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Forced Pair


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My dad had a forced pairing with my mom. And a lot of my other male family members had, too. So, I knew I'd be fine despite one day inevitably finding myself paired with a dominant werebitch. If my dad could survive my mom and six kids, and still have a happy marriage and loving family with a content life, then I knew I would too.

And he didn't give me much pressure. Actually, I think he was just happy to have me working under him and able to finally spend a lot more time together. It was like after I graduated, all the pressure of being his only son evaporated. How different it was from being told to watch out for the new Packmaster's kid.

Life was good...

Until I saw Tara again.

Pairings are built on scent. But forced pairings work randomly. One day you smell a bitch and you just know. You know she's your bitch, because her scent says so.

My dad and other guys who'd chosen to do a force pairing had described it to me many times that it was common knowledge. I remember I'd purposely avoid going places where the leftover single Weregirls were to avoid "getting caught" as me and some of the other bachelors liked to call it. But the way it happened for me wasn't because I was in the spaces that these girls visited.


She was brought to me.

I don't know how stupid either I was or Jay was when he decided to bring Tara with him to visit me during one of his breaks from being on Campus. Although he could've stayed home like most of the other Packmembers who went to the College did to save some money, Jay chose to get a dorm. Because his dad wanted him to have the real experience since he turned down going off to an out of state school. And his reasoning for not moving away was because, of course, he wanted to be where Tara was.

By then I had assumed that Jay had most likely fucked her by then. And maybe that's why I greeted them that day. If I hadn't realized that she was still unclaimed...I would have just stayed inside my trailer and shouted for Jay to come in by himself.

Maybe that would have prevented it. But honestly, I knew all of that was bullshit too. The thing about the forced pairings is that they were random. So, I might have still ended up with her either way.

But back then I had assumed since it had been more than a year and Tara had stayed dating Jay, that they'd done it already. I never saw her because of her Loner tendencies. Which only got worse since she graduated and was able to do whatever she wanted. Unlike the other Pack girls who got jobs locally, Tara took odd jobs in the city.

But she always came back to spend time with Jay. And she hadn't chosen to Disperse yet. I guess being that I was a full blooded male, I figured Jay had hit that by then. Because there was no way he hadn't.

But Jay is kind. And he really loves Tara.

So kind that he hadn't fucked her yet.

Which meant that Tara was still unclaimed. And which meant she could still be forced into a pairing.

On Jay's part, he probably didn't think it through when he decided to stop by and shoot the shit with me that day. I mean, forced pairing is something that is on a lot of our minds. But Jay being in a close to being bonded...he probably didn't see himself as a bachelor. Or Tara as a bachelorette.

Or maybe he just didn't think that the psychic force that governs us all would have such a sick twisted sense of humor.

The minute I finished greeting Jay and he motioned for Tara to get out of his car to come inside my trailer, I smelt it. It was the most intoxicating aroma in the world. Like cupcakes, strawberries, roses, and bananas. As if Tara was wearing a perfume like an aura around her. In a natural pairing, you smell this scent after you bond and your mate will carry this scent with her for the rest of her life. But with forced pairings, it happens before. I guess in order to entice you to go after the girl.

Regular girl's scents drove me wild. A certain perfume or chewing gum could get me worked up. So, imagine my instant shock when I could smell this sweetness coming from Tara all the way from the door of my trailer as she stood in my dirt driveway. No wonder my dad gave my mom six kids. I wanted to unzip my pants and rush over to her to take her right then and there in the passenger seat of Jay's truck.

Which leads me to the double edge sword of smelling that scent. And that is the scent I give off in response to it. Right away Jay turned his head to me. And his eyes went dark.

I knew that look. I'd seen it so many times when we'd fought together. But now it was directed at me. Jayson was ready to go for my throat.

But I immediately went to lower my head to concedex

"Jay, please. Don't." I said quietly.

Not just because I knew I couldn't take him, but because he was my best friend. And I couldn't believe that this was happening.

I remember when I looked up after no blows came. And I could see his eyes were still vicious, but he seemed conflicted. But he turned around and told Tara to get back in the car. And they immediately sped away.

