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Foot Fetish - Simply My Story

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A young woman discovers her fetish - her foot fetish.
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My friend told me I should tell my story. The story of my sexual life. I had not really thought that there was much to write. I never saw my sexual life as that unusual but my friend convinced me that in fact it was very different to most.

When my story started I was 22 or 23yo. I had been sexually involved with two men (other than a one night stand) and I had been with my boyfriend for six months. The relationship was not really going anywhere and the sex was already becoming mundane. I was certainly not looking for a change but the events I will describe next changed everything.

First discovering a very personal fetish

I had been working as the secretary/PA for Mr. Jones (Brian) for around three months. He was not a bad boss workwise but he always made me feel vulnerable. He looked at me as if he was imagining me naked and probably a lot worse. He was mid forties, confident and physically fit. I could see he was not unattractive but I felt no attraction to him physically.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the day in question changed my life. Until late in the afternoon the working day was very routine and we were beginning to wind up the outstanding work. I was in Brian's office and had to stand on a step to put a file onto the top shelf of a cabinet. I was aware that he would probably be able to get a view up the legs of my short summer dress. I tried to be so careful not to give him too good a view. He made a comment that I didn't hear but it distracted me and I twisted my ankle as I slipped off the step. I limped to one of the chairs that were next to each other and he hurried round to sit on the other one. He told me to put my foot into his lap. I had realized that the sprain was not too serious but allowed him to rub the ankle. He tested it before saying

"You do have the most beautiful feet I have ever seen. Let me check that there is no problem with your foot."

I knew my foot was okay and I was sure he did too. Once his two hands found my foot it felt like he had plugged me into the mains socket. A shock radiated up my leg and invaded my whole body. My head went kind of fuzzy. It was a nice feeling that seemed to distance me slightly from what was going on. His thumbs worked the arch as his fingers found my toes. When fingers slid between my toes something gave and I thought I had peed myself or at least something had attacked my pussy. I hated that the gasp that exploded out of my mouth was one of pure sexual arousal.

"Oh I am so happy that your feet are so sensitive. Does your boyfriend understand just how sensitive they are?"

"No, no please put my foot down. It is just not right."

The sensations flooding my body were unlike anything I had felt before. Despite this I tried to pull my foot away from his tormenting hands. He laughed but held on to my foot while managing to keep the sensual massaging going.

"I don't think you really want me to stop massaging your foot. In fact give me your other foot and I will try and double your arousal."

The bastard not only knew I was hopelessly aroused but demanded that I admitted it. I wasn't going to admit it in words but when I lifted my other foot into his lap I knew this said so much more than words could. My mind screamed at me to stop letting Brian dominate me and carry on his beautiful assault on my senses. My body refused to obey my mind as I sat back and closed my eyes. I have no idea how long he played with both of my feet but I loved every second of it. The noise of him moving his chair towards mine broke the atmosphere, which had totally disabled me. He held both my feet and as he got closer my knees bent and my legs fell apart. I panicked, as my short dress did nothing to obstruct his view of my pussy only covered my flimsy red panties. I looked into his eyes and was surprised that he was still focusing on my feet. My legs were wide apart by the time he brought both of my feet up to his face.

He took an exaggerated deep breath in through his nose at the same time as his tongue slid between two of my toes. I thought I was going to die of pleasure. No tongue playing with my clit had aroused me so strongly. If his fingers had aroused me his tongue was threatening to unhinge me. While he held both my feet up to his face with one hand he used the fingers of the other hand to tease the toes he was not licking. My arousal was so devastating all I could think about was my need to orgasm in frighteningly quick time. My hand moved between my legs in an attempt to find my clit and give it the touch that would immediately tip me over the edge. I regretted it as he pulled away from me slightly and reprimanded me saying,

"Don't you even think about touching yourself young lady. I am far from finished with you and particularly your sexy feet."

