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Forced Gym Session

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Cocky jock needs to be put in his place.
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Forced Gym Session

You're the most macho man at your gym; 6'3, size 14 feet, 230 pounds of pure muscle, a 6-pack from years of dedication, a magnificent 10-inch penis with almost 7 inches of girth, and thick short curly brunette hair. Everyone gushes over your vibrant blue eyes and mostly hairless body as well. The only real hair you have besides the hair on your head is your full bush and hairy pits. Every second you step foot in the gym whether it's the locker room, showers, lobby, or weight room all the men stare in disdain and jealousy because they can't be you. They all know your flaccid cock is bigger than most of their fully erect cocks. Then when you're erect you're the biggest in the gym, not even a competition.

It's a warm Monday evening in March; you've just arrived at the gym. You're wearing a white muscle shirt that is somewhat translucent. Everyone can see you're surprisingly large pink fleshy nipples through the shirt. You're also wearing cobalt blue 9-inch shorts accompanied by overpriced bright orange sneakers; no socks today. Lastly, you felt cocky today and decided to free-ball. You walk into the lobby to be greeted by the front desk. Jack has worked here the entire time you've worked out here; he's 6ft, is ginger, has gorgeous green eyes, and is around 200 pounds. He's not quite as fit as you but you'd breed him happily if you got the chance. However, he's always been somewhat bitchy towards you, he's definitely in the group of people that despise you.

"Hey Jonathan, back already I see. You might as well live here." Jack said with a casual smile.

"You saying hey to me huh? What's the special occasion? Or do you have to actually greet people? Instead of being a snobby bitch." You said with a cocky tone.

Jack stared at you with anger, then he inhaled to achieve a calm relaxed manner again.

"Ok, let's say hypothetically speaking that the response you're about to give me will decide how your day at the gym goes and the rest of the month goes for you. Will you please apologize and get going on your merry way?' Jack said with a somewhat serious tone.

You felt partially uneasy by such a statement, that little jackass had the impudence to threaten you. Why the hell would you apologize to him? He should do his damn job.

"Aww, is the little bitch trying to act like he has some authority around here now? Your minimum wage job must be spectacular." You said chuckling.

Jack's face is bright red, you can start to see the blood boil. He must be livid; most days you're not actually this rude to him, just casually, of course, but today you felt like not holding back. His eyes are like daggers on you.

"Enjoy our complementary scoop of protein today," Jack said without giving eye contact.

He looks extremely distraught. At that moment he didn't even give you direct eye contact and refused to look at your face. He just handed you a plastic bag filled with some neon green-colored protein. After he got back on the computer.

"Hey, I'm sorry man, that was a little brute of me, how about I buy you some coffee sometime if you shut your mouth?

Jack didn't even respond; he gave you a nasty frown. You could see the anger in his eyes, he was using every ounce of the energy in his body to not curse you out. You smirked then walked away. When you arrived at the locker room you stripped naked just to show all the other men around who the true alpha was. As usual, you got many nasty glares. But surprisingly, quite a few people guys greeted you and asked did you get that super-premium-free protein from the front desk as well. You looked at the bright neon protein powder, who the hell thinks this shit is premium? It's probably filled with artificial dyes and only has a few grams of protein. You look into your gym bag and realize you didn't even bring any protein. So it looks like you will end up using this. The instructions specifically said to use it before a workout as the proteins absorb into your body 100 times faster. What horseshit; you sit completely naked on the bench in the locker room dozing off for about 10 seconds thinking should you take some low-quality garbage like this. Your completely soft 6-inch penis is just dangling for all the men to see. You notice from your peripheral vision that five or six men are staring at you.

"Do you all motherfucking mind? Unless you're going to get on your knees and worship this giant cock stop fucking staring. Nasty faggots." You said aggressively.

