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For Happy Endings It Takes Two


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"Ve—...le—...fu—...m—...plea—..." she spastically wheezed. Again, she imagined the vibrator was Velette's powerfully, rhythmically skilled hand. Or yet better, also her tongue. The room rose in temperature with her radiating body heat and dripping sweat.

A miniature wave of passion drenched her.

"Yes!" she declared. "Yes...more...mooooore..." she strained to her pussy. "My...GODDESSSSSS...Ve-...lehhhhhtte..."

A larger, more powerful wave hit her.

"OHHHHYES!" she shrieked. She knew it was upon her now. She saw the next wave coming. It picked her up and slammed her on the shore. Heaven's shore.

The waves rapidly doubled in Vel-ocity, tripled in frequency, and quintupled in intensity. Each forthcoming one came like Vel-vet heat, drowning her deeper and deeper in marVel-ous splendor, making her dance in Vel-lication. Such was the wondrous nature of her orgasms—it was so much for her to take that she couldn't bear it, and yet also didn't want it to ever end.


Finally, the big knockout killer—the wavegasm—seized her, gripped her, rocked her like a hurricane, spun her in its dizzying swell, mercifully let her go thirty seconds later...and put her out like a light.

She was down for the count. She fell dead asleep, the DVD player still replaying over and over.


November 19th, 3:11 a.m.

The nonstop DVD repetition finally dug deep enough into Sara's brain to wake her, and she reached to shut it off. As she did so, switching off the TV, plunging herself into total darkness, she heard the soft Voice of a Goddess say—

"Happy Birthday, Sara."

Sara gasped. She fumbled around for the lamp. "Wh-who is it? Who's there?" she anxiously called out.

"Turn on the light and find out."

At last, she located it. She flipped on the lamp, squinted until the light no longer stung, and her face transformed to a portrait of shock and awe. She had to blink at least a dozen times to make sure she was really seeing what her mind registered. But it was true, as before her disbelieving eyes swam...


A pajama-clad Velette Voxe smiled at her matter-of-factly. "Who else?"

Sara was at a total loss for any sense-making words. "O—my Go—but h—what d—You—You coul—how di—" Dulled as her faculties already were, they were flat-out obliterated by this revelation.

"Don't worry, Sara," She told the girl softly. "You're just having a dream."

Sara looked around her room. Sure enough, things did look distorted, fuzzy and out of place from her normal arrangement. She looked up, and across the ceiling were yet more glow-in-the-dark star stickers that weren't there before. And she'd fallen asleep naked, but found she now wore a set of plaid red and white jammies...which were faded, worn and frayed. And here was a cat, with a black coat and white paws sitting beside her on the bed. A cat whom she'd never seen before, but still somehow knew was named Dewdrop. So this was a dream. "...Oh," she finally said. She didn't know if she was relieved or disappointed. Maybe a bit of both. Either way, she just hoped she didn't wake up soon.

"But...I-I've dreamt about You before," said Sara, "...And, I couldn't talk to You like this those other times."

"That's because this dream is lucid," Dream-Velette explained.

"Oh," Sara repeated. "Well, how does that happen?"

"Sara, sweetheart, I'm a singer, not a hypnotist."

"Oh...right," Sara replied with a nervous chuckle, still disoriented by it all. "Well...oh my gosh, I mean...I-I don't even know what to say...or-or where to start," she said. "I mean, there's so much I wanna tell You, and ask You, and-and..."

Dream-Velette climbed onto her bed on all fours with her, to Sara's widening eyes. Sara glanced back to where the cat was before, but it was gone.

"It's on the TV," whispered Dream-Velette saucily, on Her hands and knees. She gave Sara a little eye candy, shaking Her pleasingly large, round, cleavage-bared breasts in her nightgown.

Sara looked, and reacted with a start. There Dewdrop was all right, purring, swishing his tail just as before, but the pattern of his fur was reversed. Now he had a white coat and black paws. She looked back at her Goddess with an even bigger start. Dream-Velette's pajamas were gone. She was in Sara's bed, on Her side...naked. Completely...gloriously...naked. She stared sultrily at Sara, a bit of comforter between Her luscious thighs, an arm just barely covering Her nipples. Sara's gaze tilted down, and her eyes fell on the shadow of Velette's perking nipples. She instinctively shut her mouth and swallowed to keep from salivating.