But it was too late. Of course.

"She smelled it too," My mom and a few of my older sisters who had been forced paired told me later on.

"I remember the day I smelled your father," Mom had said, "He went from an annoying, disgusting boy who I remember didn't wipe his ass when we were younger, to this man who smelled like pine, wood, and just like I could live in a cabin in the woods with forever"

Which was more than I needed to hear. And my sisters who were around also made hurling noises and excused themselves when she told us that.

"What?" My mom had said, "It's natural!"

"Yeah, but Mama we don't need to hear it!" One of my sisters exclaimed.

But that also explained why my mom and dad were still getting busy in their old age and why my sisters and I refused to come over unannounced if my dad wasn't at work.

And it explained why I couldn't resist Tara. Even though I wanted to. It explained why she couldn't resist me. Even though she really fucking tried.

But here she is now. In position. Ready to take me.

She's not a virgin.

I think it took me awhile to learn how to fight the primal instinct in me that wanted to tear out Jayson's throat when I heard he finally started fucking Tara after the pairing was confirmed. I mean it would have been stupid to do what my emotions were telling me. Because Jay is my brother in so many ways. And I understood why he was doing the things he did.

I didn't want this to happen anymore than he did. Or anymore than Tara did. It's just the way the cards fell.

Usually, when forced pairings happen, there isn't this much drama or commotion. So, the Pack didn't know how to proceed when things started taking the turn that they did. No one ever put up a fight against pairings.

Tara was the first in our Pack

Which should be expected. Because of her dominant loner traits.

However, I never considered she'd have the audacity to actually cross the line and give herself to Jay. Especially considering our bond.

It made me mad in a lot of ways. Not because I ever thought of Tara in a sexual manner. But because I was angry for even being angry at all.

Everyone in the Pack kept trying to make me feel better about it. The silent pity looks I'd get from everyone when they saw me was too much sometimes. I knew the entire Pack used what was going on between Jayson, Tara, and I as their gossip. It was a story too salacious to ignore.

But I tried to just act like it didn't bother me. Even when I'd hear the silent whispers about how Jayson and Tara were moving into together in the city. Jay had transferred to a College there. And Tara had taken a job.

It seemed like they were both Dispersing from the pack. But not in the official way. Because for Tara, the bond was final now that she had been paired with me. She couldn't break away even if she tried.

So, I knew there was no way Jay would choose to Disperse if he was hell bent on being with her. Although now, with him still being unpaired and single, he could very well choose to leave this Pack where the girl he loved was now given to his best friend. I mean, hell, I wouldn't blame him for choosing to cut ties with the bond. And to go about living a Normie life instead of staying around all this heartache.

Being Were was fun when I was a kid and a teen. Jay and I used to morph all the time. Take runs through the thick woods that make up our town. Just like all the other Were kids. But as Weres get older, we usually don't get much time to morph thanks to being wrapped up in the life of jobs, parenting, bills, etc.

However, when the whole Tara thing happened, I found myself morphing just to be able to keep myself sane. It's not safe for Weres to stay in the wolf for too long. The only reason being is because we grow to love it.

The Pack tells stories about how first wolves were humans who chose to never morph back. And it used to scare me as a kid to imagine being stuck as a wolf. But now that I'm older and I saw how peaceful it was to be able to morph into a wolf without any human cares following me around...I began to understand why a Were would choose to stay in wolf form.

Because I didn't have to think about Tara or Jayson. Or anything. When I morph, I am just a wolf. Alone with nature and silence.

But I always chose to come back into human form, because I knew that running away from my human life and its problems wasn't going to be the solution. I knew that I had to face this whole situation with Jay and Tara. I couldn't just bury my head in the sand.

Everyone else in my life urged me to drive to the city and go get Tara from Jay. They encouraged me to get her back. Basically, throw her over my shoulder and drag her back home with me seeing as though we were a pair. But I didn't want to do that.

I knew she was happy, cohabitating with Jay. And I knew that Jay was happy, too. It was the life they should have had with one another here in the Pack. If things had been different.