Suddenly they all stopped staring and they all frantically left the locker room fast as they physically could. Three of the men before they left flat out told you to take the protein you'll feel better man. You know what? Fuck it. You get up then walk to the sink and you fill your protein bottle halfway with lukewarm water. Then you dump the bright neon green protein powder into your protein bottle then shake it vigorously. You take a sip, and you are amazed, it's the best-tasting protein you've ever drank. It's blended perfectly in lukewarm water, is the perfect texture, and tastes absolutely delicious. It must be perfection in cold milk. You stand up then put back on your clothes and then shoes. When you walk into the weight room you are greeted by six or seven men, which made you very uncomfortable. No one acts in a gym like that. You also noticed there were no women. Usually, 80% of the people in the gym are men in the last 20% are women. Today it was 100% man, and every single one of them was staring right at you. You went immediately to the bench to do some bench pressing. Your personal best is 350 pounds, you always warm up with a few 145-pound reps. It felt a little more difficult than usual, but you pushed on. When you reached up to 275 pounds you couldn't do it. The first time in years you failed to do that weight. You'd only ask someone to spot you when you'd reach around 325 pounds. You were in complete embarrassment, you had to beg for help. You could hear guys around you start laughing at you. Your face turned bright red; you gave up on benching and just wanted to do 20 to 30 reps of some dumbbell curls. You were already soaked in sweat and breathing quite heavily. You barely finished 20 reps of bicep curls; you were completely exhausted. Normally you'd do bench presses up to your max, bicep curls, and bicep extensions. You realized the weight room was dead silent, everyone left. It was only 6:30 pm. Something didn't seem right; why would there only be men in the weight room today, the free protein powder everyone kept talking about, and the weight room being empty this early? You're done for today and head back to the locker room. Right before you leave you see that the gym is having an all-men's day today and is closing at 6 PM according to the local company website. What in the hell is happening today? Who in the world has an all-men's gym day and then closes a gym early?

You arrive at the locker room and immediately feel cautious. There are about 14 men completely naked from head to toe with fully erect cocks. Then you notice Jack is actually in there too with a towel wrapped around his waist also basically naked. They all stared at you the second you came into the locker room, you stopped in your tracks. You thought for a moment; should you just go straight to your locker then take your shit then leave? Or maybe you show them you're the true alpha you are and that you're not scared of some heard or group mentality.

"What the fuck are all you perv looking at? Is this supposed to scare the strongest man with the biggest penis in the locker room?" You shouted.

That didn't scare them, five or six of them started laughing, while others were saying how you lifted barely anything today. Others said you struggled significantly more than anyone in the gym today. One guy said you were a sweaty mess and another said you lifted like a beta if you ask me. Then Jack stood up and dropped his towel; revealing a massive 8-and-a-half penis with girth comparable to yours. If no one else was there besides you and Jack you would've got on your knees and serviced that cock, but you would never do something like this in front of other men.

"Um, wrong, you lifted the worst out of all of us today and you have by far the smallest cock right now," Jack said would a cocky smile.

You had a look of complete confusion; you realized all the men in the locker room were the most fit and active members of the gym. Every one of these men easily benches over 300 pounds. So he was right in a sense, you were the weakest. At least by today's standards. You 100% have the largest cock out of all the men that go to this gym. Why would Jack say something like that? You rolled your eyes and smirked as you went to your locker. You were just going to whip it out there right now to scare them off. You kicked off your sneakers and then pulled off your shirt. You noticed your pecs don't have as much form and almost look like man moobs. Several men started laughing, one guy said nice boobs. Another said you're the strongest with borderline tits huh? You rolled your eyes then dropped your shorts. Every single man in the locker room busted out in laughter. You look around disoriented wondering why they would laugh at a massive cock. You look down and your heart drops; your cock is only half an inch long. That's not possible, you're 6 inches soft. Your hands were over your head as you had a look of terror.

"So do you remember earlier what I said? That your response would decide what happens. That complementary protein powder has 2 special effects. One, that it shrinks a cock by as much as 90%, and two, significantly reduces your muscle mass." Jack said.

You were about to have a mental breakdown; you had a micro penis and became weaker just from taking a scoop of protein powder. Before you could do anything five men grabbed you and then dragged you into the shower.

"So, we're all going to take turns fucking you. Every last one of us is going to leave our seed balls deep in you or all over that beautiful face. There's a lot of diversity when it comes to cocks in here too. Cut ones, uncut ones, 5-inch ones, 4-inch ones, 7-inch ones, mushroom heads, girthy ones, thin ones, Latino ones, Black ones, White ones, Asian ones, and so on. Every single one is going inside of you. We're tired of you being disgusting toward everyone here. Calling anyone with a cock 5 inches or less a micro dick, calling anyone who can't lift more than 300 pounds a weakling or loser, your nasty tone, rude remarks, etc. We're done with it." Jack said.

