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Forever and Ever


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It didn't take much more work on Anna's part before I was cumming in her mouth. She didn't seem to have any problem with that and made no move to pull away the whole time. She just swallowed everything I gave her until I was finished.

After it was over I leaned back limply against the couch and tried not think too much about what had just happened. Anna appeared unfazed. She examined her fingers, then wiped her lips with the back of her hand, presumably to make sure she didn't have any of my cum on her. As far as I could tell she was spotless.

"I'm gonna go clean up," she said, despite the fact that there was no need.

She got up and went to the bathroom which, given the size of my apartment, wasn't all that far away. I could hear her running water from where I sat, but I mostly ignored it. I was more concerned with summoning the motivation to get dressed again before she came back. It turned out I had plenty of time, and it didn't occur to me until later to wonder what had taken her so long in the bathroom.

Anna eventually made it back. We had both straightened out our clothing, and her hair had been smoothed back out from where it had gotten messed up during the blowjob. Other than a slight flushing on her face, there was precious little indication that anything untoward had happened at all. We sat silently at out respective ends of the couch for a couple minutes before either of us spoke.

"So are you gonna heat up some food or what?" Anna asked.

"Oh. Yeah, I suppose I could. You want anything in particular?"

She just shrugged and I went to the fridge to see what mom had sent this time. I ended up getting us both some chicken and mashed potato, which we each followed with a bowl of ice cream. By the time we'd finished eating I was beginning to feel a bit more like normal again. Something weird may have happened between Anna and me, but it was hardly the first time. Sibling relationships were naturally flexible and unpredictable. This was an extreme case, but still nothing to worry about. Probably.

"Guess you'll know better next time you think I won't do something," Anna said.

I was confused for a second since her statement had come mostly out of nowhere, but there was only one thing she could have been referring to.

"I don't know," I said. "I'd say it worked out pretty well for me."

Anna glanced at me. "Glad you think so," she said softly.

For some reason I felt like that was a good place to drop the subject again. My sister didn't try to push it any further either.


I was worried that Anna was going to start avoiding me. I wasn't sure why. If anything, it was far more likely that I would have wanted to avoid her. It was just one of those silly irrational fears I supposed; she'd given no indication of feeling the slightest bit awkward regarding the blowjob she'd given me.

Still, silly or not, my fears preyed on the fact that I didn't see my sister over the next couple days. I kept thinking that I should text her or something, just to make sure things between us were good. I didn't get around to it, and as it turned out it didn't matter too much. It really was just a case of worrying over nothing. I found that out when Anna walked into my apartment on a Saturday morning, completely taking me by surprise.

"Hey Ryan," she said.

"Uh, hey," I said.

I hadn't been expecting anyone else around, and consequently I was only wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. In all honesty I hadn't even been awake very long. The door had been locked, so my sister was about the only person that could have gotten in anyway.

After removing her sneakers, Anna came farther into the apartment. That was about the point I noticed she was dragging a bag along with her. It was the sort of bag that suggested it didn't contain a care package from mom.

"What's with the bag?" I asked.

"Clothes," Anna said. She stopped and gave me a funny look. "You didn't forget that you get me for the night, did you?"

I drew a blank for a moment, then suddenly it clicked. The thing about mom was that she had a tendency to make plans well in advance. Far enough in advance, as it happened, that it was very easy to forget by the time they rolled around. In this case I was pretty sure it had something to do with mom wanting the house for a baby shower. Or a bachelorette party maybe. Something like that. To the best of my knowledge dad had gotten the boot for the night too.

"Right," I said. "I actually did kinda forget you were getting kicked out until tomorrow."

"You would."

"Of course I would. I can't be expected to remember things from a month ago."

"Whatever. So, I get your bed and you take the couch?"

Anna spoke with the authority of someone who wasn't really asking. Unfortunately for her, she was my sister and not someone I might actually defer to in such a case.

"You wish," I said. "You get the couch if you want to sleep here."

"Well that's not very polite. Guests are supposed to get--"

"Ha! You think you qualify as a guest? If you weren't over here two or three times a week you might qualify."

