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Forbidden in the 1950's Ch. 04

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Lena confesses her infidelity.
5k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/30/2023
Created 07/14/2023
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To my readers, I apologize for posting this story under another title. I hit copy and paste for the title. I was more concerned with my self-editing. Thanks to all who rate and comment.

The next few days were a nightmare for Lena. She went down under the bridge when she got a chance to see if Damon was there. When she saw him, she was in tears. She told him about the slip-up she had made after they had sex at the cabin the last time. Damon questioned her and thought that maybe she was just a little too jumpy. He suggested that they let things cool down for a few days. He told her to just try to concentrate on what she would have normally done before they met.

She was still very nervous. That evening, she made dinner and served her husband as usual. She was uncommonly quiet and he again asked her if she felt okay. She told him that maybe it was her impending period. In fact, she had never had any problems with her period. After hearing some of the church women talk, she counted herself blessed that she didn't have some of the common problems that women experienced. Neil would not even know when she was on her period. It was not like he wanted sex every night. 'Ha', she thought, he barely wanted sex at all.

This was the first time that she had even mentioned her menstrual cycle to him. He was even a little flustered hearing her talk about it. Gradually, she came to realize that Neil was a little suspicious about her nervous behavior. He wondered out loud if she might be pregnant. She told him that it wasn't possible since she was already on her period. He certainly didn't check the garbage. In those days, women wore sanitary pads and belts to absorb the flow. They usually wrapped the napkin in toilet paper and put it in the trash. Lena was careful to keep hers covered until she could burn the trash every morning.

When another week passed, she was still jumpy and worried. Finally, he realized that something was wrong with his wife. One evening, he asked her what was really the matter. She improvised and told him that she had been thinking about sex and he had not appeared to want to have sex with her. It was a ploy, but she had to come up with something. He thought about this for a while and went off into the spare bedroom which doubled as his study.

That made it even worse. He felt intimidated. Women just didn't initiate sex in the 1950s. Especially in 'Christian' homes. For a woman to want sex was equating her with the harlots in the Bible. Neil was taught that the man was head of the home and women were to serve their husbands. It was understood by many that sex was for the man to enjoy and the woman just provided it for him. For his wife to be talking about sex, openly, it was beyond his reasoning. He didn't bother to bring the topic up when they went to bed and certainly didn't approach her for sex.

That just solidified Lena's desire to be with Damon. The next day, Neil was out ministering to the community while Lena was catching up on the bookwork for the church. Not long after he left, she went on her walk to the bridge hoping Damon would be there to help with her problem. Indeed, he was. Lena pulled off her panties and Damon picked her up with his strong arms and sat her on his beautiful black cock. She could not believe that with his damaged leg he could be strong enough to accomplish this. He bounced her up and down on his cock making sure not to penetrated her enough to make her scream. She came on his cock but managed to stifle her moans.

It was a quickie because she didn't know when Neil would be back. In her haste, she forgot to put her panties back on. As she scurried up the creek bank, Damon noticed her panties and picked them up. He would return them the next time they met or even better, keep them for a souvenir. She was halfway home when she realized that his cum, which he shot on her stomach, was dripping down the front of her legs.

Then the inevitable happened. She saw Neil's car turn into the driveway. She walked on unsteadily. When she got near him, he asked her what she had been doing.

"Just went on a walk."

"Down by the creek? That could be dangerous with snakes and such. Why don't you walk to the church and back."

"Really, Neil." She spat out. "You have to tell me where I can and can't walk?"

Neil was surprised at her outburst. He had never seen this side of her. It was like he had lit the fuse of the firecracker. He looked at her harder. She could feel Damon's cum running down the front of her body. She hoped he didn't notice it dripping off her legs.

"Lena. What on earth has been wrong with you? You have been acting strangely lately."

That was it. Everything was about her actions. No mention of him rebuffing her sexual advances. She was over the top now. She would regret it later but it came out in a flourish. If she hadn't been so angry at his insensitivity, she might have been able to stifle her outburst.

