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Fireworks in the air and on the ground!
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I was on the couch, turned on my side, idly watching whatever dreck was playing on the boob tube. Katie, my wife of not yet a year, was sitting in the easy chair in her usual pose - her face tilted down into the screen of the ever-present smart phone. "Yeah, Kates?" I asked.

Her eyes flicked up, seeking mine, and she flashed me that quick smile of hers, the one that showed off her perfect teeth for a scant second. "Do you remember ever watching the county fireworks show from the Robinson Farm?"

I blinked. "Old man Robinson? Didn't he used to threaten us with rock salt outta his shotgun?" I grinned.

Katie laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, shit, that hill behind his house is like the perfect place to watch the show. I used to sneak up there too," I said.

We had gone to high school together, but I was a year older. I went off to the State U and came back a freshly minted grad. I got a job working in the city, and had lost track of Katie. It wasn't that I was sweet on her; we both went to a large high school and she was a year younger, and I didn't really know her very well. Good enough to say hello all of the time, and towards the end of my senior year she was going steady with one of my closer friends, so she was in our circle for a while.

I was at the baseball game, with several colleagues from work. She walked up to me and poked her finger into my chest, ensuring that I would say hello! Well, the years at college had been kind to her. She had blossomed into a healthy young woman, a little curvy but not in a bad way, certainly not chubby. Not exaggerated. Just...womanly. She carried herself with this genuine girl-next-door attitude, and her big, sunny smile drew men to her with ease. She had asked me about the guy she had dated, and what I was doing in town.

Turned out that she too had just graduated, and she was starting her new job in a few weeks. She was back home with the old gang of girls from high school, and I was not unhappy to get pulled to their section. Wasn't like our home baseball team packed the stadium every night. So I sat with these girls, most of whom I had known their names back in high school.

The funny thing was that we exchanged numbers and then I promptly forgot about it. She likes to give me hell about that admission, but it was the truth. I was not really in the market for a girlfriend. I had dated a girl for two years my junior and senior years of college, and she turned out to be unfaithful. That was an unpleasant discovery, obviously, and while I was not soured or angry at women, neither was I feeling any particular urge to settle down.

So a week passed and she called me, launching into me for being an idiot. After I calmed her down, I agreed to meet her for a drink after work. It was up by where I lived, not far from our high school haunts, and it was a very nice night.

This time, I took the hint, and about noon the next day gave her a call to see if she wanted to mountain bike with me. She agreed, and we spent the afternoon riding. The best part? There's a section of the trail that borders the park's lands, and it's a quiet little area that doesn't get much use. We both needed to take a break, so we got off the bikes, and found a quiet rock that overlooked the valley below. We sat, not quite nestling up to one another, but pretty close. It was a natural moment, the head turn, the eye contact, and asking and answering with our eyes. That first kiss was a passionate one.

That night we made love, and found each other to be energetic and enthusiastic lovers. Aside from one nasty fight that ended when I got wise and apologized for being an idiot, ours was a very smooth relationship. We dated for two years, and I sought and obtained permission from her father to marry her. I asked her and she said yes, and we set a date some fifteen months off. The big day came and went in mid-September, and so we were approaching our one-year anniversary of being married.

"We should sneak up there and watch the fireworks," she said. "They're what, tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow," I agreed. "You know..." I said slowly as a thought formed in my head. "We could ride there."

"We could. Especially if the old man himself comes out with a shotgun," she smiled with ease, "we can escape faster!"

"Yep," I agreed. We both liked to ride mountain bikes, and our nighttime rides, though rare, occasionally included an after-dark, outdoors romp. There was something incredibly sexy about seeing Katie get off of her bike. She liked to slowly saunter over to this rock. After slapping one hand on a boulder, she'd twist her torso and look back at me while using the other hand to yank her skin-tight riding shorts down to expose the milky-white skin of her ass. There was usually some kind of quip. "You better get over her, buster, and stick that cock into me!"

