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Frankie's Story Ch. 04

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She is alone - and no slave should ever be alone.
13.3k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 12/09/2012
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(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning, then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I've tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn't it strange how life never lets that happen.)


Frankie and I were deep in discussion over the itinerary for our next round of seminars and customer visits. We usually leave the door open so neither of us saw her leaning against the doorframe; we don't even know how long she had been there.

"Don't you think you had better make Harper Industries your first call since you had to cut the last one short?"

We both turned to look at Samantha. She was stunning as ever. I subtly nodded to Frankie and she took her leave asking Samantha what she would like to drink. Samantha took a seat as Frankie left to get Samantha's drink closing my door behind her. I sensed the same undercurrent from her that I felt at the seminar. I waited for her to say something letting the silence weigh on her. She seemed to have come to terms with something since we last saw her more than six months ago at the seminar.

"How is your friend, the one that you had to cut short your trip for? I heard she was involved in a car accident."

"She's fine thank you. She had to stay in hospital for a few days but she's back at work now. All of us are spoiling her rotten much to her annoyance."

I felt my own annoyance growing over the increasing unwarranted pressure Samantha is bringing to bear. It is clear her father only lets her loose when he wants someone taught a lesson or a part of his company isn't performing to his standards. The fact she is here now left me wondering if Mitchell Harper believed I fell into that category. If so, then perhaps it was time to close the book and walk away from all dealings with him.

"What do you want Samantha?"

Her smile faltered slightly. She clearly had something to say and I was becoming more irritated she kept stalling.

"Why Jack, what an earth do you mean? It's simply a friendly visit", her voice thick with sarcasm.

Her statement would have been funny if she wasn't irritating me so much. I placed my elbows on my desk and looked intensely at her.

"Samantha, you're a beautiful woman. You make people nervous when you walk into a room because your reputation precedes you. Your reputation is well earned because you make the hard decisions and make sure they are carried out. What you do you do for the good of your father's company and you do it with integrity and diligence. You have always dealt with me fairly and well. So, I'm going to give you one more chance, what do you want?"

She paused and stared at me intently to see if I had ulterior motive for what I just said. I stared back.

"Are you afraid of me Jack?"

Just as I was about to answer Frankie came back and placed drinks in front of both of us. She was about to leave again when Samantha asked her to sit down. Both looked at me and I eventually nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to come clean Jack. It's going to take a minute to do that because I need you to understand something before I do. My father plans to expand his business once again and throw a good chunk of the work your way so he asked me to check you out. I'm very thorough Jack as you know I take my job very seriously."

"I had planned to come clean when you visited so I talked my father into extending your visit another two days. The accident put a wrench into my plans so I took it upon myself to come here instead, 'Into the lion's den' so to speak."

By now I have had enough. Samantha seemed to be spending a great deal of time talking yet saying absolutely nothing. Looking at my watch I then looked over to Frankie who has a worried expression on her face.

"Get your coat Frankie; it's time to go home. If you will excuse me, I have things to do."

Samantha went white, her mouth dropped open and she seemed at a loss over what to say next. She sat watching as I headed for the door grabbing my coat. Frankie was already in the middle of putting hers on when Samantha's mouth suddenly went into overdrive.

"Your name is Francine McManus your father is a prominent lawyer and a partner in his law firm. You're his niece, you're also his slave and you have been for the last six months. There is one other a Maureen O'Connell although she goes by the name of Red. She has been his slave since collage."

Frankie was frozen to the spot and actually looked like she was on the verge of tears. I acted as though I wasn't listening to her and simply continued to put my coat on and place papers in my case to work on later. Eventually my head came up and I noticed that both girls were watching me.

"Thank you for the history lesson Samantha. Now, since our business has finished you will have to excuse us but it's been a long day. We will be heading home. Goodbye."

Samantha stood and, for the first time, fear crossed her eyes.

"Please Jack. No one knows any of this you have my word. I need to talk to you. I could come out to the cabin later and we could discuss this there."

