain that it was a mistake and I will never be with him again.

On my drive home Friday, I made reservations at Jason's favorite Italian restaurant to treat him for a night out and show him how important he is to me. I got home early in the afternoon and spent several hours getting ready and wore his favorite red dress for the evening. Being away from him for the week made me realize how much I missed him and wanted him to forgive me when I made my confession on Tuesday night after I made Brian know it was all a big mistake and close that chapter of my life.

I saw Jason's mouth open when he saw me as I stood at the doorway in my dress and high heels, with my makeup done to perfection. Tonight, my plan was to be the perfect wife and make him happy and appreciated. After a minute he smiled and gave me a welcome home kiss and hug.

"You look amazing, what's the occasion Jenn?"

"I missed you, honey. Being away from you all week made me realize how much I love you and I wanted to surprise you. We have dinner reservations in an hour, so you need to get cleaned up and ready in thirty minutes. Now get upstairs and get dressed for a fun night out."

We had a wonderful night and I felt the closeness I loved and cherished. The hostess was flirting with Jason and I made sure to let them both know that I was his wife as I took his arm. We had a good laugh and a great dinner. After dinner we drove to the Velvet Room across the street for some dancing and after dinner drinks.

Jason danced with me all night and I felt happy and confident that I was never going to lose this man. We kissed and touched each other all evening and I couldn't wait to get him back to our bed and make love all night long. I needed my husband to want me, and make me his again.

To my sadness, Jason came down with a stomach bug on the way home, apologized and said that sex would have to wait. At home he spent time going back and forth to the bathroom and said it would be best if he slept in the guest room as he didn't want to keep me up all night with bathroom runs. I really wanted him tonight but of course I understood and slept alone thinking about my life and how I would tell Jason about Brian.

I couldn't believe my luck. Brian was sick all weekend and of course there was no sex. If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was avoiding me, but I know him too well and the poor man must have had a horrible weekend.

Pulling into the office an hour early, I waited in the lobby for Brian to show up in order to break the news to him and end the affair. Unfortunately, my bad luck seemed to continue because he never showed up that morning, and eventually I had to get to my office which means I would need to wait another day. After all these weeks, I still knew nothing about this man. I didn't even know where he worked or his last name. When I reflected on everything, I realized I must have gone crazy or lost my mind. How did I become so foolish and easy? This was not who I was and I didn't like this woman.

Tuesday morning Brian did appear and I caught him before we made it to the elevator.

"Brian, we need to stop what we've been doing. I've made a big mistake and I can't do this to my husband. I love him too much and won't cheat on him again. I admit I enjoyed our time but it's over and this will never happen again. Let's just keep things as friends and acquaintances."

"No, not going to happen. You will come to the apartment at noon as usual and we will discuss it."

"Brian, No. It's over right now. You'll have no problem finding other women that would kill to be with you, just not me. I'm a married woman, it's over."

He pulled out his phone and said, "Unless you want me to send this to your wonderful husband, you will be at my apartment at noon. At 12:05, if you're not there, I'll make sure he gets this video along with several photos. I'm sure he would love to see his faithful, slut, wife in action, don't you think?"

I gasped as I watched the video on his phone. It was a video of me blindfolded and sucking his cock and could hear my voice begging him to put his cock in my mouth. I shook with fear and anger and looked at him in disbelief.

"You bastard! You videotaped me? How could you?"

"I have lots of videos of you, and as far as I'm concerned, you're my slut until I say differently. Be there at noon and we can discuss it further. Now, I need to get to my office."

At Noon, full of anger, I was at his door but this time when he opened it, I didn't go inside. I told him I wanted to talk in the hall, and that's when he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the apartment. He started kissing me again but I didn't kiss back. This pissed him off and he roughly threw me onto the couch, took out his cock and told me to suck it. I didn't obey him this time, and that earned me a hard slap across the face which sent me to the floor as he stood over me.

I knew I was in trouble, and didn't know what to do. I could try to fight him but he would hurt me and take me anyway or I could just give in, do it one last time, and get out with only a slap to my face. My face hurt really bad, and I would now have to explain the bruising he surely left for everyone to see. This wasn't going as planned.

It was the hardest thing I did and I cried as I went through the motions that he expected. When he fucked me against the window, I felt my tears falling from my face, and I hated myself for getting involved with this psychopath. I didn't try to resist when he tied me up and put on the blindfold, because I knew this was going to be over in a few minutes and then I would escape back to my office.

I continued to cry as I felt him moving between me on the bed. I knew what came next and just prayed to my God to save me. Then I remembered something falling heavily on me and then nothing.

The next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital room with Jason sitting beside me holding my hand.

Part 2 - Fifty Shades of Caught (already posted)

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Wonderful story, thus far. Jenn's so much in love with Jason that she goes to Brian's apartment at his command to have sex. This, after not only being passionately kissed but felt up in the elevator. If she's that much in love with her husband, she should've at least told him after the kiss that she's off limits. At least, with the 1st note, put it in the trash & forget about it. Not dress up more sexily for Brian & definitely NOT going to his apartment- at all. 4 stars on this. Bob

Dare2BroDare2Bro19 days ago

I enjoy your writing and especially the BTB storyline. It has beem interesting to see your writing develop over the course of several stories. Seems like you attempted to combine a BTB story and a RAAC story in one and for the most part succeeded. Thou shalt not commit adultery is one of the 10 commandments, so is thou shalt not kill. Which is worst? A easy answer for me but this is a LW story and the bastard had to pay.

The biggest problem I have with so many stories here is the infuriating habit so many authors have of serializing their stories. I realize you attempted to have both parts of this story published at the same time but Literotica review and approval does not follow any rhyme or reason.

You are a good writer, trust your stories. This story was 16k words, that is a easy read. Please remember, it's difficult for good stories to be too long and impossible for bad stories to be too short.

Thank you for your time and talent.

26thNC26thNC28 days ago

Jason needs to rid himself of this cheating bitch, and then find Brian for a little Marine style attitude adjustment.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Good story, don't care why she did it if jason takes the slut back he is a punk. I feel bad for her but she let happen and it was her choice. Hope the sex was worth everything she lost.

Brian is hopefully on a milk carton somewhere

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Cindy, Ignore the Haters, great story. You even stated in the opening paragraph that this wasn't a BTB story, and they still read it and complained. Why can't the BTB crowd accept that someone might want to forgive? Perhaps they have never loved, that's the only thing I can come up with. - PK

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