Anna frowned, but decided to let the argument drop. I really didn't think she was expecting me to cave anyway. She knew me better than that. If anything, she might simply have been doing a routine check on my reactions, poking my defenses for weaknesses and such. She did the same thing to our parents on a regular basis.

"Fine, I'll take the couch," she said. "Since my brother's apparently just a big meanie."

"A heartless monster," I agreed.

I felt no remorse as she dumped her bag beside the couch. Not even a little.

"Alright," Anna said. "I guess that's one issue taken care of."

"There's more than one?"

"Yeah. You think you can give me a drive to friend's house? I kinda have a few things I need to do."

"Seriously? You've been here not even ten minutes and you already want a drive? I didn't even plan on getting dressed 'til lunch time."

"Fine. Can I borrow your car then?"

I had to stop and think about that one. There were definite upsides and downsides to Anna's proposal. On the one hand, if I let her take my car by herself I wouldn't have to go anywhere and could be as lazy as I wanted. She was a good enough driver that I was pretty sure I could trust her with it. On the other hand, I had no way of knowing how long she'd be gone or how much gas she'd burn in the process. It was kind of a tough call.

"I don't know," I said slowly, my mind still working. I had the glimmer of an idea forming of how I could make the situation worthwhile for me. "I'm not sure it's in my best interest for you to take my car. If you want it, you're going to have to do a better job of convincing me."

Anna raised an eyebrow and the corner of her lip twitched upward just for a second. I could tell she'd read the subtext of my statement.

"I need to 'convince' you, huh?"

"If you want the car, yeah."

She stepped closer to me, clasping her hands behind her back and sticking her chest out just a little bit. The look she gave me was one she'd cultivated over the years to make her appear as innocent as possible. It was scary that it kind of worked, despite me knowing better.

"What would it take?" she asked. "You want me to clean up around your apartment a little in exchange? Or maybe just explain the benefits of not having to chauffeur me around? Or--"

Anna stopped mid-sentence as I reached my hand out and placed it gently on one of her breasts. Other than falling silent she showed no reaction whatsoever to my gesture.

For a long moment we both just stood there. I wasn't sure why I'd thought it was a good idea to grab my little sister's boob, but I'd done it anyway. Something about the way she'd been standing had suggested to me that it would be okay. I had probably been reading too much into her body language, but at the same time she hadn't actually protested yet.

Her breast felt pretty nice under my palm. It was soft and warm and felt like what a girl's boob should feel like, despite the fact that it belonged to my sister. Between that and the blowjob, I was beginning to realize that she had a lot more in the way of sexual appeal than I'd ever given her credit for. It was kind of funny how that worked.

"You're not wearing a bra, are you?" I said for lack of anything better.

"Nope. Didn't seem necessary."

"Right. Of course not."

For all I knew Anna might have purposefully forgone a bra for my benefit. It seemed unlikely, but at the same time it was hard to know what made sense and what didn't. Fondling my sister the way I was, for instance, should not have been something either of us would put up with. Yet here we were.

"So can I borrow your car or what?" Anna asked eventually.

"Um, yeah. I suppose. Key's hanging by the door."

She nodded and moved in the indicated direction, letting my hand fall away from her chest. She hadn't so much as acknowledged that it had even been there.

"You know, I honestly thought it was gonna take more to convince you," she said as she put her sneakers back on. "Like, I assumed you might want another blowjob or something."

"That wasn't a one time thing?"

"It was, but I wouldn't put it past you to try for it anyway. Too late now though. I already got your keys."

"Yeah, well, maybe you'll just have to owe me."

Anna paused on her way out the door. "We'll see."


Not having a car proved to be a great excuse for laziness. I showered and got dressed properly before Anna got back, but I didn't really do much else.

One of the very few things I did do was jerk off. I felt guilty that my need to do so had been triggered by my little sister, but not guilty enough to repress my sexual urges. I also felt kind of bad that I thought about her while I got myself off. It was a tricky situation all round. The obvious argument to make was that I absolutely should not think about, or engage in, any kind of sexual activity with Anna. That shouldn't have even been a point worth debating.