"I'll tell you what, Neil. I have been unfaithful to you. That's what. I brought up the subject of sex with you and you wouldn't even have a conversation about it. This is not how married people should act. The fact that I desire sex is not a sin. Maybe being unfaithful is but you are not innocent in this either."

"Lena. I don't understand. You have been unfaithful? How? With whom?"

"Look, Neil, I accidentally found someone who desires me and thinks I am pretty and sexy. You just rub up against me with no foreplay. Yes, that's right. I know about foreplay. You hop on and hop off like it is just a bodily function. You don't care if you please me or not. So, there it is. I have cheated on you."

Neil was flabbergasted. It didn't register on him at all. What was she talking about. He was a man of the cloth. Head of the household. Wives didn't cheat on their husbands in Christian homes. He had to wrap his head around this. He still couldn't fathom it even though she confessed to him. He was searching for a response.

"Lena. Where is this coming from?"

"Really, Neil. You are that naïve? Women have needs also. Don't think we are just there to cook and clean and be submissive all the time."

"I can't believe this, Lena. We have the perfect life. Serving the Lord. Did that register on you when you were, uh, uh, unfaithful? And with whom were you unfaithful?"

"It hardly matters now, Neil. You have all the grounds you need to divorce me. I am going to pack a bag and you are going to take me to my parents' house. I am going to talk to my mother. I guess I will have to listen to her condemnation also. I know you can't accept what I have done. I can hardly accept it myself. But I will tell you this. I have had pleasurable sex with someone and never with you. Make of that what you will."

Neil didn't know what to do. Lena packed a bag like she said she would. They drove silently all the way to her parents' home. Nearing the destination, Neil mustered up the courage to speak.

"What are you going to tell your parents?"

"I don't know. I will probably talk to my mom about our lack of sex. Other than that, I don't intend to tell her what I told you. I will just tell her you are going to be gone for a few days and I thought it was a good time to visit."

"Do you plan on coming back?"

"Right now, I don't know. You should be the one to decide. I told you what I needed to. I don't feel right about what I did and I don't blame you. It was my choice. You can do whatever you need to do. If you feel that you need to tell the church members what I have done, go ahead. That way I will not have to even come back. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sure you haven't intended to hurt me. It is what I told you. There has to be more to marriage than we have been experiencing. I have put you in a terrible position. I'm sorry for that."

Neil couldn't think of anything else to say. Lena made it plain that he had some thinking to do. She had no idea what he might do. Knowing Neil, she thought that it would shake him to his core. She also thought that he would not be able to come up with a rapid plan of action. She wanted him to think about what she had told him. She knew that he had good intentions. She hoped that he would not lash out and tell the church. It would make them both look bad. Neil was a smart person. She always respected his intellect. She didn't know about his emotions when faced with this question. Nothing had prepared him for this. Nothing had prepared her for it either. She had been walking the tightrope and now she was on the ground.

Her mother was surprised when she got there. She wondered why Neil didn't come in with her. Lean's superficial explanation sounded okay but Mom didn't completely buy it. She let it go. For the next few days, they busied themselves with shopping and visiting old friends. Finally, Lena asked her mom about married sex. He mom was like all women in a way. She asked if everything was okay with them sexually. Lena described it in the most generic way. She gave Neil credit for being focused on his job. The demands were high. People came to him with illness, deaths of family members, pre-marital counseling, weddings and such.

Her mom dismissed that. She reasoned that all couples had to find a blend between jobs and intimacy. She did tell her that she and Lena's father had a good sexual relationship. She didn't share details and Lena didn't want that either.

Her mother asked, "Do you love him?"

"Yes, Mother. Of course."

"Does he love you, Darling?"

"Sure. I think so. I just want to feel closer when we have sex. And more often." She giggled when she said that.

It broke the seriousness of the moment.