But I won't lie that eventually I began to feel the bitterness of not having my bitch around. My sisters started having pups. And the first time I held one of my nieces and nephews, I felt this stirring in my soul. The feeling of home.

I knew right away that I was ready to start my own den. But of course I couldn't do it because of my circumstances. I needed Tara for that.

I worked on building an actual house on my property, though. To keep my mind busy. My dad and some of my uncles and cousins helped me. It took some time but when we were done, I had a nice five bedroom that would be perfect for my litter.

I still slept in the old trailer, though. Because I couldn't take being in an empty house where I had no wife and no kids. Funny how I went from fearing being paired to longing to live the domesticated life.

My days sort of blurred together. Work, home, and morphing to spend the rest of my time in the woods before I forced myself to turn back so that I could repeat it all over again.

The depression I felt was so immense. And I thought I was hiding it pretty well. But if it weren't for my mom and sisters stopping by to bring me food and clean up my trailer, I probably would have morphed anytime I needed to eat or use the bathroom. Because I got so bad that I didn't want to do anything other than work when I was human.

It got really bad when I heard that Jay and Tara had eloped. This rocked the Pack. And even Jayson's father, our Packmaster, was forced to consider Evicting Jay from the Pack. Eviction wasn't common. It was actually one of the most brutal options to instate on a Were. And it was only done to those who had really violated the Pack in some way.

The only thing that really stopped the Packmaster from considering it was me talking him out of it. Everyone wanted Jay's blood for violating one of our laws. But I in so many words told him that I didn't give a shit.

But nothing like this had been done before. Weres don't cheat. Let alone marry someone else. Mainly because the pairing makes everyone else's scent seem off in some way. And the only scent that you crave is the one of your mated pair. But usually that bond really solidified once you mated together. It was like a tie formed and no one else will ever even register to you.

But Tara and I had yet to solidify our bond because she and Jay skipped town the moment our fate was sealed. After that day at my trailer, Jay told Tara to go back to the city and hide out. While he called for a meeting with his dad to discuss everything. I was there along with the rest of the Pack as Jay openly challenged me for Tara. It was like he didn't even see me anymore. I was enemy. Like one of the many we'd fought over the years.

But of course his dad told him what we all knew. Not even a fight at this point could change the outcome.

Tara belongs to Jossiah.

After that meeting, Tara and Jay cut off contact. We only knew what they were up to because Packmaster was forced to monitor the situation. So, he'd send some of the Pack out to spy on them. I think he didn't really believe his son would be so hellbent on going against our laws like this. Or trying to fight the bond.

He probably figured that Jay would come to his senses eventually. But when the whole elopement news was brought back to him, he knew that Jay was serious.

None of us knew what could happen. Shit like this had never been done before. And everyday I had to wait for the news of if Tara would show signs of having conceived. We didn't think it was possible, but at this point we didn't really know.

It seemed like Jay and Tara were testing the limits of our laws, too. And if he could get Tara pregnant with his pups, then he'd have a right to her as well? Wouldn't help.

The only time things changed for me with my depression when time went on and no word of pregnancy came. And it officially ended when it became apparent that Tara and Jay were sterile because two breeding seasons had passed and they still hadn't conceived any pups.

I began to see hope. Just like the guys said. She'd come around.

Her lack of pregnancy was confirmation that the law was on my side. If she couldn't conceive Jay's pups, that was even more of a solidification that it was because she was meant to bear mine.

I didn't morph as often after that revelation. And my sisters and mom were happy to not have to worry about me feeding myself or cleaning myself as much.

I stopped having sex with the Normie girls after my pairing with Tara. So, I hadn't gotten laid in awhile. At work, Stephanie, who was also still a single wolf like how I was technically, joked that we should be like Tara and Jay and try to test the law ourselves. Like I said, werebitches who are hellbent on getting mated are some of the most seductive creatures alive. But even Steph's full out advances couldn't stir my dick.

I guess that was proof of the law right there. But if it was working on me, I often wondered how it affected Tara when it came to Jay...