"OHHHMY..." Sara breathed. The relieved/disappointed debate was gone. She now wasn't sure whether to be terrified or thrilled.

Dream-Velette nodded at her with a suggestive smile. "Nice curves."

Sara looked down to see that she was suddenly nude as well. She let out a small scream and grabbed for the comforter to cover herself. Jumping on the bed and slinking by once more, the cat now wore their pajamas.

Distracted by Dewdrop, Sara did not notice Dream-Velette's hand sneaking beneath the comforter until it cupped one of her girls. She gasped again, with an inaudible moan as her eyes closed and her head slid back. Velette sat up and leaned in closer to her.

"Goodbyes for time good a is time no," Dream-Velette exhaled in Sara's ear, fondling her shoulder and tickle-rubbing her tummy.

Sara's face turned to momentary confusion. "...Huh?" she said quietly, looking into Her eyes.


"Yes, my love?" she huskily whispered.

"Eyes your in brewing are storms," continued Dream-Velette. "Sara...Sara."

Those words rang a bell. "Oh!" Sara said silently, suddenly realizing what was happening. Velette was reciting the words to the beloved Starship song to her, but in reverse. She began to feel very charmed by it all.

"Oh, yes, more, more! Please, keep going!" Sara urged Her excitedly.

"True come won't dream and fire we're...two takes it endings happy like girl another find never I'll," chanted Dream-Velette, taking a well-timed pause between each line. Under normal circumstances it would sound absurd and laughable, but in her unconscious, surreal state, Sara found herself adoring this, more and more with every word. Especially as Dream-Velette touched her, while reciting the song. She wanted to grab Dream-Velette, to pin Her to the bed and smother Her with kisses, showing Her just how much she loved Her, but...not just yet. She just wanted this exquisite moment to last a little longer.

"Anymore me loved nobody, Sara, Sara and...more me hurt ever could one no, me hurt Sara and...before me loved ever has one no like me loved Sara and..." Dream-Velette caressed Sara, who melted at Her touch like a handful of M&Ms. Her face read pure heavenly wonderment and none other. She closed her eyes and sank dreamily into the brachial cradle, safe and warm in Velette's arms, wishing to be nowhere else but here forever. "My Goddess, I adore You," she soundlessly exhaled, taking in the intoxicating scent of Her hair. Eyes closed, she shifted her position and reached to take Dream-Velette in her embrace, but felt something very different. She opened her eyes to find herself hugging a four-foot teddy bear. She let out a yelp and let go. It rolled off the bed.

"Velette?" she asked. "Darling? Velette, my love, where are You?"

"I'm behind you, Sara," came the lovely omniscient Voice. Sara rolled in the other direction to see Her there, still in naked perfection. Keeping her eyes open this time, she kicked all inhibitions to the curb and threw her arms around Her. Dream-Velette did the same. Sara thought she noticed that while the door to her bedroom was in the same spot, the rest of the furniture and all else had shifted position, now to the other side. But who cared...once she dared bring her lips close enough to touch her Goddess, she shut her eyes again. Dream-Velette kissed back, and Sara summoned all the strength she could to clutch Velette in her grasp, wrapping her legs around Her, pressing herself tight, squeezing hard as possible, wanting to meld their bodies together. She couldn't believe it. It was her dream come true...sort of. It was more like her dream come dream...but it felt real enough to be true. And that was good enough.

They kissed. They fondled. They rubbed, stroked, tickled, caressed. They interlocked limbs, fingers, tongues. Juices flowed, passion soared. Four dizzied eyes, four hungry lips, four heaving breasts, four roving hands, two hot, wet pussies. I...cannot...believe it, Sara mentally rejoiced. I...AM MAKING LOVE...TO VELETTE VOXE!! The mere thought and its accompanying realization immediately just about forced two twingasms on her. Her zeal came out audibly, in the form of a happy, giggling squeal.

In a moment of brazen moxie, she gulped, mustered the courage and brought her quivering hand down Dream-Velette's thigh. Her trembling fingers snuck between Her legs to unlock Her forbidden territory, begging Velette for the key to Her divine womanhood.

