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Four Moms Having Fun

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Four bored moms decide to visit each other for fun.
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Brief descriptions:

Melanie, a 40-year old mom with shoulder-length light brown hair with soft curls at the bottom of her hair. Her favorite color is red, and she usually wears a red top.

Bridget, a 39-year old mom with straight, light brown hair flowing partway down her back. Her favorite color is blue, and she usually wears a blue top.

Danielle, a 39-year old mom with a dark brown bobcut. Her favorite color is yellow, and she usually wears a yellow top.

Alyssa, a 41-year old mom with straight, caramel blonde hair flowing partway down her back. Her favorite color is green, and she usually wears a green top.


Now for the story:


It was a rainy Sunday afternoon. Melanie sat home alone, somewhat bored and having little other to do than watch television.

Melanie had three close friends, Bridget, Danielle, and Alyssa. Each of their husbands went together on a fishing trip to the mountains one late Friday afternoon and were only expected to return in two weeks. Meanwhile, their children were all young adults in college and went about their independent adult lives, not often visiting them.

Melanie decided to host a group call and asked her three friends if they wanted to drop by. All three of her friends agreed, as well as to Danielle's suggestion that they stay together for two weeks at Melanie's home for a staycation, contrary to how their husbands were on a vacation together.

Bridget and Alyssa arrived at the same time and brought some snacks and party games along with them. The three of them sat at the dinner table together, having some coffee, when just then they heard the doorbell ring.

It was Danielle. She had rushed her way to Melanie's home when she realized that she had overslept in her afternoon nap. Danielle was so cozy in her turtleneck yellow woolly sweater, which complimented the rainy weather, that she had not thought to get properly dressed.

"Danielle? You aren't wearing any pants!" Melanie said, shocked while looking at sweater only partially covering Danielle's shaved pussy.

"Oh, well seems I forgot to get dressed. Fuck wearing pants, they're a real discomfort when you're trying to relax at home," Danielle said. "It's not like we're in public either, so do you have a problem with me not wearing them, hm?"

"No, but..." Melanie said, blushing before being interrupted.

"Then good, because I'm not wearing that shit for as long as I don't have to," Danielle replied.

"Suit yourself," Melanie said. "Me and the others don't mind."

The two of them went over to the table to sit with Bridget and Alyssa.

"So, what's up?" Alyssa said. "You look super cute in that turtleneck sweater."

Danielle giggled then said, "You don't look so bad in your green sweater yourself, Alyssa. As for how I'm doing, well, you know, not much to do when you're at home by yourself for two weeks, especially when it's rainy weather such as this. We need to think of a fun new experience to try out together."

"Give me, or us, a suggestion," Alyssa said.

"Well, I'm boycotting pants for the entire time I stay here. I took a nap at home not wearing any, rushed here when I realized I was late, and forgot to put some on. Fuck it, I say. Why be bound to social rules when it's just the four of us together in the comfort of Melanie's home?" Danielle replied.

The other three did not have much else to respond to. However, there was something about the close comfort between the four of them in Melanie's three-story home and the increasing to do some naughty things that Danielle seemed keen on doing from the very start.

"To be honest, I don't think we should go too wild with our ideas," Bridget said. "What if our husbands were to come back seeing us in a very messy home, especially Melanie's husband?"

"I don't care," Danielle said. "Why let men make all the rules? WE should decide what we want to do, not abide by their expectations."

Bridget let out a small sigh, somehow knowing that Danielle was not going to listen and that they were in for a wild staycation.

That night, when Bridget and Alyssa went to bed and just before Melanie went to go shower, Danielle noticed she looked a bit sad.

"What's wrong?" Danielle asked Melanie as she put her hand on Melanie's shoulder.

"Oh, nothing I suppose. It's just rough in general when your kid has recently become a full-grown adult, venturing off into the world themselves, and then your husband is not giving you enough attention because he's busy with his work or even decides to go on this fishing trip without me. I feel lonely and somewhat sad," Melanie said.

"Yeah I understand," Danielle said sympathetically. "Me, Bridget, and Alyssa have all been feeling the same way as you have. You're not alone in how you feel. Sometimes I wonder if I could have gone for a better man, or woman for that matter because I'm bisexual."

"Anyways, I have to go shower," Melanie said.

"Wait! Can I join you?" Danielle said. "It saves water when we both do it together."

