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Freckles, Twenty Years Later


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Janet grinned and replied, "Not really but I'd guess a million times."

Jenny was looking at Max with wide eyes. "I, uh, I," she stammered a moment and then looked at Janet. "What the hell?" She asked in confusion.

Janet replied, "My brother has had a very big crush on you since forever and two days."

"Then why didn't he say something," Jenny said as her eyes went back to Max's dick. "I think we could have worked something out."

Janet laughed. "The one and only time he ever saw me naked was right here in the backyard the summer before I left for college. He was dumber than two rocks."

"Hey now!" Max said sharply and then grinned. "It was more like four rocks. Two dumb ones and two confused one."

Jenny gave him a hard look and asked, "Have you learned anything since then?"

Max chuckled and swiveled his hips slowly. His dick waved back and forth. "That you will have to learn for yourself."

"I've always loved a good challenge," Jenny said as she walked over and kissed Janet full on the lips.

They both groaned softly as their arms went around each other. Max grinned as he moved a chair over so he had a ringside seat. Jenny broke the kiss and looked at him questioningly.

"I'm taking mental notes for later," he said still grinning.

Jenny looked at Janet and asked, "Where is this debauchery going to take place?"

Janet looked around and shrugged. "Out here someplace, I guess. I hadn't planned that part."

"A lounge chair laid out flat with a towel for my sister. A folded up towel for your knees, Jenny, and a folded up towel for my knees," Max said and both women looked at him sharply.

"I'd say he learned a few things," Jenny said with a grin at Janet.

Janet nodded and winked at her brother. She darted to the side, grabbed a towel and danced away from Jenny's arms. "I've got mine," she said, waving the towel.

Jenny picked up another towel and slowly folded it up as her eyes went from Janet to Max and back several times. Once it was folded to her liking, she grinned at Janet and said, "Not yet, you haven't but such a deal I have for you." She looked over at Max and added, "I eat pussy even wilder with a dick in my sex."

"Getting fucked long and hard but only hard enough to rub your face in her sex and not slamming into it," Max said.

Janet groaned deeply. "Yeah, he's learned a whole lot."

Jenny handed Max the towel in her hand and picked up the last one. That one was folded up a lot quicker than the first one. When she had it to her liking, she looked at Janet and licked her lips. "Ready to have your world rocked?"

Max grinned and said, "I could ask you the same question."

Jenny looked over at his hard dick and nodded her head. She looked back to find Janet spreading her towel on a lounge chair. She was bent at the waist with her feet spread shoulder width. The sparkly butt plug shining brightly between her ass checks. "Damn, that does look good."

Max was watching his sister also. "Uh huh," he replied and then glanced at Jenny. "When was the last time you two got together?"

Janet finished with the towel and straightened up. "About four and a half years ago. I came home to visit mama and went by her shop for a visit. Not to mention a little shopping."

"Not to mention a long quickie in the office or two," Jenny said and licked her lips.

Janet sat down on the end of the lounge chair and leaned back on her elbows. She worked her feet from side to side and her knees started to spread slowly. When Jenny and her brother both licked their lips, she whimpered softly and moved her feet faster.

Jenny smiled as she walked over in front of Janet. She took several half steps to the side and bent at the waist to place the towel between her friend's feet. Her ass was pointed directly at Max. She had a grin on her face as she wiggled her hips and looked over her shoulder at him.

Max had groaned softly as Jenny bent over. The jewel between her ass cheeks was red and contrasted beautiful with the pink of her pussy. Her slit was parted and her long inner lips hung down enticingly. His tongue was going to have a field day he thought as he licked his lips several times.

Jenny groaned at the look of lust on Max's face and then she shivered hard as she went to her knees on the towel. Her forearms were on Janet's thighs. She leaned over toward Janet's sex and then worked her knees to slide the towel back some. The second time she wiggled back, her ass encountered a face and a tongue swirling around the head of her butt plug.

With a deep groan, Jenny lowered her head and laid her cheek on Janet's mound. She shivered hard and Janet laughed as she saw her brother's head behind Jenny's ass. "How's his tongue?" She asked a few seconds later.

"He, uh, seems to know his way around and his tongue is strong enough to rock my butt plug." A few seconds later, she groaned and shivered hard.

Janet chuckled. "I'm going to assume he moved lower."

Jenny nodded and moaned softly. "Oh yeah."