Dropping my feet to the floor he took my hand and led me to his desk. I knew I should be saying no but there was no way that my voice would obey my instincts. He slipped my brief wet panties off my feet and I knew I had to protest before the inevitable happened and he fucked me. I didn't protest but the inevitable did not happen. Instead as I lay on my back he lifted my feet back up to his face. He held a foot in each hand as once again his mouth found my toes and his fingers my feet. It hit me that at no time had I resisted in any way and the man I found unattractive had totally dominated me and aroused me to heights I had never thought possible. I pushed my naked pussy towards him hoping to find that he had freed his cock so that he could fuck me. Instead I found myself thrusting my pussy up and down the rough material of his suit. I laughed at myself when I thought of the expression 'dry humping'. I was humping but I was far from dry. I could feel his cock through his trousers but it was of limited use to me.

It had only taken a couple of minutes and I would have happily agreed to almost anything to be allowed to orgasm. He did have one, or was it two, last surprise(s) for me as he took a ruler off his desk and smacked the sole of each foot in turn. Nothing had hurt even slightly until this but this stung as he repeated the spanking around a dozen times. When for the first time he put my big toes next to each other and took them deep into his mouth my life changed forever. When he used his mouth and his tongue I understood for the first time what a man must feel when having his cock sucked by an expert. My body and mind overloaded and with no warning my whole body experienced the type of orgasm I had always thought of as pure fiction. It didn't start in any one place in my body but hit every place at the same time. He had removed his body away from mine denying me anything to hump against. That seemed to be his final triumphant action to defeat me. He had made me cum purely by stimulating my feet and toes, something I had never considered possible. It was something however that I would strive for and occasionally be blessed by achieving over the years that followed. From that day on my toes specifically would be as sexually important to me as most women's clits are to them.

That evening was far from over however. As I gradually managed to regain some sense of reality I realized that clothing no longer covered his cock. I was still highly aroused which I had never been after an orgasm. He was still playing with my toes as his cock sunk into me with no resistance. Still I didn't protest. I didn't want to protest, as it felt wonderful. This was enhanced as for the first time he did find my clit with one of his hands. He fucked me, he played with my toes and he caressed my clit. I knew he was close to orgasm but he held off until a lovely but very conventional orgasm built and then exploded from my groin. I had loved so many exciting firsts that evening.

I am slightly ashamed to admit that the man I still found physically unattractive dominated me over the next couple of weeks. He would insist that he massaged my feet every night at the end of the day. I could not get enough of what he offered and enjoyed at least one orgasm every evening. It wasn't the controlled fucking that I remember from those evenings but the excitement that he produced by playing with my feet and particularly my toes. At the end of those two weeks he invited me to meet his wife. I was surprised by this but given how he had transformed my sex life I was eager to experience more.

Learning so much more about my new thrilling fetish.

Denise, Brian's wife welcomed me with a smile that suggested that she not only knew about our evening sessions at work but also was very comfortable about them. She sat me in the middle of a large sofa and she and Brian pulled up dining chairs in front of me. Without words she indicated that I should put my left foot into her lap and I didn't wait to be asked to put my other foot into Brian's. They both held the foot in their lap but didn't do much more.

"So you are the easily aroused Janet with a foot fetish are you?"

If there had ever been any doubts about why I had been invited to the beautiful house of my boss this simple statement dispelled them. I was there to be entertained and to entertain my hosts. My feet and toes would be at the center of everything. Denise wasted no time getting to the very heart of the matter, or more accurately to the foot of the matter. She asked me whether I had ever enjoyed a foot spa, which I hadn't. My left foot was soon immersed in hot swirling water. This was highly sensual and I was very quickly very relaxed. A large glass of excellent white wine only added to my relaxed state. I had been right that Denise not only knew about my evening massages but also was very keen to find out every detail. She asked me when I had first realized that I had a foot fetish.

"About fifteen minutes before Brian, sorry Mr. Jones, brought me to the best orgasm I have ever had."