Before you could process anything you were pushed onto the ground, and everyone started holding you down. Someone held down your right arm, your left arm, and both of your legs down. They forced you on all fours. Out of nowhere, you felt a warm wet sensation on your asshole, you looked back, and you were about to scream. Someone spit on your asshole and was about to start fucking you. They were chanting things like "fucking ruin him", "destroy him", "hope you're ready cum dump", and so many other things. You were about to scream for help when you felt a sharp sensation enter your asshole.

"Oh fuck, no, stop, stop it." You screamed in pain.

The man fucking you grabbed both your hips firmly. You couldn't tell how big it was, you've only bottomed twice in your entire life. The pain was intolerable, you grit your teeth as he began fucking you more and more. He began breathing harder, he was about to cum in you.

"Please don't, fuck, please don't, I'm not on PreP," You yelled in pain.

It was too late; he took one last final thrust and you could feel his cock pulsate as his semen flooded your guts. He pulled out then slapped your ass. You could feel his load up your ass. Then suddenly another penis was already in you, this one was thicker but felt shorter. You moaned in pain; the girth was too much. From the corner of your eye, you saw the guy who just fucked you, he got out his phone and was recording this. You looked at his body. He was 5'9, white, and slim but muscular. His cock was only about 5 inches and 3 and a half in thickness.

"No, stop recording this, stop, fuck, stop you fuckers." You screamed.

Most of the men started laughing at you while others just grinned or kept stroking their cocks. You got another look at Jack; he'd destroy you if he shoved his whole cock in you. Before you could scan more of the area someone shaved their cock in your mouth. It was a 6-inch average girth Asian cock, his precum was salty. Out of nowhere, you heard the guy fucking you moan in pleasure. He pulled out and you felt his load start to leak out of you. Another guy already started fucking you, his cock wasn't bad, it wasn't as girth but maybe around 5 inches in length. You were still feeling every inch of his cock though, your asshole was already getting sore. The Asian guy you were sucking off started moaning.

"Oh fuck, I can't hold it." The man said as he started cumming in your mouth.

You were about to gag; a huge burst of saltiness invaded your mouth. It was already leaking out the side of your mouth. Swallow it you slut a few men shouted, others laughed and called you a cum guzzling whore. His cock finally left your mouth. The guy fucking you took one last plunge in you and came.

"Jesus fuck, stop, please, I learned my lesson. Stop!" You shouted in pain.

Your knees started to hurt from being on the shower floor for so long, your anus began to feel sore, and your legs began to cramp from being in a position you're not in usually. As you looked around you were in dread, The Asian guy that just fucked you was recording on his phone now. You were about to yell until you felt a massive object enter your ass. You screamed in agony, this was the biggest and girthiest cock yet, you hoped it was Jack because he would dilate and stretch you out so much that the other cocks would go in you easier. You looked back in horror, it wasn't him.

"God, that ass looks so creamy, also, his cock is only 6 and a half inches in length and 5 and a half inches in girth," Jack said in your ear.

You were using all your strength to try and get out of the man's grip, but you couldn't. Jack was right, you lost muscle mass, and it seemed like significant muscle mass. The guy fucking you was poking your prostate. You looked under you in embarrassment, your cock was rock hard. It was slightly under 2 inches long but had the original girth, it looked like a giant nub leaking loads of precum. As you look up two guys cum all over your face. It got in your right eyes, your mouth, and all in your hair. Right after the guy fucking lunged his cock balls deep in you and it forced you to slip out a long and deep moan. All the men around you started laughing, some said "You Love It", "that's right, moan bitch", and the most hurtful of all, "We'll all rape you until our balls are drained, glad to hear you're enjoying it". The guy fucking you just came in your ass; the stench of semen was becoming unbearable. Another guy was already cumming in you, you didn't even notice him, you thought the guy before was still fucking you. When you look back Infront of you another guy came, this time completely in your mouth. You swallowed every last drop. Straight away another cock entered you, well attempted to enter you. The head was so thick it wasn't just sliding into you like the other dicks. You screamed in pain; this was easily the biggest cock. You turn your head and you gasp in terror, it was Jack's turn.

