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Fox and Guests Pt. 04B

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Waist Watchers spokeswomen get fucked too!
6.4k words

Part 17 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/05/2013
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Thank you for the comments on my last segment, I corrected the names of the weight loss companies. I hope you enjoy this one and look for the last of Fox & Guests 04G with Nutrisystem spokeswomen.


The elevator opened and Martha stood there with a smile on her face. "I'm happy you decided to stay tuned for the second part of this special Thursday edition of Fox & Guests. This morning's continuing show will be featuring the women of Waist Watchers. The third will be aired tonight on Fox and Guests Extreme; it will be a wild episode. My Name is Martha MacCallum and I'll be hosting this second edition."

"I'll give you an overview of what to expect and if you shock easily, you may want to skip today's show, but if you don't I tell you, I think it's one you'll never forget. If any of you watch our Cable broadcast shows you most likely saw advertisements for Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and Nurtisystem. Well today on our show we'll be hosting the spokeswomen and living-proof examples of how well their products work. The spin about our shows today, these women now are very, very proud of their weight loss and want to show off their new found bodies. The first show was rather short because of their limited spokeswomen and exposure.

"The twist today is that the ladies will be doing their fantasy with their special picks live. They picked their partners in advance, but unknown to me, well except for one which I will reveal soon. We did our best securing their partners and I can say we were successful in bringing their choices to life. They are all personalities from my industry and without further ado, here are the ladies!"

Jennifer Hudson came out first. She was wearing a floor length black flowing, but still very tight dress. It hugged her large tits and from the waist on down it flowed around her long legs. There was a huge slit from hem to nearly her waist and when she walked, it showed off her new, sexy slim body. Her bubble butt was a lot smaller, but it was still tantalizing. Her new short hair was done to perfection and her full red lips were promising and every man's dream.

Martha gave her a hug; "Good morning Jennifer, you look absolutely gorgeous. I can see Weight Watchers was a complete success with you. So tell me, who is your fantasy TV personality?"

"Well Martha, first I'd like to say, I love having the opportunity to participate in this wild fantasy. It should be a part of the contract for personalities who sign up to promote these weight loss programs. I'm sure there would be a lot more signing up and what an incentive to lose weight! My secret fantasy personality is in the business, not doing the news, but a host for several different shows. He's always been a fantasy of mine and a very close friend, come on out here stud, Ryan Seacrest!"

Ryan came out in jeans and a tight black t-shirt and giving Martha a hug, he stepped over to Jennifer and planted a toe-curling kiss on her full red lips. "Okay Martha when do we begin?"

Martha giggled; "Hold on Ryan, we have three other women and their fantasy men and or maybe women to introduce. With that being said, let's introduce the second big weight loser, come on out Jenny McCarthy!"

Jenny came out and looked great and just like Jennifer, was sporting a new short hairdo, it looked fantastic, it framed her face and with her large blue eyes, her blonde hair sparkled. She was dressed in a very tight and tiny nearly see-through halter top. Her flat tanned belly looked amazing and her tight ass was poured into an incredibly tiny pair of "Daisy Dukes"! Her legs looked even longer and very shapely; her feet were in fuck-me high heels.

She gave Martha and Jennifer a hug and getting very close to Ryan, she planted a hot, wet kiss on his lips and it was evident her tongue was darting out to meet his. Breaking the kiss she let out a long moan and smiled at Jennifer; "Jennifer, you sure picked well, if you change your mind later, I wouldn't mind swapping!"

Martha was laughing out loud; "Slow down Jenny, how about introducing your fantasy partner?"

"Partners Martha, two not just one, I couldn't make up my mind, as always, so here are the two I picked! First, one of your colleagues, one who was a guest host on the View, come on out!" Harris Faulkner walked out in a skin tight bright yellow dress. It was evident she wasn't wearing underwear as her large breasts were threatening to burst from her dress. Her huge black nipples were poking against the tight fabric. Her gorgeous ass and legs were shown off to perfection. She slithered over to Jenny and planted a hot kiss on her lips. When she broke the kiss, Jenny stumbled back in shock and surprise.

Jenny gave her a tiny pat on the ass; "Now that's how you make an entrance. So let me introduce my other fantasy partner, he too is from your network Martha, come on out!"