I panicked that I had probably said far too much or the wrong thing and wondered if I had killed the evening. How much had Brian really shared? Her kind smile reassured me and she said

"You are not at the office now dear. Brian is fine with both of us. I can only hope that we can encourage you to have an orgasm or orgasms that are even better. I take it that you have never had two people playing and sucking on your feet and toes at the same time. I share your passion for having my feet played with but also love to play with other peoples. I do have one difference from Brian though. He particularly enjoys feet that have not had the effects of a hard day washed off them where I prefer feet freshly washed in a foot spa."

I had not been sure what role Denise would play in the evening. I had been certain that my feet would feature strongly in proceedings but now I knew that it would not only be Brian stimulating them. This delighted me. Denise looked to be in her early thirties but might have been late thirties. She was good looking without being stunning but her ready smile lit up her whole appearance. At around five foot she was a similar height to me but her petite build was lighter than mine. She slipped her small shoe off her right foot before it joined my foot in the spa. Our feet rubbed against each other and it seemed to bond us. The rubbing was for some reason not sexual but it did add to the sensual relaxed mood that was overwhelming me. Brian was holding my foot but did not seem to be making any attempt to sexually arouse me by what he was doing.

"The very strange thing about my passion for playing with other people's feet is that it has to be females feet and they have to be small and beautifully formed. Brian told me your feet were perfect but I am not sure that that simple word does them justice. It is odd that I have no interest in females sexually unless it involves their feet and even more so if it involves mine too. Have you ever played with another woman's feet my dear?

I am sure it was not chance that as she said this Brian started, for the first time, to slip his fingers between my toes. Sensual changed to sexual in an instant.

"No I have never touched another woman's toes, or any other part of a woman, sexually."

"Would you be willing to try playing with my feet while Brian and I play with yours? My experience is that that it doubles the pleasure."

With this Denise move her chair closer to me and lifted my dripping foot out of the water. Her drying of my foot with a small towel was beautifully erotic and she watched my every expression as she did it. She offered me the towel with a questioning smile. The atmosphere was such that I lifted her foot out of the water with great anticipation of further sexual arousal. As I started to dry her foot, trying to replicate what she had done, she used both of her hands to massage the soles of my foot. As soon as her foot was dry I was desperate to explore between her toes in the way that Brian had done mine. The deep sigh that Denise let out suggested that she found this as arousing as I had.

"Fuck that is so unbelievably erotic. I only hope that when I copy what you are doing to me it will feel as good for you."

She immediately copied my every move. I had one huge advantage over Denise as Brian now joined the assault on my senses by also copying me. I knew what I found the most stimulating and concentrated on Denise's toes and particularly between them. It was frightening how quickly my arousal level soared as they copied this. Given how Denise and Brian were sitting my legs well apart but it had not concerned me in the slightest. What did concern me was that my soaring levels of arousal were threatening to render me helpless. I love an orgasm as much as anyone but I did not want the evening to end too quickly.

I need not have worried as Brian and Denise somehow signaled to each other that a change was needed. They stopped copying my stimulation of Denise's foot and ignored my toes and concentrated instead on massaging the rest of my feet. This didn't stop me being incredibly excited but did stop or at least slow my progress towards the quickest climax of my life. Brian confirmed my suspicion when he said,

"There I told you that Janet arouses very quickly didn't I? Do you believe me now?"

I went to protest, as I felt very embarrassed by the comment, which I was in no position to refute. Denise however saw my predicament and said I should take it as a beautiful compliment as she was incredibly jealous of my reaction. She suggested that we might be able to fully enjoy our mutual fascination with female feet in a more relaxed way if we adjourned to their bedroom. When we arrived in the beautifully decorated room I was delighted to see a huge bed that looked plenty big enough for three. Denise took the lead again and said,

"I would feel much more relaxed if I was not wearing these clothes. Would you like me to remove yours or would you feel more comfortable taking them off yourself?"

