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Frankie's Story Ch. 08

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My master owns me not you.
13.6k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 12/09/2012
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(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning, then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I've tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn't it strange how life never lets that happen.)

My thanks to Linda 62953 for her editing of this chapter.


I sat in my chair and drank my coffee. Frankie sat at her desk and pretended to look busy. Neither one of us was fooling the other. In the end, she heard me say 'fuck it' as I got out of my chair and went to see Mrs Gillins.

Damned if I knew how but she was expecting me, her assistant was already down in the basement filing and coffee was still warm on the side of her desk.

"I expected you twenty minutes ago."

"Kinda figured you would, that's why I held out this long, we have to talk and clear the air a bit."

Mrs Gillins leaned back in her chair and waited; I topped up her coffee and sat for a moment, took a sip and put the cup down on her desk.

"This isn't about my life anymore. It concerns others. The thing is, in some way you fit into this. I need to know how much."

Other than take a sip from her own cup, I got nothing from her.

"You know everything that goes on here. I'm not going to waste time on this. I have little enough time as it is. You know about Rebecca and Niamh?"

I got one nod out of her while reaching for her coffee again. It also told me I wasn't getting anything else out of her.

"I promised her a week to figure out her life and what she plans to do with it. If she walks away from Niamh, then so be it. If they both decide that they are the one and plan to live together, then so be it. I had to give Thomas a reason for her being here for a week. That will mean Marlon and I getting involved with the research, something we promised not to do. Your involvement with Thomas may prove a problem as well. If he finds out, he will want to know why you didn't tell him."

She looked into her cup as I spoke. The contents must have been interesting because she never looked up when she spoke.

"Rebecca is a nice girl, a little lost but she is slowly finding her way. Thomas is the kindest man I have known since my late husband. He doesn't know it yet but I do plan to say yes, when he gets around to asking me to marry him. I have some leave due; it's also time to see if we... fit. My plane leaves in six hours, I won't be back for a week."

I got up and headed for the door.


My hand was on the door handle, I didn't look back.

"I admire what you're doing, just remember that when Thomas asks me to marry him, I will leave you Jodie. She's good and getting better. She's smart enough to see what goes on and just as smart to know who to talk to, about it. Let her take over from me when I leave."

This time I looked at her, the defiance already in her eyes.

"She's as young as Francine. The other department heads will push her around."

Mrs Gillins used my own argument against me when she pointed out that Francine had held her own in this company for months now. The fact that she was my PA was irrelevant; she has had some stand up, drawn out arguments with most of the senior research managers and department heads in the building and never backed down once. Jodie took that to heart and her own confidence grew off the back of it.

We both knew this was a negotiation. This wasn't about her silence. I had known her long enough to take that for granted, she may well marry Thomas Montrose but her time here would be locked in her head. Even her marriage vows precluded her ever talking about it. This was about Jodie, her successor.

"When she gets your backing, that'll be all she'll need Jack. She has the confidence to stare down anyone in this building if she thinks she is right."

I nodded my head and told her I would think on it, she smiled at my lie. We both knew that the only thing left to do was put pen to paper and shake on it, when Mrs Gillins finally leaves.


Marlon took one look at me and stood up from his desk, turned and wiped the boards behind him clean. I leaned over his desk and picked up the phone dialing the internal number for Gerry's desk. Five minutes later, he was in Marlon's lab drinking coffee with us.

"Ok, why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this conversation?"

Even poor Marlon shrugged his shoulders not sure about anything that was going on so far. At first, I was tentative until I remembered I simply did not have time to be. Marlon sat back in his chair as Gerry and I talked about the Montrose research and how it was progressing. Trying to get Gerry on board was harder and more diplomatic than even I thought. Thomas and I had given him staff, a lab and free reign on this project and now it looked to him like I was taking it away.

