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Forced Pair

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Werewolves can be matched two ways: by choice or by force.
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She can't help but be attracted to you...and she knows that. She'll come around eventually, man. Don't worry.

My hand grabs those soft, black curls and I yank back. The force of which feels like I'm six years old again, popping off the cheap heads of my five sisters' cheap, Dollar Store dolls for fun.

Jesus. I think to myself. Calm the fuck down. You don't want to kill her.

Much like when my sisters would find me and beat me up as punishment for destroying their toys, I don't want her growling or snapping at me just because I got a little too excited. I don't want her to change her mind and tell me to stop.

It's an animal attraction. Instinct. She can't fight it anymore than the others can.

All the guys had assured me that eventually it would happen. Eventually I would be in the moment I was in now. But for fucks' sake I didn't think it would be inside of a tiny ass trailer. And it's not even the one I live in, but one of the ones we use for work. In Stephanie's part of the tiny shelter of all places.

Stephanie was more like an assistant than part of the crew. But still. She isn't going to be too happy when she comes in tomorrow and finds her papers she left stacked are misorganized because someone knocked them over and they fell on the floor.

I won't say shit. I won't admit to shit.

This thought keeps replaying in my brain as I hear another thought say calmly that I'll just pick the papers up and restack them again. Everyone will still get yelled at by Steph come the morning meeting. But Steph's a tough bitch who yells at everyone regardless. It's one of the reasons we all like her.

Now, the bitch I have bent over Steph's desk?

Well, she's different.

This bitch is a tough one, too. But not in the good way like Steph. No, this bitch that's moaning as I bite her neck is more stubborn than tough. She's one where you tell her not to touch the stove, but she'll do it anyway just to spite you.

That's the kind of bitch I'm dealing with right now.


But she is also one that my only thoughts are about driving into her balls deep in dick with.

Great for me.

I thought I liked tough women once upon a time. I suppose it couldn't be helped. My mom, grandmas, aunts, female cousins, and all of my sisters are tough. But then I got Tara. And I realized that maybe it'd have been better for me if I was able to be attracted to more docile bitches.

For one, getting the sex would probably be easier. For two, sweet, quiet, submissive bitches probably wouldn't have me questioning if I should do it to her like I am tonight.

Because tough bitches come with a whole lot of crazy. And if I'd been any other man, free with choice, I would go for the reserved girl. Or just another Normie like I'd had in the past. But because of who I am, well, my kind only end up with the tough, hard to please bitches. The ones that make men spend their whole lives doing whatever it is to make her happy.

Again. Great.


No one will know. No one will know. Because...

I won't say shit.

I won't admit to shit.

In a way it's actually perfect for me that Tara is so stubborn. Because no one will know. She'll make sure of that. You can get rid of a scent. As long as she covers her tracks...we'll be fine.

Especially since she's not supposed to be here in the first place.

Let alone by herself with me.

Her back is arched. Waiting for me to beat my cock inside of her.

But for some reason... I stall.

You're getting cold feet now? Now after you've taken all of her clothes off, sucked her nipples, smacked her ass, and pulled her hair? Now?!

I can't help but laugh at my gall.

I can't do this. I can't do this. I shouldn't do this.

It's wrong.

She's your bitch. You have every right to take her.

When the other guys had said that I don't think they meant literally. I don't think they thought I'd actually just skip straight to fucking her as my way of making her mine.

I know Jayson's your best friend, but...


The other guys are wrong.

There are no buts.

Jayson is my best friend.

It's good that I've balked here. All I've done is kiss her and lick her.

Oh, yeah...and bite her.

I can't help but notice the gigantic mark that is forming on her skin. I was so worried about pulling her hair too hard I should have been focused on not leaving any bruises. How is she going to explain a fucking bite?

I can't do this. I think this to myself. But even as I do, I'm inching the tip of my dick inside of her. She lets out a moan of approval.

See? She wants this.

I am appalled that I'm even thinking that to myself.

She belongs to me. Of course she wants this.

Tara belongs to Jossiah.