Denise had not offered me the option of staying dressed but I felt very ready to get naked. In fact we all undressed each other. Brian finally took my panties off and Denise allowed me the honor of removing his final garment that released his rock-hard erection. Nobody touched anyone else unnecessarily as this was done but it did create a lovely intimate atmosphere. It was Brian who suggested that Denise and I lay on the bed, top to tail on our sides. My face was next to her feet and hers next to mine. Denise took my cleaned foot in her hands and I did not need to be asked to find hers. Not to be left out Brian was quickly behind me and bend my knee so that he could find my other foot with his mouth. I knew immediately that now there were no rules. I wanted to enjoy Denise's foot as much as I wanted them to enjoy mine. I used both my hands and my mouth making sure I paid lots of attention to her toes.

I am not sure what the couple were doing to my feet much of the time but it was perfect. It was as if they were a team working to maximize the arousal that could be created in my body while only playing with my feet. I knew my nipples were like bullets and my pussy was swimming in my natural lubrication. I toyed with the idea of finding either Denise's or my pussy with my hands but that felt like it would be cheating. I found my body fighting for something but I was not sure what. As soon as I relaxed my body was swamped by the most wonderful sensations. They were not orgasmic sensations but I was certain that they would build until they were. Time now didn't matter, building towards orgasm didn't matter all that mattered was the pleasure I was feeling. I loved how my hands. but even more so my mouth, felt as I played with Denise's foot that I can only describe as beautiful.

"Would you like to see if you can climax with no additional stimulation my dear?"

Denise's words massaged my brain as much as her hands and mouth were massaging my feet. It was also obviously a sign to Brian as now they both took a big toe sucked it deep into their mouths and used their tongues to lick between my big toes and the second toe. I didn't know when I would orgasm but I knew I would. Inexplicably my orgasm exploded from deep in my pussy but radiated out rapidly to reach every corner of my body. The waves were strong but not as violent as I had experienced before. This allowed me to enjoy every spasm and every wave much more consciously than ever before. It also allowed it to wash through me for what seemed like minutes but I know it could not have been.

When I was sure that the waves had finally stopped I realized for the first time that I was crying. This was really embarrassing but they both moved towards me and cuddled me from in front and behind. I think I dozed briefly before stirring to find Brian playing with his wife's feet. When Denise saw I was back in the land of the living she gave me a huge smile and said,

"I think Brian deserves to be rewarded. That was a beautiful looking orgasm. I can't guarantee him one that good but we can certainly try. Brian my love why don't you lie on the floor and we will see how we can excite you?"

He looked pretty excited as he settled on the floor on his back at the bottom of the bed. Denise had me sit on the bottom of the bed and offer up my unwashed foot to his mouth. He greeted its arrival as a starving man would greet food. Denise then used both of her feet to play with his erection. She alternated between somehow rubbing the head of his cock between her big toe and the second toe and rolling his whole cock with the soles of her feet. Her eyes were ablaze with excitement when she turned to me. When she took my hand in hers her eyes asked me a question. I wasn't sure what it was until she moved my hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy with it. She was warm and wet and I surprised myself when I found her clit with no problem. It felt very natural to masturbate her as I watched Brian suck my toes and be masturbated by her feet. Denise used her feet like a pair of hands. When she trapped his balls with one foot and rolled the head of his cock against his stomach with the other he finally succumbed and his agonizing groan coincided perfectly with the first huge rope of cum covering his stomach. Five or six more followed before he pleaded for mercy.

I had hoped that my masturbating Denise would bring her the much-needed release I was sure she needed but when she finally stopped playing with his shrinking cock she removed my hand from her pussy. Brian seeing this was quickly up on his knees and buried his face in his wife's pussy. She held his head gently as he licked and sucked her. I watched fascinated, as I had never seen another woman as a man pleasured her. The look of arousal on her face was infectious. Brian did briefly pull back from between her legs and said,


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