Although the big stick method would work in the short term, I would end up losing Gerry at the end of it and that wasn't an option. I did have some leverage, and that was Marlon and I used us, to his advantage. Gerry would give Marlon and I access to the one project that was giving his team the most headaches and between us both, we would work our way through it, feeding the results back through Gerry's computer, so he could then pass on the progress himself.

We wouldn't stick our nose into his lab and credits would go to his team. It was a hard sell, but he agreed in principle. An hour later, Marlon's computer beeped and we got busy. Frankie phoned down mid afternoon to tell me Mrs. Gillins was now on holiday and Jodie was in our office. I told her to look on Jodie as Mrs. Gillins while she was away and work out between the both of them the order of business for the rest of the week. Neither Marlon nor I knew anything else until Frankie came into the lab with my coat over her arm.

I never saw my office for the next three days. Frankie kept me up to date as we traveled back and forth from home. The second the car entered the valley all talk of work ceased and this was our time. Tonight, we were going to see Red. Frankie drove while the pizzas warmed my lap. It was Red who gave us a rundown on her sister and Rebecca, as she saw them often and was a good sounding board for both of them.

Red's hair had once again started to grow, she had a good inch on her head now and although I refused to say it out load, she looked a little boyish with her hair that short.

"Both the girls are talking to Father Stevens tonight."

Even Frankie looked at Red the same way I did, she was also expecting us to, as well and smiled when she got our full attention.

"You gave them a week Jack. They knew dancing around this and courtship was out of the question. They have been sleeping together ever since that first day, is it love? I'm not sure. But they wanted Father Stevens view on this as well. Niamh reminded you that she isn't me Jack. Her morals have kept her lesbian tendencies at bay for years. Rebecca broke through that with a single look and now she has to face what she had kept hidden for years."

I pondered what Red had said for awhile before shrugging my shoulders and going back to eating my pizza. My opinion on the girls held no weight so I chose not to give it, although I sure seem to be keeping the good father busy. Red's treatment was progressing; her skin grafts were taking so well her medication was slowly being reduced. It seemed it would only be a matter of a few weeks now, before she was truly home for good.

Now came the conversation, I knew needed to be aired. Why isn't there ever an arrow saying 'insert awkward conversation here'? We always say, 'I was waiting for the right time'. There is never a right or a good time, yet we all try to temper what needs to be said to the needs of others or those it's directed at in the first place. Now I'm looking directly at the person this is directed at and she was in the middle of girlie talk with Frankie, smiling and swapping stories. How could I bring this up, yet I had to.

"Red. We have discussed you leaving Hollywood and coming home. You wish for the agreement we have that you will have babies when you do, this is not an order but a request. Delay your need for children for one year; you have the case with the studio to fight yet. Your body still needs to heal and you have yet to find a studio for your fitness business. All this cannot be on top of you being pregnant."

Frankie sat back and waited.

"Ok. I agree."

This time Frankie's eyes narrowed as she watched Red very carefully. Unfortunately Red noticed.

"Stay out of my head my sister, you're not invited. Keep your own council or get out of my room."

Her words stung Frankie; the redness around her neck highlighted her embarrassment that she had done something to upset her own sister. Frankie bit down on her lower lip, her apology was so quiet, I almost didn't hear it. Red's hand rested on top of Frankie's and she gave it a gentle squeeze, this time she looked back toward me.

"You are my Master. All that I am inside and outside this body is yours, I have spent many hours thinking of my future and I had reached the same conclusions. You could have ordered me, I would've been sad, but you are my Master, I would have obeyed. Instead, you requested me to think about it and I've leaked on the towel I'm sitting on. You are my Master and I thank you for thinking of my wellbeing. So yes, I agree because I wish for babies that do not carry the stress I have with me at the moment. I want happy babies and for that, I am willing to wait."

I just wished every conversation I had with this woman went this well. But, that's life and I'm just grateful that we're so much alike. But Red wasn't done yet, she looked towards Frankie and she in turn flinched at her stare.

"We are sisters and sisters don't do what you were about to do. I know of your abilities, Shannon had them. Tell me now that this is the first time you have tried to do that to me and I will believe you, tell me that you will never do it again and I will believe you."

