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All Comments on 'Filthy EDM Cock Whore'

by jacobmerriweather

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horny_gurl55horny_gurl55over 8 years ago
pure rape

why the fuck is there so many rape type shit stories on here .. i give this a minus 5 for stupidity

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Fuck the bitch

Fucking awesome story. Bring on more. 5 stars

lovingeatingitalllovingeatingitallover 8 years ago
And up to 363

;-) She just has to head upstairs next, and maybe James will show up to help her in the fun?

Thanks great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Fucking great story dude!!!

FuckherhardFuckherhardover 8 years ago
Gotta love gangbang

Awesome story as usual!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

So hot your stories always make me cream, guess I'm just another cock whore. Ungh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Mixed bag

I didnt enjoy the first part too much. Your characters felt forced and unrealistic. Although Im sure its not easy for an adult man to portray a teenage girl, so thats understandable.

For the second part, when it got good, it did get really good. I liked the detail and the forced humiliation. It mightve been better if she held back for a little while before embracing her inner whore. I was a bit disappointed to read that you took the concept from a porn. It seems the best parts of the story werent even original. I think you should take more time with the characters and try to be more believable with the plot build up.

thecavedwellerthecavedwellerover 8 years ago

I really liked it, good job! ; )

TheIrishTuxTheIrishTuxover 8 years ago
good for what it is

A quick stroke story. Couple of errors early on ('as' should be 'ass' in the context used) but that's a minor gripe. I'm going to second one of the anons and say I typically like my characters fleshed out a little more. Jenna's bitchiness early on gives little reason to identify with her. The sex was excellent, perfectly mixing the humiliation, drugs, and degradation. I too would have liked to see a little more resistance before embracing her fate so wholeheartedly. A good read for a quick stroke, keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Good stuff as usual from you. Keep on churning them out like you have been.

General message to some of the critics: the story is posted in the "Nonconsent" category. The nonconsent category is not the romance category, it isn't the BDSM category. It is the category where all the rape stories get posted. If you don't like that, then don't read stories in the category, and don't complain about the fact that a story called "Filthy EDM Cock Whore" posted in the "Nonconsent" category is a raunchy, vulgar, hardcore rape story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I know a girl

That's 21 (known her since she was 18). Same exact type. Hot, has pictures all over the place. Total EDM whore. Makes money escorting and with sugar daddies. People saying girls are not like this don't know how messed up young girls are these day. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Character Confusion

Good story but you almost lost me at the beginning. There is a part where I think you start confusing the character names a few times and it starts to sound like they are having third person conversations with themselves

kurious92kurious92over 8 years ago
Holy crap

Absolutely freaking loved it. This is your first story I've seen. Can't wait to read more. I agree with a comment below about maybe wanting Jenna to show a little more resistance but it definitely still got me going ;)

kamperman45kamperman45over 8 years ago
Beginning - Soso, But ending made my dick diamond hard

I'm a humiliation/domination story man and this one got it at the last part so very well. thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I enjoyed it.

I really like your story, it was well written and flowed well, a suggestion I have is that it would be nice to read a story with a bit more realism in the responses from the female, i found some of the wording to be a little unrealistic, and as though it was straight out of a corny porn video, for lack of a better way to describe it. Though, this is just personal preference and there is no need to change how you write as plenty people enjoy your writing style.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I've read a few of your stories and I have to say the comments you leave at the beginning and ends are my favorite parts. Please keep writing.

kroellekroelleabout 8 years ago

Wow - rough stuff, but I liked it!!

You could easily write a sequel describing how she manages to get home, and what happens when she does.

How about that link then ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Just a few qualms

I just wanted to say one thing after reading this. While I will admit that this was a great read, I wanted to point out that if her boyfriend doesn't understand this incident he's a dick. She was on drugs and drunk, not only that but she was forced. Her enjoying it is besides the point. It's still rape. Even if she was totally willing it was rape due to her having drugs and alcohol in her system. The thought that he would be mad makes me mad honestly. Sorry to complain, because I did love the read I just had to say something about it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great story. Write a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Even better if they forward it to all her contacts

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Let some creepy old man find her and drag her to his apartment for the day as his fuck toy

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The boyfriend?

I am way too curious about the aftermath with her boyfriend. How does he react?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Such a hot slut. The only way it could have been hotter is if they'd peed on her at the end to really humiliate her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
nice work!

...but I would love to know what video you were talking about. There is one out there with a girl who's obviously on x getting fucked at a party. At one point, a girlfriend walks in and says "I want a copy of this" She says, in a cute Southern accent, "Oh my god, I just came TWICE!"

tornadowhirltornadowhirlalmost 7 years ago

Great story. Pls give us the link! ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Intro Comment

I think your intro comment may be the best thing ever written here. It should be posted before every story. Cheers!

fantasyfunchatfantasyfunchatover 6 years ago
I really liked this one

Ok, save for minor typos and a little confusion about the character names it was excelent. I like the theme and I don't think stroke stories need too much 'fleshing out' of the characters, just enough for us to understand what their basic personality is.

You did that very well and when it all started to go porn, I had a very pleasurable reading/stroking.

Thanks for the fun and the only suggestion I'd give you is to make the girls more reluctant for a bit longer. Fighting the inner slut is part of the fun in these stories (well, that's what I like to do in my stories).