I made it look like I was thinking about it. Then I shook my head and said no telling her that our home is private and I refuse to let her anywhere near it. She should be here ten tomorrow morning if she wanted to continue this one-sided conversation. I followed Frankie out of my office leaving Samantha in the middle of the room staring at our backs as we left.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry Frankie I have that already covered."

As we pulled up to the cabin Red came out to greet us.

"Both of you collar up and I want you both in tee shirts and shorts for tonight."

Frankie rushed into the cabin. Red stood and waited as I drew closer I gave her a quick rundown on what had happened in the office.

"Is there going to be trouble?"

Shaking my head, I added, "Let's just say that things may get a little interesting this evening. Here is what I want you and Frankie to do if ..."

Red nodded and went into the cabin to change. I then took my case into my den and started working on the papers I had brought home with me. Samantha arrived two hours later. I watched her car pass my window, got up and stood by the cabin door with both the girls behind me. She took a few minutes in her car gathering her thoughts then took a deep breath and exited the car walked towards the cabin.

"I said I would see you tomorrow Samantha."

She continued to walk towards the cabin her smile as disarming as she could make it.

"I understand that Jack but what I have to say is important and also confidential."

Samantha had mounted the steps and stood in the middle of the porch. The only thing blocking her way was me. Both the girl came out of the cabin passed me and split up walked five paces behind and at either side of Samantha kneeling on the deck facing her.

"You don't listen, do you Samantha? Do you ever listen?"

I stared at her, our eyes locked and she seemed to shrink back slightly. I slowly walked behind her stopping close to her. Her whole body shook for a moment before she took control of it once again. Her eyes fixed forward never leaving the door to the cabin.

I spoke into her right ear, "You were given very explicit instructions and you didn't follow them. This is my house, my space and you came here uninvited. You disobeyed me."

Her whole body trembled once more before she found her voice again.

"I... I'm sorry... I... please I need you to listen to me."

I moved to her other ear. She practically jumped when I spoke, "No."

"I... I don't understand."

"It's simple Samantha the answer is 'no'. Now leave."

Her head slumped for a moment. I thought I saw her shoulders shake before she pulled air into her lungs.

"Please you have to listen to me. It's important."

Once again I moved to her other ear and again she jumped when I whispered, "Had you come and spoke to me when we first met I may have listened. Now your behavior shows it's no longer in you. What you see is an echo of your past Samantha so the answer is no."

This time her shoulders slumped. I moved away from her to give her access to the porch steps and her car. Samantha must have heard me move because what she said next burst from her mouth so quickly that nothing short of desperation urged it onwards.

"Please Sir test me. Test me now and if I fail I will know."

Both Red and I looked at each other. Samantha had caught me unprepared. Red was now frantically shaking her head.

"I'm not your 'Sir'."

A new found strength seemed to have come to her; we could all hear it in her voice.

"I may have not earned the right to call you Master and until I pass any test you give me you are to be treated with respect Sir."

Samantha seemed to take my silence as an opening and she pounced on it grabbing it with both hands. Her whole demeanor changed as she desperately pled, "I am lost. Please Sir, test me. Let me show you."

Red was still shaking her head when I glanced at her. We both knew why. My gaze then went to Frankie. Her eyes still focused on Samantha. The pause in conversation made her look towards me and then back to Samantha only to return to me as though she herself was looking for her own answers. Finally, Frankie looked once again at me and briefly nodded before her focus returned to our guest.

I made a gesture towards Red who then glared at me but nodded anyway. She stood and walked into the cabin. Moments later she returned with the thick leather collar I use to tie the girls to the bed and placed it around Samantha's neck with the locking mechanism still open.

"You wish to be tested but I have my doubts. Leave now and what has happened here will never be spoken of again."