I remember the shock on everyone's faces when the Packmaster confirmed to us what we already knew.

But Jayson's face was the one that really stays with me.

It was odd. Growing up with someone like Jayson, I would only ever see him smile. But because of that, a lot of the Pack kids took this to mean he was weak. He was also skinnier than the rest of the guys our age. But what really made him an outcast was that he had more of everything, being the son of our new, rich Packmaster.

It isn't a given that the Packmaster's kid will come out with Alpha traits. And I guess when we all saw Jay, we were hesitant to think he had any in him.

He was kind. Too kind. Which, like I mentioned, backfired on him when he first moved here.

The other kids would go in on him. How could they not? Being that his dad not only got to run the Pack, but also got to run our fathers because he now owned the construction company most of our parents worked for. So, here comes this kid who's not only Pack royalty...but also rich. It just didn't seem fair.

While we went to school in hand me downs or wholesale...Jayson came to class in Polo and Ralph Lauren. Usually the kids who were Pack quietly stuck together at school. But when Jayson first moved here and his dad took over after our oldest Packmaster died, it was a hard time for him due to all the jealousy.

I called myself protecting him when we first started hanging out. My dad was well liked by Jayson's father before he became Packmaster. And I remember my dad telling me to watch out for the boss' kid when he found out we were in the same grade.

It started out as me just doing what my dad wanted as I was the only son. So, I had to be a good one. But when I met Jayson, what started out as an instruction from my father, became me gaining Jayson as a brother for life.

The fights we'd get into at school were crazy. Because we were not just fighting off the Pack kids, but also the Normie kids who wanted to test him. Our fights were legendary. Because although Jayson seemed small, it wasn't long before we all learned that there was in fact Alpha in Jay's genes. Behind the kindness of a kid that just wanted to fit in at his new home, there was an equal rage when he was pushed enough.

He would turn vicious.

I remember those days of us as middle schoolers and in High School: two against three, two against four, and our biggest one...two against eight. Thankfully the last had been against a group of Normies. Not Weres. Otherwise, we'd have probably been in even worse shape.

But somehow I believe that we still would have been able to take them. Because it was no secret as we grew up that Jay and I were a perfect pair. Easily an Alpha who'd found his Beta. And a Beta who'd found his Alpha. Much like our dad's with one another.

We were on track to take over the Pack as long as nothing changed. And the other Pack kids started to notice this, too. Our fighting over the years eventually won us the respect of our other Pack brothers. And life had become normal by the time we were in junior and senior year of High School.

I wish I could go back.


I wish I could go back.

Back to those two years of bliss when Jay and I were finally treated like one with our Packmates. And I was no longer the kid who chose the new Packmaster's rich son to suck up to. And Jay was no longer the Alpha outsider offspring who all the guys kept testing to see if he was just a silver spoon Omega.

Life was so fucking good.

Bonfires. Football games. Weed. Drinking. And sneaking out of the house to hang with the other Pack guys.

Jay and I had finally been invited in the circle. And the respect he got was equivalent to them already treating him as our future leader. Also, Jay's dad was finally being accepted as the new Packmaster amongst the older Packmembers. So, more than likely the Pack kids had always just been following along with their parents' bitterness of a rich outsider taking our most prestigious title given in Pack. And once the adults' bitterness settled, so did the kids'.

We were finally accepted.

And that's also when Jay finally started really pursuing Tara.

Jay had always been in love with Tara. She was Pack. But she was a werebitch who had more loner traits than any Alpha or Beta ones.

And that's what attracted Jay to her. Because in some ways, she had always been an outsider herself. Just like he was.

It wasn't that there was anything wrong with her for why the other guys stayed off her scent. It's just, well...Werebitches are mean as hell. And the ones with Alpha traits are usually the worst. But the ones with loner in them...

Shit. They take the word feisty to a whole other level.

But not only that, the ones with loner in them often are hell bent on breaking with Pack. So, most of the time they are left alone by other Packmembers. Even the girls in the Pack walked around Tara.