Melanie was about to say no, as she was almost certain that Danielle was using water conservation as an excuse to explore her bisexuality. However, Melanie stopped in mid-thought and changed her mind, as she missed the feeling of intimacy and thought about how Danielle made a point that the staycation is about their time together.

"Alright, sure, come with me," Melanie said.

Without hesitation, Danielle grabbed Melanie's pants, pulled it down, and took a whiff of Melanie's curved ass by putting her nose right between Melanie's ass cheeks. Melanie gasped somewhat loudly in shock, only to blush afterward.

"That... that kind of tickles," Melanie said.

"Thanks!" Danielle responded. "Your ass smells pretty good."

Melanie stood there, shocked that they had begun to engage in lesbian activity and that she might enjoy it more than she had though. Melanie's only fear was if her husband were to find out about this.

"Re..ready to come into the shower with me then?" Melanie asked Danielle.

"You bet!" Danielle said.

The two of them got into the shower. Melanie and Danielle felt somewhat of a shivering feeling from the fact that they were both cheating on their husbands, but disregarded it.

"Wow, your breasts are absolutely amazing! May I rub them?" Danielle asked.

Melanie didn't say anything, but she gave an inviting smile to Danielle so that she would feel welcome to rub her breasts. Danielle not only rubbed Melanie's breasts, she also pulled on them slightly, rubbing her cheek against it, and even sniffed Melanie's breasts. This was Danielle's first time being naked with another full-grown woman.

"I have to admit there's something more sexy about when us ladies do this together than when it's with men," Melanie said.

"Yeah, we're comforting and lifting each other up during a time when we'd otherwise be all alone at night," Danielle said. "Many women feel invulnerable and insecure, and we need to lift each other up in the face of pressure from society and even our own husband. I look at you and see this gorgeous MILF body, complete with a perfect ass and boobs, and I wish I had a body like that. If I can't have that body, at least let me be with you, a woman who has it."

Melanie giggled. "Your body doesn't look bad at all; in fact I think you're cuter than me. Each us of all want something that a certain other person has that we don't. Even if, let's say, your ass is not as curved as mine, it still is a pretty good size. And no one looks cuter in a yellow sweater than you -- I wish I could look as cute in my matching red sweater. Every time I see a yellow sweater, it just screams 'Danielle' to me -- you own that fashion style."

Danielle smiled. "If we're not careful we could be in a friendly argument all night over what one of us likes about the other. I could argue that you look cuter in your red sweater than me in my yellow sweater. Point is that I admire your body and you admire mine. Let's continue exploring that together, shall we?"

Melanie replied, "I'd be delighted to."

Melanie put some body wash on her hands and began rubbing Danielle's ass in circular motion as if she were washing a car. Melanie then put her nose in Danielle's ass and took in the scent of a clean body. Danielle got so excited that her face turned red. The two of them turned to face one another and played with each one's own pussy by scratching it.

"Ah, ah this feels so good," Danielle said as Melanie began sniffing Danielle's clean vagina. "My husband hasn't made me feel this good in a long time. Fuck him, I want to file for divorce."

Melanie fingered Danielle's moist vagina, then each one put their hand on each other's waist, just above their curved asses, gently rubbing it. The two of them then kissed.

"To be fair, it has been a while since me and my husband had this much fun too," Melanie said.

"This interaction in the shower seals the deal of us becoming a new couple for sure. Now the only problem is how do we get rid of our husbands, and how will our sons react when they're to learn that we're a new couple?"

Some time later, as the two were getting dressed, Danielle instructed Melanie to only wear her fitted red sweater and thigh-socks with yellow stripes while making sure her pussy and ass remained exposed. Danielle only wore her yellow sweater and similar thigh-high socks, except they had red stripes.

"I like to mix things up," Danielle said. "Me wearing these socks with red stripes is to express my love for you, as I know red's your favorite color, while yellow is mine, hence why you're wearing socks with yellow stripes. We'll greet Bridget and Alyssa dressed like this in the morning and invite them to join us."

Melanie and Danielle decided to sleep together in the same bed to further their intimate experience. Before they went to sleep, Danielle asked, "Ever feel like you just want to start over?"

"What do you mean?" Melanie said.

"Well, I mean raising our own family together and putting our husbands behind in the past," Danielle responded.

"Well obviously we can't reproduce without a guy, so how would we do that?" Melanie asked.

