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Foreign Exchange Ch. 05

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Sousuke plays with Julia under the table.
6.2k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/13/2020
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The next evening Sousuke approached Julia cautiously, worried that she would be completely mad at him for doing what he did. She seemed okay though, eating the ice cream she had while sitting on the couch, reading a book. "Good evening, Julia-san." He said, waiting anxiously for her response.

She looked up, and frowned slightly, "Good evening, Sousuke."

"What are you reading?"

"A story reimagining what happened during world war 2." She replied.

"Oh... Japan took part in that." He commented.

"I know." Was all she said.

He couldn't take it anymore- he hated when she was mad at him, he put himself between her legs, looking up at her like a lost puppy. She dropped the plate on the table, looking down at him in shock. He rubbed his back against her chest, which was currently covered by an oversized T-shirt. "Are you mad at me?" He gave her his puppy dog eyes, and she sighed.

"No. I'm not mad. Just a bit frustrated." She replied honestly. "I thought I had gotten across to you what was appropriate or not."

"I understand. Julia-san has boundaries." He said as he kissed her jaw, his neck reaching far back to get to her properly. He snuggled up closer, enjoying her warmth against his body.

"It's really cold today." He commented.

"Let me go turn up the thermostat--" She began, but was stopped by him kissing her neck this time. He gave her little smooches all the way down her neck, but when he reached the top of her breasts, she turned his chin around to face the TV.

"Ok young man, that's enough cuddling, thank you" covering her exposed skin, "Now let's just watch a movie together, okay?" She turned on the TV, putting on a random movie to distract him and crossing her legs over so he was no longer in between her, feeling the heat of her crotch on his back. He was a little hurt, but didn't insist on anything more. He felt like he understood Julia more now, knowing when she was at her limit with his affection and when he was able to push her more.

"Are you excited for your presentation tomorrow?" She asked, looking at him when the movie was over.

He shook his head, biting his lip, "No. I'm not very good at talking to big crowds."

"It'll be fine. I heard it went really well the past years." She was talking about the presentation given by the exchange student during the school assembly every year. It happened typically a few months after the exchange began, in order for the student to learn a bit more of English if they weren't fluent and to learn about the difference in cultures. Sousuke had been wary of the presentation for a week now, but didn't want to talk about it with anyone. He just wanted to get it over with.

"I don't think it'll go well with me." He said, looking down at his hands. She patted him on the head, stroking his hair and tucking it behind his ears.

"I believe in you. Tell me how it went as soon as you come home tomorrow, okay?" She kissed him on the cheek, then dropped the blanket that was on her on the couch before heading off to bed.

That night he could barely sleep. He imagined the whole crowd staring at him, judging him with their American attitudes. These kids were selfish, they only thought about themselves and not other people around them and how they could be feeling. He saw them regularly bully each other at school, even joking around in a mean way to their best friends. He didn't understand it at all, but didn't try to understand it. His goal this year was to get close to Julia-san, and the weird American attitude of these teenagers meant nothing to him. Well, until he realized he would have to talk to the whole school at once, all their prying eyes staring at him, judging him. He repeated the presentation in his head over and over, making sure he knew and understood every word he would be speaking the next day. By the time he was finally able to fall asleep, it was already early dawn, and it felt like his alarm had woken him up only after a few minutes.

Feeling exhausted, he was barely even able to muster a 'good morning' to Julia. She noticed immediately, and was concerned. She considered talking to him about it, but he had rushed to school without saying a word. She hoped it would be okay, and wanted to go to the school to be there for his presentation, but she knew it would be embarrassing for him to have her there. Just like Sousuke, she spent the day worrying, checking her phone for messages from him. She had messaged Nicholas to tell her how it was going during the presentation, but he ignored her messages, probably busy with his coding club and upcoming exams for the first school semester. Or, he was just ignoring her texts because he always ignored her when she asked about Sousuke. She shook her head, changing into her usual instructor swimming suit before heading off to work.