Jay was lost in love with her, though. And had been since we were about thirteen years old. I, being his best friend, was always there watching him being too afraid to make a move. And back then I found it hilarious. Out of the two of us, I was more experienced with girls than Jay. Because he spent all of his time liking Tara. I couldn't understand his fascination to be with her.

I wasn't into Pack girls. Mainly because I grew up with them. But also because of the fact that they'd bite your head off if you stepped out of line.

Seeing my mom with my dad, aunts with my uncles, and the list goes on...well, I wasn't in a rush to settle down with a werebitch yet either. Besides, I knew my fate like everyone else in the Pack knew theirs. I knew it would come soon enough. So, I spent my freedom chasing after Normie tail.

Pack unions were for life. And some guys chose to get into one at that young age. Because we knew what it meant. On the one hand, the quicker you got into a union, the better your freedom to choose was. Because the longer you waited, the less choice you'd have before eventually you'd be forced into one.

It was law. A thing we all knew as pairing. And it could happen naturally or forced. But put simply, pairing is the way Weres bond and have procreation.

I can't explain how it happens other than as a Were, we are bound by this psychic force that governs us. And in that psychic force, it also governs our mating. As long as you stayed Pack, the stronger the force was.

Which was why I understood why Jay was so hellbent on trying to convince Tara to be with him. Because she was a loner. And loners rarely stayed Pack.

Jay must have definitely had Alpha in him to set his sights on a loner. Loners are harder to tame due to the whole isolation thing. But also, they aren't known to pick Pack as a mate. Usually if a Were has loner traits, it is because they want to get away from being Pack. Those are the types that usually end up leaving and starting a new life free from our laws and connection. The only thing is, when you break with the does your connection to being a Were. A process known as Dispersing.

Which is why most of us stay. Because to disperse is to lose everything that you are. Who you are.

Dispersing is rare. Most of us choose to stay in Pack. And to stay Were, marry Were, work for Were, and die Were. But sometimes it does happen. Some Weres disperse and become Normies. And usually the ones who want to Disperse show signs of loner in them. Tara was the first, however, in a long time that our Pack had seen of a loner. But we all knew eventually she'd cut the cord. Which made us treat her like she was already not a member of the pack in a way. And that's how she liked it.

She didn't want to be Were anymore. But if she got with Jay, it would seal her fate. She'd be stuck forever being part of the Pack. She would be his bitch. She would have his pups. She would be the Alpha female to our future Alpha. Which was probably why, even though I could tell she loved him, she denied his advances.

It nearly broke Jay. He spent the majority of his time back then, heartbroken over Tara's rebuffs. Even though he had finally earned his place among the Pack, he was focused on getting the mate he wanted for the rest of his life before we graduated and she chose to leave it all behind for good. I tried to help him through his sadness as much as I could.

And a lot of Normie girls and other werebitches were throwing themselves at him to take Tara's place if she didn't want to be with him. But I guess Jay had his mind made up. And looking back I couldn't blame him.

Tara is a beautiful bitch. Thick, dark curly hair past her shoulders. Brown eyes with long lashes. A gorgeous face. Healthy. Sturdy.

It would have been a waste to see her genes go to some Normie life. No, she was meant to bare someone's pups. And at the time we all thought it was Jayson. Despite how hard she tried to fight her love for him.

They came close. I remember Graduation night. We had a big bonfire. And it was one of the only Pack parties that Tara attended. She'd shown up dressed in cut off shorts and a light jacket to keep her warm as the temperature dropped at the beach. I remember how pissed some of the Pack girls were when she came and took Jay's attention.

I had been having a good time in my own world. I had just graduated and had a few underage drinks here and there. So, I wasn't really paying any attention to Tara or Jay. But the next day when I saw him, he admitted that he thought he was getting closer to convincing Tara to stay with the Pack.

And in so many words I thought it meant that he'd finally gotten laid. Because that was the only way for pairing to be sealed. It is archaic and misogynistic, but the only way to claim a mate for life is to essentially obliterate the hell out of the bitch you wanted. Not only would it be the only way, for the force that kept us all Weres, to recognize the union. But it also told all the other male Weres that this was your bitch. And she was finally claimed.