I loved tugging my pants down. There was something about her doing that which resulted in a near-instant erection. Already wet as much from sweat and exertion as the lubricants of her body, slapping my hand over hers, easing those shorts down just a little further, and sliding my cock into her willing pussy was one of the greatest moments of our little life adventure. It never took either of us long to cum doing that, and then riding home with my cum dripping out of her pussy, or my cum drying to the inside of my shorts added some lingering enjoyment for us both. Of course, we ran things right to the washer and then ran naked to our bedroom where we routinely enjoyed a second, longer and more romantic moment.

"What are you thinking about?" she demanded.

My attention returned from the land of pleasant memories to that of the moment. I gave her my "you caught me" grin and told her. "Oh, I was just thinking about what often happens on our night time bike rides."

Her pause was barely there, then a grin appeared on her face. "I'd do it in the daytime, too, if I thought we could get away with it!" she told me. Her grin turned impish. "You think about having sex with me?"

I chuckled. "Sure, like...all of the time. You're beautiful and sexy and the object of my desires!" I assured her.

"Hah!" she chuckled. I watched as she lifted her tee-shirt. Most nights after work, she went without a bra, so I found myself gazing at that plump flesh with a light pink nipple, already stiffened. "Maybe you should come prove it to me how hot I make you!"

That got me sitting up. Then standing. There was a tent in my shorts, and I loved watching how her eyes dropped, lit up, and then returned to mine. "Am I proving it yet?"

Her reply was whispered, breathy and throaty. "Not yet." She lifted her shirt up to reveal the second breast. "But its a good fucking start!"


The last day of the big county fair dawned cloudless and hot. And then by noon it was a pure scorcher. We learned this while slowly walking through the crowds, the dust from the grassless main paths floating up and covering everyone with a fine layer of dirt, aided by everyone's sheen of sweat. We could have drank a case of beer each and barely been affected, that's how hot and truthfully miserable it was. Still, we walked slowly, hats jammed low on our brow, our sunglasses pressed to our head, and held hands while checking out the people.

"Jesus, its hotter n' fuck!" Katie said as we found a sliver of shade and huddled into it.

There was another couple, looking about our age, within earshot, and they both looked over and agreed. We ended up shooting the shit with them for about twenty minutes, nothing important, but it was a pleasant twenty minutes because we were out of the sun. The moment we stepped back into the sun, we noted that our shady spot was taken by a family with an infant in a stroller, and by unspoken but mutual consent, gladly gave up our spot.

"Are you sure that you want to run the risk of old man Robinson?" Katie asked me. She was not looking very good at the moment. "I mean, we get caught, and there's no running away. I feel like I'm fucking melting as it is," she whined.

Katie is many things, but she is not generally a whiner. "Well, we could run home, take a shower, get a blanket and a cooler of beer," I suggested.

"No," she said sharply. "I go home, I'm not leaving." She looked at me with a dangerous expression in her eyes.

I lifted both hands, palms out. "Just a suggestion, Kates. Easy, girl."

She shook her head. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just bitchy because of the heat." She sighed.

"What if...what if you go find a tree, high up on the hill, up by the treeline," I said. "I'll go home, get the blankets, the cooler filled half with water and half with beer, some snacks, whatever, then lug the shit up the hill."

"What if I have to pee?" she said, but clearly the thought was at least tolerable to her.

"I'll bring toilet paper?" I suggested with a laugh.

"Fuck it, why not," she said. We walked over until we spotted one of her more favorite spots. "There," she pointed, the big oak trees towards the far edge. "Hurry back," she told me.

"I will," I said before kissing her. I headed to the car and had to wait five minutes with the engine running and air conditioner on full blast before I could even get in the thing. I made a quick run home, packed that cooler with a mix of the beers we liked and several waters, along with several snacks.

I was in our bedroom, looking for a dry shirt to put on. I opened Katie's tee-shirt drawer, and saw her little pink vibe. I had the most naughty thought, and once that kind of naughty thought pops into my head....well, there was only one path forward. I tucked the vibe into my backpack...after ensuring that the remote control app was set to my phone, and locked her out of hers. I grinned, and bounced the little toy up and down in my hand.

I opened up my cell phone and texted her. "I have the perfect way to make you forget all about being hot and sweaty!"

A moment later, my phone dinged. "What?"

I laughed. I ignored the phone. I knew that I'd pay a price for that, but it was fun to get her all ramped up. I grabbed a few more things as my phone dinged again. Then twice more in rapid succession. I looked at the phone, at her messages, and grinned. I texted back a reply that completely ignored her pleas. "Returning now."