Shepard Smith came out and unlike Ryan was dressed in a suit and looked dapper as he always does. He surprised Martha when he gave her a hot kiss and turned to Harris and Jenny and gave them both an equally hot kiss; "How was that for an entrance Jenny?"

She let out a tiny moan; "I'm counting on you backing up that kiss with a little more!"

Martha giggled; "Don't worry Jenny, I can vouch for Shep first hand, he can and will back it up!"

"Next we have a native New Yorker and she lost a lot of weight after having a baby, I love her and can't say enough about her, come on out Tina!"

Tina Fay came bouncing out, dressed it a rather modest black dress with a full skirt showing off her great legs and tiny waist. She gave everyone a hug and seemed a little uncertain about this.

"Hi Tina, we are very happy to see you made it. Are you ready to break lose and have some fun?"

She let out a long cleansing breath and suddenly looked relieved; "I sure am Martha, I can't wait to jump my fantasy's bones. He, just like Jennifer is a host and a real good friend, just like Ryan is with Jennifer. Come on out her Jimmy!"

Jimmy Fallon walked out and just like Shepard; he was dressed in a suit and looked a little nervous. He hugged all the ladies and shook hands of all the ladies; "I'm not sure about this Tina, I know we've always has this underlining sexual tension between us, but............."

He was cut off with a soul-searching kiss from Tina. When the kiss ended Jimmy looked over to Martha; "OKAY, when do we begin!"

"Okay last, but not least let's bring out our last weight loss star, come on out!"

Came out bouncy and bubbly was the gorgeous Jessica Simpson. Her weight was still a little more than the others, but since her second child, she was losing the weight progressively and was nearly where she wanted to be. Her gorgeous, super long light blonde thick hair was flying about and hung halfway down her back. She was poured into a pair of super tight jeans, with high heels. Her upper body has a loose fitting flowing blouse, but no matter how loose it was, it was impossible to hide those gorgeous large tits. It was evident she was naked beneath the blouse as her tits swayed back and forth under the blouse and her huge nipples were poking against the thin fabric. She was smiling from ear to ear and gave everyone a hug and stood beside Martha.

Martha was laughing and was unable to hide her excitement; "Okay Jessica, I can't hold back much longer, tell everyone who you picked!"

She smiled back at Martha and was still smiling broadly; "Okay Martha, just like Jennifer, I picked a host here on your network, without anything else being said, come on out Bill!"

Bill Hemmer walked out and just like Ryan was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He shook the hands of all of the men and gave all of the ladies a kiss!

Martha spoke up; "So I guess that finishes all of our guests right Jessica?"

Jessica shook her head, her long blonde hair danced about her head; "Oh hell no Martha, I have a female partner for Bill and me to share, any idea who that is?"

Martha was laughing out loud; "I have no idea Jessica, bring her out!"

Jessica moved over to Martha; "She's already out here, ladies and gentlemen, my female partner to share Bill with is our host here, Martha MacCallum!" She planted a hot open-mouthed kiss on her and she returned in same. She broke the kiss and Bill gave her a kiss equal to the one Jessica just gave her"

Martha was dizzy when the kiss ended; "Well it looks like I have my work cut out for me. If you all would follow me, we can all get started!"

They went down a long hall and it opened up to a huge bedroom with several beds, a wet bar and a huge hot tub, it was open and steamy, She turned to the group; "Help yourself to the bar and the numerous trays of appetizers, I'm not going to be a very good host seeing I'll be busy between Jessica's thighs and with Bill's big cock in my pussy. Ohhhhh Jessica, you're in for I treat, I know!"

Jennifer slid over to Ryan and placed her hands on his chest and slid her hands up and down his tight pecs. At the same time Ryan slid his hands up and down Jennifer's tight trim back and ended up at her taut ass. Squeezing her bubble butt, he pulled her against his body.

Jennifer began to grind her pussy against his cock and his lump, like radar found the slit on her dress.

Jennifer let out growl, she tore off his t-shirt and dropping to her knees, she yanked open his pants and pulled the zipper down and with it open, she pulled his pants down and off along with his shoes. She pushed him backwards and he fell back onto the bed. She climbed up between his legs and gripped his stiffening cock and stroked it up and down several times. She spat on her palm and stroked it until it was stiff as a pipe. She paused and looked up into his eyes with those coal black eyes and smiled. Her tongue slowly licked her full red lips and as they parted, she opened wider and keeping her eyes locked on Ryan's, her mouth engulfed the head of his cock. Her tongue whipped around and around it and with it covered in her saliva, she pulled back and a string of saliva clung to her lip and his cockhead. She sucked hard and drew the string into her mouth and followed it taking it back into her mouth.

