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Filthy EDM Cock Whore

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Dumb drugged up slut makes a huge mistake.
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Just another fun little story I thought up. Fun gangbang, non consent, everyone's over 18, yada yada bullshit bullshit bullshit. Hey, new rule, anyone that wants to be a dick and poke holes in my stories or tell me what SHOULD have happened, you'd better be signed in and your profile better have stories that you've written. Otherwise, fuck off. Oh but constructive criticism, that's cool, just, you know, don't be a dick. Enjoy!


"Relax, baby, I'll be fine," Jenna groaned, rolling her eyes and turning to her friend, Stacey, shaking her head in annoyance as she spoke to her boyfriend, James, over the phone.

"I'm just worried about you, I know you like to get wasted at those types of shows, promise you'll be home at a reasonable hour?" James reasoned, and Jenna sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, I promise. Ok? Now go get some rest, we're pulling up now."

"Ok, I love you."

"Love you too, muah!" Then she hung up the phone and groaned a little, pulling out a pipe already packed with bud and lighting it as Stacey found a parking spot.

"Holy shit, dude, he gets so whiny sometimes," Jenna laughed, handing the pipe to Stacey.

"What's his deal, anyways? Why didn't he just come?" Stacey asked with an unattractive sneer, grabbing the pipe and hitting it.

"Oh, he's got a big boy job now so he doesn't ever want to go out to shows any more."

"Lame," Stacey shrugged.

"Yeah, but he's making serious money, my baby pays all the rent, even takes me shopping now" Jenna giggled, hitting the pipe and stepping out of Stacey's big black SUV that her parents had bought her recently for her eighteenth birthday. "He even bought me this hot as dress!"

Stacey laughed, getting out and walking up to Jenna, then turning towards the club.

Stacey was a little blond with a decent rack and a cute little butt. She was tan, with freckles, blue eyes and a cute little button nose. She had on short shorts and a top that was barely bigger than a bra, a bright blue cut off blouse.

Jenna, on the other hand, had long, dark brown hair, almost black. She had smaller tits, but she more than made up for it in her incredibly large ass. She had on a tight black dress and high heels, all dressed up like an expensive whore. While Stacey looked like the almost innocent girl who would gladly suck your dick for your approval (or to piss off her parents), Jenna came off as a slut who was ready to fuck, any time, any where. They both had caked on makeup, glittery eyeshadow, bright lipstick, they had spent over an hour getting ready for the show.

"He's just so boring sometimes," Jenna moaned as they made their way to the line. They were at the hippest nightclub in town, and one of their favorite EDM DJ's, DJ Spoofy Shizzle, was headlining.

"Ugh, forget about him, then, let's have a good time!" Stacey urged, and they laughed, joining the line and staring at their phones, updating their facebook statuses and "checking in" to let all their internet friends know just how excited they were to see some talentless hack press play on his laptop and bounce back and forth like he was actually doing something.

"Hey, hey, selfie!" Stacey urged, and they pressed their faces together, making duck lips and peace signs.

"Ok, hold on, let me get one," Jenna urged, and this time their faces were slightly annoyed, lips parted, eyes looking away.

#DJspoofyshizzle #Getit #EDMforlife #PLUR

The line was moving ahead slowly when Stacey got a text.

"Oh my god, Donnie and Alex are gonna be here," She gushed.

"Alex from Glendale?" Jenna asked.

"Oh yeah," Stacey smiled. "Oh my god, you should totally try to get with him."

"Mmm, I dunno, James has been pretty generous with me lately," Jenna smiled, looking away.

"Oh, so what? It's not like you've never cheated on him before!" Stacey giggled, and Jenna blushed.

"Yeah, well, I don't really think giving someone a blowjob counts as cheating," Jenna admitted, then they both erupted in laughter, stepping up to the bouncer who checked their ID's, then drew big black X's in permanent markers on both hands.

"Ugh, do you have any idea how hard these are to get off?" Jenna snapped, sneering at the bouncer.

"Don't care, move it along," he groaned, rolling his eyes as they stomped off.

After paying for their entry, they slipped into the club, Stacey bouncing up to the bar to grab two red bulls then returning and handing one to Jenna.

"They texted me, they're already here, let's go find them!" Stacey yelled over the loud music, and Jenna nodded, grabbing her hand as they made their way through the packed club.

It took a while but eventually they found the boys, smiling and flirting away as the opener finished up.

"So what have you been up to?" Alex yelled in Jenna's ear, and she shrugged.

"Oh, you know, just chillin," She yelled back, shrugging, intentionally leaving out the part about living with her boyfriend. "You?"