"After taking several cocks and loads up your ass my cock won't just slide in like everyone else's huh? Don't worry; I'll be the last one you take up your ass, but I'm going to tear you up." Jack whispered in your ear.

You begin shouting in pain at the top of your lungs as Jack's monster cock begins to enter your ass. Not even an inch in and you're desperate for it to stop. Out of nowhere, you hear a pop and his whole monster cocks slide in your ass with massive force. The largest moan that has ever come out of your lungs follows. The force was so strong that one thrust almost milked your prostate alone. At this point, you're moaning uncontrollably. He's not even thrusting; his cock is just motionless balls deep in you.

"Hey, boys. I know that small clit dick between Jonathan's legs is throbbing, let's put him on his back. I want to see his prostate be milked by my huge penis." Jack said.

Suddenly the men flip you over; exposing your throbbing 2-inch cock leaking precum like a broken faucet. None of the men laughed though, they were all jacking off harder. At this point, 5 men were recording it all.

"So, Jonathan, I'm making sweet love with you. I'll give you what the other men can't give you." Jack said with a smile.

He went down and started sucking your cock; you let out a massive moan of pure pleasure. After a few minutes, he told some guys to hold back up their legs. He began sucking your toes then shoved his giant cock inside of you making you moan in pleasure as it punched your prostate. He began thrusting as his face was still in your right foot. You were moaning out loud uncontrollably. He told them to stop holding you down, his face lunged at yours as his tongue was now in your mouth. He held both your hand down as you both tongue kissed. You were both moaning in each other's mouth as he was breeding you. Moaning started appearing all around as 3 more men came all over your face and Jonathan's face. It didn't deter him though, he began licking the cum from your face and kept kissing you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and forced your hands on his ass.

"Do you want my load, Jonathan?" Jack whispered in your ear.

"Fuck yes, give it to me." You moaned.

Jack raised his torso and placed his hands on the soles of your feet. Long powerful strokes followed. You both were almost screaming in pleasure. Each thrust of Jack's massive cock made you closer and closer to cumming. You feel Jack's rhythm was becoming unstable, he was about to blow. One last insane thrust made 8 ropes of cum come out of your penis. He fell on your body and began tongue-kissing you again, his cock slid out of your sloppy hole. You look down and see his cock looks frothy with so much cum on it, the men all left at this point. It was just you two making out.

"So the effects of the protein will only last for a month. If you can watch your mouth I'd enjoy making love again with you." Jack said with a smile.

You were hit with sudden relief; you were glad to know that you would eventually get back your massive size. You're a total top; but for Jack, you would be his slutty bottom any day of the week.

"But hey, watch your ego and mouth from now on, six guys recorded you. If you piss them off they'll post this shit all over the internet. They for sure sent the video to others who were here today. Or we'll give a permanent dose of the protein." Jack said.

You both showered together then Jack gave you his number. When you arrived home it was almost 9 PM, you sat on your couch and stared into nothingness. Your proud ego is in shambles, why did you enjoy that? You grab your phone and contemplate calling Jack to see how he is. You might have feelings for him. You've never got feelings from someone for sex, especially from being bred. Jack's the exception. You continue to doze off; the smell of semen from your asshole is pungent.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

super hot. loved the cock shrinking, but for me it would have been hotter if he kept his jack'd bod. a huge jack'd bodybuilder with a tiny cock turned into a slutty muscle bitch :)

FreakSlaveFreakSlave12 months ago

Very hot!

But, had I been him, I'd have loved every minute of being the cock shut, the cum dumpster for a bunch of men. That's long been a fantasy of mine.

RSchwulerRSchwuler12 months ago

Very hot, love the alpha's downfall. Would love a follow up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love being taken like that…and for me the best feeling is his semen seeping out of my gaping hole…


Hoochymama67Hoochymama67about 1 year ago

Loved this. The alpha is no more and ends yo wanting more!! I hope you write another story.

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