And I guess I have the answer to that now as I have her bent over Steph's desk. Soaking and arching her back like she's never been fucked in her life.

I could change my mind. Stop here.

When I decided to stay late at work to avoid having to go back home to my empty trailer, I never imagined I would hear the sound of a car coming up the gravel road to our trailers. Let alone see Tara driving Jay's truck, stepping out of it as if it was a repeat of that day when we paired all over again. Except, this time there was no one to stop us from sensing the pull that was drawing us together.

She was nervous. That much I could tell. She kept looking down. But I also knew she was determined. And angry.

"I've been looking for you," Was the first thing she said to me, "I went to your trailer, but your mom and sisters told me you'd be out here."

I stood there for about a good minute, too dumbfounded to speak.

"I saw the house," She had continued, "And I came to tell you to forget about it! I'm never going to be yours! I love Jayson!"

I think that was when I finally was able to move my mouth.

"I know you do," Was all I said.

And for some reason, that sent Tara into a fit of tears. I've never seen a Werewomen cry. It's very rare. But watching her sob and breakdown...well it did something to me.

I couldn't help but go to her and take her in my arms. And the moment I did comfort her, was the moment I knew I was fucked. Because the attraction between us was so crazy, I began kissing her and trying to bend her over in the seat of Jay's truck. Just like I wanted to do that day he brought her to my trailer.

I didn't know how I got from trying to comfort her to fighting with her to bend over for me, but that's what happened. We were kissing and I was violently attempting to pull down her jeans as I faced her forward into the seat.

Animal instinct.

But Tara is a stubborn bitch. And she bit my hand. Then turned around and slapped the shit out of my face a few times.

"I'm not yours!" She kept saying as she hit me.

I backed off. And she pushed me away as she pulled her jeans back over her hips. And kicked her way back down to the gravel after me having pinned her down into the car seat.

She looked up at me and crossed her arms.

"I just want to talk," She had said.

But that was when I knew that I had a chance. This talk that she wanted to have? That's what it was. The time had finally come where she would be mine. She was all talk.

So, I invited her in.

And that's how we wound up here.

Just do it. I tell myself.

She wants you to.

But my mind is still on Jay. I can't imagine where he's at right now. He is probably going crazy because he sees that his truck is missing and his wife is gone.

I'm fooling myself if I think that we will get away with this.

Even if I don't admit to it...

There will be talk.

I push my dick in a few more inches. And the moan I get from Tara is so delicious that I don't think I even have to ponder anymore whether or not I'm going to fuck her tonight.

Especially because of how good she feels to me, too. I don't think I ever had sex before. That's how crazy it feels just with inches of my dick inside of her.

I know Jay's probably out looking for her by now. I don't even want to know what possessed her to up and leave to come out here. Maybe it's the pull. The psychic bond that controls us all.

Because she had to have known.

Tara had to have known.

That if she came to me...

She was going to get dicked down.

And with that thought, I shoved the rest of my cock inside of her.

I couldn't help but hear Tara's guttural, "Oooooohhhhh".

She turned her head to watch as I beat into her squishing pussy. Her ass was so nice and bouncy as I hit her from the back. I couldn't help but smack one of her cheeks as I got into a good rhythm.

Which made her gasp in pleasure. Our eyes locked as I continued taking her.

Good. I thought. She knows she's making a choice to give herself to me.

I grabbed her by the hair again. This time I didn't have go fear yanking her too hard.

She wasn't going to tell me to stop.

She was mine now.

My bitch.

I pulled her head back and bit her neck again. Leaving as big of a mark in her fair skin as I could.

I let go of her head and she jerked down again with a soft whimper. Her hands clutched the edge of Steph's desk. And sure enough, the papers fell to the ground.

Tara closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

I knew the only thing I would be hearing for the rest of the night would be the sound of my thrusts and the sound of her moans.


I didn't have to worry just about cleaning up Steph's desk the next morning. Because Tara and I had destroyed the entire trailer fucking.

When I would finish fucking her on a desk, I would move to the floor. We would rest awhile, and then she'd either climb on top of me or I'd mount her, and we'd fuck some more.

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