However, it was more complicated than that. It felt good to get a blowjob, or feel a girl up, or any number of other things. Those things didn't feel any worse just because the girl in question was my sister. As long as Anna didn't mind, and as long as our activities didn't go much further than they already had, it was all just harmless fun. That was my rationalization while masturbating, at any rate.

Anna was gone for a couple hours, just long enough for me to start thinking about texting her and asking when she'd be back. Not that I really minded that much regardless of what her plans were. If I was being honest, I mostly only cared because I wanted to see what else she might do, or what I might be able to get away with. I couldn't know until I tried.

She ended up returning with very little fanfare. If I had been in my bedroom, or the bathroom maybe, I wouldn't even have noticed her. As it was I was sitting on the couch watching Netflix, which meant I was close enough to the door to hear her enter. She joined me on the couch moments later.

"Have fun?" I asked, more to make conversation than because I cared.

"Enh, I don't know if I'd call it fun exactly," she said.

"No? What were you up to?"

"None of your business."

"Suit yourself."

I wasn't one to pry too much when someone didn't want to share. If Anna wanted to tell me something, she would. We sat in silence for a minute or two before she broke.

"Some people are just hard to deal with, you know?" she said.

"Yeah, I know."

"Like, you try to help them and you get nothing but grief for it."


"You don't really care, do you?"

"Not really."

Anna sighed and shifted so she was leaning against me. When we were kids that sort of position would have started a fight. Of course, half the fun of fighting had always been to irritate our parents, and without them around it just seemed like a waste of time and effort. Not to mention the fact that I had bigger things on my mind than some petty sibling violence. Instead, I put my arm around her shoulders and carefully let my hand come to rest on breast. I was sure she was going to say something about it this time.

"You're kind of annoying sometimes," she said. "It's not always easy having a conversation with you."

"I am aware. However, I did let you borrow my car. That has to make up for some of the annoyingness."

"Yeah, I guess it does. Somewhat."

She was making no move to push my hand away, nor giving me any sign that I shouldn't be touching her that way. Mostly I was just letting my hand rest on her boob, though every now and then I did give a little squeeze or shift my fingers a bit. I was actually getting fairly curious about what was going through her head. There was no way she could be as oblivious about it as she acted.

Suddenly Anna moved, and I nearly jerked my hand away from her chest out of pure reflex. She didn't get up or lean back away from me as I thought she would, but instead actually leaned closer and lowered her head. I couldn't figure out what she was doing at first, unless she had decided to use my lap as a pillow. I had a partial erection from grabbing her boob, so I couldn't imagine that would be a particularly comfortable position for either of us. It said a lot about the effect of recent events that I wasn't all that worried about her discovering I was hard.

Anna stopped when her head was around my stomach. She moved one of her hands to my lap where it was out of my line of sight, since her body was now blocking that area. I could feel her though, and it almost seemed like she was trying to get into my pants.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"I owe you, remember?" she said.

"I was kidding."

"No you weren't. Not entirely. Besides, is this an argument you want to win?"

That shut me up. She was right, I didn't really want to convince her that she didn't need to suck me off again. I assumed that was what she was up to anyway, since that was what she 'owed' me.

Anna had rolled over a bit so her breasts were no longer in easy reach for me. I rested my hand on her hip instead. For some reason it seemed a natural progression to start rubbing her lower back a little. I supposed she might see it as a sign of affection if nothing else.

She eventually got my cock out of my pants and began slowly stroking it. Her face was so close to it already that I could feel her breath. I wanted her mouth on me so badly in that moment. Memories flooded back of the last time she'd done this, how she'd made me feel things my little sister shouldn't make me feel. My desire was tinged with guilt, but not enough to make me stop her.

I did my best not to pay too much attention to what Anna was doing. It was so hard to restrain myself from putting my hand on her head and 'guiding' her to where I wanted her. I had no way of knowing how she'd react to that, and the last thing I wanted to do was risk scaring her off. Besides, as long as she was the one in control it let me at least pretend like I wasn't being completely negligent in my responsibilities as a big brother.