Ryan let out a grunt and combed his fingers through her gorgeous black hair. Although it was now shorter than before, he loved how it felt sliding though his fingers.

Jennifer paused to look at him once again and smiling she pulled her mouth off his cock and rising up, she towered over him and reaching back slowly drew the zipper down on her dress. Like a grape, she peeled the dress off her shoulders and pulling it off her arms, it dropped past her full black mounds of swaying flesh. She let out a groan when Ryan reached up palmed her gorgeous tits in his white hands. His thumbs flicked back and forth across her nipples and they instantly sprung up and stiffened. She leaned down and took his cock back into her mouth and began bobbing up and down, her big tits were squashed against his thighs and with each downward slide, she took more of his seven inch cock into her mouth.

Across the room Jenny McCarthy and Harris Faulkner had Shepard Smith sandwiched between their two voluptuous bodies.

Shep was French kissing Jenny, his hands were traveling all over her scantily clad body and she groaned when she felt another pair of hands, Harris' sweeping Jenny's hair from her neck and her mouth descended on the nape of her neck and began nipping and sucking on her sensitive flesh.

Harris was attacking Jenny's body like a rabid sex hound. Her hands gripped the silky halter top and pulling it down, Jenny's large firm tits popped out. The halter top was instantly replaced by both Harris and Shep's hands. They both began caressing and rubbing gently, but Jenny urged them both to squeeze them even harder.

Shep's tongue urged Jenny's tongue out and wrapping his lips around it, started sucking on it softly, he quickly increased the pressure on her tongue as he squeezed and thumbed one fat nipple.

Jenny's groans increased with the mauling of her tits and she slid her hands down his body and somehow got his pants undone and after they dropped to the floor, she did short order of his shorts and when her hands cupped his balls, Harris' hand gripped his cock and began to stroke it.

Shep groaned as the two voluptuous women stroked his cock and balls. When he groaned, he had to allow her tongue to escape. He lowered his mouth and replaced his hand with his mouth. He treated her fat stiff nipple exactly how he had worked over her tongue and he had her squirming. Mustering up all his strength, Shep pulled away from Jenny and lifting her, he tossed her onto the bed. She lay there staring up at Shep and Harris as they stripped as quickly as possible.

Harris only wearing her skin-tight dress was naked in a flash and she slid onto the bed to join Jenny. Being larger than Jenny, she spun her around and clamored between her thighs. She instantly began licking up and down Jenny's slit. When she captured her clit between her lips, she flicked it back and forth and began sucking on it gently.

Shepard removed his shorts, now totally naked he approached the bed and grabbing Jenny by the shoulders, he drew her to the edge of the bed.

Jenny's gorgeous hair tumbled off the bed and it swayed back and forth. She licked her full red lips and gazed up at Shepard with those translucent sky blue eyes. They were sparkling and smoking at the same time and she opened her mouth as she reached out and grabbing a hold of his ass, she drew his cock to her mouth. She engulfed it and with her head tipped back, she was able to sink his cock, balls deep into her mouth and throat.

Shep smiled down at her; "You were a fantasy of mine when I was in college. I stroked my cock so many times while looking at your foldout and other pics in Playboy. Now my fantasy has come to light, my cock buried deep in your throat!"

"Harris rose up from between her thighs and licking her cream Jenny had deposited there smiled up at Shepard; "Your fantasy will be even better when you slam that cock of yours in this tasty pussy!" Looking at Jenny slobbering all over his cock, leaned down and licked at her clit several times, she caused Jenny to gargle around his cock; "Just you wait Jenny, he's going to give you the fucking of your life! I know I've fucked him several times and let me tell you, you're going to cum so hard, he'll make your toes curl!" She immediately resumed sucking on Jenny's cunt with even more gusto.

Jenny sank Shepard's cock even deeper down her throat and started cumming from Harris' expert tongue. She wrapped her legs around Harris' head and trapping it there, she began squirting as Harris shoved three fingers into her creamy slit.