Max raised his head and looked at his sister. "Sweet and spicy at the same time."

Janet grinned. "You're not telling me anything I don't already know."

With a grin of his own, Max straightened up and reached for Jenny's head with both hands. He lifted and turned it until her face was right above his sister sex. "You need to get busy so I can." He told Jenny.

With a whimpering sound, Jenny lowered her head. When Janet jerked and shivered, Max knew she was licking his sister's clit. With a grin at his sister, he worked his knees on the towel forward. When his dick nestled into the crack of Jenny's ass, she made a moaning sound deep in her chest.

Her hands moved from the top of Janet's thighs to the bottom. She lifted on Janet's ass and Janet laid back flat on the towel. Her eyes were hooded and her stomach was giving little jerks.

Max sat back a little and pushed the head of his dick slowly down along the crack of Jenny's ass. Her ass wiggled back and forth, as he did. He could feel the slipperiness and heat of her opening as he centered the head up. When he pressed forward, Jenny raised her head and groaned loudly.

About half of his dick entered her easily and then he had to back up to the head and start slowly forward again. Jenny groaned even louder as his dick went even deeper. On the third try, his hips pressed against her ass cheeks.

Jenny raised her head and let out a soft yell as she wiggled her hips from side to side and then flexed them up and down. "Oh, hell yeah," she said as she lowered her face back towards Janet's sex.

Janet shivered as she looked at her brother and listened to Jenny. A moment later, she asked her brother, "How, how does that feel?"

"Hot, wet, slippery, and tight, very tight," he replied.

Jenny lifted her head and looked at Janet. "Oh, hell yeah," she said as she flexed her hips up and down several times quickly.

Max reached over and pushed her head down. "Don't talk with your mouth full," he said as he slowly pulled his dick out of her sex until only the head was inside.

As his dick started back in, Jenny groaned and attacked Janet's wet opening as she lifted on her friend's thighs. Janet lifted her knees and Jenny's tongue seemed to go deeper and deeper. She groaned loudly herself.

Max's long slow strokes were driving Jenny wild. Jenny's long tongue was driving Janet wild. Janet had a double handful of Jenny's hair and Max had a hand on each of Jenny's hips. It wasn't long before Janet let out a yell and flexed her hips. She was coming long and hard.

As his sister's orgasm started to slack off, Max sped up his strokes a little at a time. It wasn't long before his hips were slapping against Jenny's ass. It wasn't long after that, that Jenny threw back her head and yelled as she started to coming.

Max made a couple more stroked even harder than before and then planted his dick as deep as it would go. Jenny's insides were even hotter and wetter than before. Her inner muscles were alternating between squeezing his dick tightly and slowly relaxing. If she felt this good now, how would she have felt twenty years ago, he wondered.


Janet was up on her elbows, her heels resting on the edge of the chair, her knees splayed out wide. Jenny had her head resting on Janet's mound. Her breathing was still fast and shallow. He sex would squeeze Max's dick and then relax. It felt so good to be so full. She shivered hard and took several deep breaths.

When she sighed deeply, Janet asked, "Did he fill you up?"

Jenny shook her head. "I, I don't think so."

"Nope," Max replied and grinned. "I'm saving that for you, little sister."

Janet groaned and shivered. "I'm, uh, not on, uh, any kind of birth control."

Jenny raised her head and looked at Janet. "Me either," she whispered quickly.

Max shook his head. "So we're playing pregnancy roulette with a big loaded gun."

Janet giggled. "I've never used any kind of birth control."

"Uh, me either," Jenny said quickly.

Max sighed and shook his head again. "Accidents make most families or so I hear."

Jenny whimpered softly. "I've always want children."

"Me too," Janet said and shivered hard.

"I've, uh, almost always used a condom," Max said softly.

"So you don't want kids?" Jenny asked.

"I, uh, didn't say that. I've always figured that kids and marriage went hand in hand."

Jenny slowly pushed up with her hands until she was looking at Janet's face. "He can't marry you," she said with a wink.

Janet's eyes narrowed. "I wanted to marry you."

"Okay, I'll marry you and then I'll marry him."

"Uh, I don't think what would be legal in several ways," Max said.

Jenny chuckled and Janet giggled. A few seconds later, Janet said, "You notice, he didn't even flinch at the mention of you marrying him."

Max shook his head. "I've had worse offers in the past. Several involved shotguns."