"Jerk," she replied, then went sullenly silent. I had to laugh. Katie loves surprises but hates waiting for them. I drove back, found a decent parking spot, and then began the trudge through the heat with two chairs on my back, with the pack, and lugging the heavy cooler. Needless to say, by the time I flopped to the hard ground in the shade that overlooked the valley where the fireworks display would start in a few hours.

She was giving me the stink eye. "What..." she demanded hotly, "is the surprise?"

"Surprise? What surprise?" I played dumb.

That earned me a good slap on the arm. I rubbed it, saying "owwww" while she glowered at me. Finally, I turned and fished the little pink vibrator out of its hiding spot, and showed it to her. "I say that when the fireworks start going off...you're going to get off....and then it really will be a grand finale!"

She gaped at it, her eyes darting up to mine for a moment. At first I thought I saw a flash of anger, before her eyes melted. "In...public?" she asked.

"Yes, my little tart," I told her, winking to make sure she knew I was teasing. Mostly.

"Oooh!" she half giggled and moaned.

"And you're locked out of control!"

"Noooo," she mocked a complaint. "So you're the big man with the controls, tonight?"

"Yes indeed, my love."

"Hah!" she grinned. "See? I knew there was a reason I wore loose shorts today!" she said. She looked around, snatching the device out of my hands, and ran her hands up her thighs, gathering material as she moved. She tugged the gusset of her black panties to the side, showing me that gorgeous pussy I loved so much. She moaned as she slipped the device into her pussy. "Fuck!" she gasped. "I'm already wet!" She adjusted it, until it was settled neatly, with the large round end tucked up inside of her body, and the smaller vibe and receiving unit nestled tightly against her clit.

"Oh god I'm going to die!" she moaned. "Turn it on, please!" she begged.

"Nope," I told her. I fished out a water and a beer and opened both for her. She was giving me a look, half-frustration, half-enjoyment.


"Yep," I agreed, cracking my own beer. It went down fast, and I was grateful that I had the foresight to bring a little garbage bag. Even though we managed to carry on normal conversations, Katie never stopped fidgeting. Not once. She was clearly unable to get comfortable, and was counting the seconds until night fell and the show started.

"You know what will be really fun?" I decided to go all in on the tease.


"Oh watching your face as you're in the middle of cumming except there are a bunch of families around us."

"Oh...oh fuck! God you're mean! Mean!" But I heard the utter delight in her tone. "I'll get you for this!" she promised me.

I knew already that she was good for that. I knew that whatever price I would pay, it would be so worth it. So so worth it. "I'm sure," I told her leaning close to kiss her perfect lips, "that we will both enjoy every single moment of it."

She winked once. "Well, one of us might," she revised. Then laughed. "Hell, we both will!"

"You don't have to keep it in," I said.

"I put it in, I'll keep it in, thank you," she said, adopting this prim tone all of a sudden.

That made me laugh, and we managed to spend the next few hours talking lightly but it was a curious conversation. A lot of our private conversations were sexually tinged. I mean, we were both young and loved sex. So that was not a surprise. But it was a constant undertone that day.

The other major benefit to our spot - aside from it being an unlikely spot for a lot of families because it was the longest walk back to the parking lots - was that the sun fell behind us. We were in the shade first, and that was utterly glorious. We drank and drank, and it wasn't until eight thirty, close to nine that I began to feel even the faintest buzz. I only had three beers left for each of us, and we were slowing our pace.

"You know," she said suddenly, "I wonder how many other women out there have their pussies stuffed full of remote control vibes?"

"We should do a poll," I agreed right away.

She laughed. "I know right?" she shook her head. "It's definitely sexy, knowing this. I'm so looking forward to the first explosion."

"I'm looking forward to watching your face as you try to withstand that buzzing," I told her quietly. There was an older couple who took up residence, not close, but not far, either.

"I might bite my lip so hard I'll draw blood," she said. I saw her eyes dart over to the older couple. "We might give them a heart attack!" she whispered as she drew me closer.

"Maybe. Depends on whether you go full howl or not."