Frankie tried to remove her hand from Red's. She held it tighter forcing Frankie to look at her. Once there eyes locked neither moved.

"Once, back at the hospital, the first time I walked in and saw you face down and motionless on the bed. The air was thick with the smell of the medication they placed on your back, the tubes in your arm and thigh. As I walked up to you, your thoughts were so powerful I had to sit down. I came to comfort you. Your face showed me so much pain it broke my heart to see you like that."

Red relaxed her pressure on Frankie's hand, but both still held on to each other although Frankie knew that retribution was coming.

"We are sisters. I understand you are good at your job, but know your limits. We are sisters you stay out of my head and Samantha's. Tell me that you will never do it again and I will believe you."

Frankie nodded her head, both of us remained silent. Her own senses screamed that retribution was coming and she shuddered, holding on to Red's hand when she did.

"It doesn't come with an off on switch, but I will try, I understand I have offended you and I apologize for it."

Perhaps I had allowed Frankie too much, her gift of insight had served me well and her opinions off the back of that gift were always sound. Nevertheless, I agreed with Red, what she had done was too much and far too personal. Especially, when you took into consideration the girls phoned each other every day, I suspected more than that on occasions. "Frankie you're an adult, this is our family and what you did was wrong. I understand the answer you gave for the only time you have done this to Red and that's excusable. However, thinking that it was ok to continue doing it is inexcusable. When Red returns, she gets to play with you in the play room for a whole evening, while I take Samantha out to dinner."

Red smiled, Frankie showed no emotion at all. Perhaps her insight told her what was coming, either way she finally nodded her head. "I will obey" fell from her lips as Red moved in her bed and hugged her sister before she told her she was forgiven.


It took Marlon and I five days to figure out why this damn program wouldn't work and half a day to set it right. I even dragged Marlon over to the coffee machine and bought him a coffee to celebrate. The ungrateful shit did mention that since the machine was on free vend that didn't count, so I phoned Frankie and asked nicely to send out for pizza for all three of us and to bring it down when it was lunch break.

Watching him squirm while we all sat and ate pizza was fun, and a reminder to Marlon not to talk back to the boss. We sat on the program for an hour just watching a screen and smiling a lot, and I even told Marlon that he could transfer over the results to Gerry an hour before the end of the day. It would give him enough time to get his own team leaders up to speed and itching to get to work in the morning to complete the first of the five programs that Montrose Industries had given us.

Rebecca now had justification for her weeks stay. I held up my end of the bargain, there was nothing else I could do. She would get the information on the program on Monday. Although still in its very early stages of development, after all not three months before this was nothing more than and idea, born of a need and a gap in the market, that this program would have both the major computer companies banging on Montrose's door to steal from him.

This one program could well corner the market and in a year or two, the patents off the back of it, if wisely re-invested. would keep Montrose Industries well into the black for some years to come. I was sure by Tuesday, her father would be here and it will all be down to Rebecca from then on.

Mrs. Gillins came back to work on Tuesday, Thomas turned up on Wednesday. Like that fooled anyone. Rebecca met him at the door and showed him to the lab. Gerry and the team took full credit. Marlon and I hid in his lab for a few hours, I did remind him that we had some systems to update and modify for Harper Industries and that me taking him away from that work now put him a week behind.

Marlon did what he does best. Wiped the white boards and got to work, ignoring me until we met in the middle of the four white boards he has on his wall. He set to work on the equations before working on a proto-type. Frankie called me up to a meeting with everyone in one of the meeting rooms and light refreshments were served. I commented on the chunk of ice that Mrs. Gillins had on her finger and gave her a hug when she admitted that they both 'fit together' rather well.

Rebecca asked her father and his fiancé to dinner and left us to return to looking busy. I'm told that dinner went better than she expected and I did wonder if Mrs. Gillins had laid the groundwork. Thomas admitted that he had known for sometime about her being bi-sexual and although it now looked like that tended towards her new girlfriend he was happy for her. Thomas, Rebecca and Niamh left the next morning and for the next two weeks, peace settled in my life.