To her surprise, as she'd barely time to understand that she was actually, physically, literally touching...Velette...Voxe's...pussy...even if it was a dream...Dream-Velette reciprocated, and placed Her hand between Sara's smoldering thighs, stroking her pussy in return.

Sara went insane. Feeling Her touch in the spot she secretly wanted touched more than anything, she broke the kiss and screamed in unadulterated lust—no less than a hormone-charged, desire-surging shriek. Her hand involuntarily lost its place exploring Velette, as her entire body defenselessly surrendered on her back, but Velette's did not. Sara felt Her ease into her labia and slowly up and down her slit, and powerless to do a thing, she was now both terrified and thrilled (though she had no idea what was terrifying her). She pulsated just as before when she'd been masturbating to Her. But having the act performed on her by Velette's hand, her precise fantasy come sublimely true...there were no words to describe this.

She opened her eyes to see no Dream-Velette anymore, though she still felt the pleasurable sensations. Allowing herself a spare moment, she looked down for one second, but was afforded no more than this.

Velette tongued her clit.

HOLY GODDESS! her mind cried. And she thought she had been going crazy before. The bed now floated in an atmosphere of nothingness. Sara flailed with immeasurable euphoria, aimlessly swatting a pillow, sending it tumbling down into the bottomless void. Identical piercing shrieks followed. She felt one of Velette's hands inching inside her, and the other with a single fingertip, like a drop a water, massaging her leg, to the foot, the tops of the toes, down the sole...Sara tensed up, thinking her foot would tickle something terrible, but it felt so good she could've died the happiest woman on Earth.

Her hands gripped at the sheet, scratching and groping for something to grab onto. As the sensations just built and built, further and further still, so did her imagination, and the elements in the dream. Had she opened her eyes at that second, she would have seen the star stickers on her ceiling become actual stars, and a blue-furred, pink-pawed Dewdrop trotting across them.

Sara wished to herself she could feel Velette's tongue coating her ripe red pussy, and also in her mouth at the same time. One second later, she felt exactly that. Her open mouth filled once more with Velette's tongue, both tongues dancing in a frenzy, and yet there it was, just as well, the same omnipotent tongue deliciously continuing to electrify Sara's autolubricated cunt...teasing her...tantalizing her up and down. She didn't dare open her eyes. She didn't want to do anything to risk compromising the magic of this miracle.

She could not, however, hold her mind back from making another wish.

Should I wish for Her hands to caress me too?

Another second later, once again, wish granted. UNBELIEVABLE, Sara mentally celebrated. She felt as if an angel held her suspended by the breasts and pussy. PLEASE...OH, PLEASE, GODDESS...DON'T EVER LET ME WAKE UP.

In the midst of the dream, it was hard to know if she was approaching orgasm at all...or care. Am I I not cumming...oh, what could possibly feel better than this anyway... she ecstatically sighed. Stop analyzing it, Sara. Just enjoy it.

But then she thought she must have experienced an orgasm, because though the action itself did not cool down a bit, she somehow got her powers of logic and speech back. Now able to talk and form coherent words again, she began professing her feelings for Velette in and around their tongue-mingling. She was pleasantly surprised at how easily it all came pouring out once she got started.

"I love You...I love You, oh, how I love You...Velette, my angel...I-I—oh, my Goddess...I adore You, Velette, I...I worship You...You're the empress of my heart, Velette...You stole it, the first time I saw Your face. I am in...indescribable love with You. Velette...Velette, marry me. Be my away with me...anywhere, anytime. I'll do anything, to be with You. Anything...whatever it takes...I'd die for You. Just stay with me forever, Velette...please be mine. Please say me too, Velette. Please, love me...tell me, how I can make You love me...Velette, sweet...I can't live, without You...I...I adore You."

All the circumstances surrounding her abruptly came together, and spun Sara out of her dimension, end over end over end, until she at last floated back to her bed, back in her bedroom...from the throes of what could only be adequately termed a dreamgasm.

Silence. Something felt different. Sara slowly opened her eyes, praying Velette was still with her. "...Velette?" she asked cautiously.

A smiling Dream-Velette indeed lay still sprawled on the bed with her, half on Her side, half on Her back, eyes closed, Her magnificent, in fact D-size breasts, Sara could now questionlessly determine—from which she forced herself to unglue her eyes—rising and falling with subtle, almost unnoticeable breath. Another minute passed before She finally answered.