"Ha ha, funny man," she deadpanned, but her eyes kept flashing with delight.

I took my phone out and opened the app. She looked at it, and back to me, then back to the phone. I pressed my thumb to it, and activated her toy.

"Noooo," she whispers, her hands clasping my upper arm tightly, wrapping around my bicep.

I let her watch as I slid my thumb upward, and the buzz, while very soft, was audible. I only kept it on her for a moment or two, then returned it to the off position.

"Oh...oh god that felt good," she whispered, leaning against me.

"I bet," I agreed.

"Maybe I'll get one...for your ASS!" she chuckled.

"Ooooh! Promises, promises!" I teased lightly.

But I got a look. It was "that look" that promised that I would be finding out. Probably soon, judging from the wolfish quality of that grin of hers. "Payback's a bitch, baby," she told me.

So of course I hit her with a quick blast of about medium speed. I got a long exhale out of her, and her grip on my arm tightened significantly.

I turned it off and her grip relaxed a bit. "Damn, I forgot how powerful this thing is," she said after five controlled, steady breaths.

"So a real grand finale?" I asked.

"Depends if I squirt all over you or not," she said with a laugh.

"Well, you've not done that."

"Yet," she amended with a grin. "Who knows? There's a first time for everything!"

"I guess, like you said, we'll find out!"

She giggled. We fished out a beer as more people camped out close to us. She leaned against me. I saw her nipples were so stiff in her shirt. "You should figure out a way to take your bra off."

"Later," she said quickly, her chin moving and directing my gaze towards something. I followed it, and saw her friend Belle. Now Belle moved with a circle of friends that neither of us really liked. We had never said anything to her about it. She spotted us, and it was obvious from the way that she was speaking with the friends that she was intending to come up and say hello. Her friends turned, saw us, and I noted the sour looks that we got.

"I guess they don't like us, either," I noted very softly.

"Doesn't look like it," she agreed. As Belle walked up, Katie managed to get herself on her two feet without the toy falling out. They hugged and chatted for a bit, Belle saying hi to me as well, before she returned back to her friends. I kept half an eye on the friend group down there, and caught at least more half-head turns complete with disdainful looks.

We didn't bow down to the queens, like they wanted people to. Belle was gorgeous in her own right, shapely and oozing sexuality. All of her friends did, too, but the price of that was total, constant adoration. I knew that in a modeling contest that my Katie wouldn't win against that troupe, but my girl had a big heart. And that crew's collective heart was more like a block of ice. So when Belle traipsed off, I let out a slow, soft exhale.

"Christ, what a bunch of stuck-up bitches," Katie said while keeping a perfect smile on her face.

"I know. God help whoever marries them," I offered.

She scoffed derisively. "Not for long, I'd wager," she opined.

But more and more people filtered in, and our attention was diverted away from the gaggle of mean bitches. We reclined on the ground, on the blanket I'd brought, and I kept my phone between our bodies. Katie had to keep her legs clamped pretty tightly together, and didn't bend her legs, just kept them straight. She turned and smiled at me.

"I think I made my shorts wet," she told me softly. "Right through my panties."

"Mmmmm," I agreed. One part of teasing her that was just as difficult for me was the fact that I would soon be sporting a big erection...and would not be able to do anything about it. That was the price I had to pay.

She picked her head up. "Do I spot a growth?"

"Not yet," I told her, "but I'm pretty sure that you can anticipate some serious growth the moment that I'm hitting buttons."

"Too bad it'll have to stay in your pants," she thought with a little giggle of her own.

"Too bad," I agreed.

Darkness crept in. Further down the hill and to our right, little kids played with sparklers, their delighted screams musical. I looked down and watched them, smiling a little.

The darker it got, the more that our words lost steam, and we both sort of stared at the phone with the app controlling her vibe. "I mean, I've heard about waiting with bated breath," she commented, "but fuck!"

"Never has the opening blast of a fireworks show been awaited with such anticipation."


Almost on cue, there was a heavy, deep thump as an orange trail of sparks reached high up into the sky. There was a moment, the entire crowd holding its breath, before the massive explosion rocked the valley, not quite a shockwave, but the big boom to open the show could be felt in our bodies. And right as the explosion went off, I cranked the vibe up to high.


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