"Listen, Lena. I love sex. I am not surprised that you love it too. You are gorgeous, if I do say so myself. I think we made a mistake by being too strict when you were growing up. We just feared what every parent fears in this day and time. Pre-marital sex is dangerous. You have seen that with some of your friends. We were pleased with how you turned out but I am sure we wilted some of you natural curiosity. This is something that you and Neil should be able to work out. He can't counsel young married couples until he can get his own house in order. I can't imagine any man being able to resist your beauty and charm. He better get with it because we want grandchildren."

Lena felt a little ashamed of herself that she couldn't take the blame. Her mother got a little one-sided version of their problem. If she knew that Lena had be having sex with anyone other than her husband, she would be very upset. If Mom knew that she was having sex with a black man, she and her father would probably disown her.

Lena knew that Neil was supposed to go on a long weekend retreat the following weekend. She was surprised when he called her on the phone at her parents' house. He asked her what her plans were, hoping she would come back home to him. She was surprised but not overwhelmed when he asked her that. She might have been a naïve virgin when they married but she knew that she was very pretty just from seeing the looks that men gave her. And some of these looks came from church members.

Neil was nice looking also. She wouldn't say ruggedly handsome. He had the kind of slick backed hair and cute face that the older church women, especially the widows, just loved. She also knew that Neil probably could not face the humiliation of having people learn that his wife was unfaithful. His call on the phone gave her some confidence that Neil might take her back. She hoped that it wasn't just to save face and continue down the same path. She decided to have her mom drive her back to the parsonage. She said that Neil needed the car for the weekend retreat and she needed to get back home.

She got back home on Friday after Neil had already left. After her mom looked at what she had done with the parsonage, she left to go back home. She hugged Lena and encouraged her to make things work out. About an hour later, Lena put on her tennis shoes and a sundress and walked down the road hoping to catch Damon fishing under the bridge. He was indeed there and was surprised to see Lena.

"Oh, Lena. Where have you been. I tied the rag to the limb and you didn't show up."

"It is a long story, Damon. After we met here the last time, I was walking back home when I saw Neil drive up. There I was without my panties on and your cum running down my legs. However, he didn't notice that but wanted to know why I had been down to the creek. I had already slipped up the week before by telling him I was visiting one of the church ladies who was ill. Well, anyway, last Sunday she was in church and Neil told her that he was glad she was feeling better. She told him she had not been sick. I had to come up with another lie to cover my tracks. He seemed suspicious but I'm sure he never suspected that I was having an affair."

She continued, "So when he saw me walking up, he questioned why I was walking by the creek. It could have been just a walk. Since I was already very nervous about being found out, I just lost it. I told him that I had been unfaithful. I had had sex with another man. I didn't tell him who. I also told him that I had broached the subject of sex with him and he didn't even want to discuss it. I guess that was really the last straw. I hated myself for the way I confessed to him. However, it took a tremendous weight off my mind. I went to my mom's for a few days. I know you don't have a phone so I couldn't exactly call you."

"Oh, gosh, Lena. I had no idea. What do you think he is going to do?"

"There's no telling. He did call me at my mom's and asked if I was coming home. So, I don't really know what that means. He is on a retreat with the young people for the weekend so I will have to wait until he gets home Sunday night. I don't know whether to pack my stuff and wait for him or just pack my stuff and leave. I just told Mom we were having troubles sexually and he didn't seem interested in me. She doesn't know about us."

"Oh, Lena. I am sorry for the trouble I have gotten you into."

"No, Damon. It is not just your fault. If I had never seen you urinating that day, I wouldn't have become so curious. I mean, Neil's, uh, penis is so little compared to yours. I remembered some girls I carpooled with talking about penis size but I was so naïve then that I couldn't join the conversation. Then, when I saw you, I was just mesmerized and curious. So, it is not your fault at all. I didn't have to do what I did."

"Yes, but in a way, I am glad you did. I am happy that you like my, uh, my penis, as you call it."

"What do you call it? I never asked before."

"Well, like I said, the German girls used to draw pictures of a rooster. The black GIs would see that and they knew that there was a horny girl wanting a big black cock. So, that is what we call it. The girls were just as curious as you were. I guess all that stuff they were fed about the 'German Master Race' didn't apply to their men."