"Okay so before I answer that, first we should go and buy engagement rings for one another, then we'll file for divorce and kick our husbands out so we can marry one another. What will make it even sexier is if Bridget and Alyssa marry one another."

"Will this somehow turn into a family of four moms?" Melanie asked. "Also, what about my question on how we'll reproduce?"

"Yes, that is precisely my idea -- a family with four moms. Each of us will force our son to have sex with someone in the other pair, so when me and you get married and Bridget and Alyssa get married, me and your son can choose to have sex with either Bridget or Alyssa, and they'll force theirs to have sex with me and you." Danielle said.

"Mmph, I don't know about this idea honestly," Melanie said. "I'll have to give it some consideration, this may be going too far."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Danielle said. "I think we can make it happen."

The next morning, Melanie and Danielle walked down into the kitchen, bottomless in their sweater and thigh highs like last night.

"Ooooh, looking good!" Alyssa said. She and Bridget walked in, also bottomless in a sweater of their favorite color and wearing thigh-high socks, Bridget's being green and Alyssa's being blue."

Danielle started shaking from becoming horny as she looked at the three perfectly lined together, each with their shaved pussies together.

"We actually overheard your discussion as you were getting dressed," Bridget said. "Me and Alyssa have been getting close in recent time, and we think it's time we get even closer," Bridget continued as she and Alyssa smiled at one another.

"Like you both, we've also been getting horny, and maybe we can all try group sex together," Alyssa said.

"Well, it's been kind of much lately," Melanie said. "I'm trying to adapt to the change of us possibly ditching our husbands for one another."

"You kidding? It will be so much fun when it's the four of us together!" Danielle said.

"I'm sure it will, but maybe give me distance today and maybe I'll be in the mood to join in tomorrow," Melanie said.

"Okay, we understand. Take the time you need," Danielle replied.

Danielle, Bridget, and Alyssa went into the bathroom near the master bedroom, where Melanie and Danielle had showered last night, and examined each other's bodies.

"It's really hot when you cross your legs as the thigh highs cover everything except the pussy and ass," Danielle said to both Bridget and Alyssa.

"It's exceptionally cute when you do it," Alyssa said.

"I really like your nose, Danielle," Alyssa said.

"Thank you," Danielle said, deliberately sniffling in response. "I like to put my nose against hot MILF bodies to sniff them."

Danielle leaned over to sniff between Bridget's ass cheeks while Alyssa pounded Danielle's ass like bongos.

"Ahahaha, that tickles!" Bridget said. "It tickles when your nose sniffs against my body!"

"Maybe I should do it more then!" Danielle said. She softly sniffled around Bridget's waistline, then did a really loud one on the lips of Bridget's pussy. Bridget laughed loudly.

The next day, Melanie agreed to join in. She and Danielle coated their bodies in baby oil to slide against one another and rub their vaginas together, all the while Bridget and Alyssa were cheering. Melanie had an orgasm, and Danielle began to perform cunnilingus on her. Danielle stretched open Melanie's ass a bit to sniff it. This caused Melanie to jump, then all four of them started laughing.

"Men suck," Danielle said. "They go on stupid trips without us and they can't even please us properly. Meanwhile I have you three, with your soft, curved bodies, touching and rubbing me, and it feels way way way better when a hairy man does it. How the fuck can any woman want to be with a guy? I don't know why I even ended up choosing a guy!"

Danielle requested the four of them get into Melanie's wide shower.

"What are we doing? Why are you lying down?" Melanie asked.

"I want the three of you to squat and urinate all over my body," Danielle said.

The three agreed, and they began to piss on Danielle. Melanie pissed on Danielle's face, Bridget pissed on Danielle's shoulder, and Alyssa pissed on Danielle's pussy.

"I'm in heaven!" Danielle said as Melanie sat on Danielle's face, Bridget on the middle of her body, and Alyssa on her vagina. All three began to bounce up and down onto Danielle.

The three of them continued to experiment having sex in a variety of ways. However, their staycation was not yet over; there was still the question if they'd all go with Danielle's idea of having a two-couple family with four mothers from having sex with each other's son, or how they'd handle their infuriated husbands once they arrived back from their trip.

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roastknoxroastknox2 months agoAuthor

it did abruptly end while they were all having sex to suggest a chapter 2. the lack of buildup is possibly because of rushed as my my style is quick stories

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Good pretext, way too rushed. No build up; everything happened in five minutes.


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