The day had passed by too rapidly for Sousuke's taste. He almost fell asleep a few times during his classes, which was very unlike him. He didn't eat his lunch either, and threw it out into the bin, worried that Julia would be upset if he didn't like her food. When he heard the announcement that the assembly would be beginning soon, he almost jumped in his seat. He wanted to run away and pretend he didn't go to the school. His calculus teacher, who had been in the middle of lecturing, smiled at the class. "I guess we'll be going soon. Sousuke has a big presentation today, doesn't he?" The whole class turned around to look at him at once. 30 pairs of eyes were enough for him. He couldn't imagine almost a thousand pairs. He almost peed his pants. He walked in the back of the class as they walked single file into the big gymnasium, all the kids now sitting on the chairs the janitors had put out the day before.

When the vice principal spotted him, she called out his name, and led him to the back of the stage, where he sat and waited while the principal announced important news in the area and updates on new staff they had hired. The band then played some of the songs they had been practicing, and finally, it was Sousuke's turn.

"And now, we will be having our usual tradition of the exchange student for our year teach us about their culture, traditions, and why it is different from ours. He will be emphasizing what makes his new home different from his home at home, and we can all learn about the importance of culture and why it is essential to travel on a regular basis and learn from all kinds of people. Put your hands together for Sousuke Nakamura!" The principal announced, and a round of applause came from the staff as well as the students.

The vice principal pushed him up on the stage, and Sousuke adjusted the mic, bringing it down significantly to match his height. He scanned the ground, seemingly looking back at every single eye that was now glued to his face. He gulped, and realized that it had been a while and he still hadn't said a word. "Hello." He said. His voice came out croaked, and he tried again, "Hello. I am Sousuke, from Japan." Their eyes bore into his body, making holes throughout, burning into him.

He didn't say anything more, still staring back at them, his eyes wide and pupils dilated. He could feel his fight or flight response starting. "Say something!" Ashley called out, and he turned to look at her as the crowd burst out laughing.

"I..." He couldn't finish his sentence, he turned his back on the mic and ran backstage, past the vice principal and out the back gymnasium doors. He had left his bag back in the classroom, but didn't care.

He could hear the principal taking the mic behind him, saying, "Oh dear, I think he's a little nervous. Let's see if we can convince him to speak for us in the next assembly. Okay, moving on to the next topic--" He could still hear the laughter of the kids, which grew significantly when he had run away.

He ran and ran until he reached home, the only place he felt he could receive comfort. He opened the door, slamming it as he ran up to his room, his face against his pillow, breathing in and out rapidly. After a few minutes, he heard a gentle knock on the door. It was Julia, back from her swimming lesson. "Sousuke? Sousuke are you okay?" She asked gently.

He didn't want to reply, but couldn't say no to her. "No." His reply was very muffled.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes." Another muffled reply.

She opened the door, and when he didn't look up at her, she sat on the bed next to him. He could feel her body next to his waist, the usual heat from her, but still didn't say a word. "You came home early from school?" She pet his hair again, letting him know she was here for him.


"Why? Did something go wrong?" Though she already knew what went wrong.

"Everything went wrong, Julia-san." He groaned into his pillow.

"Tell me everything. Let me help." She was in full-on mother mode now, practicing everything Nicholas has taught her all these years.

"I... I don't like talking to too many people at once." He finally admitted. "All of their eyes... it's too much."

"Aw... baby why didn't you just say so?" She had a feeling he was nervous for the presentation, but didn't know to this extent.

"Japanese people don't usually look at each other in the eyes, it's to show each other respect. I'm not used to it." He shivered. "We don't give school presentations either, only the student representative."

"What happened exactly?" She asked curiously.

"I ran off the stage before I could say anything. Everyone laughed at me." He replied.