"So, you call it a 'Cock'?"


"That seems so naughty. Big Black Cock. I like the sound of that. It makes me feel so sexy and so bad. I don't know why I am saying this now. My marriage is about to fall apart and I am still lusting for your Big Black Cock."

"I'll tell you what, Lena. Why don't you come with me to the cabin tonight. Does anyone know you are back home?"

"No. I don't think so. My mom just dropped me off, stayed a little while and then left."

"Good. Let's go to my truck over on the back road. You can hooch down in the seat so no one will see you. I'll call Nick and make sure the cabin is available. We can spend the next two days there. That way, if the worst happens, we will still have two days together so you can get better acquainted with my Big Black Cock. I will also pleasure you orally. I know you love that."

"Damon, you are so bad. I can't believe I let you do that to me. It seems so sinful. The fact that I loved it must make me the worst of sinners."

"Let's go, Baby. I am going to make you feel so good, that you will never refer to it as sin again."

Lena hid herself as best she could. There was hardly any traffic on the dirt roads. They felt pretty confident that she was not seen. Damon stopped at a friend's house and parked on the side of the road away from the front door sight. He found out the cabin was clear. They proceeded to the cabin and immediately upon entering began removing their clothes. Usually Lena was fastidious about cleaning but her lust overpowered the desire to take a bath. There was no running water in the cabin. The creek was close by and had a perfect pool with clear water. They could bathe there and be fresh for the next lovemaking session.

Those two days were blissful for them both. On the afternoon of her last day, Lena began dreading what would happen when Neil got home Sunday night. She couldn't really plan a defense because she had no idea how Neil might react. She thought of every possible scenario, the worst being that he would show up with the board of deacons and reveal her treachery. She didn't expect that to happen. What if he called her parents and told them he was bringing her home to them because she was a cheating slut?

Sunday night her wait was over. After off-loading kids and gear at the church, he drove home. He saw some lights on and realized that Lena was probably home. He didn't know what to expect. He mostly feared that she would be packing her things and then telling everyone about her affair. He knew it was partly his fault. She had asked him in good faith about their sex life and indicated that she was not happy with it. He didn't know how to answer her or even act after that. He had retreated to his home office and pretended to be lost in preparing a sermon. He couldn't think about that at all. He was worried about his sexual libido.

He knew he had a small dick. Just a few times in school when other boys had seen his penis, he knew what they were thinking. One bully even told him that was probably the reason he was so 'showy' religious. The bully said that the only girl he could get would be a virgin and she would be disappointed on her wedding night when she saw his little dicklet.

Deep down, he knew it was true. That is exactly what happened. Lena was a virgin on their wedding night. He didn't know if she had been disappointed. It kept gnawing at him until it became difficult to even think about having sex with her. Gradually, he began having difficulty even getting an erection. The only way he had of hiding this was to withdraw. He plowed his energy into his church work. He hoped Lena wouldn't say anything when he failed to approach her for sex. He thought that it was the man who initiated sex and the woman just went along.

When he opened the door, he saw Lena sitting at the kitchen table with two glasses of iced tea in front of her.

"I'll bet you are tired." She greeted him.

"Uh, yes, yes. Uh, but five young people got saved at the retreat."

She just nodded her head, not knowing how to respond. She wondered if this meant that he thought she was now 'not saved' because of her infidelity. She was determined to wait him out. Surely he wouldn't just ignore it the way he had ignored her attempt to get him to talk about their own sex life. He took a sip of his iced tea and sat down across from her.

"Lena, I have been in turmoil about what you said. I could never have imagined you doing such a thing. You were my ideal wife. What made you do something like this? Was it a church member you, uh, uh, cheated with?"

"No. No. Absolutely not."

"Then who?"

"Do you really want to know that, Neil?"

"I don't know. Are you in love with him?"

"Not in the way you are thinking. It was an accident in a way but I take full responsibility. It is not your fault. As far as I am concerned, my infidelity and my trying to get you to talk about our sex life are two entirely different topics. I am the guilty one when it comes to what I did."


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