"Ya don't say," Janet said with a grin.

Jenny groaned as she moved slowly forward. She ended up flat on top of Janet and shivered hard when Max's dick came free of her sex. "So empty after being so full," she whispered softly.

Max looked at his sister and said, "Anytime you're ready."

Janet was busy kissing Jenny. Jenny whimpered as she kissed her back. Max watched them with a smile on his face.


Max had moved over to sit in a chair by the table. Jenny slowly pushed up with her arms and grinned down at Janet. "You're in for a treat."

Janet glanced over at her brother and shivered. His dick was hard and stood up against his lower belly. "I, uh, I," she said and shivered again. "He's bigger than anything I've ever had."

Jenny grinned as she stood up and wiggled her hips. "I can say the same thing but holy shit, what a ride."

"I, uh, I," Janet said again.

Max looked at his sister and smiled. "Maybe I should trade places with you. Let you take things at your own pace, so to speak."

"You looked like you were about to slide down the pole when I showed up," Jenny said with a grin.

"I, uh, he kind of put me up there."

"Now you can put your own self up there," Max said as he stood up.

Janet groaned softly as she eyed her brother's dick. She sat up slowly and lowered her feet to the ground. "I, I, I," she stammered as she stood up and then shivered as she looked at Jenny.

Jenny winked at her and looked at Janet's very wet sex. "As wet as you are, you shouldn't have any problems."

Max was grinning as he stepped across the lounge chair. He took a moment to raise the back up slightly. Leaning back, he held his dick straight up in the air as he said, "Anytime you're ready, little sister."

Janet made a soft whimpering sound as she straddled the lounge chair and her brother. Her legs were wide apart as she moved slowly forward. She stopped over Max's dick and groaned softly. "I, uh, don't know if I can do this with you looking at me."

Jenny chuckled and walked up next to Janet. "What if I blindfold him?"

"What?" Janet said and then groaned again as her brother stuck out his tongue and wiggled it.

"Exactly," Jenny said with a grin as she walked up next to Max's head. She lifted her right leg and stepped across. Her sex was only a few inches above Max's face. "The blindfold is ready anytime you are."

"I, I, I," Janet stammered.

A few seconds later, Jenny sat down on Max's face. "The blindfold is in place," she said and then groaned deeply as Max's tongue rammed deep into her sex. "Holy shit!" Jenny added quickly. "You better hurry or the blindfold will be toast."

Janet whimpered again and squatted slightly. She continued down until she felt the head of her brother's dick touch close to her opening. She used one hand to position it better and then tried to sit down on it. The head squeezes into her slick slippery opening and both she and her brother let out deep groans. Hers from being stretched and his for being crushed sensuously.

Jenny made a soft whimpering sound and whispered, "At least you slowed his tongue down."

"I, I, I," Janet replied as she added more weight to their connection. More of his dick entered her tight pussy. She flexed her knees and bounced up and down slowly. More dick enter her tightness.

Jenny made a soft moaning sound. "You got his whole attention cause his tongue has stopped moving completely."

Janet didn't hear anything Jenny said. Her mind was focused on the feelings coming from her sex and the fast growing orgasm the likes she had never felt before. She was still bouncing up and down slowly and more of her brother's dick was filling her up.

Suddenly the orgasm broke over her like nothing she had ever felt. Waves of pleasure seemed to flow everywhere at once. Her mind was locked up until her legs gave out and she sat down the last inch or so on her brother's dick.

She let out a loud yell and hunched her hips back and forth rapidly. She was coming for all she was worth and then some.


Janet came back to reality leaning forward, her head leaning against Jenny's lower belly. What had disturbed her fuzzy endorphin clogged brain was the way Jenny's stomach was jumping and jerking. She reached forward and down to push herself up. Her hands were on top of her brother's hands. He had a grip on Jenny's thighs and was holding her in place.

As Janet sat up, two things hit her. One, she was sitting on her brother's hips and his dick was planted as deep as it would go. Second, she realized Jenny was coming as hard as she had earlier. Jenny's eyes were rolled back and her mouth hung open with a slack jawed look.

"Holy shit!" Janet said and groaned deeply as she wiggled her hips from side to side. Such a full feeling ran around in her brain.

Jenny falling forward against her brought Janet back to the here and now. "Let go of her Max. She out of it," she heard herself saying.