"Not much, just got back from Electric Forest."

"Oh my gooood!" Jenna moaned. "I wanted to go sooooo bad!"

"Right? It was fuckin' amazing. My parents are pissed cause I'm flunkin' outta college, but who gives a shit about class when you can make a couple thousand a week movin' party supplies?" Alex laughed, and Jenna laughed too.

"Ooo, a bad boy," Jenna giggled, smiling and shaking her hips. "You have any on you?"

"Hell yeah," Alex smiled. "Twenty bucks a dose, fuckin' strong ass shit, it'll keep you up all night, even into the day, ha!"

"Fuck yeah!" Stacey laughed, butting into their conversation and pushing a twenty dollar bill into Alex's hand.

"You want one too?" Alex asked Jenna, and she shrugged, making a pouty face and looking away.

"Nah, I don't have any cash," She moaned.

James had been sure only to give her enough money to cover the ticket price, knowing she'd blow every other cent on booze and drugs.

"No worries, I got you," Alex smiled with a wink, reaching into his pocket and pulling out two little baggies with a pill in each bag.

"Oh my god! Thank you!" Jenna giggled, ripping it open and popping it into her mouth, washing it back with the rest of her red bull.

"Hey! He's starting!" Stacey yelled, grabbing Jenna's hand, and she grabbed Alex's hand, and Donnie blindly followed along, making their way onto the dance floor.

Stacey and Jenna took the lead, pushing their way through angry crowds of people who had been waiting patiently all night, jostling and elbowing their way to the front, situated almost right next to the stage.

The DJ started and everyone started screaming and dancing, strobe lights flashing and fog machines blasting the crowd, green and red and blue lasers zipping through the air. Donnie grabbed Stacey and Alex grabbed Jenna and they all started bumping and grinding on eachother.

"Oh my god! It's starting to hit me!" Stacey screamed in Jenna's ear.

"Me too!" Jenna yelled back, flushed and smiling, feeling Alex's hands groping her and exploring her body. She pushed back against him, rubbing her ass on his crotch and reaching back to grasp and hold his body.

The dancing and grinding devolved into neck biting and kissing, which devolved into groping and fingering. Jenna's head swam, her body reacting to the drugs, her eyes dilating, her skin flushing, sweating, her blood flowing faster and her head swimming in a euphoric cocktail of happy chemicals that seemed to blot out any rational, sensical thought.

After what could have seemed like days, the show was over and the lights were turned on, everyone slowly filing out into the dark night.

"Hey, our friend is hosting a badass after party, wanna come?" Alex asked, and Stacey jumped.

"Fuck yeah!" She giggled.

"Ok, sure," Jenna smiled.

"Great, you can ride with us," Donnie offered, and Stacey shook her head.

"Nah, text me the address and we'll meet you there, we gotta have girl time first!" Stacey smiled, then grabbed Jenna's hand and dragged her out the door and to her car.

"Fuck, you really want to drive?" Jeanna laughed, shaking her head. "I'm fucked up, I don't know if that's such a-"

"Oh, whatever!" Stacey laughed, jumping into the driver's seat. "I'm fine, I promise."

Jenna shrugged then jumped into the passenger seat and they were off.

"Oh my god, I saw the way you were dancing with Alex!" Stacey giggled, grabbing the pipe out of her center console and handing it to Jenna, along with a bag of weed.

"Yeah, ugh, he's so fucking cute!" Jenna gushed, rubbing her thighs, then began packing the bowl.

"Seriously. I'm gonna fuck Donnie so hard tonight, oh god I can't wait!" Stacey laughed. "Are you gonna let Alex fuck you?"

"I dunno if I should," Jenna shrugged, lighting the bowl and inhaling, "James has been so good to me lately."

"Oh, whatever, if he cared that much about you fucking other guys he would have come!" Stacey laughed, grabbing the pipe and hitting it.

"Yeah, and god, I want to get fucked so bad!" Stacey smiled, rubbing her thighs, already feeling how wet and ready her pussy was for cock.

"Well, shit! Sounds like your mind is made up!" Stacey insisted, handing her the pipe. "I mean, you at least have to give him a blowjob for giving you that molly for free."

"Yeah," Stacey smiled, "I definitely owe him that."

They giggled and Stacey turned up some music and they smoked the rest of the bowl before pulling up to a big apartment building. After getting out, the car ride, Stacey getting turned around a couple times, and a quick stop at a gas station for some much needed water, it was 4 am by the time they pulled up.

"Alright, you ready?" Stacey smiled. "Donnie just texted me, they said the party's just getting started!"