"Sousuke..." She was speechless, she didn't know it could be that bad. He got up abruptly and hugged her, burying his face deep in her chest again, a huge source of comfort for him recently. He didn't think he would ever be able to live without Julia-san's giant melons. She stroked his back, shushing him. He put his arms around her, his eyes welling up from the motherly love he wasn't used to receiving from his own busy mother back home. She could feel his tears, and had no idea what to do to make him feel better.

She gulped, nervous. "Sousuke... Do you want to cuddle perhaps?" It was the only thing she could think of. He leaned back from her, looking up into her eyes and nodding slightly. She smiled, and laid back on his bed. He followed suit, hugging her from behind as the big spoon. It looked ridiculous from an outside perspective, a small teenage boy half the size of a mature woman hugging her from behind... But it was something he really needed. He put his arm around her belly, and made small circular motions around her. She had expected him to touch her like usual, but hoped it wouldn't be anything too intrusive. He made wider and wider circles, and moves up to her breast, circling around it as well but avoiding her nipples. She grabbed his hand and moved it down to her stomach again, and he listened this time, staying in place. He was too worried that she would leave him alone to cry if he pushed her too far. He had a slight erection, pressing in her back so she knew how he felt about her despite being so upset. It still made her feel good that he still thought of her in that manner even when distressed. He was a teenage boy afterall, and no matter what, their heads would constantly be filled with wanting to deposit their sperm. She was flattered it was her he was always thinking about. The attention was addictive. Was that why she kept coming to him despite the warnings?

Her thoughts were jolted when she heard her name being called. It was Nicholas, finally coming back from school and wondering where she was. "Where the hell could she be? She should be home by now." She immediately started to get up from the bed away from Sousuke, but it was too late. She had left the door of his room open without thinking, and Nicholas stood stunned at the doorway, looking directly at Sousuke's arm around her body, both of them laying on the bed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He shouted, immediately overreacting.

"Sousuke was upset about what happened at school today, so I was comforting him." She explained.


"Please stop shouting." Julia covered her ears. "I've comforted you many times on your bed... it's not a big deal."


"Okay enough. Sousuke is having a terrible day and instead of coming here to ask if he's feeling okay you come home and start screaming at everyone? Is that how I raised you? To be this rude?" Her voice was raising, her body heat increasing. "Go to your room immediately, I don't want to see you right now."

He opened his mouth to say more, but closed it, giving Sousuke the harshest glare before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry I don't know why he's being like this. He's never had jealousy or anger issues before. I must have not raised him right, it's all my fault." She glanced back at Sousuke, who was now sitting on the bed watching the exchange quietly.

"I'll accept your apology with a kiss?" He asked hopefully.

She bent down without a second thought, her mouth pressing against his as their tongues started to play and intertangle with each other. They were already so familiar with each other's tastes, knowing how to move their mouths to make the other moan. Sousuke was inexperienced, but a quick study. He excelled in his education after all, he was good at reading her body to see what she liked and disliked, and therefore his first nervous and inexperienced peck had turned into something like this within a few weeks. Before he could start fondling her, she left his side, closing the door behind her with a small smile at him.

Sousuke was already feeling much better, this exchange made him realize again that the only thing he cared about was Julia, afterall. What the stupid kids at his school thought were meaningless. Sure, they'll probably make fun of him for a bit before they forget about it. But they will forget about it, and will move onto the next topic before long. He, on the other hand, was having the time of his life with the girl of his dreams, and no one knew except for the two of them. They had established some kind of understanding, and he could feel her will slowly fading away the more he touched her every time. One day, he expected it would completely fade away.

Nicholas, on the other hand, wanted to rip his hair out. Why was this bastard of a boy coming onto his mom in this fashion, and why was she letting him? He was a smart person, he knew the way his mind worked. Despite what people were thinking, he didn't spend his nights thinking about his mom in a seductive way- that wasn't what he was jealous of. What he didn't like was why she was even indulging him in the first place. This androgynous, skinny-looking kid who barely talked to anyone and got laughed off the stage. He felt anger and hurtful disappointment, not understanding why this was happening. Was his father ignoring his mother too much? He didn't think so, they were still so close to each other. Was Julia just so desperate for attention she'll receive it from anyone? That wasn't true either, she's never had a problem with approaches from guys before.