Samantha's arms moved from her side and moments later I shut the collar around her neck. I'm almost sure she knew what was going to be said next. I commanded her to remove her clothes, fold them and set them in front of her. I still had not moved from behind her and I knew I would not do so tonight. This is a test and not bonding. I have to say even though I refused to stand in front of her I can see she has a most impressive back. Her blonde hair stopped just below her shoulder blades. She had that all over natural tan with no tan lines and one hell of an impressively tight ass. I may be looking at only her back but what I was seeing clearly showed she took time to work out... a lot.

I did not intend to push her. Yet, it is her insistence to be tested pushed me to do just that. I had to remember it was she who is forcing me to have to deal with her this way. She came here even though I told her I would see her tomorrow and she ignored my command. This is my home. It's why I took so much time and effort to buy the land around my cabin so that I could have my privacy and Samantha Harper ignored that. Be it out of need or arrogance I had yet to find out.

Pretty soon she was going to figure out what her test was and I wondered how she would cope. Of course, the fallout from administering this test and her failing could be interesting.

Her clothes were all neatly folded and just in front of her. Samantha was totally naked and waiting for my next command. After a pause I told her to kneel on her clothes. Kneeling down by Red I whispered in her ear what I wanted Frankie and her to do, she nodded to Frankie and both stood and walked back into the cabin leaving us alone. I remain silent observing Samantha's reaction. Samantha was becoming more anxious. A couple of times her body would shudder before she would take back control of it. It was Frankie who came through the door first. She knelt in front of Samantha and offered her a glass of water and holding a pitcher in her other hand.

"Take it and drink everything that is given to you. You will not be drugged. You will be fully aware of what you are doing at all times here. You are free to leave at any time by stopping the test and ending everything."

Samantha took the glass and steadily worked her way through the pitcher of water. When that was finished she went to hand her glass back to Frankie who shook her head rose up and walked back into the cabin. Moments later Red appeared and knelt in front of her and the process continued. For nearly half an hour both girls patiently knelt in front of her and fed her water. With each passing minute Samantha was getting more and more agitated.

It was Frankie who broke the silence, "You know what my Master wants from you, if it's within you it will come out."

She let out a small giggle as she answered Frankie, "Oh it's within me all right. I just pray that Armani will forgive me when I let it all out."

Frankie smiled nodded her head slightly and continued to watch Samantha. The smell of pee began to invade the porch and soon a small stream of liquid appeared from under Samantha's ass running between the gaps in the decking and then out of view. The clothes she was kneeling on are now thoroughly soaked. Finally, she handed Frankie her glass back and waited. She jumped again when spoke close to her ear. "Put your clothes back on. Red will show you were you will sleep. You have tonight to think about what it is you want. You have the keys to your car. Use them if you need to and, if that's what you choose to do, this afternoon will never be mentioned again."

Samantha didn't move. The soaked clothes beneath her reminding her of what she had just done. Finally, she drew breathe and lifted herself off the decking; squatted down and picked up her clothes; and very gingerly set about putting them back on. Frankie looked towards me; it was clear by her manner that she wanted to help her so I nodded my head and stood further back. Frankie picked up the rest of her clothes and held them as Samantha got dressed.

Red watched from the cabin door until Samantha was fully dressed. She exited the cabin then walked passed us down the steps. Samantha turned to follow and that's the first time our eyes met since all this had started. Her eyes were moist she had come close to tears over this small part of her test. She paused before descending the stairs saying, "I will pass this test Sir and when I do please let me talk openly to you. I need you to listen and understand, two traits I know you have in abundance."

"Who said your test is even remotely over?"

Her body involuntarily shuddered before her shoulders slumped in understanding that this was just the beginning.

"I understand. But what you saw as arrogance was my own uncertainty about how to approach you. I will gladly continue to be tested until I have earned my time to talk to you."

There was something about her as she spoke. Her mannerism reflected a silent acceptance of the inevitable. Her eyes held within them a grim determination. I caught the movement of her arm and looked as her hand came level to me. Instinctively I held my hand out and Samantha placed the keys to her car in my hand and then she followed Red towards the barn and the cot I have in there.