"Samantha just called. Her father is sending her here to check on the progress of the work they have with us and his given her permission to take a weeks holiday after she reports back on the progress."

Well, at least Frankie let me sit down before she told me. I pulled open my lap top and checked the program that held Samantha's necklace, between five and six times a day her necklace recorded a time date stamp.

I phoned Dr. Hartman and got an update on Reds medical progress. He was also happy to let her out of the clinic for a week and as long as he was happy with her on her return, then the time spent at the clinic would lessen over the next two months. Frankie and I went to see Red that evening and told her of Dr. Hartman's opinion. The squeal made my ears ring.

The next day we took Red home with us and the day after Samantha came home. The girls went into a huddle and didn't come up for air for another hour. All three found me in my den working. Samantha sat on my lap and kissed me, when she got my full attention she even let me explore, her legs automatically opened even further than they were for me and the groan that left her vocal cords never made it passed our joined lips.

"This girl is wet, this girl thanks you for making her wet. This girl loves you to bits and wakes every morning happy in the knowledge that you love all three of us. Nevertheless, my sisters miss your company and dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. Does this girl respectfully get to stay with you here until dinner is ready?"

Her hand came into focus holding a jar of KY, a smile already getting up to that thousand watt smile threshold. We were slow, after all we both had twenty minutes and Samantha took some of those minutes taking pleasure from lowering her ass onto my hardness while she faced me.

"Thank you my master, this girl loves this position and I'm grateful you allow it. This girl loves to kiss you when you're in my ass."

The look in her eyes told me she was thinking about that very thought and another smile burst forth. "This girl told a lie and I apologize and will correct it now. This girl not only loves it when you kiss her when you're in her ass, but she loves it when you kiss her at anytime."

Her eyes widened a little when she felt even more blood push itself into my erection. That smile of hers sure challenges Frankie's now. After all those months and challenges Red, Frankie and I had faced sorting out the mess that was Samantha, this very moment made it all worthwhile. Both Samantha and her inner slave had finally come to accept each other and thrived on that partnership. The anguish and bitter internal fight she had with herself was finally over, no winners no losers, just peace and a willingness to accept who she was and to build on that from now on.

Red stuck her head around the door and said. "Master, sister, dinner is almost ready, you were supposed to rape the bitch and then let her come help us in the kitchen. Instead, you made us do all the work. Do you wish us to turn dinner down until you have finished or are you both done now?"

Spontaneous laughter tore through the cabin, my laughter acted as a form of vibrator in Samantha's ass and the laughter in her eyes quickly turned to lust, then panic. She didn't even get the chance to ask if she could cum, instead her face showed panic for a second before she leaned forward and held me tight. That set me off again and that slow sensual build up we were both headed for, ended with Samantha's ass tightening and her shudder as her own orgasm took over. It was made worse by me emptying myself into her.

"Oh goodie, he's done, now we can serve dinner and eat. I'm starving."

The sound of Red's last comment and her padding feet back towards the kitchen made us both giggle for a second.

"I'm sorry, I will try harder."

The slight plop as my cock shrank enough to fall out of Samantha's ass acted as that 'you could hear a pin drop' moment. Holding her shoulders and pulling her away from me so I could look directly at her, met with Samantha looking down at my chest until I gently shook her shoulders to get her attention.

"You are Samantha, Red is Red and Frankie is Frankie. If you change in anyway other than what I know and see of you now and I'll be angry with you. You are Samantha. Learn from Red and Frankie. If you wish, they will always be open to you. But never try harder. I intend to punish you now, do you understand?"

Her eyes moistened as she nodded her head, her shoulders even slumped slightly in defeat and then confusion creased her brow, before she hid it from me. After all, how could I punish her, seconds after telling her she had done nothing wrong? Yet, she wasn't about to argue with me.

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