I groaned in pleasure when Anna's lips finally made contact with the tip of my cock. They were softer than I remembered, and the slick pressure of her tongue against the underside of my cock made me groan in pleasure. Her lips wrapped around me, encircling and gripping my shaft as she began her work.

Her head bobbed up and down in small, smooth motions. I couldn't really see much other than that, but the movement still hypnotized me. I couldn't bear to look away.

For several minutes I did little more than watch my sister give me a blowjob for the second time. The TV was still on, but it might as well have been on Mars. There was nothing that could distract me from what I was experiencing. At times I ran my fingers idly across her back, or pulled stray strands of hair back behind her ears. Mostly I just let her do her thing.

It couldn't last forever. I couldn't hold out against Anna's efforts, nor did I want to. In theory I would have enjoyed sitting there for hours; in practice there came a point where I just needed to cum.

I communicated my impending orgasm to my sister, who didn't so much as acknowledge that she'd heard. I knew she understood though. Subtle as it was, there were small, barely detectable changes in her movements when she knew I was close. It was kind of a amazing that I was aware enough to notice them.

Just like last time, Anna kept her mouth on me as I came and swallowed everything I gave her. She only pulled away when it was clear I was finished. She almost seemed reluctant to return to her previous sitting position.

"Thanks," I said as I tucked my cock back into my pants.

Anna flashed me a small, quick smile.

"We're even now," she said.

"Yeah. Right. Even."

I shook my head a little, but didn't press the issue. She obviously had her own agenda at play, I just wasn't sure what it was. It seemed like a bad idea to argue too hard for the off-chance she'd share it with me. Her stubbornness could easily work against me if I wasn't careful.

Anna hopped off the couch and went to the bathroom. Just like last time I could hear her running water, and I wasn't sure what took her so long getting back. It wasn't like she had much of a mess to clean up.

After idly thinking about it for a couple minutes, I entertained the possibility that she was masturbating in there. It actually seemed like the most plausible option I could come up with. I couldn't blame her if she got kind of horny, and I certainly wasn't judging.

She didn't say anything when she came back. She sat down next to me and leaned against me a little, and just like before I put my arm around her. This time I didn't go for her boobs, the urge having lessened after what she'd done to me.

There was something else I was thinking about, however. Something related to the blowjob I'd just received. I honestly wasn't sure how my sister was going to respond.

"Anna?" I said.


"This is kinda awkward to ask, but I think I need to anyway. What you just did for me, at some point do you think you'd want me to, like, do t--"

"Pff, nice try."


"You're not getting in my panties that easily."

"I... that totally wasn't the point."

"Right. Sure it wasn't." Anna gave me a magnificent eye roll, of the quality that suggested she'd been practicing for days for just such an occasion. She poked me in the chest. Hard. "Let me explain something. You're my brother. That means certain parts of my body are off-limits both for viewing and touching."

I opened my mouth, then closed it again just as quickly. I wasn't the fastest learner, but I realized that this was another situation where I wasn't meant to argue. Luckily I clued in before saying something stupid. I wasn't supposed to touch her boobs the way I had been, nor was she supposed to suck my cock, and that made for a clear inconsistency in her stance. The question was whether or not there was anything to be gained by calling her on her hypocrisy. I suspected there was more chance of me becoming worse off for it, if anything.

"I know you're a total perv," she continued, "because let's face it, pretty much all guys are. You just have to accept that you can't have everything you want."

Anna finished her tirade and settled back into my shoulder. My arm was still around her, and as a test I let my hand drop down to cup her breast. She didn't say a word about it.

"Sorry for being a perv," I said.

"That's okay. I know you don't mean to be. And I hope you understand the only reason I gave you those two blowjobs was 'cause I owed you one, and the other was to prove a point. Obviously neither of us would be that much of a perv normally."

"Right. Obviously."

If it hadn't been before, it was official now. Anna was playing some sort of game of her own devising, and only she knew the rules. It was unfair, sure, but so far I felt like I was winning, or at least not losing, so I had no real reason to complain.

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