Sousuke didn't deserve to live this experience, to have the attention of a woman such as his mother. He is stabbing in the back an angel that welcomed him and who did all her best to make him feel at ease, and home. He is using her kind nature, her good faith, to be close to her and she was just letting him. And his mom while not approving of this- he could tell by the discomfort on her face when Sousuke touched her- she is certainly doing very little to discourage him. It's a side of her he didn't know. She raised him in a loving but firm way. How can't she see Sousuke is just a horny, wily, spoiled brat? It's just unfair.

This unfair treatment was driving him absolutely insane. So insane that he knew he had to finally take action. Enough was enough.

The next day before school started, he walked to the front office, making an appointment with the school counselor, who was also in charge of the exchange program. She was the one responsible for direct communication with the Japanese school Sousuke had come from, and many of the other schools in different parts of the world who participated in the program the school was famous for.

She seemed to be pretty free, most of the students not wanting to talk about their feelings with a grown woman they didn't know very well, and she was smiling widely when he knocked on the door and entered the room.

"Hello--" SHe looked down on her paper, reading his name off of it. "Nicholas."

He nodded at her, "Hello Mrs. Patterson."

"Please, sit." She waved at the chair, which was located in front of her desk in a quaint little office decorated with a copious amount of ferns. He sat, hesitating a little, wondering if he was doing the right thing. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked. "Is there something bothering you at home?" She thought for a second, "Have you had thoughts about other boys in your class?"

Nicholas widened his eyes, then adamantly shook his head. "No, no. Nothing of the sorts. I actually came here to talk to you about Sousuke, the exchange student living with us for the school year."

"Oh, yes. He had a bad incident during the assembly yesterday, didn't he? Are you worried about him?" She asked.

"Yes." Nicholas thought for a second- he didn't want to expose his mom, so he would have to find another excuse. "I just don't think he's doing very well with us. He seems to really miss his family back home, he's told me many times himself. I just... worry about him." He concluded, looking up at her with the most puppy dog eyes possible.

"Oh, I see. Thank you for bringing this up. We were going to contact your parents in a few days for an update, but I see something more urgent has come to pass."

He nodded, eager that she was agreeing with him. "I really think we should send him back home, this program is clearly not working for him."

She shook her head, laughing. "I think that's a little bit drastic, but we will take your concern seriously. I'll make an appointment with your mom to talk to them this weekend, and we'll see where we go from there. Of course, you will be attending the meeting as well."

His heart started pounding, "Can you make sure not to tell them I contacted you? I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression."

She smiled. "Of course, this is between you and me, this is what the counseling office is for, afterall."

He stood up, and moved to leave. "Thank you for your help." He was distraught, this is not what he wanted at all. He expected her to just agree with him and kick Sousuke out for good- what was she planning on talking to them about?

"Wait, did you want to talk about anything else? I really don't have any appointments the rest of the day." She seemed eager for some company.

"No, sorry Mrs. Patterson- I have to go back to my lunch now."

"Oh, okay." She replied sadly, and he left the room as soon as he could.

That night, he waited for his mom to bring it up during dinner. All four of them were eating together, silently enjoying the meal Julia had bought for them because she was too lazy to cook anything. "Are you liking it, Sousuke?" She asked after he took a few bites.

"Yes, Julia-san, it's delicious, thank you." He had had fried chicken before in Japan when he was a kid, but she was too excited about him trying it for the first time he didn't want to tell her otherwise.

"I'm glad you like it, I know you're not used to oily food, but it's really nice once in a while." She smiled in a friendly manner. What he was really enjoying was watching her suck on her index finger and thumb regularly to get the chicken grease off of her fingers. He wanted to be the one she was sucking on instead. Those lips looked so delicious, he was thinking of a way to convince her to apologize later after dinner, when Robert went to sleep.


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