"Yeah, yeah," Jenna smiled, and Stacey reached into the back seat, grabbing an open bottle of vodka and shoving it at Jenna.

"Here, put this in your purse, mine's way too small," She insisted, and Jenna accepted it, stuffing it inside her bag and getting out.

"They said the front door's always unlocked, apartment 363," Stacey smiled, walking up to the door.

"Hey, wait," Jenna stood back. "I think I'm just gonna head home."

"What?" Stacey almost shrieked, shaking her head furiously. "Aw, come on, don't be a fuckin' pussy!"

"No, no, I mean it. I shouldn't. You go ahead, I'll just get an Uber."

Stacey glared, her face turning red, then she threw her hands up in the air and stomped off.

"Fine! Whatever! But you're being such a fucking bitch right now!" She groaned, opening the door and slamming it behind her.

Jenna pulled out her phone and stared at it, opening up the Uber app and getting ready to press the button that would send her a ride to take her home.

She thought about James, who was no doubt fast asleep, who would be pissed off at her as soon as she woke him up to fuck her. There was a fifty fifty chance he would, and even if he did, it would be a quick, angry fuck to get her to let him sleep some more.

He would probably be pissed off anyways just for her coming home so late, who knows how mad he would be once he realized she was drugged out of her mind.

And then she thought about Alex, and how she probably did owe him a blowjob, and how much fun it would be to let him fuck her wet little pussy, having a molly fueled lay with the cute boy she'd spent all night dancing with.

Then she thought about Stacey, and how pissed off she would be for weeks afterwards, how she'd bitch and moan and probably find someone else to go to shows with for the next week or two just to spite Jenna, and she'd be livid once she remembered the Vodka in Jenna's purse.

"Oh shit! The Vodka!" Jenna groaned, opening up her bag and pulling out the bottle. "Fuck!"

She groaned, realizing she had to go to the afterparty now, just to slip in and give Stacey her bottle. And maybe hang out a little bit. And maybe pay back Alex for giving her the molly. Who knows? Maybe it would be a fun time? Maybe she might stick around.

Stacey smiled, stepping into the apartment building and pulling the bottle out, taking off the cap and throwing it back as she made her way up the stairs, smiling.


"Dude, it's fucking killing me, at least two or three nights a week, those guys start playing loud fucking music, just terrible EDM bullshit, until like 10 or 11 in the morning," Kevin groaned, hitting the pipe in his hands and passing it along to Ben.

"Why don't you just call the cops?" Josh asked him, grabbing the pipe from Ben and hitting it himself.

"Dude, I have, all the fuckin' time, they don't give a shit about this part of town, much less a noise disturbance. I think they came once, once! They turned the music off for like twenty minutes, then it started right back up again." Kevin groaned, shaking his head.

"Well that fucking sucks," Ben shook his head. "That would drive me fuckin' crazy."

"Yeah, it's the worst." Kevin sighed, grabbing the pipe and hitting it. "Anyways, thanks for coming up, I'm almost ready."

Kevin stood up, walking into the back room and returning with a tackle box and his fishing pole.

"You boys ready to catch some fish? I'm fuckin' stoked to get out of-" He started, but was abruptly interrupted by a knock on his door.

"Who the fuck is that?" Ben asked, staring at Kevin.

"I don't know," he replied, looking equally shocked. "I didn't invite anyone over."

Cautiously, he set down his fishing supplies and stepped towards the door, peering through the peephole.

"Holy shit," he whispered. "I think it's one of the EDM sluts!"

"What?" Ben asked.

"Seriously?" Josh sat upright.

"Yeah!" Kevin shook his head, amazed. "She thinks this is the after party apartment!"

"Holy shit, dude, is she hot?"

"Yeah, she's fuckin hot!"

"Well what the fuck are you waiting for? Open the door!"


Jenna practically fell through the door when it opened, giggling and "woo"ing as she stumbled inside, shaking the bottle in the air and expecting to see Stacey and strobe lights and a DJ and laughing, only to be met with the blank stares of two guys obviously about ten years older than her in a very well lit, well kept apartment.

"Uhh," she stood up straight, "uh, is this, the uh, afterparty?"

"Oh, yeah," a voice behind her answered, closing the door and grabbing her by her hair. "This is the afterparty."

He marched her forward, pulling her dress up and exposing her thong, barely big enough to cover her pussy, and practically sopping wet.

"Look here, guys, we got ourselves a filthy little EDM whore," Kevin laughed, and Jenna tried to turn and get away, but she felt his hands pinning both her arms behind her back and holding them there.

She could hear the music, she could hear the bass thumping, and voices, and footsteps, but it was distant.