By the time Red had returned from the barn I had thrown a bucket of water over the spot that Samantha had peed. She stood and looked at the wet patch for a moment.

"Please consider what you're doing. You're collecting waifs and strays again. I'm sure she has her reasons to be here but it's my duty to protect you. I am your slave but I also gave my word to Shannon that I would protect you and this whole situation could get very messy. She is dangerous."

Other than nodding my head I had very little to say but plenty to think about. Red moved back into the cabin to make dinner and Frankie came and sat with me, as she got herself comfortable I let her know that since Red gave me her opinion it was fair that I heard hers.

After a moment Frankie said. "You knew she would come here. In the car you said you had this situation covered."

I smiled as I realized what I had said to her. I told her that I had my doubts about being associated with Harper industries so I got someone to check them out. The corporation and the Harper family came back clean except for Samantha. That's when I got a PI to really check the family out. As it turns out Samantha was into BDSM in collage and, like her with Randy, she got into some trouble. Her father interceded and things got a little ugly but money talks and the boy Samantha was with quietly left collage and faded away. Samantha resumed her studies.

"So, that's why you spoke to her like you did just now. Her submissive side has resurfaced. But how did she find us? We have been so careful."

I held out my hand. Frankie placed hers into mine and moved to sit on my lap snuggling in closer and a gentle sigh of contentment escaped her lips.

"She actually told us the truth. Her father is in the middle of buying the guts of the company that the Sanchez brothers built. The feud between them is forcing liquidation of the whole company. Mitchell Harper plans to run it as a subsidiary after merging some of the technology into other divisions."

She gasped when she realized. "Harper told Samantha to check you out because they need to bring you in on the transition and to help with the technology integration."

I hugged her tighter and smiled. "Somehow we left a trail and Samantha followed it. Her old needs resurfaced and that's why she is here or at least in part."

For such a long time Frankie sat and stared at the barn. I knew where her mind was. She would ask me soon, I knew she would.

"Please don't be angry with me Master but may a sleep in the barn tonight. She is alone and no slave should ever be alone."

Once again I hugged her and told her I could never be angry with someone who cares so much. Frankie was close to tears and hugged me back. I did warn her though. She was to have dinner first and then take Samantha hers. I did not want Frankie to talk to her so I would insist on a ball gag until the morning.

"She has choices to make Frankie. They are significant choices for her. Yes, she can use you as a sounding board but you must not influence her. The gag will deny her that. You will both shower together in the morning and then take a long bath together. Let's face it, by tomorrow the both of you are going to smell something awful and I'm already going to get it from Red for smelling up the cabin."


Red and I watched Frankie walk to the barn with Samantha's dinner in her hands. I had personally put a holed ball gag on Frankie and she smiled as I did. She knew she would be sleeping with it on, although I seriously had my doubts if either of them would get much sleep tonight. So, some relief on her part was mixed in with the smile.

"I will get us a couple of blankets."


"Oh, come on let's not fool ourselves here. What you did to that girl is completely foreign to you. The action you were going to take against here instantly changed when she called you Sir and Frankie and I know it."

I was still not getting Red's meaning.

"You aren't going to sleep tonight just thinking about both of them in there. You plan to serve your own penance and that means we are going to be out here all night watching a barn that isn't going anywhere. It will still be here in the morning."

It was my turn to chuckle. "How did you get so smart?"

Red was now on my lap and had wrapped us both in the two blankets, a warm and contented woman.

"I went to collage remember and besides Shannon saw how smart I was and gave me a part of you as a gift that I never realized I needed and every day I thanked her for it."

This time we both laughed. The pause that came next was for Red to focus on what she wanted to say next. All I did was sit and watch a barn that didn't move. She was right about that.

"Shannon knew from the day she met you that you were the one she would spend her life with. I don't hold much stock in this love-at-first-sight nonsense but she did. The thing she quickly realized was that the both of you together would be dangerous. She would willingly do anything you told her to do and you were still young enough to make mistakes and either got caught or hurt each other."

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