"I love you too, Sara."

Gasp. A balloon of elation swelled inside Sara. Yet another, different sort of orgasm shook her fragile world. She was so overjoyed she couldn't control her breath. "Y—...You do??"

"I do," purred Dream-Velette. "And now...I want touch I've never been touched before. I want you to thrill Me like no woman has ever thrilled another woman. I want storm Me, Sara Jane Kelton. Make Me explode with passion."

Sara's heart started going a mile a second. She climbed atop Velette, wishing she had a flag to plant. So excited she could barely get the words out, she cried, "YES, my Goddess! YES, my flame! Your command is my wish!"

She descended, unable to believe it. It was too good to be true! She rubbed her hot body on Velette's, dying to hear more words of adulation and desire. "" she breathed, "...Tell me that You love me again. Keep telling me. Don't ever stop."

Dream-Velette's mouth opened. But suddenly...just as Sara Kelton thought she'd just been supernaturally given everything she ever wanted...something very different, and unexpected happened.

Sara did not exactly hear what she wanted to hear. Velette emitted a strange noise that sounded like...a car honking. kept going...over and over again. Every second, in fact. Sara hopped back up and off. WHAT the... She tried to call out her Goddess' name, but nothing changed. Just this bizarre, loud noise over and over again, every instant. It was scaring her. She tried to close her eyes and try the wish technique and rewind things to where they were before...but she was very abruptly, very quickly losing the dream. Velette faded before her. She looked around for Dewdrop, but he was nowhere to be found. And the dissonant noise went on and on, disturbing her tranquility. She blinked a few more times, opened her eyes, saw nothing but blackness...and...poof.

Velette was gone. Another moment later, Sara found herself on her back in bed. Her eyes popped open to see a dark ceiling. It was normal. Her eyes darted to see that everything else was normal as well. Then she realized what the repetitive noise was. It was 7:00.

Ohhhh...of course.

And in her arms she was indeed desperately clutching on of her pillows.

She miserably shut her sleepy eyes, dropping her head on the other pillow with a whimper of agony and disenchantment. She let the one in her clutches drop in the mattress, raised an arm and pounded it with her fist.

"Damn it!..." she woefully groused. It was too good to be true after all.


November 19th, 8:47 p.m.

Jake sat behind the wheel, proudly driving Sara on the way to her birthday present. At his request, Sara was wearing a blindfold, as he wanted her to be as mindblown as possible. She kept wanting to yank it off, but made herself honor his wishes.

"Ja-ake!" she giggled. "Why won't you tell me where we're going?"

"Y'know, Birthday Girl, I don't think you fully understand the concept of a surprise," he lovingly chided her.

Ten minutes later, they arrived. Thankfully, there were no church bake sales or dinner services going on around here. Jake must've checked his pocket every thirty seconds to make sure he had the tickets. There was now just one more ticket to collect as he pulled into the parking garage.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Sara, feeling the incline as they pulled up inside. "Where are we?"

"You're gonna see..." he told her, in a playful, semi-singsong tone. He took the parking ticket, placed it in his glove compartment, found a space and parked. "Okay, you can take it off now."

Sara did so. Seeing naught but the inside of a parking garage, she said, " is...really really really terrific, Jake."

"This is also really really really not it, ya goofball," Jake said, poking her in the side. "It's time to get out and walk now. C'mon."

Back outside, Jake led her hand-in-hand around the corner to where they could cross a few streets and reach The Silverlight. He idly checked his pocket one last time. Finally, they saw the marquee in clear view.


Sara blinked and rubbed her eyes. "...What??" she said. "Velette's here?? I...I didn't think she played here!"

Jake took the tickets from his pocket. "Well, gee, I hope you're wrong, sis. I shelled out some good money for these babies."

Sara gasped so loud at the sight, it turned into a mouse-like squeak.

"Happy Birthday."

"No...way!" she whispered. "No, freaking, WAY!!"

"Freaking way," he teased her in a mocking tone.

Her voice shot into whistle range. "Fr—...front row?!...OHMYGOD!" she screeched. She flung her arms around him. "I LOVE YOU!!" she hollered. Harnessing a physical strength inside her she didn't even know existed, she actually lifted him off the ground. "IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!"

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