"Shit!" She thought to herself, realizing the noise was coming from the ceiling. What apartment number did Stacey give her? Was it 263? Or was it...

"Oh fuck," Jenna groaned, realizing it wasn't 263, it was 363.

"Holy shit, guys, check out this little slut bag's ass!" Kevin laughed, turning her around so her large, thick ass was displayed for the two guys on the couch, who stood up and started groping her, squeezing her bare bottom.

"Oh! Um! I think I might be, uh, I should go!" Jenna stuttered, feeling her juices flowing and her heart pounding from all the hands groping and feeling her body.

"Nah, nah, I think you're right where you need to be," Kevin laughed, pushing her onto her knees. "Josh, grab that bottle, "looks like this dumb little whore needs to loosen up a little."

Kevin held her arms behind her back while Josh picked up her vodka, pulling off the cap and pushing it into her mouth. She tried to fight it, but as soon as the bottle was in her mouth, his hand covered the rest of her mouth, forcing gulp after gulp of the liquor down her throat.

"Ah!" She sputtered as Josh pulled the bottle out, spilling some down her body, coating her with noxious fumes as he set it aside.

"What's the matter, whore? Had enough to drink?" Josh laughed, slapping her, then he reached forward and pulled down her dress, snapping the spagetti straps that held it up and exposing her peach sized tits.

"Ah, fuck, look at these," Josh laughed, squeezing her nipples and slapping her tits. "What? Mommy and daddy refuse to buy you a tit job? Waiting for some sleeze bag sugar daddy to cough up the dough?"

"Ugh! No! Please!" She cried, struggling and squirming to get away, but Josh ignored her, pulling out his cock, large and thick, and slapping her in the face with it.

"Come on, slut, this is what you wanted, isn't it?" Kevin laughed, grabbing her hair and forcing her face up against Josh's cock. She groaned, trying her best to keep her lips closed, but after a few rough slaps, she gave up, dropping her jaw to take a deep breath, but getting a cock shoved down her throat instead.

"Oh yeah, just like that," Josh groaned, shoving the entirety of his cock deep down her throat, pressing her nose against his crotch and his balls slapping her chin as he pounded her face. She gagged voraciously, coughing and choking, spit gushing out of her mouth in torrents, soaking her dress and coating her chest.

"Fuck, this girl can suck a dick," Josh groaned, grabbing her hair. "Let's pull her up to the couch.

Kevin let go and Josh dragged her along, walking on her hands and knees like an animal, coughing and gasping for breath, leading her to the couch. He sat down and grabbed his cock, slapping her in the face with it.

"I think you know what to do," he laughed, and she lunged forward, grabbing his cock and bobbing her head up and down.

Ben sat down next to Josh and she reached over, grabbing his cock too, stroking him furiously while she sucked Josh off. Kevin kneeled down behind her, pushing her panties aside and shoving two fingers inside her and she moaned, pressing her ass up and against his hand, bouncing back and forth.

"Holy shit, dude, this little whore is so fucking wet!" Kevin laughed, spanking her ass again and again as her pussy bounced back and forth against his fingers.

He was right, the drugs were hitting her hard and as much as she knew how dangerous this was, how wrong it was being held captive and gangbanged by strangers, she couldn't help her enjoyment. In her head, voices were screaming at her to get out, to try to escape, but they were distant, and her body was reacting to how rough they were being, how much they enjoyed her body, how they would do whatever they wanted with her.

"You like this, don't you, whore?" Kevin asked, spanking her, and she pulled her head up, gasping and panting for air.

"Oh! Fuck yes! Oh fuck it feels so good!" She groaned, then winced, squealing as she climaxed on his fingers, her eyes rolling back in her head as Josh grabbed her head and pushed her over to Ben.

Ben's cock was slightly smaller, but still a good size, about the same size as James, and she easily shoved the entirety of it down her throat, jerking Josh off while Ben grabbed her hair and rammed her face down again and again against his body.

Kevin, meanwhile, pulled his fingers out of her body and stood up, unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out, then he grabbed Jenna's hair and pulled her head over to him. His cock was the largest of the three, and as soon as he'd shoved it halfway down her throat she started to gag, giant globs of spit shooting out of her mouth and onto his cock and legs, dripping down to the floor, as he facefucked her.

Josh and Ben stood up, and she grabbed both their cocks, stroking them off as Kevin hammered his cock down her throat. He let go and she pulled back, coughing and gasping, spitting on the floor, then turned back to Ben, slurping and sucking on his dick, then to Josh, gagging and sucking, back and forth, moaning and groaning, her pussy dripping with excitement as she pleasured three strangers.


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