Shep lost it and started cumming. He sent his thick creamy load down into her belly and she swallowed every drop. When he finished cumming, Jenny released his cock allowing it to slip from her mouth and he joined the two gorgeous women on the bed.

On the bed next to them Tina had Jimmy locked in a vice-like embrace. Her mouth was sucking wildly at his tongue and he had her in a tight embrace also. Jimmy broke the kiss and swept aside her thick luxurious dark hair. He buried his face in the nape of her neck and began ravishing her there. "Oh my god Tina, I'd dreamt of this ever since I saw you on TV doing those hair color commercials. You look even more desirable here then when we worked together in SLN."

"Oh yes Jimmy, I feel the same way about you, now shut the fuck up and make love to me!"

Before she even finished speaking, Jimmy's hands were pulling the long zipper down her back and began removing her dress. When it hit the floor, his hands were back removing her bra. He pulled back slightly to allow the bra to fall free and his hands cupped her tight ass that was stuffed into a pair of lacy, black boy shorts.

He resumed kissing her and her near naked body was crushed against his full clothed body. Taking a step back, both of them began to remove his clothes and when he was down to his shorts, Tina slipped to her knees and at the same time began drawing his shorts off. She was impressed with his size, not overly large, but rather thick. On her knees she crushed her firm, yet smallish breasts against his thighs. Her extremely fat nipples scraped against his legs as she opened her mouth and her tongue slipped out and rolled around and around the fattish head.

Tina was consumed with Jimmy's cock. She swiped it back and forth over her cheeks, jaw and forehead. She took her tongue and ran it up and down its length and rolled the head around and around and around with her tongue. She stabbed at the hole and pushing it against his body, she flattened her tongue and ran it up and down the underside, once again swiping his stiff cock all over her face. She stroked it and sucked on his swollen nuts and looked up at him with those large dark brown eyes and finally letting out a low groan, poised her lips over his cock and slowly opened her mouth and lowered her head. Inch my inch, she slowly took his entire length into her mouth. Her other hand was stuffed down into her panties and she was vigorously rubbing her dripping pussy.

Jimmy let out a loud grunt, he was so turned on by her teasing of his cock, when she finally took him into her mouth and her tongue flicked around and around his thick cock, he lost it and started shooting his cum down her throat. He smiled down at her as her eyes went wide and she let out a squeal and began swallowing as fast as she could. He watched in amazement as she took every drop and pulling her head back, his spent cock slapped against her cheek and she smacked her lips in a satisfying smile and licking them said; "Mmmmm, it was even better than I imagined it would be!" Standing up and falling back onto the bed she spread her legs; "Now it's your turn, I just hope this part of my fantasy is just as good as your cock shooting down my throat was!"

Beside the last, even larger bed Jessica Simpson had her head thrown back, her incredibly long, thick light blonde hair danced about her back and full breasts. Her lips were parted and with Martha on one side of her and Bill Hemmer on the other side, she was in heaven as their hands and lips seemed to be all over her lush voluptuous body at once. She opened her eyes when she felt her tight jeans being unsnapped and the tight zipper being lowered. She looked down, Bill was in front and Martha was behind her, both were on their knees drawing her extremely tight jeans down off her large bubble butt and now gorgeous thighs and calves.

She lifted first one foot and then the other as they removed her jeans, shoes and socks. She let out a squeal, a laugh that turned into a moan when both Bill and Martha buried their faces in the pungent scent of her leaking pussy and tight ass cheeks.

Martha who was dressed in a tight black ribbed turtleneck dress looked amazing. Her shoulder length blonde air swayed back and forth as she tried to nuzzle Jessica's gorgeous ass. She couldn't help herself as she reached up and pulled down Jessica's panties and spreading her ass cheeks, Martha stabbed her tongue into Jessica's puckered hole.

Jessica let out a squeal and pushed her ass harder against Martha's invading tongue. She let out a guttural moan and shook as a tiny orgasm began to build deep in her loins as Bill, who was in front of her uncovered her fat, stiff clit and flicking it back and forth, she lost it and shook through her first orgasm. She urged Bill to his feet and as she sucked on his tongue, the two of them worked feverously on his clothes and he was soon naked and her long slim fingers were wrapped around his very large cock. "Mmmm Martha, I think I made a very good choice picking Bill here, thank you for pointing him out to me!"

"You're welcome Jessica, I know first-hand just how big he is and just wait, he really knows how to use it too!"


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