If you think otherwise it is fine, as long as you keep writing good tales like this!

freeslutfreeslutover 6 years ago
that story and my vibrator

became very fast friends, loved the line you walked on consent-nonconsent

firebrd220firebrd220over 6 years ago
Great Story!

Great story, just long enough and perfect amount of details...now what about that link?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

You capture the inner struggle of sluts like me so well. I want to be faithful and respectable, in a relationship, but I can't help how I react to dick, and in particular being treated like the whore I am. I see myself in your stories so clearly. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A girl with a new fantasy....

I climaxed three times reading your story!!! I kept imagining myself in Jenna’s place. I never would have imagined myself having this type of fantasy. Then to have the sexual experience videoed and sent to my phone contact list, oh my!

thedusty1thedusty1almost 5 years ago
What's next? Stacey needs brought down a peg or r

Loved the humiliation & choking. What is James going to do? Also, Stacey is a bitch what happened to her? I love everything I've read of yours.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Don't stop writing

I orgasm to great writing which is what you have! Pls don't stop

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
God Really Sucks

God is even sucking more cock now than a filthy Whore.

markedupmarkedupover 4 years ago
How about that link?

Amazing! I bet your story is better but would love to see the video too!

mindslutmindslutabout 4 years ago

Holy shit. So fucking hot. I can’t stop rubbing myself to this. Fuuuuuck, I love the idea of being fucked so hard in every hole that the only way I can communicate is by swallowing around a dick or squeezing my pussy around a dick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hot as hell please write more.

This is one of my favs please send me the link to the video you based the story off I love it when drugged up chicks get horny

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uover 3 years ago

Hello, great story.

However when using acronyms such as EDM, capitals make it an acronym, generally the first time you use it you use the full words and then change to the acronym. Basically you pre Google it it for us and put the search result in the story. It will flow better as I wouldn’t have had to stop and think what it was. Lee tropic Dance Music, is it like techno from my day, maybe trance?

But great story and I to believe that anonymous comments should be banned, put up or shut up.

FluidswallowerFluidswallowerabout 3 years ago

Fantastic dick stiffener! I think I'm in love with Jenna! I'd love t

o be licking and kissing her now and then licking her completely clean and sucking her holes dry before taking her to 363 so she could get ready for me again!Thank you for a great story!!! I'll be watching for more of Jenna from you!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I remember when I was fucked on molly Damm it was the best feeling ever. Although after getting fucked I rubbed myself until I cummed 5 times before finally falling asleep

friskylilkittenfriskylilkittenabout 3 years ago

love your stories, wish you hadnt stopped writing.

pummel187pummel187almost 3 years ago

Well well well ... I know you rabbit... Seeing your "MARK OF CAIN"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"some talentless hack press play on his laptop and bounce back and forth like he was actually doing something." That line alone is worth 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I am starting to think this author didn’t actually write these himself as the writing style changes from story to story and writes like a crap ton over a period and then nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fing stupid story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Holy Fuck. I’m a chick and that made me so wet! I want this to happen to me. And where is the video that you watched for inspiration??? I fucking need to see that. I fucking need to get used just like this. So fucking hot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I loved it. I think I've read this story a few other times too. I've added it to my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

When will God ever finally take that filthy cock out of his mouth to stop punishing me?

Sweetnothings77Sweetnothings77almost 2 years ago

Its so True. Some times I went to Parties I shouldnt. Did some drugs and alot of Drinking. Then let some the Men there touch me and kiss me and the more they touched soon my clothes was being opened and taken off me and before I knew it I was being laid down and my legs spread and a Man On Top of me. One after the Other. Some times 2 or 3 at a time. Yeah I done some Crazy things at parties just like Jenna. Once I started Orgasming on a Man all I wanted was more and More and MORE Cock IN me. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sex is hot, story is not. Rape is rape is rape. I can only hope all three of them have to take it in the ass with no preparation and see how much fun it is. Yeah,

PervymacPervymacover 1 year ago

Cracking story, I'll add it to my favourites!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

God you filthy cocksucking scumbag, take it out of your mouth already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Glad you stopped posting. You certainly can't write for a hill of beans.

bearcavebearcaveover 1 year ago

Great story, loved it! Would love the link to the video you mentioned.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

average and not co-ordinated

'choking her and slapping her, so many hands, so many cocks, ' there was 3 cocks so 6 hands obvious

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Even God is a filthy cocksucking slut.

rickylaw01rickylaw01about 1 year ago

Wow. What a great story. So filthy and hot. Loved it!

brokenflower22brokenflower22about 1 year ago

HOT!! filthy and dirty... now she is a broken girl who would do anything thinking it is love.. would like to read more about her

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I loved it. It's one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Fantastic. Post the link!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I loved it and gave it 5 stars. It's also one of my favorites, and a good go to story for something nasty and quick. ;-) Thanks for sharing it.

PCseniorPCsenior6 months ago

Enjoyed the sorry story and what happened to this lovely little slut

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This is probably my fave story I've ever read on here

Nice job

rickylaw01rickylaw015 months ago

Wow. What a hot slut. Loved it.

pummel187pummel1874 months ago

That was five minutes I'll never get back 😔

Big_Jim_and_the_TwinsBig_Jim_and_the_Twins2 months ago

I liked your story. It was obviously a little over the top but that is cool. It was a little rough but meaning the guys but that is a thing too. Nice job.

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