Max released Jenny's thighs and then moved her forward slightly. Jenny ended up sitting on his chest. Janet held onto her friend as she slowly slid down Max's chest to end up sitting on his belly.

Max was breathing as hard as Jenny was. He took a couple of deep breaths and said, "Holy shit!"

"I've already said that a couple of time," Janet said with a giggle.

Max took several deep breaths and groaned. "Holy shit!" he whispered and then added, "Between Jenny trying to drown me and you trying to crush and boil me, that was one hell of a ride."

Jenny groaned and shivered hard. "I, I, I," she stammered and then groaned again.

Janet giggled. "I know that feeling well."

"Which, which feeling is that?" Jenny asked in a breathy whisper.

"That coming your brains out and not being able to stop feeling," Janet replied.

Max groaned softly. "Yeah, even I know that feeling."

Janet looked at her brother with big eyes. Her mouth worked but nothing came out. She wiggled her hips and groaned at the sopping wet feeling in her sex. Not to mention the loud squishing sounds.

Max looked at his sister's expression, started to say something, and then changed his mind. When time dragged on in silence, he took a deep breath and said, "I warned you I was saving that load for you."

Janet swallowed hard and shifted her hips again. "How long have you been saving that load?"

Max grinned and winked at his sister as he replied, "Since the last time we were out here naked."

Jenny shivered and sighed as she opened her eyes. "There is life after the never ending orgasm."

Janet grinned at her friend and lover and whispered, "When are the three of us getting married?"

"Not today, I need a nap," Jenny said before she grabbed Janet's face and kissed the hell out of her.

"I think I'll sleep here. Someone should lube me up with tanning oil," Max said.

Jenny broke the kiss and looked at Max over her shoulder. His face was a complete mess. "You look well lubed on this end and from the sounds Janet is making I'm going to assume that end is even worse."

Janet giggled and said, "I'd suggest a shower but I can't figure out who is carrying who."

"There is always the pool," Max suggested.

Jenny pushed up with her shaky legs. "I think I can stumble that far."

She made it to her feet but Janet was holding her hips from one side and Max had a hold from the other direction. "That was the easy part," she whispered as she put her hands on Janet's shoulders.

As Jenny applied pressure to Janet's shoulders as she stepped across the lounge chair, Janet groaned. Jenny looked down at her friend with a confused look. "What was that for?"

Janet shivered and replied, "He's still hard and you're pushing things deeper than they were."

"Still hard?" Jenny said in disbelief. "I thought he filled you up."

Max sat up and sighed deeply. "Yeah, I did but my dick can't or rather won't go down with the grip she has on it. Grab, relax, grab, relax, rinse and repeat."

Jenny chuckled as she let go of Janet and staggered toward the pool. "I'm going to let you two sort it out." With that said, there was a splash as she stepped off in the water.

Janet turned her upper body and looked for her friend. A moment later, Jenny's hands appeared at the side of the pool and then her face. Jenny grinned and said, "Come on in, the water is fine."

"I, uh, I," Janet said and then gasped loudly as Max stood up. She quickly wrapped her legs around him and got a good grip on his neck. The next thing she knew, he took three steps and they hit the water.


It was a while later and all three were relaxing on the steps at the shallow end of the pool. Jenny was sitting on the top step, Janet was sitting between Jenny's legs on the next step, and Max was between his sister's knees on the bottom step.

Jenny had her arms around Janet, her hands slowly caressing her friend's breasts. "So, are we all living here or at my place?"

"There is a lot more room here and we own the place," Janet said as she brought her hands up to cover Jenny's hands.

"I own my place also but you are right about the room thing. But then again, how many bedrooms do we need?"

"One super king sized bed in mom and dad's old room and we're all set," Max said with a grin.

Janet took a deep shivery breath and whispered, "Yeah, and there are extra rooms for kids."

Jenny shivered and asked, "I guess it's my turn to get filled up next time."

Max stood up and turned around. His hard dick was standing up against his belly. "Anytime and anyplace," he said as he wiggled his hips from side to side.

Janet grabbed his dick with both hands and laughed. "When you said increased stamina, I thought you were talking about running or something."

Jenny kissed Janet on the shoulder and sighed as she looked at Max's dick. "He put both of us down in short order so I think that was the stamina he was taking about."

Janet leaned forward and kissed the end of her brother's dick. "Only time will tell if we can wear his ass out."

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