I can't count how many fights happened between males who had a thing going with a Pack girl but it ended because another guy just so happened to crack the egg 1st. And those types of union fights were only second to when you'd literally have two Pack males squaring off to decide which one would be the 1st. Those fights usually happened in the privacy between the two guys without the girl ever hearing about it. Because it seemed more civilized than doing it in front of her.

Lucky for Jay, he didn't have to worry about anyone squaring off against him for the right to Tara. No one wanted her other than him. So, I had assumed that she had finally given in and was his.

But then he told me that she still hadn't fully given herself to him yet. That they had just kissed on graduation night and did some other stuff. It was the first physical touch they'd done their entire time being in love with each other.

He said that she told him she needed more time to decide what she was going to do. That she would know by the end of the year whether she would stay Pack or Disperse for good now that we had all graduated and were eighteen.

But for now, they would just see each other casually.

I was happy for him.

Back then I thought there was no way Tara would actually turn Jay down. I knew she loved him and would choose to stay Pack for him. I felt like she was just giving him a hard time because she didn't want to give up her freedom to essentially become like all the other werewomen before her: married Were and raising Were pups.

I felt like everything was going great in life at the time.

For me and Jay.

Jay had got accepted to the local College with some of the other Packmembers. And I, like the rest of the Pack who didn't want to continue school, got hired at a Were owned company. And there were usually two places to go: construction or one of the many wholesale stores.

I got hired to work under my dad at Jay's father's company. And I settled into my new life.

My dad helped me get a trailer of my own and I was able to move out.

Jay came over a lot with the rest of the guys to hang. It was like a little bachelor pad despite being a dump. We'd sit, talk shit, and laugh.

My family would come over and we'd all have a good time together, too. And I got a taste of the life I would be living that was much like my dad and uncles before me.

I had as much Normie sexual relationships as I could now that I lived alone. Which aggravated my mother to no end. She wanted me to hurry and pick a good werebitch to have pups with.

Most of my older sisters were already married and I was the only single one without any kids. And because I was the male and baby of the family, my mom put a lot of pressure on me to settle down.

Most of the Were girls had already gotten with guys that I worked with. And a lot of my Packmembers were expecting their first kids not even long after we graduated.

And that meant there weren't many weregirls my age left to pick from.

But I knew I'd end up with one eventually, regardless. Seeing as though that was how the law worked. And despite it sounding bad out loud, I was perfectly ok with having my fun until I was forced into a pairing.

A natural pairing was by choice.

A forced pairing was...well. By force.

Unless you were gay, then if you didn't pick a mate for yourself, you'd be relegated to a forced pairing. Which was why we didn't treat homosexuality like the Normies did. Because it was a natural part of our nature in our world where Weres who liked the same sex were free to not produce offspring. So, there was no point in hiding being gay or lesbian when we'd find out soon enough if you were never forced into a pair or you tried to mate into a pair and the bond didn't work. We didn't shame homosexuality since it just meant that your nature was different.

Two of my sisters, three of my female cousins, and four of my male cousins were gay. And those of us who were still single and straight often joked about how lucky they were that they got to escape being forced into a pairing.

I would try to avoid seeing ethe weregirls who were left. But sometimes I would see them accidentally and they would outright be suggestive that we'd make a pairing already. But like I said, I wasn't ready to be locked down just yet. So, I would just laugh it off and high tale it out of there before they could tempt me anymore. Because Werewomen who want a mate can become some of the most dominant, frightening creatures alive. Not even the strongest men could turn them down when they set their sights on mating. And I was weak after all, but not weak enough to ignore the temptation that meant a lifetime if it happened.

I was going to wait as long as I could before suddenly I found myself bound to whatever weregirl. But it wasn't like I was playing Russian roulette. I was perfectly fine with the selection of who I could possibly end up having as a mate. And me and some of the other bachelors who were left would joke about who'd we would end up with often. I just wasn't ready to quickly bounce into the whole world of wife and kids just yet.

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